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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. yea, good article making yourself a database of ips.. I think databases like that already exist, but why not connect to other site match and get a reply which country it is, it makes the execution slower, but.. like connecting to ripe.net or what is their address, I forgot. Also people coul't be using proxy, so you could use: $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
  2. I don't really like sounds in websites, but this is my personal taste and opinion, I think that people should be allowed to choose to use sounds or not..
  3. what about testing their hardware if i didn't be lazy to do it, i would have tryed to use all the terrabyte there and see what would happen
  4. well, making a site from images is lame, there is a way, somehow that you could sent a header which most modern browsers support, true type font header and path to.. this will make the loading slower, but I would not recommend this, besides why don't you use Sans and Verdana, those are the best fonts I found. And maybe people won't like your font, every user has set their custom fonts which they like best, the size and etc. so I think better not think about problems like that, just use nowrap if needed.
  5. well, now it looks imposible, but actually self learning robot designs already exist, of coruse they are very primitive, but it is the start.
  6. As most of us know, we use a small percent of our brain, but robot brain can make very fast decisions calculating all of the abilities and making the best conclusion, which you would be thinking for days and etc. This is something superior, or a better feature in my opinion.
  7. Yeah, and in addition, if something bad could happen to skype out of this, we all could move to google talk
  8. I have this game, but I only played it couple of times, it was alright, but usually it does not connect to me the server, which is way i just quit and play something else, but as I rarely play games..
  9. wow, I really don't need that much space for my emails, as I like using POP, I have all the space for mail in my hard drive.. the provider just needs to have no filesize limits of emails and I am just fine. :-)
  10. just show the lines of code from 271 to 273 including them and I think as said above we will help you.
  11. Well they have been around for a while and the results were getting better and better, but for the half year, most of the stuff did not change and the search results are the same..Of course I use Google too
  12. Well the progress of AI is getting more advanced with time, but that a program which would think as a human, for now days is impossible, maybe/really in the future it will be available, besides robots can't have emotions, they can copy them or someone can write a program, but that would be artificial. Well, if the program will understand/make a conclusion by self learning something bad, you can't know how it might act.
  13. yea, thanks for the link too, asking stupid questions where are fun, i just asked some and got quite funny results if talking about search engines, I like to use this one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. Well, lots of people bought it legally anyway, but of course more people found some serial numbers on google etc., i used firefox erlier, just because it was free and various extensions are really cool, but firefox software got really slow for me comapred to opera and now when it is without the ads and i have configured it as i want and made it the default browser, now i just can't browse with firefox because of the speed, but i still sometimes use it when i need to. Yeah, it came as a suprise for me too
  15. this is cool, but i have a real amiga 1200 plugged online and much demos on the cds (the older ones) due to most of the new ones needs PPC or 68060 etc. but i am not so interesting in amiga demos anymore, maybe due to the lack of time or that i saw so many of them, will need to emerge e-uae maybe to try this thing out.
  16. maybe your home directory permissions are not readable or the dir belongs to root or something ? try to connect to ftp thru php and open the dir, more about it here: ftp connect oh darn only now i remember that your script is an cgi/perl script, anyway if you include a php file thru cgi the server will stil parse it. <!--#include virtual="/open.php" --><!-- --> anyway, i don't know much of this language, maybe you have something native
  17. the only way i encourage to use gif is for small images like smiles or favicons etc. it is very small in size, but if you have an image which does not take lots of colours, index it to 8bit - 256 colours or even 7bit that is 128 colors maybe even index it to less colours if you have such image.. if the quality of your image didn't change just save it as png compressed 9 and you'll see that it will be less in size than saving it in gif format, usually the deafult saving of png is true colour which use lots of space and usually the qualiity is too good.. you can index pictures somewhere in image -> mode -> RGB, Grayscale, Indexed Good luck.by the way, the other good way of using GIF is for animations
  18. I think wordpress software just suits me good, i never really used anything other, you can do a lot with it and i like that it is quite simple.
  19. from the list I only used Photoshop and quite liked it, it can do "wonders", but the other software in my opinion can do most of the things you need too, i never was into graphics, but for some time now am using Gimp, reading tutorials and creating stuff to get some knowledge and I really like Gimp now, it does all what I need and i can write/edit/download scripts for it.
  20. FP never used it and never liked it, the code i saw it generates just sux, so much unneeded code, you always need to optimize manually.. i always have been using a text editor for my webdesig, editplus and now am using bluefish on linux, never liked DW, but if choosing from FP or DW, i would really choose DW, besides if you're very expierenced with it, you can make a lot of really good things, the starters who use them usually makes nothing good.
  21. I am also using smooth browsing, just because i like it and i have done it from the first day, just i don't understand why you go and edit about:config file when you van go to prefs -> advanced > browsing -> set smooth scrolling on/off ???
  22. thanks for the link, it really is useful to know more about the search engines, but i agree that most stats you view, mostly referers are from google, yahoo, msn, altavista then some others not very well known..
  23. nothing new to me, knew that and always try to do it that way, but practically the speed does not change out of this, just test it with the execution time, unless the server is very slow, you could feel a difference, but i encourage people to write in this way anyway..same as the manual say that mt_rand() is 4 times faster than rand() but i read and tested it with execution time, no difference. but i stil use mt_rand()
  24. strange, i think there is a problem with your variables or path. the simple code which works just great. <?phpmkdir("/path/to/my/dir", 0755);?>
  25. i am using openoffice and don't really need anything more, except in school they make you use the ms office.
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