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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I also don't really believe in time travelling, but I also can say that everything is possible, but if somebody changed the past, how do we know about that? I just believe the current logic that you can see the picture of the past or you can travel forward in time, but can't really change anything, as I imagine time traveling, you would need so much power to move the light back and etc. etc. etc. and if somebody changes something, what will happen to us? for example if somebody goes back and kills me and come back, so I could live further in this future or dimension or whatever.. it may be possible, but I don't believe it. ;]
  2. hehe, congratulations When I saw your post count it was 1993, so I thought you were born at that time, but I saw the image ;]
  3. I agree it sounds stupid and in fact it is stupid, but laws are laws hahaha, I hate standing and waiting to cross the street, especially when people stand and the same cars doesn't move, so I usually like to jaywalk.. But imagine what would you do if you would be a driver and some little old lady would try to cross the street, not for 9 seconds as it usually is, but for 1 minute.. In my opinion, the old lady shouldn't be walking alone, I would rather see the officer help cross the street faster then giving her a ticket for crossing to slowly ;]In addition, I even walked through some streets where even I walking quite fast could not cross the street on a green light for people I mean I see the light, start walking and after 4 seconds when I am in the middle of the street it starts to blink and a red one turns on, now that street is definitely bad for old little slow ladies
  4. Interesting, this can be serious, but unfortunately I get a 503 on the link you provided, maybe he got much visits lately and his server went down :blink:Oh it seems to work and his blog seems to work too now.
  5. Today, I checked with my mail client an really old email account of mine, which I usually check once in a while or once in a week, but it is strange that I almost don't use it anymore, but got over 263 spam emails, so I thought what a hell? I went to CPanel to see if Spamassasin is turned on or something, but it seems to me that it isn't available anymore? I don't really know how long it isn't here or I just can't see it, but I really remember it used to be installed? ;]
  6. I can say that I can connect to CPanel and my FTP account, so this is something on your end or maybe the problem was temporary and it works for you as well
  7. Well, I remember when playing games, it was the other way around.. ;] in reality I didn't think that I am in a game when walking in downtown or similar, but when playing some adventure game which I really liked, like beneath the steel sky, Simon the sorcerer, queen of amazon jungle, kyriandia, monkey island and a lot more, when coming back from school I turned on the game, it was so kewl for me that I really thought I was inside the game ;D emotionally but never had problems in reality, maybe never played to much..
  8. I never had problems with Opera cache too, in fact I even like it, that for example when you turn on Opera with a session of 20 tabs, you don't even want to say visit a forum of somekind, usually it loads from memory, in that way it is faster for me and if I want to check Todays topics, I just do and this is not the fault of Opera, the websites should really say how to cache the page to the browser and Opera just does it as the website says usually..And about CSS of Opera, well I never had problems, in fact I had problems the over way around, it works on Opera and Konqueror, but I need to change something for a Gecko browser and if the css and html sources are valid and written well, it usually means that the site will work on most browsers, except IE.. I just think that you play with CSS using Firefox or something and when testing it on Opera you see a bit different result, usually about the difference of forms, input types, select and etc. imagine someone doing everything on Opera and "hating" to see how differently it looks on other browser.. Designers don't need to hate something, in fact from my experience, I noticed that creating layouts for Opera, Konqueror and Mozilla isn't quite a big headache, you just need to fix there and there and you need to know how different browsers treat a different tag or command, but when talking about IE, now usually that is a headache, you need to search for hacks, but hacks works differently on IE6 and IE7 and I won't even talk about how many websites will fail after IE8.. a lot of people will need to create or edit their hacks and stuff..
  9. Looks quite good, but I am not really a person who is using bookmarks to much, in fact, I'm quite an old style guy, I have a paper with some links, usually important.. hehe I used to use some organisers and even bookmarks, but usually it ends that after a year and re-installation or similar stuff, I always forget to restore them or I don't even have a backup..
  10. xhtml is strict for the only reason that it should be, it is used with xml which most of people doesn't use and the data should be well written or else the data will be corrupted, in other way, html4 and eventually html5 isn't so strict, but the idea behind it is to show the code as better as possible even with not valid documents, that is usually called transitional..and changing <b> tag to <strong> or <i> to <em> is a logical way to do, CSS is used to do everything with appearance, that includes bold, italic and center, html or in this way xhtml doesn't need to do anything with the appearance of the website/layout whatever, it needs to deal with data and it needs to be valid by xml tools, html even wasn't designed to do such things like addition of colours, it was the browsers which added this stuff and w3c agreed with it until css and xhtml came in ~1999.. and today, if you want to use b tags and etc. just use html4 and it will validate and you won't have any problems with most of the browsers parsing the documents.
  11. Just use the last.fm plugin and show what you're currently listening to in an image, which can easily fit in the signature area
  12. Well, yeah a lot of people today prefer to use xhtml over html4, but as in some topics on this forum, it has been said, that most of people use xhtml for not the purpose it was created, but I also use it, due to it is more strict than html4, when html5 will become a standard for most, some people might notice that even really good designers still use html4, because they understand that it won't change the layout a lot if they will move to xhtml, also if xhtml2 comes sooner as a standard than html5, when it will be hard..
  13. Isn't it better to install Opera and then Privoxy, because it is easy, very easy, or these days even using a wizard is hard? and just add the proxy in the Opera browser with the right ports, usually Privoxy is very good on default, if you don't need anything special. ;]
  14. Same here, sometimes I just look through topics and can't find one to post something more than three lines or if I do, I would repeat myself, as if we are out of words.. I also noticed some posts which isn't relevant from new users, some of them are even spammy, but if a moderator would be strict and would delete them, it would be hard to be accepted hosting from Xisto, furthermore, if it is "hard" to post for old users, it is hard to post for newbies too, because of the lack of really good topics.
  15. Also, if someone will be reading this post by searching google or also will be having similar problems, another thing which might be the problem that you have Skype installed, so if you are installing a server such an apache which requires port 80 by default, you should turn Skype off or any other software which might be using the port 80 as alternative or as primary, as I know Skype has a check-box wheaver to use port 80 as alternative or not..Moreover, it is a good advice to run software, apache in this case through a console/dos/cmd/shell/cli whatever because usually you get the error message if it wasn't successful to start the service.
  16. Well, if no one here used different OS than MS-Dos and Windows in the old days, I can say that since 1985 Graphical User Interface already existed, just that PC sucked at that time, I started with ZX-Spectrum (rather my brother) which only had 48kb later he moved with a 128kb machine until he didn't bought an Amiga 500+, it had custom chipsets for sound and graphics and was capable of showing 4096 colours on the screen and in Ham mode as I remember ~256 000 colours or something similar to it, as I remember Ham6 mode had about 256 000 on ECS custom chips and on more advanced AGA chipsets Ham8 mode had the 16,7 millions colours display and it was in the year 1992, after of year using Amiga 500+ my brother bought an Amiga 1200 which was able to display true colour in the year 1992 and it had a really nice GUI Workbench, of course at that time I usually only was playing games and listening to tracks/modules and playing with the desktop, later with an Amiga equipped with an gfx card Voodoo it could display true colour on the Desktop with AmigaOS 3.x So personally I never used the console (especially ms-dos), of course I was using the Shell/Cli on Amiga, but not as my main thing, I was running games from the desktop, of course some newer games required all the chip ram and not only the fast ram which you could expand, so I needed to boot without the OS and run the game, well it was really nice times, later I moved to Linux and played with the console much more, now more time I spend on Windows due to the School and now University and I am to lazy to install Linux again after my Hdd crash several months and a bit more ago, so in the old days it wasn't as bad as it can see, that everything was with a console.. Oh yea, to add, as I remember Windows was crashing very frequently at our neighbours, on the version 3.1 and 95 later, and it was how much? over 10 floppy disks? the version 3.1 I mean, AmigaOS 2.x could fit into one floppy disk and if you would crunch something even a very powerful file manager Dopus4 could fit in as well, just that from the floppy disk it used to load for over 1 minute which seemed annoying, due to it loads in about 10 seconds from an older HDD and I still have my Amiga 1200 in my room, with the OS and files, it is of course expanded, just that I don't have time to turn it on and play with it anymore and another thing, that it doesn't has a browser which has CSS and AJAX support but everything else exists. Moreover, I have and Efika board with a PPC which after some time will be capable of running MorphOS, which Today can run Linux, but I don't even have time for that and even if I had I think I would lazy to do something, I wish there weren't any job, university and beer :oSo thats the old days if had a little bit more cash for buying a computer.. In addition, if somebody saw the movie/television series Babylon-5, so it the graphics were rendered with an Amiga computer in the year 1993, that was 14 years ago when most of you used ms-dos, besides even more powerful computers existed to render graphics, just that the cost was very big, as I know Silicon Graphics computers still exist, but are very expensive and was expensive, they started in about 1982 with Motorola 68k-based systems same as Amiga, later moved to Risc architecture and etc. never had one of those, never needed one of those workstations You can find much more by just reading Wikipedia.
  17. This is really cool, I always wanted to go on a ride with a Roller Coaster which is at least so big, in my country currently doesn't exist such big ones and I don't really understand why, but anyway everyone has to go to Germany or France to try something like this
  18. As I see he is using windows OS to copy/move the file, so chmod'ing isn't required, but if it would be a linux machine or similar, changing permissions could be needed, as I know it depends on the configuration. ;]
  19. As I know, safe mode isn't as needed as it used to be in the past, current software running on software is quite safe if you don't get in trouble with a hardcore hacker, but on old servers even an idiot could do something bad with you files without safe mode, but the thing is if it isn't php, when a lot can be done with perl if it is present, as I know safe mode won't exist in php6, I would also change some stuff too for php about the security, but it isn't only php fault, it is the software, I am talking about the owner of files, if you upload with ftp or cpanel or create one with php, it really can get on your head..
  20. I heard about this, as mostly I use Skype for my things Today, due to most of my friends moved there from IRC, but on the outage, I wasn't home and didn't even feel it.. I don't really care about it, as I don't speak anything serious or something from what I could loose money or my home etc. I don't even do the calls, it takes the download speed down, so I prefer chatting, even though I chat much less than I used to in the past..Well about the NSA, I think that it is to paranoid, everything can happen, but I don't care to much until my computer isn't infected with something besides skype keeps getting bigger and bigger with more useless features for me, I would like it to be light as it used to be or at least have a light version without the stupid stuff, but of course eventually people might stop using it, due to software needs updates and new stuff to keep alive..
  21. Well. personally I would want to have something like a teleportation device, due to it takes a lot of time if you ever count how much you travel from destination A to B, with a car it can get very slow on traffic jams, a bus, trolleybus and trams sometimes is even much faster, but it isn't as comfortable, rather use a bike Anyway, I would really want to have a teleportation device, you need to go to the shop, just teleport yourself, to the university, just push the button and everywhere you want, to job, to see your friends, currently this seems really impossible, but theoretically it is possible.. Eventually, if speaking about current technology, I would like a little helicopter to fly everywhere around in the city and even outside it
  22. Well, I can say that you chosen a very nice them for php fusion, I really like it, it is very smooth and suits everything for me, for that reason you need a really really good banner/logo for your upcoming site, make it or use one that would fit into the layout, try using the same colours, because current colours are really great, good luck
  23. Well, I wouldn't want that Linux would become the dominant OS, I would rather see a really great competition between them, for example 4 big OS'es in the market, three commercial and say one open source, every company owning them would want to sell more and to have more users, they would eventually need to make it better, safer, so would update it, would make it cheaper or etc. well they would be competing each other, of course this kind of a situation would be harder for an open source OS if prices of Operating System and Software would drop a lot of times, but still, I think most of people got the idea, I don't think that if somebody is dominating the market is good "it almost works, people still buy it, no rushing to fix that and etc."
  24. Those were quite good, most of the languages which I know or at least heard about were funny, but the unknown ones, which syntax or objective I don't know, was quite uninteresting reading, for example Forth or Erlang, never heard them, never saw them, never used them, so those cars aren't for me Very funny in some way
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