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Everything posted by moldboy

  1. Hello I am looking at packeging a linux distro to a live cd with my own tools. And was wondering where I could find a distro that was under 50 megs, not already a live cd, yet still came with gui and smoe basic tools?
  2. moldboy

    Good Computer?

    I havn't used them but I hear that Dell's are good. If you go to the business section online you can sometimes find good deals!
  3. Can we post a tutorial here, and then when we get hosted/have time make a prettier version of that tutorial for our website, or If we made a tutorial and posted it on our website, could we then also post it here(simplified, copied, revised, or otherwise), so more people get the message, so to speek?As long as we wrote the tutorial ourself in both cases.
  4. Well technicacly speaking everything is recorded already, and there is nothing you can do about it! That's how the computer works, Linux, Windows, Mac, you name it everything you type/ run is recorded, it needs to be how else do you expect the info to get from your KB to the program? As far as the send error, I don't honestly think that's a good Idea, if I were a bank manager (or any other person of great authority) I wouldn't be allowing this feature in my office as I would fear the private personal info of my customers that might be open. And as such sent to Micrsoft. Yeah I trust them with my info, But that doesn't mean I want all my open information sent to microsoft, say you were being investigaed by CSIS (canadian equivlant of FBI) and they felt that you were hiding something that might have apeened durring a crash, a warrant of that information from microsft might be granted, and then it doesn't matter how much I trust micrsoft
  5. I was wondering how one would pronounce the word gnome? I've heard it three main ways:1) nome (drop to G)2) gee-nome (sing the G)3) guh-nome (pronounce the g)I think I would say the first one, as in lawn gnome, or locker gnome
  6. Well that's intresting, so do they have any particular importance to that image, or are they just random?
  7. I'm not an admin or mod, so I would like to see them weigh in on this. Post count is the thing you see on the side below your name, that is the number of posts you make, and I believe that even in the no post count forms it is still counted. Credit it the think that uses a math formula based on the number of words, existance of things like quote boxes, and the actual forum you are in to determin a number and append it to the existing. Now when you first came here you had to get credits to get hosting either 10 or 30, and as soon as you got hosting the counter at the top of the page changed from hosting credits, to number of days you can stay active. In the no post count forums I believe that the credit is not counted, so you can in theory post forever in there and the most increse in points you get will be the result of an error! Where I came from you had to get 50 posts, and count was turned off in lounges, and in a special forum called SPAM, a place where you could play games, things like My number is one, now you would post 2, then 3, and so on. You can see why you wouldn't want to see people getting credit for something like that . Now I do aggree with you about the forums, although only partily, you say more general topics like music. I would like more specific topics, for example in the graphics forum there are two sub topics, fireworks, and photoshop, well what about paint shop pro, GIMP, Blender, 3D Max, where could I post about these things? so to sum up: Yes I believe so
  8. Any idea what the two characters mean?oh yeah, and I like it, nice and simple/clean
  9. That might be because google has a relativitliy intelligent search pattern, set up soe might say like a brain, after all they archive billions of websites! Just because you found something one time a few hour later even or the next time might result in diffrent resulty (more/less) as the archive changes, or certian resources are momentarly unavialable.
  10. How do you mean, the GA says it ignores https sites, which I am glad to say gmail is!
  11. Glad I could help, I did something simmilar on a diffrent form once. The only reason I am willing to do this for nothing in return (aside from hosting credits ), is quite simple. I want to learn. I mean I have no reason to make that particular graphic. Why would I? But because you asked, well that gave reason. To be honest, I didn't know how to do this before I said I would, I knew it could be done ofcorse, but wasn't quite sure how, but hey now I know Just for intrest:This graphic was created entirly in Fireworks, using a vector gradient, and the animation, well, using the animate effect!So You're Welcome
  12. THere is a program called game maker to make, um, well games, but it can also be used to create simple exe's like a cd autorun menu!There is a program called, something like firestorm. I didn't find it very good, but you can try it. There is also an easy visual programing language called leopard, not alot of features, but once again cd auto run compatable.You will have to google the above to find them
  13. I know one exists at dynamicdrive.com try look und the one about user control.Just a word of warning, there is a firefox plugin that removes the block website control.
  14. Okay so I went with the second, I think it adds the most character There are three diffrent sizes. 600X200: (this one will take a very long time to load, one min plus on dial-up) Clicking the thumbnails will make them bigger, then you can just right click and save! 300X100: 120X40: You might want to use a compressor, or add/remove frames to slow it down, to make the file size smaller P.S. if you use them please give me a good reputation! Any changes?
  15. Well, I think you just answered your own question, you just did! Though you may want to spell it right. All Rights Reserved Of corse anyone can right it, that's what freedom of the press and free speach means, but when you wirte it it just might no mean anything! I know that in many countries simply creating it is enough for copyright, for example if I were to create a poem and post in this forum, that poem is copyright to me, and there ain't nothing you can do about it, I wrote it, and unless I give you copyrights to it, it is still mine. Does that mean you can't take it and use it? In most cases no, you can still use it, just not as your own work (that's plagerism), and not to make money, you need the authors permission. SO you might ask if just making it gives you the copyright, then why does a company like microsoft pay lawyers to copyright their software? Because microsoft isn't the creator, it the hard working programers at microsoft, and the lawyers act as the indermedator that takes to copyright from the coders, and gives it to the company as a whole. Why might you pay for copyright as snlildude87 said? Because simply saying copyright doesn't give you any proof, If you were taken to court, you might be able to proove that you made it, or you might not! In the instance of a flash file for example, simply having the source with all the code, is probably enough! But say you didn't have the source any more, for any reason. If you bought a copyright that alone is proof enough, you gave proof of ownership at the time of purchacing, and as such don't need any other. That being said, copyright is a very fuzzy area, take a look at the music industry, as an example, they clearly have ownership of the music (or represent the person who does) and yet still keep getting beaten down in court.
  16. I assume you want a button, but I will make them several sizes. The background is not to hard to duplicate, but I find it easier to make something a little diffrent. So I'm giving you two choices, the colors can be changed but are the gray and white you specified: What do you think, I can cange them throughout the process, also any idea about the font. I'd like to keep you as involved as possable.
  17. Yeah nothing's worse then a domain you can't tell people! For examlpe did you know that slash dot.com was dessigned as a joke! so you would read it h-t-t-p-colon-slash-slash-slash-dot-dot-com! talk about a mouthful But seriously try something other then network, how about domain, or dominion. Here is an entry: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/domain/ or http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/network/ or rather then saying dannetwork.com try d-network, like "de place to be" In fact here's a catchy slogan 'd-network.com D place to B' That wourld work even better if you could find a word that started with B for your address! that way you have allertiraton, or try to find a word that works with your first and last name. So look for a word that starts with your first name/initial, and ends with something like your last name! Anyway I've probably made it a lot harder.
  18. What I found even more intresting, and although I am a little sceptical is that mozilla was attempting to keep the bug under wraps until they developed a fix, after all the problem with these things is now that you then end user know about it, so does every bad guy!
  19. I'm no expert but that plan sounds just fine to me.
  20. Yes Yes, I remember it to, I'm also quite new to this form, but not to form posting in general, I know that in most forums you can lick an edit button after you post, but I can't find it either. What is even more puzzling is that I have seen posts edited on this forum. I think it may have been removed for some reason, back in January (I think) this site under went some changes, and I have seen some posts that conflict with oter posts, for examle if you get hosting and then your host count goes below zero you must get it back up to a certian number before it will be reactivated. I have seen this number as both 7 and 4! So as far as the comment regarding editing, I tihnk that might have been a bit of information that was never removed from the rules, most likly as an oversite, because after all admins can edit anyone's posts!
  21. I might be able to help, could you tell me how big and maybe in paint scetch what you want the BG to look like, and what font color/style
  22. I know your post was a few days ago, but I was reading this forum and got to thinking, there is the gnome art project. That is the gnome desktop enviroment on linuix has a whole teem of developers that make themes, icons, screensavers, and wallpapers. Now becasue they are being created for an open source product, and because the site (art.gnome.org) is a subdomain of the gnome project, I would venture to guess that the icons are opensource. You might however want to check for a liscense, after all some of then look to good to be free! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ P.S I believe the icons and such from the gnome art project are used with openoffice.org, esspecialy the linux version, thus making me believe even more that you could use them for your site. Or atleas you could download openoffice.org and rip an icon from a screenshot. I remember reading that most opensource apps screenshots are also open!
  23. Acualy I'd say yes, and no!Not in adirect way per say. I don't think it is possable to do if you wanted be direct like a normal domain. I actauly don't think it is possable at all, even if you were root on the server. That being said I can think of several ways around the problem. 1. I would change my Xisto index.html page to a page with a redirect script, so that when your visitors go to zhe.trap17.com they go to a page that says something like, you are being redirected to zhe.com, please wait a moment or click here. You know we've all seen them. 2. Or I would change the index page to a simple frame that's source was the index page of your host, this is very simmilar to the way .tk domains are handled, yourname.tk is actualy an index.html on their servers that contains your page inside a frame! I don't know how to do this right off the top of my head but I could do some looking, or further clearifying if you would like, just post back. Hope that helps.
  24. For more stuff you can do with net Send type "Net Send /?" without quotes
  25. You stole the words from my mouth! The fact is that if you do stuff on the internet it will make you smart, or stupid You see this thred could arguably make you smart, or stupid. It would make you smart,because you are thinking about the question, weighing possable answers. Yet it could make you stupid, if you take the results of the poll literaly then yes it might make you stupid. It just a poll, for example when 10000 people were survied on the internet it was found that 98% of web users make over 500000 anualy, and live in flordia, with their supermodel wife! Just a little Joke, of corse.
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