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Everything posted by Chesso

  1. Topics fairly old, but why not (another one will most likely pop up sooner or later *sigh*).I personaly like nVidia, I have had good experiences with the 7 I have had. The 4 ATI cards I have had were ok, but 2 of them died recently out of nowhere *shrugs*.The 4 ATI cards were pretty low end though like 9250's and such.The nVidia cards ranged from a uhhh....... T2 or some such (can't remember exactly, it was a 16mb card) up to a 5500. All of them are alive and well
  2. I am a bit late on this topic but I would like to add something too.For image sizes I personally use the free version of Ultimate Paint and/or GIF Movie Gear.I generally open the image file Ultimate Paint and tell it to save it as a PNG file with a pallete that adjusts itself for the image (as opposed 256bit, 16bit etc), with no other options selected and for website images I get pretty small images that you can't tell the difference in appereance but can in size .GIF Movie Gear is good for messing with GIF files generally but supports alot of other image formats too. I mostly use it for optomizing GIF images and it does a good job of it too.I also have Photoshop but it's export options are a bit bleh (much like Windows Movie Maker).These 2 might be worth a mention as alternatives for atleast image format/compression?
  3. I haven't had many problems with Gmail besides that it occasionaly buggers up in FireFox and won't let me sign into any account (and displays one as username typed and not editable).I do also use Hotmail too though. But Gmail does have some nice features and not a ton of annoying ads on the screen, it's very simple, clean and smooth looking.Yahoo...... same as Hotmail except probably more spam looking heh.I would say that Gmail is still by far the best though.
  4. I saw the deviant art link and I have to say that, that is a very nice job well done!I'm thinking of re-doing mine (again) aswell, it just doesn't quite hit the spot for me.
  5. The default SMF layout and ones I have seen on many forums well and truly suck! (yeah I'm honest).But if you know how to fix that problem and get yourself around all the options and features then it is definitely worth a try.Hell if you have the time and patience try making your own forum software, it can be quite fun, rewarding and yes, equally frustrating at the same time
  6. Hmm it's not exactly a good tactic for a site that doesn't require even half of that..... but ok lol.I mean for example, I put up a site purely for a peice of software I have developed..... it must be one huge and confusing piece of software to require a site with minimum 100 pages with atleast 300 words on each.....
  7. I wouldn't mind having a working build of one of these around the house to play with.Just playing around with Win3.11 and QBasic on an old laptop with a 16mb memory card in it was fun .
  8. Although I really like to avoid using plain old white for the most part, I do agree that black text on a white background just can't be beaten.Using different shades of the same colour for your site is also a really good idea, it's what I do for the most part.I usually prefer, for example, a darker blue colour for a main tables border and heading, but shade it down slightly for inner content. It makes things look much better.Softer colours seem to go really well, like with this forum.
  9. I don't know about that service, but I think you will be happy here. Are there any real complaints here? I sure don't have any and the community is great!You'd probably have more luck looking for something more realistic like here at Xisto.
  10. I was thinking more along the lines of changes that help prevent/protect against or completely remove common/well known diseases, virus's etc.I suppose that might just help prolong life even more (not a good thing if you worry about over population, were pretty much there already).
  11. Heh heh, the trick to me is that I don't care , I only built mine for the purpose of learning PHP/Mysql and anything else I find necessary on the way and finding out common ways of implementing certain features such as user login system, forum, shoutbox, news, files, tutorials etc...If I was trying to really sell something, make money from advertisements (on a more serious level) and such then I would re-consider how to design the site.
  12. Alot of succesful web designers I would assume, do to some extent cater to the audience they are attempting to target, or to the requirements of a client etc...I build mine the way I like it, I don't mind advice or critism but if I like something the way it is and it works, then it stays.
  13. Not sure about that but right now I use: $msg = strip_tags($message,'<b>'); $message = str_replace("\r\n","<br>",$msg); $msg = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($message)); $message = $msg;strips all html tags except b to begin with, replaces \r\n with br and then fixes up ' and " for display.Gotta figure out how to strip out javascript stuff....
  14. The forum has worked fine for me except for this particular problem.Yeah I don't strip out html/jscript as of yet, not sure how to. This is basically my first attempt at doing it.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , forum section. I removed the post but you can make another somewhere if you like to test. It was just a long one liner of .'s that broke it, approx 4/5 times the length of the text in this post. I figured it would word wrap but instead it broke the whole page lol.
  16. I like firefox alot but it really eats at my ram. Any hints or tips?
  17. There seems to be a bug in my forums where if a user posts alot .'s on a single line (and I mean alot) the page won't load at all except for showing the google ad at the bottom.I tested with posting tons of text say about as long as this and copy/paste alot and it works fine. Just with a ton of text on a single line (looks as a single line in phpmyadmin) breaks it.Anyone have any idea why this would happen?People really shouldn't be doing it anyway but I would prefer it not to breake the whole thread page....
  18. I personally use Notepad, always have, or just a slightly better one that has Syntax highlighting. w3schools is a great place for reference if you ever forget stuff about HTML/CSS/Jscript etc.
  19. Also have you considered using $_REQUEST? Instead of $_POST or $_GET, I'm pretty sure it handles both and I have been using it for some time without fail
  20. Yeah because of the mysql_fetch_array, it errors because the syntax is incorrect for the SQL or your'e not asking for information exists.
  21. Ok well from what I know, when asking for something from two differen things, I *don't think* (not sure) that you should have `` around the two, maybe around both or not at all.Also using WHERE `something` = `something`, I don't think that it is right, try surrounding = `something` in single ''s instead of ``. Same for normal variables like $my_var you can just do, `someval` = '$someval'.Hope that helps, I'm really puzzled as to why you surrounded two things in one set of `'s but it could be something I haven't needed to use yet.Here's what I would try your sql as:$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users`, `content` WHERE `access_name`='$active_user' AND `users.id`= 'content.id'";How does users.id and content.id work anyway. You are most likely getting the error on trying to fetch the array because the syntax is wrong or something you try to grab does not exist (meaning it could still mean wrong syntax).
  22. Haha, from what I see in the shoutbox from time to time Jeigh looks like a layed back one heh.I know microscopic a bit, we talked a fair bit when he was actively playing slavehack and on msn too.Btw doesn't he get a special gift for being here for a year
  23. So they do list the timezones somewhere? That's good to hear, I even googled it like crazy and couldn't find anything usefull.Yeah I also found out about that function only working for PHP5+.
  24. Heh heh, well I personally like Samus on the N64 Super Smash Bros., but only because I had a chance to play some of the Metroid games that were amazing. One of them actually managed to scare me :| (Not ever movies can do that to me these days).
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