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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. I don't quite understand what you mean, last time I checked the TOS, which I'll admit was a wile there wasn't any rule against this sort of service, just selling accounts, which I don't even think applies to invites. Think of it as a Salvation Army Store (don't know if you yankees have them down there) basiacly I bring in my old stuff, and they sell it for a reasionable price, same concept, I have extra invites this site distrpobutes for a reasionable price (free)
  2. none of those are easter eggs, they are just special google search features, for example if you go to the linux google and search microsoft would get linux based results not generic results (i.e. https://www.microsoft.com/de-de), it coud be said that if you wanted to search for freeware for you're linux system without worrying about microsoft software you should try here. Alternativle if you search for the government of canada, on the unclesam version you don't get the normal result you would get from google.com (canada.gc.ca), so if you only want pages pertaining to american content try using the uncle sam search, although I will admit the easter bunny one could probably be considered an easter egg. But the defination (according to google) of an easter egg is there are of corse a bunch more, to many to list. but they all say hidden, and I particularly like the last one, useless. the three you mentioned first are quite useful and aren't hidden...google.com >> more... >> special searches. AKA https://www.google.com/intl/en/options/specialsearches.html there is also an apple mac version. Now as for the languages, they are harder to classify, as there is no purpose to them other then for the programmers to have a good time, and of corse the viewers. but they certanly aren't hidden either... google.com >> Language tools. AKA https://translate.google.com/
  3. You know I was just thinking about google hosting and thought g host, or ghost, and then relized that would never work!
  4. Yes a day is the same as a credit, so if you get you're credits up to 30 and decide to spend them on an upgrade, then you just lost 30 days of free hosting, so to speek. P.S. I believe there was a topic already posted like this.
  5. You know that's almost perfect, however I was looking for something you can download without much work, but this still does look very good.
  6. I recently started learning PHP and decided that my php sites could benifit from some JavaScript intervention, when I was learning PHP (and I guess I still am) I went to the php site and downloaded a manual in .chm (microsoft help) form, I was wondering if there is such a manual for javascript and where I might find it, also if you could recomend some good tutorials.Thanks in advance
  7. wav, come on, lossless .wav, and ofcorse sndrec32.exe
  8. I read somewhere that google has everything spread out over many 1gh or so machines, thus making it easier to serve, this same theory would probably be passed along to user hosting machenism just to keep their operation as simmple as possable.
  9. moldboy

    Google Earth

    I hear ya, it says Hight Bandwidth, but I just couldn't resist
  10. I've actualy changed my array structuring system to use the array() function But I post what I wanted to do anyway, Let's pretend that I have 3 pages, on the first page the user enters a number, we'll say 4 on the next page using a while loop and code simmilar to the following the page generates a form field with 4 text boxes: //form junk up here, don't feel like typing$break = 0$number = 1while ($userinput > $break){echo "<tr>";echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"inputarr" . $number . "\">";echo "</tr>";break++;number++;}//bunch more code hereTHis would build frou text inputs with the variables inputarr1 inputarr2 inputarr3 inputarr4. Now I wanted to store information in an array form in the values that the user entered, so if inputarr1 was cookie, I want to create a array called $cookie with information, so: ${${inputarr . $number}}[] = whatever information;bearing in mind that the $number would be deffined simmilar to the above example. This returned an error, the funny thing is I built this and it worked relativly well it didn't return the final output I wanted but no errors, so I went to watch TV and make a more complex example and when I cam back I recieved an error so I tried my simple example again and I go the same error, but now I've switched to using the array() function it workes like it did, not the correct answer but an answer.
  11. You know it knows when we are on a new line as it returns the line number that the error is on, yet it can't deduce that we ment to end the line, but then again when you do someting like: while(something = somethingelse){$whole bunch of stuff here;bunch more stuff} the first bunch of stuff could technicaly follow the { and I know most people don't do that, and if it assumed each line break was ; then it would return new errors!
  12. I recieved a PM from OpaQue, and I guess I post it here since other people are asking, this is in reply to my previous post, it was made in a diffrent thread as the message indicates You have to post it here first.
  13. I have this variable that I want to take the value of to use as an array, now it is a slightly odd variable it's one that I get by combinin a word and a number and then calling the information stored in that var, so ${${word . $number}}, anywho I get the following errorFatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in and then the path
  14. I'm on a dialup system, so when I use the internet I'm pretty much using all my bandwidth. And when I want to upload a file from Dreamweaver by File>>Save to Remote Server it just sits and spinns about the server not responding. However as soon as whatever else I'm doing on the internet stops (or I stop it) dreamweaver picks right up and goes.Any thought on how I can fix this?
  15. Do you think if I did I'd tell you? No, wouldn't have a clue where to start.
  16. Honestly you want my opinion, the best security solution is a blanket and wire cutters.Step1: Cut the network cable (phone line on dialup)Step2:turn off anc cover computer with blanket
  17. That and finish every line with ;, you know that is my least favorite thing about PHP. Everytime I forget it. What's even worse is that the error, unexpected something expected , or ;, well if you expected it, then put it there!
  18. Thanks I had a foreach loop inside a while loop and didn't end one of them.
  19. Amen to that there sure were a lot of Basic this and DOS that
  20. Basicly it is a list of a whole mess of programing languages and the code used to make the Hello World program in them! http://www2.latech.edu/%7Eacm/HelloWorld.shtml
  21. You could set up a mail server on you're lan and then point the smtp to the location of that server, then all the other users/computers on your lan would have an account on the mail server and you would be able to send to and from them, going to the outside world might be more difficult, but still shouldn't be to hard.
  22. You see I have a most intresting problem, basicaly I get the following error: Now normaly when I have problems I go to line 99 and add a ; or a " or something the problem is in my file line 99 is </html>, <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td width="25" height="5" background="images/q3.png"> </td> <td height="25" align="right" valign="top" background="images/bot.png"><span class="style2"><a href="help.htm">Help</a></span></td> <td width="25" height="25" background="images/q4.png"> </td> </tr></table><br><span class="style3">a d-gression service</span></body></html> Infact the php ended about 20 lines ago on line 79 ?> Any idea, I can't figure out what the problem might be.
  23. I know you're qestion has already been answered, but I had thought of an intresting metaphore when I read the response.You could say a domain is like a PO Box, You can live in any house you want, or even in a cardbord box if you like. But the PO Box stays the same. Simmilarly to a Domain name you can't tell people to send you a letter at that box until you have paid for it, well I guess you could the letter might just get returned, and once you've paid for the box, and configured yourself to go check the box it takes a few hours for your Post Office to tell all the other post offices around the world that your PO Box in now open!
  24. I have signed up to revieve email notifications of all replys to my posts. And was wondering when it says how many is '1', last time I checked 1 is 1 is one. But for some reason I get many more, for example: These emails all came in while my computer was off, and Iwas not online (meaning I didn't visit the form). I have been recieving many more then one emails for quite some time now, and it gets kinda annoying
  25. Yes but if it pops up you still won't have the control I think he wants with image viewer, things like zoom and open for editing, you know.
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