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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I think that the best blogging software for me is Wordpress, it's free, it's easy to use and it is being updated all the time, moreover it has a really big choice of templates which you can use, the main thing you need to do is to blog, write posts ^_^Even though, joomla with a blog module of some kind I guess is also superb.
  2. Very interesting news, it's good that more countries have their own Space Research Organizations, but whats the best is that all of them work together, that would bring much better results.
  3. Yes, in fact the difference between C and C++ that C++ has a real OOP/Object Oriented Programming for this reason the syntax is a bit different and in fact more comfortable, but I believe that people who works with simple C can do the same result as people who work with C++, I think what matters is the result and of course speed, performance, bugs
  4. I also used to play starcraft, but didn't know about starcraft2 to much until Today, but even though they're still creating it, I don't think the project will be abandon, because there are so much Starcraft fans out there, a lot of people still play it!Furthermore, I agree with khalilov about 2D gaming, not always you need to create a sequel by adding 3D, sometimes it really sucks, especially with Heroes, I played Heroes III and IV, but the Heroes V series, everything is 3D and it's not the same, even though it was quite cool in the beginning to play it, but it's not the same. 2D games still needs to be developed, really good 2D Games!
  5. I played Starcraft when I was much younger and it really is one of the most enjoyable games I ever played, even though I've stopped on gaming to much, I think the second release of starcraft will be quite good, just browsed some websites, saw some screenshots and read a little. Graphics look really awesome, I wish I was much younger with a powerful computer I've got Today
  6. Credit system was the old and I can say current system which I think works, but in fact doesn't do anything anymore, the new system is MyCENT system, you can post on the forums and get Cents for it and later order a package when you have at least ~1.99$ of myCENTs, when posting you'll see after several posts a myCENTS text will appear beneath your avatar, if you're here for hosting and domains, then ignore the credit system and continue with posting and you'll get everything what you need, read the announcements forum and in all forums except the ones which says no post count or something like that you get myCENTS for posting.
  7. A note, that he said that his music collection is only about 15 GB? isn't the flash usb keys usually ~4 GB of storage, so it wouldn't take to much of his time, firstly when I read the topic, I thought he really had a big collection or his usb key is only 512 MB?A agree that the best method is to create a network, use the same Workgroup if it's possible.
  8. Hello? it was 2-3 years ago, why not send him a PM instead
  9. This wordpress theme is awesome, I really like it.. By customizing it a little to fit somebodies needs it really can look fancy, even though if the blog is a new one, the right sidebar may look quite empty in the first months, but this theme has everything what I like to say is "prefect" a normal padding, a normal font and normal borders, not like most of the themes is always missing something, even the colours are great.
  10. To validate an email, I was using this method, some years ago I did a research on what's the best method and found that that one was "BEST", maybe today everything changed, but I guess I don't care as usually now the best method is to check this with a preg math and later send a confirmation email that it was really a good email address.. $email = $_POST['email'];if (isset($email{64})) { echo 'Your Email address is over 64 characters long';}if (!preg_match("/^([a-z0-9._-](\+[a-z0-9])*)+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/i", $email)) { echo 'Please use a valid Email address';}
  11. Quatrux

    C At Uni

    Well, it depends on the compiler you're using, for example if you use Visual Studio, well the Microsoft, Intel and etc. compilers, then this syntax is working: for (int intCount = 0; intMin < intMax; intCount++){...} But it won't work on GCC, for example then using Dev-C++ which is using minigw, but the syntax where you firstly declare an Integer and only then loop works on both I guess, can't remember, because I did the C using Visual Studio, even though I started with Dev-C++, but some stuff in the Uni didn't work so thats why I moved to Microsoft.. Microsoft it self in most of the examples are encouraging the wrong syntax, but it works and is easier in fact. I can't tell how it's with Borland, even though I think on borland you need to use this syntax and thats why it's really the right way to use it, it works everywhere and the upper works only with Microsoft: int intCount;for (intCount = 0; intMin < intMax; intCount++){...}
  12. Well, I disagree that everyone should learn only one language, it's best if people would a speak at least 3 languages and it would be even better that at least one of those languages would be English..For example in USA, if you're an American, you have to know English and Spanish + French and I think you're ready to go and communicate with the world quite easy, another example here in Lithuania:I know Lithuanian, I can speak Russian, read a little, but not even interested to write it, also I can read,write and speak English even though my dictionary is not as well as it could be, but I can always look at one to remember or learn.. OF course I knwo some other languages, like German and Polish, but only the basics to communicate then I'm a tourist there, some foods, how to buy a ticket in the train station or bus station.I also disagree that Chinese language should become something important, it's quite a hard language and has a lots of variations in different cultures, what I believe is that Chinese people should know Chinese then English and some other language too, for say people in Arab world they should know Arabic, then something else and English too, same for Europe, the mother-tongue, English and some other language, I guess the best would be the one of your neighbouring countries..In Information Technology world, English language is the main, all the programming is done with English syntax, it would be stupid to create other language syntax, very unpractical.
  13. I used to use Thunderbird as my email client, but now I use Dream mail, it's also a client and I think it's quite good, faster, much faster than thunderbird, but I guess it looks like a better version of outlook, but anyway my primary email is with gmail now and I also agree that Today having webmail is much easier, but it was different some years ago thats why email clients there much a better choice for me.However, not all email services have webmails, they just offer POP3 and SMPT servers, imagine you have a domain like mydomain.com and you get a server, even though Today it's possible to use GMail and some other email services with your own domain, but if you don't know how to do that, then using an email client with an email like admin @ mydomain dot com is the only choice you have..In the year 2000, webmails as I remember them there quite not as comfortable as Today and besides, Internet connections for most of the world were slower and in an email client it was much easier to organise, have address books, filters, different directories and etc. and you don't need to waste a lot of bandwidth, you only download the mail and when using webmail you needed to browse with a 56kb/s if you had a modem connection, so it was lame. Moreover, in those days for free you could get webmail accounts with 100-100 MB of space and if you had an email client, you could use all your 40 GB for your emails, so storage problem wasn't a problem at all, except that you could send an email bigger than your email service provide.
  14. I used to watch Anime earlier, but now I'm not interested to much into it.. So is Anime and Mango the same? I guess not, because Manga usually I imagine big eyes and Anime also usually have the big eyes, but it also can look quite real, the bodies and etc. I started to watch animated cartoons like South Park, Family guy, American daddy, so a few episodes a week, so I don't really need to watch anime I guess, because I get quite a normal dose of cartoons :lol:But I don't really know a lot of comic cartoons, I remember I used to watch batman and all that similar stuff, but I doubt I see anything like that Today, not to much into cartoons anymore, so thats why I moved to comedy animation
  15. Same for me, in someway I've lost ~8$ but I didn't notice that the Hosting Credits went down by -36 or something like that.. so I guess those posts could have been deleted, very old posts, I don't know.. but my posts count didn't drop, it's now about 1,077 posts for me and I remember it being that way this week and to loose 8$ I think my posts count would need to drop approximately by 20 posts or 10 if those were bigger posts.
  16. Yea, I also think that it was a major cleanup, I hate the new system, 8$ were enough for me for ~ month to be inactive, because of the cleanup I guess a lot of topics like "what is your favourite colour" has been deleted and because of that where I spent my time answering for the topic that my favourite colour is red I get negative points, time to search for a new hosting. Seems that the prices in the client area are the same though.
  17. Hmm, so did most of the topics have a cleanup or something in Xisto forums? I had ~35$ and I don't really remember doing something, now it's 27.81$ or did the hosting prices change or something, where did the ~8$ disappear?
  18. I'm not into .NET anymore, because I don't really do anything with it anymore, but LINQ seems interesting, in wikipedia it's written that it only supports Microsoft SQL server, but I also found that you can use it on MySQL as well with some wrappers or something like that.
  19. Yeah, a lot of whom says that Kaspersky and also Nod32 anti virus applications are one of the best, but those aren't free, even though most of them aren't free.. Anti-viruses are quite a big business, you can create viruses and later create an anti-virus, some say a lot of that kind of stuff have been done by big companies, even though I guess we can think of a lot of stuff, freelancers also create viruses.. Anyway, I got a little of topic, so here is my list:"1) Anti-virus, Spyware, Trojan, pop-up blocking, hardening of web browsers."For an anti-virus I tried a lot, NOD32 and Kaspersky seemed to be the best one, but now I don't really have those installed, because I don't really get any viruses. don't browse with IE, I don't use any .exe files or cracks unless really somebody like a friend gives me them and says that it's a good one, even though I have Clam Win Free Anti Virus, it has a Database of viruses, but it isn't really great.. I also used AVG free anti virus, but the thing it does is that my system gets slower, so why waste the resources with an anti-virus if you can avoid any viruses by yourself or I just run any **** stuff on a virtual Windows installation, even though I don't have installed that yet..For spyware I'm using Spy bot search and destroy, it seems to be quite effective and free together with Adaware 2008 Free Edition, but I think not all things work on it, I've never used the Adwatch anyway, it just makes the system a bit slower, so I get less performance, but I know that in my system Teat timer from Spybot search and destroy is always in the processes taking care of my registry, which is quite a good thing, I don't like applications to change the registry values or add them without my knowing.. Also I'm using spywareguard, it's not updated anymore I guess, I don't know why I'm using it, but I have it in my startup. :PFor popup blocking, well seems that Opera and Firefox does the stuff I usually need, I don't browse with IE unless I go to Windows update or when Microsoft needs it for something or just to test my websites or something.."2) Online software (web browsers, instant messengers, newsreaders, widgets/gadgets, file sharing p2p)"For online software, I'm using as I said most of the popular web browsers, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror I also have installed Safari and Google chrome on Windows XP and because it's Windows I have IE7 and I also have multipleIE software with which I can have IE6 and IE7 at once! also it includes IE5 and other versions, but I don't really care about those..For instant messaging I'm using Pidgin now, it was called GAIM some time ago, with it I can connect ant chat on all the IM protocols I know, furthermore for IRC I'm using XChat and I also frequently am using Skype, because most of my friends have Skype these days.. As for newsreaders, I don't really read news, I just do it the old way with a web browser.. For P2P I'm using as most of people use uTorrent for torrents and to connect to come DC++ Hub I'm using the well known ApexDC++ which works really great and has lots of everything. "3) Optimizations (Internet Link, HD partitions, Defragmenting methods, typical housecleaning [cleaner like software]"Can't add anything here, I just use Windows default stuff to partitioning and defragment, but for clean up things I'm using CleanUP! and CCleaner, those are really great and removes temporary and unneeded files very well, that mys system still stays stable and I usually reformat only once a year or two times a 3 year period, even though there were situations when IU needed to reformat twice a weak "4) GUI Improvements (text optimizers, font suites, themes/skins, icons, screen savers, boot screens, and other graphic user interface improvements)"I used to use a lot from Stardock and still use the Bootskin to change my booting picture, because the default one really sucks also I change my mouse pointer with CursorFX which for me has no problems, just you need to find the mouse pointer you like, a lot of choice.. On XP I'm using the Windows Vista transformation pack which does everything automatically, it changes all I need, icons, themes, screen savers and everything else looks similar to Vista and doesn't really take much performance, unless maybe some much more RAM. "5) Productivity software (office like, diagramming, communication/collaboration, reference)"Well, I have Microsoft Office 2003 and it's enough for me, I've never need the newer Office, even though it looks better and if you get used to it a lot of whom says the work gets done faster, but most of stuff here in my country in universities, schools are made with 2003 version.. I can't really add anything more, except for that I have an installation of Open Office which is also good piece of Software. "6) Multimedia (graphics, photography, media players[encoding/decoding])"I am using Gimp and Paint.NET, but usually I choose Gimp.. I don't really use Photoshop as it's to much for me and really is expensive. I'm using VLC and Quick time alternative as my media players to watch videos and for music I'm just using Winamp, I can't really stand Windows media player, it sucks for me! In addition, I'm using K-lite codec pack to add all the codec I need! :PFor graphics I got from university Autocad 2007 student version and 3DSMax, which I only use for studying, don't really need anything for those to much.."7) Other software/programs"Well, I'm also frequently am using Notepad2, Notepad++ and for my Development I'm using PHP Designer, which now is really a good piece of Software.. Filezilla as my FTP client and Wampserver as my Apache, PHP, MySQL server on localhost to develop web stuff.. Moreover, I'm sometimes annoyed that Adobe PDF Acrobat is quite slow on PDF files, so I'm using Sumatra PDF which really makes those simple PDF files work much faster when reading or scrolling them Thats about all I can write.
  20. In my opinion, Nokia is one of the best mobile phones, I had used a lot of Nokia phones and they were great, same I can tell for Sony Ericsson, I also used several of them and one is still used and is my main mobile phone, so I guess I give the vote for Sony Ericsson and Nokia as equal, even though I like the software for Sony Ericsson better, even though it depends on the phone, but navigation and some functions are better on Sony Ericsson..The worst mobile phones I know is from Siemens and Motorola, even Samsung makes better cell phones
  21. Seems like a nice media player, even though I'm feeling fine with VLC and Quick time Alternative.. even though I used to use Quintessential Player, it is better in some way than Winamp, but after some time I moved back to Winamp and simply am using it to play music, for video I just use VLC and Quick time alternative if VLC doesn't show some video files and for the codecs I have installed K-lite codec pack which seems to be quite enough to play everything, even though I can't play some video files from several mobile phones, they only somehow work with full installation of Quick Time from apple and I rally dislike quick time because of it's appearance and stuff. :rolleyes:Even though I never got, for what reason quick time alternative doesn't play it either..
  22. I'm an European, even though a lot of whom in my country likes Basketball, because usually we win something in the Championships, Olympics, but I don't really like to play it, in school or in yard I did play it, but I still prefer to play or watch football, European football, sometimes called soccer even though I don't know why American football is called football, because they usually play it with hands and only sometimes kicks the ball, kickball would be something better of a name just joking though
  23. I didn't really use XAMPP to much that I could say which one is better, but I guess if you're not into using ftp, mail server or you don't need it, Wampserver could be your choice, but anyway, they both do the same, I guess there is no big difference.
  24. Heh, original idea though, funny even to play it, but if a lot of those kind games would appear on youtube, I don't think it would be something interesting.. :lol:however, I really like the animation and sounds
  25. Usually when you install Windows, you come with IE6 and thats why it's so popular, sometimes IE7 comes like an update, well usually.. So people after some time will move to IE7..Personally, I am using Opera, even though the new Opera is a little bit buggy on my system, don't know why, sometimes the screen gets black and you need to change the tab or something, but the new Opera since 9.5 is much faster than 9.2, thats is why I'm using it, even though I started using Firefox too since the stable version of FF3, it also got optimized and now works much faster for me too while browsing the web.. before that I was using Firefox just to test different webdesign issues..On Linux I usually also use Opera, Firefox and Konqueror.. never really used Safari to much and on Windows it really is crap, I don't really use Google chrome too, just to test some webpages, because it's using Webkit engine.. :lol:So I guess any browser is much safer than IE6, it's just your choice to choose which you like, because most of them aren't so bad now
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