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Everything posted by Phyre

  1. Which is what I always do AdBlock is one of the best extensions there are. But for IE, that's an interesting way to do it. How did you figure that one out trihhoang?
  2. If you can afford it, definitely go for IPB. I've had experience using both IPB and phpbb, and I like the IPB interface and features more. But if you're looking for a good and free forum, phpbb2 for the win. I've used a few other free forums, and nothing even comes close to phpbb. Both have a massive amount of skins and modifications. I've heard that vBulletin is also supposed to be pretty good as well.
  3. My favorite things/things to do:-Food [like everyone else who doesn't?]-Music [mostly "nu-metal"...think along the lines of Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin]-Playing games [Command and Conquer and Steam-powered]-Messing around in Adobe Photoshop-Drawing and sketching-Internet-Pets-Whose Line Is It Anyways? [TV Show]-Anime [Naruto]-Appleseed the movie [http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Country [i'm a runner...]-Rain-Snow-Cloudy days In no precise order...
  4. Yeah, It is pretty amazing on how much space and storage you're given, but the thing is, no one really needs it...so what's the point? Sure it's nice, but it's also a waste in my opinion. For most people probably won't even exceed a single gigabyte. Don't get me wrong, I use and love GMail, but I never understood why people are so obsessed with storage space. The things that interest me the most about GMail isn't the storage space, but the many other features such as archiving, searching, and labeling.
  5. Hello and welcome. I can tell you right now that you made a good choice. I barely just registered yesterday, and I'm already loving this place, as well as the great hosting features of course . And don't worry about the credits, they come fairly easily. Just have fun posting.
  6. Looks very cool. And wow...are most schools like that in Slovenia?
  7. "guh-nome" sounds strange to me...and I've never heard any one say "gee-nome". I've always heard and said it as "nome"
  8. I'm pretty excited for Episode III. I've been a Star Wars fan for many years. Unfortunately, all the theater's I've checked around my area are all sold out of tickets. So I guess I'm going to have to wait for a bit...I found the recent two movies kind of disappointing. They just didn't meet the standards that the older Star Wars movies have set. I've bought the all the older Star Wars, but I've misplaced them somewhere...
  9. Yeah, it does seem fun....and you have to admit that it's pretty original. I've never seen anything like this before...
  10. That sort of thing happens to me everyday...especially when I'm kind of zoned out. I would just sit there in class, and suddenly just experience it. Leaves me kind of confused/puzzled for a bit.
  11. Share what youre favorite brushes are! I'm a grunge-y guy, so my favorites are : Garage Grunge 1 & 2, Dirty Grunge, and Blizzard Grunge which can be found at [GreyCobra] DSAbstract, DSRenders, and Blackfuse Abstract which can be found at DeviantArt [sorry, no link...I forgot the name of the guys who made them and the DA search is down...] Various Insomniac Brushes at [Hybrid-Genesis] Various Brushes at [J-a-s-h-i-n's DA Page]
  12. How many hosting credits? Not enough How does hosting credits work once you're hosted though?And btw....XD is an emoticon....think Cartman crossed-eyes and big open mouth...most people see XD as lmao...
  13. Hah! Crimson Room is great. The other two [Viridian room and Blue Chamber] are good too....For the combination, go to the website written on that piece of paper..in the CD case I think...
  14. Well, I'm not all that great at coding [still learning the various languages...] So I stick with WYSIWYG programs like Frontpage for the majority of my coding, and minor HTML editing with NotePad++
  15. Well, not all of us are playing games. I'm on a mod team, so that takes up a substantial amount of time...not to mention homework I'm on the computer for about 4-6 hours a day..
  16. Wow, jackpot....thats exactly what I was looking for! Many thanks, and sorry for posting it in the wrong forum
  17. Cleaning out a fish tank is a hassle ><...probably even worse then taking out the old pooper scooper out into the backyard...at least that goes by fast....I have a 40 gallon tank...so it takes a LONG time to clean out the tank and refill it back up...
  18. Tyssen does have a point about your splash screen and the main page. When I saw the splash [which is AWESOME btw], I was expecting to see the same style for the main page. Other then that, it looks good.
  19. Hey, I've been searching for a program that can encode videos. A FREE program. I've searched sites such as download.com for a while, but couldn't find one. Anyone know of one? A free trial shareware program would work too....
  20. Phyre


    I too find it annoying when people rant about random things in 1337 or cAmElCaPs...you spend all that time trying to find out what they're saying, and it ends up on being something stupid. Here's some free online blog sites: http://xanga.com/ http://www.livejournal.com/?page=0&nojs=1 https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=blogger&passive=1209600&continue= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And here's two blogs that you can install on your site: https://wordpress.org/ http://rcsoft.co.nr/
  21. I visited a friend's site a while ago, NeXDesigns, and he had a link to Xisto. I've known of this place ever since, but I've just recently signed up.
  22. Most people don't hate the games, but the Steam Client itself. In my case, it's frustrating to try and join a CS:S server. I click on a server, nothing happens, I click again, it pops up the info box. I click it again, and it starts to connect, only to time out 5 seconds later. And if I CAN connect to a server, it takes forever. The same thing happens to updates, as in it always times out for me or else takes forever. Here's an entertaining little gif:
  23. Dogs are the best! I have two, a Pomeranian and a long-coat chiquaqua. I used to have a bunch of birds as well that I liked, but they made too much of a mess so I had to get rid of them...
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