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Everything posted by Chesso

  1. I'm personally not too fond with Vista myself but I won't go into all of that here.From what I have heard and read there is quite a bit more to it than just graphical, although there were some planned "biggish" features that they later decided to hold out on for awhile so they most likely won't be in the initial release but how knows.
  2. Ahh yep would have to agree on that one.I have used Freewebs, Geocities, Gatorhost (If I remember correctly) and 50webs out of that list and I wouldn't even bother trying to compare them to asta-host because they are not even close.Perhaps they have their purpose, not most certainly not for me.
  3. Yeah he really is world renowned isn't he. A few years back I only knew of him as a purely annoying Australian icon lol.Then we saw him on American TV shows and doing more films and things and he was bloody everywhere.When I used to go on IRC, you'd see all these other people from other country's always going on about his accent and his energetic talk and that good old "crikey! look at the size of that croc" .
  4. That is a good point, without his enthusiasm to back up that full on accent he wouldn't be nearly as popular as he is/was today.I mean look at the fuss they have made over his death (and personally I think he deserves the attention).
  5. Yeah I agree with that also. Things like this happen unfortunately, even to the best of us.I'll admit, even though I'm Australian, his enthusiasm and accent got on my nerves considerably it never made me think any less of him.
  6. I would have to agree with quite a bit of that.Keeping a website updates is definately a good thing to do. Periodically optimising your tables is also a very good suggestion, I do this every few days (force of habit).Incremental improvements is also a very good idea. A new tutorial/article/news piece, file etc. Or even small things like signatures to a custom forum.Security is most certainly a problem and can also sometimes be a real pain to tackel *the right way* or atleast a way that works well. (if anyone has any good reading material on security concerning PHP/mySQL i'd appreciate it).I also think that Site validation under some standard such as HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0/1.1 is a great thing to do aswell, and to use your metatag description and keyword attributes properly (and perhaps revise them from time to time).I also keep my sitemap.xml file up to date as much as possible for Google Sitemaps (i haven't done yahoo, I thought you had to pay for it or something).
  7. The PR system is fine, but there needs to be alot more to come into play. metatags should (and I think are) also weighed down with Google.
  8. I can't remember exactly, but I was told that he was working with another animal when the sting ray got him.Basically a real sucky accident.
  9. $2600 for a personalized one? Ouch.For a custom or personalized one (with some time) I would do it for like $50/$100 (depending on what needs to be done). But $2600 is a bit much, maybe for some large company website lol.
  10. I believe too many people get addicted to these pointless games. It's nice to interact with other people but these MMO's or MMORPG's are forcing the multiplayer concept on the user.Their older games atleast had a single player compaign which would have been great for World Of Warcraft, but there is no real story and the multi player'ness gets lame really fast......I still don't know how kids get sucked into this crap, my brother did at one stage until I gave him what for and showed him so real games (just simple old SNES rpg's that he hadn't played before and they easily ripped his attention away from WoW).
  11. That was pretty funny, I haven't read all the replys but:Things like this are actually happening increasingly of late in a lot of different situations.For one, workers here are getting sick of migratns using their language of choice to blow them off right infront of them and also consumers where workers who have migrated here are doing the same towards them.I guess that's why John Howard is starting to crack down heh heh.
  12. Yeah orgnaising things in that way I think is really good, eg: css folder, js folder, psd folder, login/registration folder, forum folder etc.
  13. Company's like MacDonald's to become responsible when they *obviously* and quite often target young children (why else have the little happy meals), especially children so young that they are highly vulnerable to shaping and conditioning.The blame should be put both ways, not one or the other. Because ther are both problems.Tobacco company's and the Government don't have an excuse. They know damn well they could make it illegal and tell people to deal with it, but they both make too much money from it so they never will.Although making it illegal wouldn't entirely solve the problem, it would certainly cut it down by quite alot. I have seen alot of people try to quit only to fail after seeing people always around them smoking (very nerve racking I'll tell you, I'm a smoker aswell ).
  14. I wasn't aware of that, I think ads display on some of my login pages, due to the way I use includes but they have never complained about it *shrugs*.I also never saw it in the TOS when I first signed up *shrugs again*.I think what they pay is fairly reasonable though.
  15. MySpace is clunky and swamped with rubbish.My missus used to use it but got sick of it and it's tendancy to have many profiles crash browsers (both FireFox and Internet Explorer).I personally don't like it either, someone explioting it doesn't come as a surprise to me at all.
  16. Templates are generally fairly easy to manipulate the way you want, but that all depends on the template itself. The question is, is it worth it?You could probably make your own from scratch (even if a beginner) with some time and a few tutorials to match the one you like.Especially good if you use PHP and use the include directive instead of putting the same header/footer sidebar etc code literally into every single file.
  17. Yup, I agree also that mySQL is very good, solid, stable and feature filled. It is also quite easy to use with PHP and there are literally hundreds if not thousands of tutorials on the web to help you from getting started to more complex and advanced things.I have heard SQLite is very good also (supposedly much quicker with general queries), but I haven't heard of it being used in conjunction with PHP or similar. I have seen it's use in desktop/web software though and looks like it is pretty good (and free I believe).
  18. If you want to create colour schemes and such for your websites then I know a great place that will help greatly with it (I have used it on many occasions myself). http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html Shows you the actual colours. It also allows you to lighten or darken the current colour by a certain degree or select some similar or otherwise colours from the right section. It also lets you set or get the RGB or HEX values, very usefull while building up your website and want to colour scheme it and especially usefull if you want to use lighter/darker tones of a specific colour to get a bit of a gradient look.
  19. I wouldn't blame his wife for shying the children away from her husbands acts in a way.She might not want her children being near that anymore which is understandable, but you never know.
  20. Hey take a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (my personal site) and go to the online tools section, there you will find my little google sitemap generator tool (online of course). Or if you want to see an actual in use example just navigate to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The online tool I made is based off my working sitemap.xml file so either one will help you build your own.
  21. Ouch that would be alot of money.I guess it's a good way to promote them into to purchasing leal copies, atleast they see some money out of it *shrugs*.
  22. Yeah I saw it on the 6 o'clock news the other night, that really sucks.
  23. m3moreX nice tutorial man.I think it'd be to your benefit to remove the actual images from that .png and write the text in here as actual text and just format it as necessary.That way you will get the points you deserve and perhaps even make things load up a little quicker for the most part.
  24. Well I test everything locally and use a somewhat identical content database, plus I wrote everything from scratch and it's pretty lean.So if something got bunged that bad, I can just nuke and re-upload (re-run sql) in a couple of minutes and I'm back up again *shrugs* heh heh .
  25. Yep that's what I ended up doing.I also always use <?php and ?>, I have seen many problems because of only using <?, I guess short tags must have been turned off. I think it is turned off by default on my local setup.
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