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Running With Scissors

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Everything posted by Running With Scissors

  1. I probably won't stop watching eirther because it still is a good show its just it use to be better. It is really weird when ever Sylar acts good and you always wonder when is he going to snap and go back to his old ways, that is if he goes back to his old way because in that one show when Peter went to the future for some reason and went to Sylar house and Sylar was all happy and nice it was really strange it you ask me but shows that Sylar eventually learns to control his hunger/power.
  2. It's always hard to see your children grow up and you want them to stay your little baby forever so it is natural to not like the fact that she is getting married because it shows she is growing up. You seem to really like this guy Mitch so I'm sure she'll be fine and have a good life with him. You said he makes her happy and has a good job what more could you ask for? You need to let her live her life. Her wanting to be married in the back yard is good for you because it shows she likes her home and probably mean that she won't want to move far away after they buy a house on there own. As you the wedding dress design I found these sites off of google http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and https://www.denverfabrics.com/pages/static/ss-patterns.htm
  3. I just checked Xisto - Support and none of the prices changed from what they have been. Are you talking about a different place or am I blind?
  4. Way back when she was fine but and I would vote love her but in the last 5 years she has changed so much that she isn't the same person. I guess she thinks that bad news about her is better than no news like all the other 90's popstars.
  5. And the worst change of all is that Sylar is a good guy now. How can he be the number one bad guy in the first two seasons and in the third be a good guy? Theres just too many changes and where is Molly she hasn't been mentioned at all this season after have a decent roll the last season.
  6. Wow sweet car Kubi. I drove a '07 mustang before and it was awesome. How fast did you get it up to so far?
  7. Did you guys get credits last year if you won? I think there should be a New Person of the Year Award(because that would be the only thing I would have the slightest chance at being nominated in lol). The New Person of the Year Award would go to the best member that joined that year.
  8. Welcome blair25. I hope you enjoy this community known as Xisto. Are you here to host or are you just posting for fun and because you friend posts here? Whats your friend's user name? It doesn't matter I'm just curious to know and just like Bluebear said we are moving away from credits and are know using myCent. You can learn about it here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ Well I hope you have a good time here at Xisto. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
  9. I guess I'll go against the flow on this on. I almost never drink any soda at all. If I do drink soda it is typically clear soda like Sprite. My reason for this is because it would slow me down and as a runner that is a very bad thing. If I drank soda before a run or race I would probably throw up so I stick to water and Gatorade. After a run or race Gatorade and water are the only things that quench my thirst. Everything else makes my feel worse. Another reason I don't drink soda is because it is basically a acid that slowly eats at you. Also it is very addictive (hence the reason the thread was made) and the best way to break a habit is to never start.
  10. If you are still looking for customer support I might be interested. It depends how big your site is and where my link would be placed. Before I do anything I would need to know a lot more about your business so I can be as much help as possible. Just send me a link to your website through privite messages or just post it in a post. Thanks.
  11. The best website you can make is a website about something you like. What I'm trying to say is don't just make a website about something you think will be active but rather about something you like and know a lot about the subject. If you make a website just because it would be active but you know nothing about it you can't expect to make that great of a site. If you list some things you're interested in I could help you pick. List some things like hobbies, favorite sports to watch and stuff your good at and we'll deside with one would make the best website.
  12. Hello and welcome to Xisto HappyHippie! I have only been here for a very short time but in that short time I found out that this is the greatest free web host that I have ever used by far and on top of that a great community full of people that are willing to help you when you get stuck. I hope you deside to stick around HappyHippie and join the perfect free host. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
  13. Thanks guys. Xisto seems to be a nice community. I have read a bunch of older announcements and stuff to inform myself and so I don't act like a noob lol.
  14. I have been watching Heros since the very first show and I know what you mean. The first two seasons (they are one the third by the way) were very good and they kept me watching week after week. Then thats when writers at nbc or what network Heros is one went on strike and thats why it took them so long to start the third season. You would think after having such a long break they would come back better than ever but I agree with you this season is missing something that the first two seasons had but I'm not sure what it is. This season everyone is switching sides and it is a lot to handle for people that have watched it since the begining. I'm going to continue to watch this season and the begining on the next season to see if they turn it around if not I'll probably stop watching it.If you are going to watch something else on Monday may I suggest Chuck. It's on right before heros and I think it's really funny. The Big Bang Theory is also on Monday nights I think and that show is funny in moderation (you can only take so many geek jokes before it gets old lol).
  15. Oh ok thanks. I've been wondering what SHELL Access was for a while now. This is another example of why I love Xisto since I started posting here (and before here Xisto) to get hosting credits I've learnd so much.
  16. What exactly is Shell Access? Apperently I didn't use it before because as you said it wasn't a feature on the old Xisto host plan. I'm just curisous as to what this is and see if I might want to use it for my site.
  17. Is there any negatives to getting the ID protection thing? If not I don't see why they just don't make it come with the package instead of giving the choice of having it or not.
  18. Yes you are right. Just pick the "I want Xisto - Web Hosting (Xisto) to register a new domain for me." option while picking a domain. The xxxx.trap17/Xisto.com domains are the domains that you can pick from if you want a free domain name (free as in no credits at all).
  19. I would go with the first girl because she has feelings for you but keep being friend with the second girl to see if she like Kubi said is playing hard to get.
  20. Forums are a great place for you to talk (type) to other people that have something in common with you. Say you're a dog walker or something like that and you want to talk to other dog walkers for tips. Well chances are there isn't another dog walker that lives close to you. So where do you go? A dog walking forum where people from all over the world can share their dog walking tips. Forums are a great way to bring people of a certain interest together to discuss their interest without ever leaving there home.
  21. If I'm bored I: 1. Post here or on some other forum.2. Eat something.3. Going running provided I didn't already today or don't have one planned for later.4. Try to get some friend together to do something.5. Play video games.6. Watch tv if anything goods on. If not discovery channel it is.
  22. I see what you mean. It's easier if all you need is the basic plan with no extra feature but if your site needs a lot of features I could see it being very hard to keep on the credits. It's a lot easier to get a yourdomain.com domain now though. 999 myCents are easy to get then 280 credits. I still think the myCents thing is a huge upgrade and worth the extra posting.
  23. I voted I don't know because I go back and forth. Meaning that some months I won't be on the computer much at all but then the next few months I might be on five hours a day. Right now I'm in one of those addiction months. I've been on Xisto/Xisto a lot more than I normally have been too. Sooner of later I get bored and I'll ease off of the computer again. It a on going cycle.If you really have a problem with a addiction to the computer try limiting you self to 5 posts a day on forums. Also if you know you can find information somewhere other than the internet do it. If it gets really bad try scheduling events during the time you are typically online.
  24. I would want to die peacefully of old age or doing something cool like being the first person on Mars only to realise that the soil burns through suits so I die. As long as I'm old and it doesn't hurt to much I'm fine with however I'm going to die.
  25. I drink water more than any other drink. After a run or race water is really the only thing that I like drinking maybe besides Gatorade. As I was reading some of the post before this one I read someone saying that they can taste the difference between different types of bottled water even though water is suppose to be tastless that is because most bottles of water aren't just water because they are enhanced with minerals for taste. The bottle right beside me called Simple H2O has these ingredients: Purified water, magneium sulfate, potassium, bicarbonate, potassium chloride. So I'm guessing all water companies have different minerals in there water which gives it a different taste.
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