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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Nothing especially new in those 10 tips for PHP, but I think it may be a lot of really good tips to some people, especially newbies.. one thing I didn't know and is a quite nice thing is using ip2long() and long2ip() to store IP addresses as integers instead of strings in a database, never seen those functions or would think to do something like that ;] also I wonder, how did I miss those functions, maybe they were inefficient for me, irrelevant.
  2. I try to store pure text with some html stuff where I can not use it on a script file, but I also written some bbcode for myself on my cms and of course I store numbers etc. For binary data, I am in no need to store such data in a database, placing them as files is just fine for me, my local database takes over 40 mb in MyISAM, later I will change to InnoDB, but the current one online ~2-3 MB not more..
  3. Well I don't see any reason to use so much toolbars, but if it is ok for you, it is ok for me.. I personally like the less toolbars as possible and the more comfortable as possible.. That is just bots spoofing as IE4 or the spoofing is made with mistakes, due to the user agent header.. I don't think you should care or you can ban it by using some php or any other language you prefer..
  4. I also wanted to change much of that stuff, to change icons and etc. So years ago I were using WindowsBlinds, but I don't really use it today, as I don't care for them as I used to. ;]
  5. Yeah, I don't really need so much space, because I am not working with such big data, nor do I edit video, music files or etc. I don't even keep DVD movies or other movies in my hard drive, I prefer to burn a CD/DVD.. so ~120 to 250GB is the way for me, the main thing for me is that it would be stable, very stable.
  6. I also go with 4, but I think it still needs some stuff as I see most of people here thinks the same.
  7. When I was reading the topic, I thought the screenshot would have been worse, but having so much in your browser, you don't really have capability to browse the web, quite funny, someone doesn't know what to do and how to spend his time or maybe he does? and did this stuff..
  8. I usually don't use this kind of software too, I have everything sorted by date and with different names in different folders, so it isn't hard for me to view or find a picture, even videos taken with the camera is sorted where it should be, but I saw some of my friends don't sort to much, they just copies them somewhere and etc. don't think they are organised, so maybe it is really handy for some people and finally I never used picasaweb, yet!
  9. Yeah, I would like to see the full code too, with html, the post data which is sent and how it is gathered and etc. I think it is just a logical mistake somewhere in the code or just it is one of those things which you can't see even if it is so visible ;] I remember I spend some time on such stupid errors, but after a week I just checked with my clear head and found it very fast, in fact, it happened much more times than one
  10. Well, in addition, Java will be faster when computers will even more faster, but programs will be even more faster on programs written on C/C++.. Of course a lot of people use C and C++ and some even use other languages, there are plenty people with the knowledge of assembly, but anyway, in my opinion a lot of programs written in Java and C# aren't serious, more serious software is written with the usage of C++, of course that is changing and etc. a lot of who say that C# saves a lot of time, yes it does, it is easier and etc. but it is slower, so a good knowledge of it is still required to optimize and etc.So Java or C++? It depends what you want to do, even though Java is slow, it works everywhere, C++ doesn't, but you get much more efficiency, I would say go with both, learn Java and learn C++, in fact if you know only Java and C++, it really means you don't know anything, you need to learn other stuff too, there to use it and similar. ;]
  11. Well, usually a lot of new users which goes into databases doesn't like that when you delete a record the auto increment continues from the last one and they want the database to be sorted, in fact it is a bad habit, the auto increment shouldn't be ever changed and every row should be unique, if some database guy would find out that you use something like that in your job, he would definitely say something, I don't think it is bad for personal use, but there is no point, it really doesn't matter how the data is stored, the main thing it is stored and with any language you can process it and sort it, select what you want, some people doesn't even use delete in their query, they just deletes the records, but leaves the row and just doesn't process empty rows and in my opinion this is quite good, even better would be to have a column of status and for example 0 would be hidden, 1 would be not hidden, something like that..Of course, a lot of whom usually play with small databases, these kind of things isn't relevant, but it is a bad habit, I used to do such "hacks" myself, the only purpose for it, that the data would look more "beautiful" on phpMyAdmin
  12. I personally use ApexDC++, some people doesn't like it, due to you need to connect to different hubs and etc. but I personally like it and usually find what I need, but sometimes I don't, so I just find a torrent file.. ApexDC++ is a client to access DC++, most of people use StrongDC, but ApexDC in my opinion is much better, it was rewritten from scratch by PeerWeb DC++ Developers, it is free and doesn't eat to much resources when active, but it is as light as something similar could be. What I like is the speed, when I connect to it and download for example a movie, the speed is very high if you're connected to your countries hub or with the people who are from your country, due to when I was using eMule in the past, it was slower than the slowest slowcoach in the world
  13. Well, personally I like most of them, they all look fine and some looks even better, especially I like the one in the second post, the second one from the top, it is so smooth that I really enjoy it. But as I understand for their usage say on a forum or somewhere, a guy would need to have the file psd or similar format to edit it wider, or something? Usually a signature has an identity of a user or similar.
  14. Well, if you say you know PHP, then Perl won't be hard to learn at all, a lot is identical in the syntax and yeah it has all that stuff like you asked, if else elseif print while for foreach and etc. I know a friend who use Perl for his scripting and he says Perl is good, for me learning Perl a bit was quite annoying, I didn't like the syntax, I prefer to further use PHP, also looked into Python and Ruby and I can say that they are much more better for scripting than Perl, but knowing all of them at least the basics is quite good..Personally, I would say continue to play with simple C and not with Perl, but if you have the will and time, look into all of them
  15. Cron Jobs is easy to use, for those who thinks that Cron Jobs is a hard thing, even CPanel can manage them, just go to CPanel on Xisto and enter Cron Jobs, I prefer the advanced version and just search for google how people do it, usually they just execute Links browser to access the php file and set the time period you want to do it.. Anyway, by doing that, you can only refresh the database with say active/online users and set them to not be shown in the online users list, you can't actually send data to a user whom browser is opened and he can't see a notice or something and for that reason Cron Jobs are useless here, because you can just do it in the php script, check the current time with the time in the database and parse the online users list or something.. I mean, who the hell cares about the online list or users logged when you have no visitors, when a visitor comes online or reloads the page, just check it with PHP and parse the required data, log everyone out and etc. this is quite very easy to do and no need of cron jobs and for real time things, like here on Xisto shout box, then you don't do anything with Xisto dot com, a message/notice is shown that seems you're away or something and you need to push the I'm back form button to return, this all is done with AJAX and you should stick to it, due to when you use cron jobs you send all the headers and data to Links/Lynx or WGet browser, not to a user. This would have a browser (lynx or wget) visit your cron page 45 minutes after every hour, this is how I did it on Drupal CMS, I found an explanation for this on their support pages. Notice that when using it, after a while I got cron jobs errors, I couldn't access lynx anymore so I stopped using this feature, it might have been that somebody blocked access to it for security reasons, it was within this year or maybe a year ago.
  16. I personally use PHP Designer and sometimes just Notepad++, I don't think it is reliable to waste so much money on Dreamweaver 8 for personal use, well unless you have lots of money or you think that it will be very useful in your future live. Furthermore, I never liked wysiwyg editors, the code which is being created by it usually isn't trusted by me, for example, my friend were making his site design with Frontpage and I managed to lower the filesize of html by 30kb and made it look even better, I am not saying that I compare Frontpage with Dreamweaver, Frontpage sucks in my humble opinion and should be banned in all countries But I hear/read by some professional designers, that it is really useful and saves a lot of time if you know how to use it and etc.
  17. Well, this is a bit more serious bug, due to bugs posted earlier was quite "stupid", I am not talking about most of them, but also, I would still browse and wouldn't be afraid if this issue weren't fixed, I doubt something would happen and as I don't use Firefox or IE frequently, I don't really care, but I also don't know if the same is for Konqueror and Opera.
  18. Is it me, or is it people who talk without any knowledge? AJAX technology isn't getting old and PHP isn't even something similar to AJAX, PHP is a scripting language which syntax is similar to C and it has a lot of features copied from other languages and usually is used for web programming, so if you know PHP with OOP then it is quite easy to learn some other languages.. and AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, so that means that you can change or do anything what Javascript can do with a page without refreshing all of it in a browser, using XMLHttpRequest() with Javascript, you can connect to a server and send a request and get an answer, I mean send and receive data.. it was created to send XML data, but personally I send plain data, due to it is smaller in bytes and control the data with PHP on the server, but you can use any language or control method you like.And a guy said that he doesn't like CSS, but likes to use plain HTML, HTML isn't created for changing font colour, font size and tables aren't meant for creating your layout bars, it is a bad habit to not like CSS, due to the site look needs to be different only by changing CSS and leaving the same HTML, even though a lot of people have problems with IE, but you really can make it work on almost all browsers the same (usually) !!!
  19. Well, a lot of talk has been made before iPhone went public, I am not even planning to get one myself, after using those new mobiles, with 2 mega pixels cameras, 2 gb of memory, Walkman, radio and etc. lots of colours.. I lost one and I really got upset, due to it was quite expensive, after that I got into mobiles which don't have lots of colours, has the main features sms, calling and the main thing that a battery can stay up for at least two weeks without recharging.. so if I would get an iPhone, I wouldn't use a lot of features it can offer, so buying it would be useless for me Today, but if someone would do me a gift and would buy me iPhone, I think I would gladly use it, due to I think a lot of whom would say WOW :PIn addition, I saw some short stuff, that iPhones isn't something very special, similar products were in the market already, just it didn't have so much publicity and was quite expensive and wasn't sold in a lot of countries, so I don't see anything special about iPhone.. A lot of/some years ago I wanted to buy a GP2X (The GP2X is an open-source, Linux-based handheld video game console and media player created and sold by GamePark Holdings of South Korea, you can find more info on wikipedia if you would want to) but now, I wouldn't buy it, even though it is really cheap comparing to other similar products, for example PSP.
  20. I think he wants to block pdf, word and excel files when browsing, the best solution in my opinion is to not click on such files..
  21. I think that it is quite better to get a tent and go to some nice nature spot, near sea or lake, river and spent some time there, rather than in a treehouse?
  22. Well, as I know, Micrografx was acquired by Corel in 2001 or 2002, so I think the graphics suit you're talking about is integrated into Corel Suit, or maybe not, I can be wrong, if I am right it can do much more, by saying Micrografx, you aren't talking about one application, it is split to plenty things, it is the same as saying that I have Adobe and it really is useful :PMy friend has Corel Draw and is using it for studies and even though some features is like in Photoshop, it isn't created for that market, Corel Draw package can do much more with graphics, such graphics which I don't really need.
  23. Well, I don't think it is one of the difficult things, you find a host, so you find it, the main thing for me is getting the content up and ready and having lots of unique visitors, another thing is creating the site, you can create a site, but having no content and visitors, who will care about it.. and of course, if you won't have a host, you won't have anything, but I really don't that it is hard to find a host these days, you don't really need more than 30$ dollars a year to host a simple website and if you're a kid, go with some free host like Xisto, due to usually kids have a lot of time to post on a forum and etc. Now as I am a working student, it is getting harder and harder to keep posting, earlier I was getting over 1000 posts on other forums without spamming, today it is quite hard to make post in a day, but if I find the will and time, I tried to do it and to buy hosting isn't needed for me, due to I don't really have to to finish all my sites or even one of them, only several projects are online.. :/
  24. Yeah, those tips are nice to optimize your scripts and usually you can even use a simple text editor which has those features to removes whitespaces or tabs and as it has been posted to use those tools, I also remember to see those kind of tools and I was able to optimize some of mine codes, also those tools had a different level of optimizing, but the highest wasn't readable at all. Nice tips for a lot of people.
  25. Well, I didn't even think that people built them with electricity, thought they are just for kids do to here rarely anyone has a tree house here in my country, especially in a city, it isn't even popular to built one in your own house yard, usually people built a bathhouse, summerhouse/bower or something, but not a tree-house, I wanted to built a tree-house, when I was 7-9 years old, I tried, but I wasn't successful it isn't as easy as it can look, for that we built little "houses" on ground from say sticks with leaves, but after some time guys with beer were usually drinking there, I mean guys we never saw before, so in my opinion a tree-house not in your yard also could be occupied by beer drinking youth <_<To add, those tree houses really look great, I might even consider to built one for myself in the future when/if I will have my own house with some yard and a tree, it would be really original around here.
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