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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Wow, this is really a great plan, even though a lot of us I guess doesn't need it, but it's great for people who needs all that to host their site/project.I guess it will be hard to control abuse, but if OpaQue is offering this kind of plan, he knows how to control it ;)Well done.
  2. About using WampServer or Xampp, I agree that people who use it, really don't know a lot about setting up everything one by one, by installing and configuring Apache, MySQL and PHP.But when working locally, it's sometimes is just a waste of time, on localhost I don't need anything more than just Wampserver or Xampp, especially on a Windows machine, it's usually pre-configured very well and it saves time, whenever you're reinstalling your OS or installing a virtual machine, I was fed-up with doing it all over again, or while updating, it also was just a waste of time, you can just use Wampserver or Xampp.But what is funny, there are a lot of tutorials step by step how to install a server locally, but people have problems, also people have problems installing Wampserver or Xampp too, even though all you need is to click next next next..I remember I used to have a lot of problems with PHP4 on Windows machine, due to my server was a Linux one, but eventually I moved to MySQL all the way and practically don't use files and try to do everything that it would work on any machine. Sometimes it's good to check it somewhere in your script which OS is the script running on.
  3. To add my two cents, I remember reading something about google alternative to Paypal, but only Today I see that Google checkout is working for over an year? I thought it never started..I guess it's not available in every country for it to be so popular as Paypal? Even I can't see lets say in google adsense a method to use Google checkout? can't see Paypal too, only western union and Google checks, which are really hard to chekout to real money in a my country bank and not even worth due to taxes I need to pay for my country, for my bank and for foreign banks :)If google checkout will continue to spread it's service, maybe then it will get more popular?
  4. uTorrent updated to version 2 and isn't beta now, so I thought why not to update..But it got a bit different in appearance and though oh hell, but in several days I got used to uTorrent and again it's the most easiest torrent client for me to use ;)Even though I don't see why could it be version 2 now and not 1, but different software with the version names is sometimes funny.. Some software always ar like version 0.9 but works much better than some buggy software named version 1.10
  5. I think I'm an Internet Addict too, but not such that I need special treatment, it seems that everything is done with a computer these days.I study Engineering Informatics which has a lot to do with computers, I work as a programmer/developer and etc. so it requires me to be near a computer, I come home I also spend my time on a computer :)I guess when I'm out somewhere, I'm not using it, but I'm just glad that I'm not spending time playing games, even though in the youth I used to play a lot of computers games :)It's good that at least I'm going to the gym at least two times a week, even though on summer I'm much more into sports, it's winter know, and there seems to be a lot of snow, but skying seems not to be my cup of tea.It sometimes scares me to think how computers started to control us What were people doing in the past? Dancing? Reading.. I guess we don't read as much books as we used to in the past.
  6. I also hate those CAPTCHA which even a human can't read nor understand what is written in them, even though it's due to that CAPTCHA can be read by bots by writing some programs, in other way CAPTCHA images can be hacked that a bot could recognize them, so more "powerful" generated images have appeared which even we humans don't understand :FAs I read, CAPTCHA images didn't prove to be good, so it's better to use alternatives which would be hard for bots and easy for humans. :)I like the alternatives like, complete the sentence or enter the true value from a sentence which is generated :(I never liked the Audio CAPTCHA, One of my bank accounts has it whenever I login, it's annoying, sometimes I don't understand what it says or sometimes I don't have the ability to use sound Also, it's against the rights of disabled people who cannot hear? :DTo conclude, I think everyone should stop using CAPTCHA and find better alternatives.
  7. Personally I think that the best future source might be solar power, as there are many improvements in making it much more effective, even though it takes a lot of place to put all those solar collectors, but making them more effective will improve the power it generates.I never really liked Wind plants, they also take a lot of place to make a lot of energy, but as I read and saw some science channel, solar power in the future might be more effective than wind, as with wind power there is no there to go.I like the idea of renewable power, much more than using oil and etc. But for me nuclear energy isn't as bad as it can look, but as I know there are a lot of improvements in fusion power? Which in the future could generate a lot of energy for the whole world
  8. For me personally there is no need for a text-to speech feature on the forum, because I think that it's much faster to read than to listen to somekind of a voice, it's only good to blind people I guess or something like that, but in general they will be using accessibility features their OS gives them.Voice and Video on the Internet takes quite a lot of bandwidth
  9. Just now, I saw that the new test demo 2 is available, it works for me well, very good feature to embed in any site where you need to choose something.
  10. I really started to like new Tabs feature of FileZilla. I constantly connect to more than one server and now it doesn't clutter my desktop (just like browsers with tabs). Here is little example of how it looks (just googled):
  11. If someone wants superior console on Windows, they should drop cmd and try MinTTY. It is based on Putty, the great SSH client and offers users who are more familiar with Unix a calmer mind while working in Windows MinTTY is small, fast and configurable, offers command history that is not delete when you close it. There is one "problem", it requires Cygwin environment to run, but once you grasp some Unix tools such as grep, you'll be able to do some things many times faster than through GUI (grep comes very handy when filtering text files, converting logs and so on). Check you Cygwin.
  12. Does the desktop show up or it's booting forever into black screen ? It might be due to the problems with video card drivers. Can you try different boot menu options ?BTW there is boot menu option to test the disc. Use it first and you'll know if your CD burning application did the right thing. If it fails, try to burn CD at lower speed.
  13. I'll tripple FileZilla. It's multithreaded (GUI doesn't block on uploading), supports tabs AND runs on Linux too
  14. Seems most slow codepaths of binary NVidia driver for 8xxx+ GeForce cards were fixed and effects work smoothly (only bitmapped fonts are slow, but there is a warning about this). It wasn't funny as older NVidia cards worked faster that newer ones.Now I'm happy with KWin, it's hard to change it once you get used to its advanced features.
  15. And if someone needs decent Integrated Development Environment, they can try Code::Blocks. It has everything you need and comes in Ubuntu repository. aptitude install codeblocks Check out screenshot http://www.codeblocks.org/features, they support multiple platforms and more than C/C++.
  16. Seems this topic is in a PHP category and the topic is about template chooser? So I guess I can add a bit about this issue, even though it might be off topic :DCreating a template choose with PHP can be made in several ways, the easiest would be to have a folder named templates, and in that folder to have different folders for template names, like default, ocean blue, red minimalistic and etc. In those folder there might be standard template files with html, header, footer, menu, sidebar, content, error pages and maybe even images.From a DB, or a cookie, you can get a value which the user has selected, and include the template which is selected. The template system which will create the html from your files is a different story.Personally, for my templating system, I'm using output_buffering, ob_start() function, because it's easy to manipulate the template using it by replacing required keywords with the needed data, especially if your templates/cms is multi-language. :)for example, you can put in template files: {title},{description} and your CMS could replace it with data from DB with the required value on the selected language.
  17. Well, as everything is usually in hypothesis and theory, there will always be several camps and facts which theoretically deny each theory and etc. Eventually, I think it depends on the form of the universe, there might be several universes, but in my opinion, for us human at this level it isn't relevant, as universe is so big, it's enough to know there is one :)We can't yet even reach another star yet, but maybe with time and work, it will be possible some day? Theoretically, watching different discovery/science channels, reading some articles, a lot of what seems "amazing" :DJust wanted to add my two cents.
  18. I couldn't find the speed test on the first post, but I just did it with the popular speedtest.net: So here are my results: But on 11 PM to 7 AM I'm getting quite higher download, theoretically 10 mbits, but it's different to foreign countries.
  19. Well, it was always strange for me, that American English is different from the English we learn in school and etc. It's the same with colour/color, favourite/favorite, gray/grey it seems alright, but when taking the word organisation, I always prefer the to use the z instead s, maybe because in my country language this word is also spelled with z ;] The reasons are simple, because of different dictionaries in the past, here is a quite nice reading on wikipedia: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. I always work until I get tired and go to sleep, I don't care if I will sleep for 4 hours or for 7 hours, I just usually can't go to bed if I am not sleepy or tired, sometimes if that happens, lets say I go to bed at 3:40 AM and need to wake up at 6:20 AM, after I get back from work, I usually walk my dog, eat something, do something and go to sleep for at least 2 hours and do something at home again :(But I best like to sleep for ~6 hours, go to bed at midnight, try to wake up at 6 AM and like that for all the weekday, and I compensate my sleeping at weekends and sleep for at least 10 hours :)Of course, after a hard day, as it was told in the topic, when you're tired you can go to bed and asleep very fast even at 9 PM :)From my expierence, it's very hard to wake me up when I'm sleeping, I don't want to do anything, if it's not important and continue to sleep.
  21. So you want to say that I need to eat lots of cheese before going to bed and in the morning it will be more likely I will remember what I've dreamed of?
  22. Well, this movie was quite lame, I think the only ones who really made good Sherlock Holmes movie were the Russians (quite a long time ago), I saw different versions, including the new 2009 version, it sucked, it's much better to read the book :DBut still, I sae much worse movies, if there's nothing better at the cinema, you can watch Sherlock Holmes, I think that kids Today who are at least 10-14 years old, will want to watch the new version and not the retro versions
  23. Well, as I never liked sites like facebook and twitter, I didn't really like the new icon on my gmail, all I want is to have a webmail service and I can't get rid of that Buzz icon in my left side panel.. Tried to use Buzz, but didn't really understand how and why would I need it, as I don't really want it But seems that google wants me to use it.. There are to many of this kind of services, it's hard to avoid them.Anyone knows how to remove Buzz from your gmail account?
  24. I don't really understand this technology and the point of it, everyone who needs to print on a paper needs to save those printings, I mean big companies, universities and etc. They print different documents and put them in a folder and archive it somewhere that it would be easy to find them..So lets say that plastic paper is like a CD-RW, which you can print, show to someone and erase ant use it again.. In my work this is done using PDF and DOC format, firstly you use a system, where you can put files, usually PDF and DOC, if everything is alright, you print the documents and put them to a folder and categorize it for future, if some day you'll need to look at the documents.I don't really see any benefit for this or maybe I'm missing something? On a computer to can use tools like Primo PDF, to print to PDF file and show it to friends, colleagues or something like that? and no need for any paper, it's only good for personal use, the same as an DVD/CD-RW disks, because after erasing and writing something new, you loose data you had on that disk, same with this plastic paper? And one sheet of that paper is so expensive?Also I like the post of sheepdog, that it's made out of plastic and paper out of trees.
  25. I don't know, I looked for some time and it got bored, some places were funny, like windows telling "I'm going to delete all your hard drive" and him saying "oh, there goes all my pr0n" :)Browsed several of his different videos and noticed that a lot of them are the same, but differently cut, as if there originally would be only one video of him screaming and the later ones were assembled to look like different videos, but with different topic and the English subtitles are different from whatever he is talking on German..Personally, I didn't like those videos to much, nothing special about it, almost anyone can do that, scream and "play" with the keyboard, poor keyboard I remember that Angry Nintendo Nerd on youtube were much more professional I remember it, because of the "angry" in the title
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