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Everything posted by Razor

  1. wasnt tabbed browsing origonally used on an AOL browser or somthing lol ?
  2. from what ive seen on this website....it can be about anything..im sure ive seen things like setting up a server on your own home computer ...to building computers etc...its not as if it says anything specifically has to be posted either..any tut would do i suppose...but i dont know fully ..im just prejudging...i like reading tuts on planning websites..they are always intresting so ...lol itll be kool to read urs man
  3. My site was only down a few times last week....but it hasnt exactly bothered me..all iw ould have to do is refresh my page and it would be up...only problems in the sense of these forums being down......they were really just acting slow to load up...but its fine now
  4. I only have nintendo stuff :)Nintendo Entertainment SystemSuper Nintendo Entertainment SystemNintendo 64GamecubeGameboyGameboy advancegameboy advance spAND finally a Nintendo DS...n64 rocks out of all of them
  5. Lol i must say im slightly impressed....all its really done for me is made it look abit more sleek..i still prefer firefox...oh btw.... how exactly do i uninstall this beta version now :rolleyes:or can you at all
  6. im sure Sli technology means that you can actually have more than one graphics card connected to each other..i know sombody that has two Geforce 7200 in the one machine....and are connected by a little chip that goes across like a bridge..it basically means your 1 card has the power of two because it is two cards linked..if you know what i mean
  7. Scotland - 9/10Simply because there are not much natural disasters , i love its history , beutifull in the country...only thing i find bad about it...is the fact that its part of britain :....i think it would be cooler if people were more aware that britain isnt a country.....and rectified that scotland , england, wales are all different countries
  8. I had been using it for around 4 years now....i fin dit much better than norton myself in the terms that it doesnt use all your cpu etc..plus there is loads of frequent updates for it...and because of that you can keep it running constantly ..without ur pc going slow....and it will catch a virus in real time b4 it even gets to wreck havoc on your cpu.....only problem i found with it was..that when im playing a game..and i forget what time the scan is sqeduled for.....the whole computer LAG's like mad..but i suppose thats normal :)I highly recomend this tool
  9. There is also Corel Bryce 5.... unfortunatly it isnt free..but im sure its cheap , its generally easy to get used to..after getting the program i pretty much got used to it after reading 1 - 3 tutorials..very easy to learn and i personally think this would be a good place to start....but i feel as if Cinema 4d would be the best to learn..that just takes a while longer to learn
  10. Is it possable...for sombody around the ages between 14-16 to gain a partner and have them for the rest of their lifes , i havnt hear dof much cases of that happening...except from my friend who has had his partner since he was 15 and hes now 34 ..i find it amazing from that young age...my relation ship lasted 2 years....then it just dissapeared..this will be quite intresting to read what other peoples replies are .
  11. Razor


    i dont mean to be a spoil-sport...but isnt using aimbots for games , against the EULA Online gaming laws ?..Unless its just for single player of course
  12. If you think about it...theres no best...its your opinion on what OS you like because you are more familiar...some people will think Mac is best mabye because its the only OS they have ever used in there life and they are unfarmiliar to other ones...in this case i would say my choise is windows because its the only type ive ever used before..im sure my opinion would be different if i had been using Mac or Linux for the past few years !!
  13. Youve still got your touch :)i dont know if the Green Text parts should mabye be chaged to a redish colour ?Good job..i think the mass of white gives it a good outburst
  14. wow that guy is awsome ..the site is like a professional cartoon animation ..the way the little characters have to flaws in them its perfect..man i wonder how much hours went into that work
  15. huh...i thought pixar was just a company inside disney...like i remeber for the start of toy story :(it had the disney logo...and at the end of the credits in the movie...it had the pixar logo thing..(dont ask how i remeber that )unless they were collaberating or somthing...
  16. Turning Off the Power from the mainspower suply In my expirience...it has corrupted a few of my files in system32 , i would highly reccomend not doin git unless you really have to..but i dont think the 7 second hold down on the power button..the only problem i have encountered in that is that i was running music on WMP ..and i held in the power button..when i started it up it said that windows media player had damaged profiles or somthing like that..but that aint that bad...is it ?I preffer going to Start => Shut Down..Because then you know that your pc is definatly closing down everything.
  17. Metallica - One..damn best song of all time in my opinion...it starts off nice and calm with a kool little riff and by time it comes at the end of the song it has an awsome solo ...lyrics are awsome too
  18. Primarally your legs are usually around 3 x as Strong as your upper strength..and its easier to bulk up on your leg muscles also...i suppose some of the power from tackling with your legs is your thrustng power...for each stride and how far you push yourself off the ground..directly into sombody...thatw ould play a big part in it i suppose.and thats my input !!
  19. # 1 should most definatly be overall best as a FPS ..and all the other concepts are overall better than all the other games .I feel as if F.E.A.R should be #2 though because.... well from my expierience on the game..and from what ive heard from others it is bloody well good !!
  20. I Must say that i have a swearing problem myself ..i cant help it i have swore alot since i was 11 years old...i guess i tried to act tough when i was young..because now i realise the problem and i dont like it...as it has became part in my normal convorsation..so i practically say it without knowing i say it ..then i get killed by my teacher in school ...i really dought ill ever shake this habbit..i think it really has alot to do when ur young..for example...when i was lke 8 years old...all the other young'ins would say.."hey dude do you swear....?...because i do"and it just picks up from there.But i am definatly glad that im not the worst i can be..you know likeyou wordsucker ..and other really profain ones..for me its only really the F wordand if you consider sh** a swear word (which i dont, but some people do so i try and respect peoples opinion when i use this word just lke other words)..then i suppose im not THAT BAD ....but i still do admit i have aproblem....its became natural convorsation to me and i dont know how im gona stop it
  22. I was getting sick of my current layout i use ....so im in the process of designing the new one..and this is what ive got so far :-->
  23. lol the best thing for ya to do would to be just make a bank account..a saving one..and then put a lock on it so that when u get the certain amount of money you need (that you set) that it wil be available to withdraw...im sure u can do that !!
  24. i must say i am that type of person.....but i never realised people will respect me if i let it go...i kinda done it immaturley....so id basically say somthing like "indeed said the cat"and it would hopfully confuse them,...and weither id say yes..over and over again..or some stupid word..id make sure i was the last person to say somthing...quite stupid huh...i just didn tlike the fact that people got satisfaction from proving me wrong i guess..:blink:but i suppose i have stopped doing it...at least i know how sombody feels about people like that though
  25. I just downloaded it yesterday...but its taking abit of time to get used to it , im not sure if i like it or not ..i hate the thing where u mouse over contacts and a big rectangle thing appears , and generally i think the design is abit too "CHUNKY"..but i suppose ill get used to it eventually
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