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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Another way to do it is to use in php $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; in that way you can get values from index.php/directory1/value2 or anything you like, moreover if you don't like seeing index.php in the url line, then you also can use .htaccess to make it look like /directory1/value2 and use the same PHP stuff, in this case, the mod rewrite will be much easier.
  2. Well, sometimes default fonts don't look really good, but who cares, I always set the font I want and see to be the best, that is usually Verdana or you can just write Sans-serif or any other font you want, due to if it won't exist on computer it will use its default font, a good idea is to set the size with pt or px if you want, but due to different resolutions, setting it with px can be quite uncomfortable, for some people it will be ok, for other to big for other to small.
  3. about deleting the directories, you can use some system function, but also if you only have access to php, there are plenty scripts to delete directories and all other directories inside, it is as I know called recursive function call, you read the files of a dir, check if it is a dir and call the same function again and until only files are left, you just delete them, something like that. ;)About sub-domains, I think PHP won't help, you would need to call a system function, or Perl might do the work, never did anything like that..
  4. To tell the truth, browsers could send much more headers about the user browser, including resolution and similar stuff, even though if something like that would happen, it wouldn't be a standard for all the browsers and that would be a problem, but really it would help a lot ;P And not only sending the resolution header, but much more about the system, js on off, css support and etc.
  5. HTTP Error 500 is an internal server error, so it is the web-server which is showing you the error, usually it is something with the configuration, sometimes you can get it yourself by doing something bad with your account, for example using .htaccess files in a bad why or with errors of somekind and similar. Contact the admins or engineers to fix the problem or to ask about it.
  6. For a long time I am using 7-zip as my main archiver, the only thing as I know it can't do is compress as .rar so I don't compress it in that format, the main thing I can decompress it though I used to use the console version with batch scripting, but nevertheless I really like the GUI version, it is simple and it can do everything I need.. For very big files or folders/directories having lots of data to compress with .7z takes a long time, another thing is that not everyone can decompress .7z so I usually like to use the normal .zip if I don't want a better ratio for something, I don't like waiting when the compression will be over.. In fact for files I don't use frequently I just .tar them and leave them somewhere in Storage on my HDD, due to a lot of small files takes more space then one normal big file.
  7. CPanel works for me fine and I can't remember anymore the last time it didn't work, long time ago, so I guess it is something on your side, maybe your ISP, which blocks some ports or something like that, if you don't have a firewall, that doesn't mean your ISP doesn't have one, but of course it could be something with your account..
  8. Not a bad idea, it could be done years ago, because it isn't very hard to achieve and in my opinion, most of browsers can have this kind of option, even with somekind of blocking software to block porno, proxy, myspace and similar sites for which public bandwidth shouldn't be used! Moreover, ads could be blocked too, to not get income from public computers.
  9. In addition to to the text size increase decrease, I can say that on Safari and Firefox I don't like the zooming or the text size increase, but on Opera it is really comfortable to Zoom in or out, due to it zooms everything, text, layout, even images, which in my opinion is really better than zooming only the text size.
  10. Well, I still usually prefer to make the design look good on 800x600, those kind of sites still look good on 1024x768 but with people still using 640x480 to browse the net, well they need to understand that they have this resolution and they need to scroll due to it, so I don't think people need to target that kind of resolution..Moreover, it is hard to create a layout to fit everyone, I mean by setting the width to display 80% or 90% or even 100% for example, on very big resolutions, the site may look very weird and on very small resolutions everything can't fit normally, so in conclusion you still are targeted to 800x.. and 1280x.. Another problem with having such a layout is with margins, paddings and images which look big on small resolutions and look small on big resolutions.. In my opinions, forums are very good looking with 90% of width, because usually forums are full of text, but for example, did you ever try to browse Xisto forum on a 640x or 800x resolution, it still looks much better on 1024x or 1280x widths of pixels, so I think that it is any webdesigners taste, the traditional way would be to still fit it for 800x600 and the new webdesigners would really want to fit it on their own resolution or for major resolutions people are using, it also depends on what about the site is and for who it is!
  11. to correct pyost a little, due to I think he wrote everything fast without checking and executing the code, the explode function in php parameters are the other way around, I mean like this: $parts = explode('-', $date);
  12. vujsa,I moved to Dev-PHP due to it was free and PHP Designer wasn't free anymore, but when downloading trial versions of PHP-Designer, I really liked them and saw the progress, that is why I got the license, err the place where I work got the license to tell the truth ;) The personal version isn't updated to much to use it and it has some terms and conditions too
  13. If you have the money to buy Photoshop, go ahead, but if you're a student or just don't have to much money to spend on such software open-source or free alternatives like the Gimp would be your choice, you can make a lot of really cool looking things with it and with current support for it is really very easy, there are plenty tutorials and IRC channels with people using it.. Also I know about Paint.NET but I never really used it longer than 5 minutes, but I heard good comments about it, you can even use IrfanView for simple things like scaling and etc.
  14. I am using the latest version of PHP Designer and I really can say that it got much better in those years since I was using 2005, it was slower at that time, but now I really like it, I just turn of some stuff which bothers me, like auto stuff for writing PHP, maybe when writing something new it is useful, but when editing it is horrible.. yeah, I never really used such things as include a statement function {} but I remember I liked to insert switch statement, it really saved several seconds of programming ;)I used to hate the features when you write something and different windows pop up, I usually knew everything what I wanted, but after sometime I got used to things like when you write a constant or variable, function etc. a list of possible values pops up.. When I try to use some other software to write PHP I comeback to PHP Designer, due to I think I just got used to it and besides it really has a much better highlighter in the current version!Furthermore, I needed/wanted some features so I wrote to the author and on the new release I saw those features, the product is active, maybe a lot of whom bothers that it is written on .NET
  15. Yeah, I know what you mean, it was my first time when my account got suspended, I just forgot to post for a little and got -1 credits or was it -4 can't say due to when I got messages that my site isn't working I just posted couple of posts to make the credits post positive, I like that everything is automatic! Xisto is really one of the best services I saw, it offers a lot and as I know Xisto forums doesn't even have ads on their forums, I mean on this forum, because they get a lot of profit from their services for which you have to pay and not to get for free!
  16. I agree that Ubuntu is the best distro with Gnome, but I also prefer KDE, even though I am not using Linux as much as I used to in the past, I am using Arch Linux compiled with KDE and I don't really have anything bad to say about it.
  17. I used to play with those tweaking xp tools and other stuff from reading different articles and posts about windows tweaking, but for sometime I just lost my interest in those kind of things, I usually just do everything what is possible manually and use some cleanup programs every-time I turn off my computer, windows isn't worth the time to tweak it every-time ;)And if it really wasn't updated since 2004, so those unseen features might have been released on other tweaking tools already!
  18. I am using Gmail, but for sometime, a long time, I usually use my own emails with hosting, as I still tend to use email clients, for a lot of years I have an email with my ISP domain and I like it, it is fast and etc. But for webmail, which usually is very comfortable I like to use GMail, I even store my documents for university or stuff in it by saving a draft email. ;] Never liked using others, don't need to..
  19. Some time ago I went through mediawiki source and saw their database class, thought that I need something like that and wrote it by taking things/ideas out of them, I changed lots of stuff to fit my purpose, but I never completely used it so it can be with bugs and etc. So you can see how it works by looking into mediawiki too, moreover the new versions might have better class, I mean they should have updated it to work even better, but most of mediawiki people use objects rather than arrays. ;]
  20. Strange, I remember I used to have it in CPanel as most of CPanels have it installed.. My old email account which I established in the year ~2002 got over 2000 spam messages yesterday, I got a little bit angry, even though from that account I get some good emails, but I think I'll need to delete it if some spam blocking software won't be installed..
  21. PDF is really great, even though I agree that they are slow, but with current versions they load faster and scroll faster, if you just need a simple document, just use a document file, but PDF can do much more, in fact I usually publish PDF's if I can, do all my works with PDF's in the University, it is a portable document, you can read it on any OS, but of course a lot of things changed, it is as easy to read .doc files on Linux as on Windows, but like if you create files with OO, usually a lo of people don't have OO on Windows, just Word, the same is with most schools, colleges, universities, academies, libraries and offices etc. but most of them are able to read a PDF document.. Most of comics can be created as PDF's, Newspapers, Manuals, Books and etc.
  22. Just buy another phone and you won't have problems, there were and are a lot of similar things to iPhone, it isn't something really very very new or something, just has a great commercial among people and especially among young people on the Internet too.. I don't bother, but the things they are trying to do is just usual, I mean what other people said above me, I don't want to repeat.
  23. Interesting facts, but this one is quite funny, even though not to much, but I still don't really believe it.."More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes."Well, so how many people die by donkeys in a year period?
  24. This is a funny one, usually when reading jokes I can imagine the end, but this time you got me, didn't thought anything like that ;-D
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