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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, it is good that they are working hard on improving phpbb, maybe now the forum/bb will get a little bit more respect back, because as a forum software it wasn't in the first place for a long time, due to different security issues.. But I still prefer to use phorum, due to it is one of the most safest bulleting board systems out there, even though it doesn't offer, but when you tweak and edit it for yourself and use the enormous modules written for it, it is really the best (for me)
  2. Well, maybe something changed, but when I wrote http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in firefox address bar I got to http.com website Same happened with Opera browser. However, when I used google and typed http and pressed I am feeling lucky, I got to w3.org/Protocols/ site
  3. I don't think I used FF or IE password managers, so when you visit a site the password manager logs you in automatically? what if I don't want to login or something? But still, when I browse with FF or IE when filling the form like my username is quatrux, I just press q and it offers me to paste quatrux, when I just push the tab button and it inserts my password, only when I press enter or the submit button by myself.. Or I just don't get something about it? What is the difference if you write it down with your hand on a "bad" site login page, or the browser will?
  4. I wouldn't call batch files a programming language, but just command files working in console.. why not a programming language? because of mathematics it is able to do, it only recognizes simple numbers like 1,2,3,4.. [-9999999999;+999999999]; And the tools which can compile your bat file to exe is quite ridiculous, usually the compiled version takes 10 times more space than source but thats kind of quite normal.Say REXX is a more advanced command file scripting, which is capable of much more.. so I could call it (REXX) a scripting language..
  5. What about Kubuntu? or they think Kubuntu is something totally different than Ubuntu? Or maybe the Free CDs isn't available for Ubuntu? But still, usually people move to KDE or XFC if they liked Linux and continue to use it after getting more advanced to a different distribution.
  6. But as I know, say on Opera I can choose to use the password and login for entire domain or just for that file/url/address accessed, so that means domain.net/login.html and login.domains.net will be different, even if the address changed to domain.net/login_x.html But if you choose to use the same login information for entire domain, when it will only check for the form input names and stuff.. But I usually browse services I trust and never did get this kind of password, but whats the difference if the login will be made automatically with password manager or manually with hand, you will still send the password if you didn't see that the login page is actually not login.html but login_x.html ... As I know the password manager only works on Opera when you click CTRL+Enter and on Firefox only when you push submit button with chosen automatic logins, it is just easier for you and you don't need to waste time entering the same username and password again.. :F
  7. I have Internet Explorer 7 installed and did as said in the first post, but with IE7 it opened Notepad and showed the source of my viewed website.. But IE7 is so slow on web pages with a little more code, such as last.fm/user/.../ about 4 times slower than on IE6, never noticed that before..
  8. Well, on Linux, with KDE environment (Anyone still use Gnome? I moved all my friends to KDE) I use Konqueror and I find it even much faster than Opera, anyway, sometimes I laugh from these browser wars "Opera is better, no FF is better" But yeah, Opera might not have been chosen do to it is closed source, I think it is even better that at least one major browser is closed source, but absolutely free. The main thing it is free, open source software is more reliable to programmers and Linux where you can compile everything on your computer, do to Windows is Windows, it is enough to have binary installation/files, even though I would like they have different binaries.. Windows XP is still only available for the old i386 which isn't the most popular processor in the world anymore and I saw something for amd, but never seen it with my own eyes, so if windows would be compiled for i686 then there could be a possibility they would run faster
  9. I got surprised when miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG said that there is no version of Opera for Linux But maybe he was just joking? :SAs been said above, Opera is ported to a lot of different Operating Systems: BeOS, Linux PPC, Linux i386, Linux Sparc, Solaris Sparc, Solaris Intel, QNX, OS/2, FreeBSD i386 and MacOS..Mozilla is ported to a bit more Operating Systems, but it is only due to it is Open Source and third party programmers do it. For example, some time ago Firefox was ported to Risc OS by fans/people/programmers who use Risc OS.. AmigaOS fans always wanted to have a port of Mozilla engine, but for over 6 years noone ported it to Amiga 68k, MorphOS and OS4 even though a lot of people donated a lot of money through PayPal to the people who said that they will port it. Even though, recently KHTML engine was ported so no need to waste time on Mozilla engine port anymore.And etc.
  10. Yep, this one is always funny, especially for a bit more experienced people, I especially started to laugh at the end of the quotes especially on Chief Executive :PI remember I read the above part, but it didn't include the bottom part.. With it it is even more funny
  11. I always use the Opera password manager, for me personally it is very useful. I am the only one who am using my computer and every time I visit a site I just push ctrl+enter and thats all, I get logged in into any of the sites I saved the password and it is so easy, you log in the for the first time and the browser ask you to remember or not now and you can choose for the entire domain or only for that page.. Moreover, if the site has two account, say usually like google, gmail, adsense, I just need to choose which username to use. For me it is one of the most useful tools in the browser. And I usually logout/signout from any site. :PI just don't like, for example, when I reinstall windows and the password manager again is empty, even though it was a long time ago.. I don't like to do all over again to save the session. But one bad thing about password managers is that it really is much easier to forget the username+password you're using. I have about 4-5 main passwords usually with the same username, but sometimes I just forget where which one I use, due to the password manager usage, that is why I am using the great program KeePass, to save all my passwords and of course if I ever have a computer failure, I have them somewhere on my notes :PThe bad things about having passwords on a note, you leave the paper on your desk or something like that and invite some friend to your house for a beer or something and usually they can see it if they will want to, that is why it is better to keep them in a save place.
  12. If you really want to avoid this kind of stuff I suggest you to create a class usually called Database and create functions there which would work together and you won't ever need to use or die and never will have problems, of course if you write it the right way, you just could call Database->getContent($variable); for better understanding what needs to be in the class here is a simple example of the way it could work: ...function doQuery($sql) { return mysql_query($sql, $this->mConn); }...# the function doQuery() is used in the function called Query!function Query($sql, $fname = FALSE) { $this->mLastQuery = $sql; # Add a comment for easy SHOW PROCESSLIST interpretation if ($fname) { $commentedSql = "/* $fname */ $sql"; } else { $commentedSql = $sql; } # Do the query and handle errors $result = $this->doQuery($commentedSql); # Try reconnecting if the connection was lost if (FALSE === $result && ($this->lastErrno() == 2013 || $this->lastErrno() == 2006) ) { if ($this->Ping() ) { $result = $this->doQuery($commentedSql); } else { $this->mError = 'MySQL Failure: <b>Connection was lost and reconnecting to the MySQL Server Failed</b>'; return FALSE; } } if (FALSE === $result) { $this->mError = '<b>Fatal Error:</b> Could not <b>' . "/* ". $fname . " */" . '</b> '.$this->lastErrno().': <br /><br /> '.$this->lastError(); return FALSE; } return $result; } Well, if someone would want all the Class Database posted, PM or Email something like that, but you will need to know PHP to edit it and to understand how it works.
  13. ..and why not better to use a function is_numeric() to see if the variable is a number or a numeric string, or you really need it to be integer.. But if so, the above replies have said enough.
  14. Yeah, I like most of Google sites, because their designs are clean and simple and for example google dot com works and looks almost the same on all major and minor browsers which even are outdated or doesn't support css and javascript.Moreover, google has made their sites as simple as possible to save a lot of bandwidth, just imagine how much hits and requests their enormous servers get every second from all the world connected people and different robots/software applications.For me the best start page is About:blank and as I ma mainly Opera user, I have always over 10 tabs in my session so I don't really need a start page and every time I push open new tab I get a blank page and do my google search from the address bar, thats all I need.
  15. Good that Google is supporting Linux, as been said the more famous/big companies support Linux the better, but the main thing that it would be free :PBut is it just me or a lot of whom feel like that? That I used Google Earth quite a lot, but now it is just installed on my system and I don't really open it anymore.. And besides, don't know who's fault it is, but for example my countries capital city map of satellite view is quite old and don't see a lot of buildings which have been built in these 4 years period and I read about this kind of things on other forums exist too. I wish they would update somehow, even though I don't know how the maps or would let to choose the year of the map and how it looked in the past, present. But on other hand, it is quite funny to look at the old city of mine, where the new build buildings don't exist
  16. But Avant Browser, Maxthon is the same IE, I mean it is using the IE engine and if you want to test your website with a different browser you won't find anything new, same with Netscape, SeaMonkey it is using Mozilla engine.. I mean the Gecko rendering engine.. If you want to have different browsers, you need to have different engines, so that is Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, even though I don't remember if Konqueror and Safari use the same khtml engine, maybe not, maybe yes, but I think not, due to everyone calls it safari engine and khtml engine also Amaya from w3c and Dillo has different engines and on other operating systems IBrowse, AWeb and Voyager has different engines, even though those three doesn't support CSS yet and maybe won't ever support it
  17. Quatrux

    Ie7 And Ie 6

    The current IE7 version really needs further development and it needs to get much faster to be better and a lot of minor things doesn't work and where the hell is the refresh button? in the popup menu! I told quite a lot about IE7 and other browsers on this forum, so I don't like to repeat myself.
  18. This joke is really much older, if it is almost the year 2007 I remember I saw pictures on my Amiga in 1996 (Not photos, but pictures, funny pictures) where a guy wants to download the Internet to a floppy disk The Amiga fans just painted such pictures to laugh from Windows 95 and their users and stuff like that, so the joke is minimum as 10 years old.
  19. But as it has been said from one user on this topic, every monitor has its own recommended resolution and if you want the best appearance you need to have the right resolution set, so I just don't understand one thing: If your parents are using 800x600 so what kind of a monitor they are using if you want to use 1600X1200?Moreover, if you have a 19in CRT monitor isn't a such high resolution 1600x1200 really to big for you, I just think your monitor and eyes is just suffering, what is the size of your monitor screen refresh? can it display 100 or at least 85 Hz on such a resolution... What kind of a monitor you're using I would like to find on google and read the recommendations for it?Furthermore, saint-michael the Resolution 1920x1000 has really a bad aspect ratio, how do you feel when watching some kind of a movie on full screen? How do you feel about your windows being different? due to your aspect ratio is not 1:1 as for resolutions 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, 1600x1200, 3200x2400.. but rather almost 2:1, unless you have a monitor which has strange width and height.. :?I personally just use my 19in monitor with the recommended resolution 1280x1024, 100 Hz.. even though the aspect ratio for this resolution isn't 1:1, but the difference is very small and I got used to it.
  20. Scripting languages like python, perl, php, rexx is quite slow and has their own purpose, like php is very popular in the web field and if you know php+mysql very well, it is really easy to find a job, but what is usually I don't like, that clients want to see the result in a layout way, so usually you can get a good job just by knowing basic or a little bit advanced php with good html/css and graphics experience.Programming in python, rexx, ruby you need an interpreter which is much slower than a translator/compiler (translated/compiled) program, so somebody here said that learning c/c++ is just the basic stuff. I disagree, it is one of the most important stuff, but just that c/c++ isn't enough you need to learn something more, because it is just a programming language, so you need to know about everything else where it can be usable. Like if you want to create a web browser, you need to know the HTTP and etc. commands and how to use them in c/c++, you need to know some kind of a GUI like QT/GTK, you need to know etc. Like if you're interested in creating games/graphics you need to know about DirectX or OpenGL etc. So it is all in the knowledge and experience and the result you want to do. These days it is popular to program in Java, but it is slow. Knowing languages like asm, is usually just needed for much more experienced users or who just want to know it, because a lot of what is already written, so why would you need to rewrite it? just use what exist and continue creating something.So every language has its place and purpose, it depends what you want to do and where/what result you want to get. Like I am interested in web, so I am very interested in web stuff, designing, programming, databases. My friend is interested in games, so he is interested in DirectX, C++ and Graphics programs/software/applications which can render and etc.
  21. I remember I just played around with Python, I just didn't like it or rather didn't have so much time to play with it that I cold get addicted to do something with it, but I was using Notepad2 due to I didn't need anything else, but here is a good resource site/page/wiki for the available Python IDEs: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. I personally think that the best dsitros are Arch Linux and Gentoo and Kubuntu/Ubuntu for people who doesn't know anything about Linux.
  23. Quatrux

    Game Design

    It depends, because usually people who program alone and create games by themselves usually create turn based games, because it is much easier, but with time and experience they create much better games if they still continue and usually joins as a team or gets a job at some software company.Personally, I would created a turn based strategy game, because it is much easier, but learning more stuff that would change.. Like for the university with REXX I created a simple sudoku game, even though it took time to think logically how it would work, but I got the highest mark for it, so as strange as it may look, but my first "game" was a puzzle game, but it was just a text game, so I don't count it.
  24. So go to the right category and request ssh, that is: FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS -> Free Web Hosting : MISC RequestsCreate a topic SSH Request for my account and if you'll be granted it, you'll have SSH.
  25. This seems a nice site to make yourself some kind of logos for your websites.. Most of the gallery stuff looks good and the navigation just makes me browse further, but I have a question:If I register and login to download a picture, is the picture any different from saving the picture I see directly to my computer? Does it have different format or transparency, more pixels and etc.?
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