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Everything posted by Razor

  1. If you ask me...the only real point in a splashpage...is like said in that article...for system requirments...what is the best browser to use etc....other than that its kinda usless...
  2. Lol i like the idea of this......i would presumably guess they were disposable....like u get a certain amount in a pack u buy...to activeate one u just snap it ...(like one of those glow sticks) and it starts ...If i ever find a way of buying it..im buying one
  3. lol generally i think these companys are being too greedy..they own practically one of the biggest companies in the world..and they are wanting to sell mp3 players...and now mobile phones.......lol i suppose its understandable of course..anything to make more money
  4. lol this will prob turn out a flame war or somthin..usually does..anywaydespite im a nintendo fan....i find the PSP has its advantages that are obviously state-able.I like my nintendo DS for #1 its innovation#2 im a nintendo fan boy lmfao#3 and generally becaus ei wanted it,...however i feel the PSP has its advatages over it....withthe fact that..#1 Much better resolution#2 more computer/file interactivity#3 nice sleek design#4 movies...mp3's am i correct....personally i think PSP is better....BUT the price of the DS compared to it makes up ..making them even..but the awsome thing is ...that the DS will be getting an Opera Browser for browsing websites...lol yey..that may put some advantages over the psp ...but all in all...they are just as good as each other.
  5. I find this a cool idea...now as most of you are saying...about the price it would cost...think about it...simple purpose built lap-tops..just fast enough to cope with text writing programs...0.2ghz machine would be needed ( LMFAO probably)..so basically just a machine for a text typing program..and thats it really..means other programs cannot be used..they do not even have the option to not have a diff program..you switch it on..enter password...then you get a word processor that appears ..and/or a folder of text files.it would be cheap if you think about it..infact probably the price of a V-tech kid machine things or somthing .
  6. Since we have other "contributors" as it were ...voting..well i guess my vote goes toJohnny...my reason is basically..its nice fresh ....clean..very nice on the eyes man....Avalon: 2S_M: 0Razor: 3Johnny: 1
  7. lol yer..ive seen my teachers do lots of other stuff...i saw my science teacher playing football with his m8's at a park once...and many times saw a PE teacher frequently buying deep-fried food...lol how ironic..and ive heard that the english teachers have nights out at pubs and stuff like that....
  8. could it be the fact that you may have installed the player on a different browser that you use to browse..because i do know that i had to install a version of flash 8 player into both firefox & internet explorer seperatly..
  9. Lol me is -J- aswell...woohand if you want to count me on my indentity of "Razor" ..then lol kool aswell...
  10. Most people who find it wrong...i think find it wrong because it is taking away the opertunity for a potential human being...some people think its a human as soon as the sperm meets the egg.....which is what i belive...but on terms of abortion i dont think it should be done after the nerv systems are formed...because thats when pain can be ommited if you know what i mean...
  11. I am a man and proud LOL...and i think id rather stay that way for allt he things you see about getting pregnant and stuff....all those othe rproblems like that....well i dont think i could cope with all that pain... XDwould be fun i suppose to see what it is like though..
  12. Razor

    Msn 8.0

    Visually it looks alright....but some of the features are just plain rubbish and not needed...when you hover your mouse over a contact's name...it turns into an expandable info thing which mucks up all the stuff...so you cannot actually move your mouse past the damn window without getting distracted etc,,loli like the idea of what the window looks like...but it would have been better if it looksed like your standard window....but then again its probably designed as part of Windows Vista so it wil be designed like it or somthing like that.
  13. Razor


    Well...the game is pretty good and ejoyable for the first few weeks when you discover things...but if you are going to sign up and play..please lol..do not get too addicted...i dont mean to offend anybody but it really does ruin your life...it happened to me..i wasted two weeks of my life..almost playing that game 24/7, and it was th ebiggest mistake ever lol...another anoying thing is that most of the people in it are immature...12 year olds that try to be tough in the game because they dont seem so amazing in real life....the game has a misuse of the word n00b lol...but please.....lol for your own pride dude..do not get addicted to it
  14. On the whole theme idea...i dont really mind about it...but i think it is a good idea to have themes..even if the factors is just to NOT have any size restrictions or bursh restrictions...take patriotic as a theme...you would want any type of sig within reasonable size to have smthing in it to do with petroitic things like flags ....lol or somthing..however i feel the whole filter / render restriction thing really does put the pressure on people..but anothe reason why you want to have a themed SOTW ...is so that you dont get people who have made the sigs week's before... before i knew it was against most other SOTW's to enter somthing that was designed before the SOTW , i used to enter any old random sig that i would have made weeks previously before...themed competitions ensues that people are making them that week....for that theme...if you know what i mean lol.
  15. Legend of zelda : orcarina of time....i still play it to this date....so damn awsome game ...Super Metroid For Snes....& Goldeneye 007 for n64......i dont think there are any better games than them 3 right there in my opinion
  16. Spring...because the grass is nice and moist in the morning.....cool...refreshing.....then during the day it is not too hot....nor to cold...yet usually the sun is out
  17. ..lol i think he might need a social life ( no offence on anyone intended)
  18. Raar im going to yell at you..lol j/k i am a hardcore nintendo fan.....doesnt stop me thinking about GC's issues that you explain spectre....anyway before this topic gets hijaked by the whole immaturity issue thing... im going to give the revoloution a chance like i did with GC ..i will not mind if it is a dissapointment though..ive really only bought games that appealed to me...gaming market doesnt mean nothing to me ..aslong as i get my dose of Metroid & Zelda
  19. lol....supposably the realease date is supposed to be late this year...around november ..lol i cant wait till its release..and i have already started saving..im hoping to get almost all the decent realease gear with it..which includes my money for extra controllers..all of the first party games ..all the crappy carrys cases..the LOT lol...cant wait
  20. Lol it sounds good...just the fact i do not hae a mobile phone for identity for the registration sucks .theres no way im giving them my creditcard details >: (
  21. But like beeseven said..because you can apply more pressure to it...you can pullyouself along....without being aware of this information and not knowing that there is no difference...i would hav epresumed that you would swim faster in syrup because its more solidic.....if you know what i mean...but because of it being more solid..it would probably drain your energy faster because of the fact that you have to push through it with greater force and you would need to move faster to keep up above the surface probably.....
  22. ive never been to loch ness..but one day i will go up with camera's etc ..find the beast lol and run away....lolnah i really doubt there is a monster at the bottom of a loch..pepople go there everyday waiting for hours for it to appear for them but it never seems to show
  23. lol , somthing like the chemistry teacher i get this year , he gives us lots of notes to copy down....doesnt explain anything if you dont know what it means...doesnt give you practice example questions or anything ..i feel sorry for ya man ..
  24. lol when i tried to sign up for GoogleTALK they asked me to send a text to a number so i can get a security code....unfortunatly i dont have mobile phone so...but itll be cool when they actually release it.if they make a webhst of some sort....i imagine it would be good quality. if they can put up the storage space for gmail....you can imagine them doing somthing like raising the bandwidth limit ..or mysql databases or somthing LOL.
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