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Everything posted by Phyre

  1. Oooh...whats that font you're using in 6 and 7?My favorites are 1, 2, and 9. As Freaker said, you went a little overboard on the brushing on 6 and 7, so it looks a bit pixellated. 8 is just...ugh...doesn't look too good...5 and 4 are indeed monotone and boring, but the brushing is really good on 9.
  2. I say all around the sig. Gives it a more "complete" look. And......YAY FOR BLUE!!!
  3. You need to try blending the pictures in a bit more. And is that Elfen Lied I see?
  4. You need to resize it too.....that is HUGE. You should also use the magic wand tool to get rid of the majority of the white around yoshi, then go over it with the lasso tool or eraser tool to clean it up. Play around with some blending techniques as well.
  5. Pretty good. All i say is that the colors need to contrasting colors needs to be a bit more subtle. Red seems to be a very popular color here on Xisto....And pixel borders are definitely the way to go
  6. The best way to learn is to experiment. It would take months for someone to tell you what every little thing does. To start out, just go to http://www.good-tutorials.com/ or http://www.pixel2life.com/ and look up some tutorials. That's how I started out. Read a few tutorials, try a few things, and you'll learn the basics in no time.
  7. Favorite drinks...like with food, I'm not picky. If I'm thirsty, I'll drink anything I can find. But here's my list of favorites, not in any particular order- -Water [it's gotta be cold...] -Fanta [any kind] -Pepsi [in my opinion, Pepsi's definitely better then Coca-cola] -Natural orange juice [i stay away from stuff like Sunny Delight..] -Ginger Ale -Martinelli's Apple Cider -Barq's root beer -Just about any kind of juice
  8. As others have said, it looks VERY good and VERY professional...except for a few minor errors. The first problem is that it seems a bit misaligned. The second problem is that the forums also needs a matching theme. The third is the head tags, which shigajet suggested.
  9. Wow...I didn't even know about those features until now. I wonder what other options they have that I don't know about...
  10. Errr....wow that's weird...I seem to have the same stats...the EXACT same stats...
  11. Another thing you can do is to purchase Windows XP Media Center Edition. It's a bit more expensive then XP Proffessional or Home and such, but I say its worth it. You can record tv, watch tv, watch movies, listen to internet radio, and CDs. It's basically a more advanced version of WMP. You even get a remote with it!
  12. I would go out and do something exciting....for once...either that or just kill myself right on the spot, because all I would do if I figured out I was going to die is freak out. I would save myself a lot of misery and anguish if I just have someone take me out then and there, the very instant I got the news.
  13. I just noticed the text on the bottom. I'd have to say that the text really doesn't fit with the theme of the picture. You should pick a more...er...I guess darker[?] style of font...something more evil/nightmarish/angsty looking.
  14. I was wondering how Xisto got its name. I can truthfully say that I was skeptical about joining Xisto at first. I mean, with a name like that, I was thinking it could literally be a trap of some sort. Well, now I know the story, and I'll say that I'm impressed. It's not common to find a webhost that isn't concerned about making money.
  15. I'm wondering where you found out about the Nexus. Mind posting a link? This could be just some fan made design. There are lots of fan made concepts and designs out there, such as this "Panasonic Gamecube" and some sort of Gamecube/Gameboy splice.
  16. That looks awesome. I'll be sure to check it out. We could start a Xisto Clan for various games....a Counter-Strike one would be cool Anyways, back on topic. After reading some info on the site, it doesn't really seem like an MMORPG. It seems more like 'GunBound' or 'Survival Project' to me, where you join various servers and just play to level up. Is it like GunBound? Or is it really and FPS RPG? Any quests and such? Mind sharing a few screenshots? [A lot of questions, I know, but I'm interested in it but want to know a little bit more before I download it...]
  17. I can rarely beat the bots on the highest difficulty...its like every shot is a headshot.....I keep on getting nailed in the head with a shotgun from across a huge distance...
  18. Hands covering a face is what I see as well. Confusion...interesting name
  19. I, for one, have my eye on the Nintendo Revolution. I've always been a loyal fan to Nintendo ever since my NES and the early Final Fantasy games. The 200+ free downloadable games for the Revolution are very appealing. It looks slick too
  20. While Generals is a solid RTS, it just does not have the same feel as a Command and Conquer game. Command and Conquer was started by a few guys at Virgin Interactive, but then ended up splitting away from it to form Westwood Studios. They still had Virgin as their publisher, until they switched over to Electronic Arts. That's when the quality of the games started to plummet, due to EA rushing Westwood to finish their games. Everyone was shocked to hear that EA was releasing a patch for Generals:Zero Hour, as well as possible production on Red Alert 3 and Tiberian Twilight [CnC III]. Have you guys heard of all the horror stories from EA employees? They had an article on Slashdot a while back, and here's a link to a blog of an "ea_spouse": http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/
  21. I say Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, Need for Speed Underground 2 [played it for the first time at a lan party last weekend ], Command and Conquer [These were always big hits at the lan parties I've been to...especially Red Alert 2], and Natural Selection [HL mod]. I usually play RTS games at LAN parties...
  22. Yeah I use clouds for multiple color balances as well....you get a better effect then a simple gradient...as for pixel stretch, I know how to do it but I've never seen a single time when it would be used so i've never really given it a try
  23. I was wondering if there are any anime fans out there....I've searched around and haven't been able to find a thread about anime, which is quite surprising due to the size of this community. If there are any fans out there, name your favorites Some of my favorites are: -Appleseed -Trigun -Naruto -Full Metal Alchemist -Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex -Samurai 7 -Vandread -Vandread Second Stage I pretty much like anything that has giant mechas in 'em . Also, whether you're into Anime or not, I reccomend you see Appleseed The Movie its awesome.
  24. Linkin Park - Don't Stay, and next up is Breaking Benjamin - Simple DesignI'm a big Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin fan
  25. Wouldn't it just be easier to create a thread? Its less of a hassle to create...
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