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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Quatrux

    C At Uni

    We started to learn C in the first semester too, for the second one we moved to C++, but it was quite easy, because I knew how to do programming in C/C++ so the first lectures really were boring, later I don't know why we moved to C# on 4th semester or was it 3 semester can't really remember, now we have some lectures programming in ASM.. So I guess it's quite popular to start with C and end with ASM, even though I heard that later they will teach PHP and similar stuff, it depends on what side of Informatics students move.. When learning C++, there are different lectures for DirectX, but in some other universities I know that they are learning OpenGL, but who cares, we only learn the "basic" stuff :PBesides, for some students programming is really a headache ;)In school they taught us Pascal and Batch scripting with .bat and .cmd files on IT lessons, even though most of the time we liked to play Quake
  2. I tried and am using Gimp and Paint.NET but what I miss in most of graphics programs, why don't they expand by default different features, for example Gimp has a script-fu full of "cool" and easy to sue features, why didn't they change and nothing new appeared in those years, I really would like to have a lot of those scripts to do graphics, because most of graphics programs do the same, filters, colours, layers and no scripts, also by default most of graphics programs could have much more gradients to choose of, not everyone likes to create gradients them self I guess..It's quite hard to find working normal scripts, even though there are lots of tutorials on the net how to do something, but still, for newbies having more scripts by default is much better in my opinion.
  3. if you want to use something similar to, you could find a domain, I don't know if they are active, but for example using such domains like edu.com or edu.net, edu.uk, edu.co.nr are quite a normal alternative which doesn't require any paper work, edu.uni.cc and etc. of course if those domains are available, I just linked you to a suggestion
  4. Hmm, somebody thought of a nice idea, to have a temporary e-mail, well I also think it's a bit useless, but if you really need to register at some *BLEEP* site and it requires an email to confirm the registration then I guess it's a good choice, but in my opinion 10 minutes is a bit to fast to expire, at least 1 day or 2 days, because sometimes you don't really get an email from a *BLEEP* site so fast, they send it after some time when you lost your interest ;)the thing I like that you can get a random email address.. Personally I just have another email for spam, I use it everywhere to get some spam or register somewhere.. I have a really old email, which I used in 2002 and I deleted it for some time, a year or two, but some time ago I created it again, and you know what after a month or so, in this kind of period of time I got about 2000 spam emails and now it's fun to see that in a day I get ~60 spam mails and the numbers is growing, so I guess all the time it tried to send me all those spam mails? darn, so much servers in the world does nothing but try to send spam
  5. I started using Windows Vista not a long time ago when I bought a new laptop, it came with Vista and now I'm thinking of installing openSUSE on it.. and Vista is out for some time now, even though most of users still use XP..Windows 7 or as I know Vienna is quite old news, as I remember we talked about it on Xisto forums before.. What's funny that the screenshot really looks like Windows Vista, so why will it be different? Microsoft likes to release something and start doing something new, for example IE7 came and they started making IE8
  6. Astahost is running PHP Version 5.2.5 on Apache webserver and in php.ini the setting safe_mode is Off, turning it on isn't really good, unless you have a crappy server, for example an old server, which can be hacked if safe mode is off.
  7. Personally, I also was using Nero for some time, but after a while it really got big, the only thing I needed from Nero was CD burning, but it offered so much, I stopped using it and as I remember on this board at Xisto community I found a really great alternative for Windows XP to burn CD's, it really works well for me.. CDBurnerXP, it is free and you can get it here, also it's really light: https://cdburnerxp.se/
  8. I agree with yordan, it isn't really neseccery to update your drivers the day it comes, if the system is working as it should with the drivers you got, when stay with it, unless you read some reviews or want new features they offer..To make it off topic, I really hate that directx10 is only for Vista, because I don't like Vista, I know the tactics to not make it work on XP, but seriously..
  9. I have Windows XP SP2 but I think with all updates, it could have even been SP3, but anyway, I just selected lots of pictures and pressed the shift Key and from the menu selected Rename, it only let me rename one top file, but when I did rename it, it did as it needed, all the files I've selected were renamed with the same name, only that the pictures were added with (1),(2),..(n) names.. It's the default for XP I guess, but I don't like this method, I remember I used a light program which could rename lots of files and with directories the way I wanted, it even had regular expressions, it really was a wonderful program, but I can't remember how it was called, it's freeware, it could be that it's called something like "rename, multiple rename tool" something with rename and I clean my music collection with it by name, for mp3 files it could even read or edit meta data
  10. It's quite an old topic and I think really using XAMPP or like I use Wampserver is much a better alternative than this and in my opinion, because this is ~4 years old topic, maybe that software isn't even updated any more.. you can get Wampserver at: http://www.wampserver.com/en/index.php
  11. Quatrux


    I didn't really understand about what he is talking, maybe Thread is something what we don't know? I think he could have posted it in much more sense..
  12. Yes, I also want to add that most of the money comes from sponsors, as it was said, for working after work on their projects, people can donate money, but thats usually not to much, unless they get a big donation, a lot of programmers like to do what they are doing, but for example imagine a big organisation which has money, they give to someone a lot of money, I mean millions to invest into open source software not to only get it by free, but also to make other commercial products not as popular as they are..Imagine I'm a company A and there is a company B which is making a lot of money and thats why my business on my company A isn't running superb, I invest into open source software or donate money, somebody with that money finds lots of programmers and they start their work, they are paid, the programmers, but the code is still open-source, the software gets a bit popular, it takes some share away from the company B and I, the company A am a bit happier with that There are in my opinion a lot of examples I could make..As I know, why did Linux Ubuntu CDs get to you by mail for free, because they paid for it and they got the money from big sponsors, in that way a lot of people tried Linux and didn't install Windows, a little bit of them moved to Linux and Today when you say the word Linux, most of people knows what it means, not as it was 7 years ago..
  13. I reinstalled my mobile device, mp3 and usb keys through the device manager and it seems to work now..faulty.lee before that I tried to change the usb cable from one usb port to another and it didn't change nothing, it gave the thing that "found new hardware" and again it tried to install it, now when I reinstalled, I just hope it will continue to work normally..
  14. I'll show my friend this topic and will post later.He has 4GB of RAM and it's a DD3 and I don't really know what I can tell more about the RAM, I only know that it's not really 4 GB because of the difference with 1000 and 1024 bytes and as I know his hardware is 32 bit, I mean the CPU, so I don't think it can run 64bit? :?I doubt he will want to buy Vista just to try that the game works
  15. It's not only on one actual game, it is on most games he plays.. the gfx card is supposed to work win win2000, xp and vista and as he said those games are xp friendly, the requirements are for xp or vista. :|
  16. Note; to people who will use my method to encode/encrypt the password, it seems really a great method and it seems really hard to obtain the actual password, but one day I woke up and understood one bad thing about it:Because the password is always random and all those random passwords can evaluate to true if a check is being made, there are much bigger chance that the cracker will guess the password by using random letters and numbers and symbols, this is really quite a big flaw, I will need to rethink how it works and I ill need to make it create a one unique encrypted password to use..The only thing now I can say about this function is that if you want to hide the word, it will be hard to get it back for a cracker if he does not have the encryption function and could not be guessing.. heh! I'm really disappointed, but when you think, it still is a quite good way to store your passwords, just that it could be even better if I will make it create only one unique string..[EDIT]I think I was wrong, there's only one possibility to evaluate to true, only if the password is good, because it doesn't matter about the seed, you still check the password with pw_check(); and it only evaluates to true from writing the real password.
  17. Hello,For some time I'm having problems using USB and different devices on my Windows XP Desktop, I have a motherboard with 6 usb slots, but because it's hard to get to them I'm using a cable and one USB slot.. At the beginning I remember I had no problems, I could use different USB keys, my mobile phone and my mp3 player..However, after a while it started to not find my devices, when I put my mobile phone, it doesn't show the memory card as removable disk L: I need to remove it and put it again and usually after ~5 or 12 put in and put out into the usb it shows up.. the same is with my mp3 player, but now it got mad at all, whenever I put an usb key to do something, it shows a drive L: and the icon is like a folder, but when I try to access it it says that it is an unknown device, no matter how much times I put my usb key it's always the same..Anyone had these kind of problems and are willing to help me out? I'm really fed up connecting the devices over and over again until I succeed and I don't want to reinstall, so maybe there is a way to reinstall only devices or something like that? that it would be fresh and later I could use everything normally? any suggestions?
  18. Hello,My friend has bought a new computer, a 32 bit quad core with ~4GB of RAM and a gForce 9600gt or maybe gs? But as I remember it's a GT and I think it has problems or maybe the drivers or something else, so thought to as Xisto community for some experience, tried searching the Internet, but got a bit tired..It's working great, as he does not like Vista, he has installed XP and drivers from CDs he got in the company he bought it and when he started to play new games after about ~10-30 minutes the screen flickers and some errors are outputted and you can see the BSOD (Blue Screen OF Death? Doom? as I know) and thats all so I suggested him to reinstall his drivers with the new ones from nVidia and asRock Internet websites, because the ones on the CD's could be outdated or buggy.. He did that, he even reinstalled XP, but with no luck, the problems still exists, through the nVidia panel he was turning off different options with the click box, like vertical sync and different stuff, he tried to do things in BIOS and other stuff he found on the net, but again with no luck..And when I thought, maybe it's because when you play a new game, the graphics card is over heating? I touched it and it was quite hot, about 56 Celsius, but because the computer has a guarantee, we couldn't open the desktop box, I started to think that the cooler isn't spinning or something, problems with the hardware and people who badly put the computer into that condition? So could it be because of the over heating? He downloaded some program which can show temperatures for different devices and after loading windows, when playing a game for 10-30 minutes he saw that the graphics card temperature is about 78 Celsius.. and I think it's really to much for a desktop, especially for a hot day, the question is does he need to call the guarantee that they could fix it or make the cooler spin faster or spin always? Any suggestions? anyone had these kind of problems? with new computers.. :?
  19. This is really great, I always wanted to know how to do graphics very well, but seems that it's not for me, I'm more a programmer, but usually these days without some good graphics you can't do to much except applications or similar stuff which doesn't require a lot of knowledge.. Sometimes I think how do they do that!
  20. I agree about the text, that the second one really looks the best, because it's readable, this is really a nice signature, but I don't know if it's me or the signature, but I would prefer to use it only if I would be a female, maybe because of the flowers
  21. I also never really liked .tk websites, because it has ads and a lot of sites which use that domain is usually pointless or maybe not pointless, but I really saw lot of sites using .tk domains about dragon ball, dragon ball z and gt etc. and similar stuff, sites made by newbies and who knows how, but I usually don't find them interesting, I used to use co.nr and I liked their service, I think I'm still registered, but I don't really use them, they redirect somewhere to my site that it moved somewhere else hahahaYeah, as been said, it's not really a domain name using dns like .com .org .net or even uni.cc but it's way of working is a subdomain which redirects to your url and uses a full screen frame which you don't see and cloaks the url which sometimes is good and sometimes is a bad thing.
  22. I just hope that this experiment, which really will be written in history books will be successful and we could answer a lot of questions, let the scientists do the work, I'm quite interested with the results and I really find a lot of humour about this, especially personal websites with timers where they say xxx time left to the world end and blah blah ;)I doubt this project could really start if it would be really dangerous, but who knows..
  23. You have to do it, at least when I did that, I needed to post on the forums, write the hosting request again, the good thing I was easily accepted, I think
  24. I agree that 23 kb isn't really to much for performance these days, the only thing which can happen is that for the first seconds people will only see the HTML layout and after some seconds when slowly the css file will be downloaded they will see your layout as it has to be and if it isn't dynamic and the headers are right, it will be cached by the browsers..You could use gzip and php to output it, it would be much smaller, but you will use less bandwidth, but more server performance, even though you won't even feel it.
  25. you can find older compilers which will only compile C language and won't understand C++ but these days I also believe you can hardly find one, unless it's a custom one made but some guy which is open-source, but use the same tools.. If your code can compile C++ it really can compile C language..the difference I saw with using different compilers, both seem to compile the same little code, but the executable files are much bigger in size of bytes when compiling with Microsoft Visual Studio, when a simple other compiler from the Internet, they seem both to work the same, I remember in the old days people/programmers managed to create really very cool programs or demos (graphics show) in size of 4kb or 16kb now even a hello world is ~240kb
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