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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I am not a big fan of tetris, but once a while I play it even these days, usually when I am born, but I am not seeking for top records, but usually just to relax, same as the other games, for example with cards, solitaire and it equivalents.I used to play Tetris much more years ago, especially on NES, but moreover, I like lode runner or diamond kings type of games
  2. You can store the most sensitive data in an archive file which have other several archive files with passwords, I man password protected archives with your most sensitive data, like your works and projects and etc. at a cousins computer and at some friends computer, if the file(s) is/are not bigger than 1-10 GB which you can send through Skype or some other program.And also, you can upload it to your server or account if you have hosting space with over 1 GB, I guess most of servers are protected against fires and earthquakes and especially earthquakes and etc. Don't know about bomb attacks :)Or if it's possible, to use Gmail drive? or as I remember it's not really legal? I never used gmail drive or GDrive, but I wonder how does it work, if the filesize limit for gmail emails is 25 MB or something similar. :)It would be a good way to backup some data and protect against disasters The only disaster could be if you forget the passwords to those archives
  3. In my country Google Adsense doesn't offer Payment by Rapid or payment by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)It only offers payment by Check and for a while now payment by Western Union, but it's quite unreliable to use Western Union, even though it's the only way to do it, due to when I got a normal check, to get CASH I needed to pay a lot of different taxes which made the sum very low, to cash out a foreign check in a local bank seems to be quite expensive, I was very mad, it was over 50%, due to the sum was just a bit over 100$, the conversion of currency, the transferring of payment from foreign bank to local here, a fee for check cashing, some taxes and whola
  4. Quatrux

    Good Photo Editor

    Agreed, I find it really annoying that the default image viewer for windows vista/7 tries to show not only images, but other formats too, including video, which I usually want to skip when viewing photos in a folder from lets say a photo camera which also can record video, it's not even usually able to open those, but still tries.Well, of course there can be different tools for that, but as I am used to Irfanview for such simple operations for over 8 years now I guess, it suits me fine. :)Never used screencaptor though, maybe will need to try it.
  5. Quatrux

    Good Photo Editor

    Well, I disagree, even though I don't use it to view only pictures, I usually use it for simple operations with images, it's very fast and convenient way, you don't need to open GIMP or Paint.NET or something else to do a simple task with an image, like paste a print screen in it, cut the needed part of it, autocrop borders, scale and save. Also, it can Capture a screen and make a screenshot in different ways, which sometimes is good rather than using print screen button for all the screen. You can make other simple operations, like inserting a text into image and etc. For me it's much more convenient than waiting for GIMP to load, as it usually takes a while and irfan view starts in less than 1 second. Even though for viewing photos/pictures default Microsoft image viewer is better, due to how it displays the image, a bit differently than the original image, they differ if you open it in IrfanView and view it through default image viewer.
  6. I also saw quake in the browser as it was beta, now it seems to be fully working! Nice to play it in a browser, even though it still is a bit strange though ;]
  7. As I know Kontera makes your money disappear if you didn't get the needed sum to get a transfer for 6 months and moreover, it doesn't show your past clicks, only in the interval of 6 months, where on lets say google adsense you can take a look the clicks and other information from the first day you registered. :)That's why I don't really like Kontera.
  8. I remember years ago I played Them Park, it was really fun to play it, later I played roller-coaster tycoon too, but not as much, just gone through this topic and saw that Theme Park World is an available game, would like to play it on some spare time, as I really liked to play the first version of it, it's fun to build. A lot of those tycoons are fun :PEven though, about those simulator games, it was always hard for me to play any version of Sim City there's always traffic and etc.
  9. I also would recommend using PHP, as it's widely used and is popular. Moreover it's free and easy to learn, but you need to have a lot of experience for creating good, secure and fast web applications..Another alternative would be to learn and use ASP.NET, it's really good, but it's not free and servers for it isn't so easy to get, but you can create really professional websites in a rapid way, even though you can accomplish the same with a PHP framework.You can always use Python or Ruby on Rails to create websites too.If you know Java, you can use JSP, even though I think that PHP is one the the real web languages which is only meant for websites creation and it has really good functions for specific web problems, where on JSP you need to write those yourself.
  10. I never knew that you can use =rand(2,20) and hit enter in Word and get some random text you need, sometimes it's quite useful if you need to fill up your document with text The one with CON is quite old, the same is with PRN, AUX and NUL. Because it means: CONSOLE, PRINTER and AUXILLARY devices. Here is a good quote: Directories/Folders in fact are just different filenames More about filenames: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename Also here is something about Easter eggs for Microsoft products: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_eggs_in_Microsoft_products
  11. I personally like Microsoft Security Essentials which is is quite light and free and seems to work well..At my workplace, we use ESET Smart Security, which seems to do it's job quite, but it;s not free :PAlso, as I know malware bytes is good for trapping different spyware and etc. :)Kaspersky antivirus seems to be one of the best antiviruses out here, very customizable and etc. but it seems to make your computer very hungry I mean it uses a lot of resources on the CPU and on the disk while working, even though it depends how you customize it, but also, it's quite expensive.
  12. To answer most of your questions: The link to the Preferences section is here: https://www.google.com/preferences For me it seems it's not available, I couldn't see the benefits of it, even though it sounds promising, but it works for people who have faster connections.
  13. To add, maybe it also depend which GUI environment you're using with Ubuntu? or Kubuntu? on KDE it's much better to use Konqueror or Opera, maybe even Google Chrome? on GTK it could be better to use Firefox, but if it's slow, when I guess Google Chrome which is available for Linux for some time now!Why not just try out different browsers, run speed tests on them on your system and use the one which satisfies you most. :PI prefer Opera nor it's Windows nor it's Linux, but I use OpenSUSE with KDE.
  14. 1) What online radio do you use?Start FM, Clasic Rock FM through VLC and Last.fm2) What search engine do you use the most?Google3) What do you use the internet for mostly?For my work, studies and personal projects + chatting and gaming 4) How long do you spend on the internet?About 7-10 hours5) Who is your ISP? (Internet Service Provider, AOL ect..)?VDNET at home and KTU at workplace6) Do you have your own website?Yes, a homepage, a blog, a gallery and etc. but nowadays rarely I update those.
  15. For me studies learning Java, in some lectures we used Eclipse and in some lectures we used Netbeans, especially where we needed to use different modules/plugins which are available for Netbeans.In fact I liked both, Eclipse and Netbeans, but if I was a real Java programmer, I think I would choose Eclipse for most of my tasks, it depends what I would be doing with the IDE and what programs?I never used any other IDEs for Java, as I only used Java for my studies, but not work.Just my two cents
  16. Artificial intelligence can be used in most situation, but usually it means that the machine needs to learn by itself and then decide, some projects are accomplished for that, but yet those do simple tasks, but with time it will change.Artificial intelligence can also be algorithms, we usually use AI for a lot of things, for example in games when computer players have AI, a path finder can be an AI to find the best path for you depending on different parameters.It's a term which takes a lot of topics, which one is right which one is not, I don't know.Much more about AI on wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence
  17. If you're using Windows, you can download Wampserver from http://www.wampserver.com/en/index.php and use it, it's a simple all in one solution for localhost, it has PHP, MySQL and Apache which you can use on your computer and you don't need to install everything separately. Just remember to free port 80, for example when installing, turn off skype if you're using it, if you're using skype, make it not to use ports 80 and 443 so that Apache server could bind them.
  18. If your C disk is 220 GB when it's quite a problem, what do you store there?Usually the operating system takes only 20-40 GB with the required applications, you don't need to store anything else in a backup, you can hold all your documents, movies, music, pictures in some other partition..Of course, it's Windows fault, that it uses C disk to store everything, pictures, desktop and etc. But you can overcome this by just using a backup utility windows offers or some 3d party software which can backup your operating system and installed programs into lets say ~20-40 GB backup, where you can choose what to backup.Usually when you buy a laptop/desktop it comes with a backup partition and some kind of a backup utility already installed.
  19. Nobody in particular owns OpenOffice.org since it's open-source, thus owned by everybody in the whole world. But particularly you're right, it seems that OOo isn't moving forward as it was before, I've read that Sun wanted a patent for it in America, but they were rejected as OOs can't have such a patent or something like that, I'm not a lawyer to know it. Usually everything what Oracle buys starts to be gigantic and unusable, just look how big the installer got of VirtualBox when you compare it to the previous versions, even though not a lot have changed. I doubt OpenOffice will be paid, unless it will split to several projects, which at least one of them will be free. ;D
  20. I doubt people could live without money, as having such a life, it would be impossible to live without money in most of places in the world, especially cities. Living only on trade is nearly impossible, it's possible to live like that in jungle, when there isn't much of resources and people, but in a city with million people it's impossible.and living without money, that everything is free, is utopia which humans can't reach in my opinion, as people seeks for power like any other animal on earth, everyone can't be equal, it's just impossible.People are dependent on currency, a better solution would be to find a better way to use money, to control money, as the current situation in the world isn't a perfect one.
  21. I heard that he is popular, but I never really listen to him as it seems to be pointless, there's much more better music out there than Bieber, so I can say I hate him, even though I don't know him? :DI usually like to laugh from all the fun stuff about him in different photoshoped pictures and comics and etc. even though I don't know any songs, nor I would liked them. Didn't south park made fun of him? or family guy, can't really remember. ;D
  22. I agree with most replies here and also wanted to add, that if you're searching for bad websites and then calling them and offering a design, which is much better and modern than their current..OK, you'll create a design for them, but usually they run on some kind of a CMS or a simple website programmed by someone, so you'll need to integrate it into the system, which can be quite hard or will take time, creating a design is not all, as usually freelancers need to know more or work in a team, if working in such a tactic for searching clients and offering services.It's no problem if the site is simple HTML, which today you can't really know even if it has .html files which can be dynamic and a lot of whom can hide the headers of the website, even though usually these kind of sites has a nice design :PSo when offering a design, you need to offer the integration of it into the current system, which is usually harder when offering your own CMS with that design and creating the same content.
  23. You can remove the keyboard by something small like a small screwdriver, just find those little things holding them and pop them out nice and careful and then you can wash it, and I guess don't be afraid to get it a little wet, just make sure it gets dry when you'll want to put it back..Or you can get/order a new one, it's quite cheap, depends on the model.Strange, that nothing happened to your hardware after this accident.
  24. Also, to add more, if you're not using a template from files, but from a database, in a database error, you won't get any template and you're error will be black font on a white background :DEven though it's not so relevant, but with a PHP template system from files, you can show that error by using your template. :POf course, it's rare cases, that mysql can be down.
  25. I save the configuration values in an INI file which I read and store the values in constants, that they couldn't be modified with some exceptions of course, it's all done automatically for those options which are needed to start the execution.. All the other configuration is usually in a database, that you could easily change them from an admin panel..Configuration INI files usually includes connections to mysql, some default values which can be overridden by database values, just in case if mysql is down, usually you need some default values if you can't get them from the DB, for example the default template or default timezone or even default language of the site.
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