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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Nice job and good job on sharing that with us..and taking the time to draw it up etc .lol even if the picture was messy and rubbish..well i still think it helped me understand it lol...so would that mean that the sun is going to have a chance to become a supernova ...LOL wow when you think of things like that its scary.
  2. lol mabye having it in public_html is the problem ..because i put eveything in the /www/ directory ..always have..and im sure my site has no problems with viitors viewing it..dude mabye you should try uploading your site to the /www/ directory and see if it works there...lol wow im quite confused about that public_html.
  3. LOL.. i must say my best christmass days were when i was much younger..at that age you liked toys ..and belived in santa claus etc...and now that im much older..i dont want toys ....theres not really as much excitment because theres no santa no majicall reindeers .and i know what ya mean dude with the money amount getting smaller...lol im not getting that much ...if only i was still a young kid
  4. Lol im one of the people that suck...but i havnt actually played it much since i actually got to go online..i think it would have been much better if they made the maximum players online to 8..it would be so damn awsome..more destruction
  5. well that show prison break...by any chance is that like a reality show type thing where guys are in a prison and if they escape and run to a certain cheakpoint they get few 100 grand ?..because if it is what i think you talking about..i am going to be very happy..lol and if it is the show im thinking of..please tell me what channel it is on...and what region you live in so i know its not foreign or anything.. :DAnd as for acne...well..i used to have it 2 years ago..i actually used to rip the spots off my face.. ..but i learned that if you leave them alone they went away..at least for me...all i had to do is keep washing..but not using any soap products ..or any type of cleanser near my face and it went away pretty niceley.
  6. I have had that message occasionally..but doesnt really bother me...if it is an advertisment company thing..are some ads not loading up or appearing where they should be ?I was thinking ..perhaps ..that site (if it is actually an advertisment thing) ..mabye their connection is taking to long to connect to you via trap 17...just a guess tho ..what i mean is basically ur connection just isnt picking it up...perhaps you live far away from the hoesting company of xysis ?
  7. LOL...talk about that having a total recall.....im sure almost all consoles have had their expeirience in that weither only a few (that it wasnt reported) or just ignored at the time..i remeber the NES..quite alot of them had errors in starting on the first batches because of the Power supply unit had somthing wrong with it.
  8. I know pretty much everything about it .., but i would preffer not to write it by hand ..i still wanna use dreamweaver..but i have written a couple of sites on raw htm on notepad before but it really is abit of a time waster when you have somthing you can do it 1/5th of the time faster .
  9. Legend Of Zelda : Orcarina Of Time The game is just teh pwnage
  10. KoC was fun..but after a few months it got more and more boring...the highest income i got was about 50000 per turn , as i can remeber...but was *darn* easy getting my rank up..i wonder if anyone does it without those clicker tools...basically you needed those to get high ranks because a large amount of people used them..my plan was really...one week i would constantly buy sentry tools...the other week defensive tools, and the other week attack..all in rotation..i was not a fan of being a spy tho needed lots of spys and spy items .I might start it again come to think of it. :DBTW : isnt it like the "Army system thing"..i doont know i havnt used the army system thing yet:P
  11. Just ask your parents for a broadband for a month trial..once they have had a good shot of it..trust me you will not go back...when i tried 56k after having broadband..i didnt know how i had the patience in the first place to wait for pages to load on 56k...just ask your parents for a trial
  12. Lol i love it..its not as if there are any layout faults in it which are just awsome..it looks exactly like the yahoo skin..good job dude..and good luck in your further productions.
  13. Hey guys..i have just placed my order on my nintendo wi fi usb hub.., and im just wating for the UK Nintendo WIFI website to be put online, so i can play..and i was wondering since, some of you guys in the United States..have your DS Online up and running...have any of your guys played it online with either MK:DS or Tony Hawk's american sk8land ?..if so could you tell me if its any good ?Thanks in Advance !!
  14. ..Perhaps if they end up with a barrier...(to keep oxygen from floating away)...the plants could be doing the providing of oxygen..as we all know they take in the CO2 ..and oxygen is made..but that wil need alot of plants for vegitation to provide oxygen alone ...mabye if they can make some sort of atmosphere ...or somthing like in that arnold shwazznegger movie "total recall" .
  15. i dont mind the ads on this site..lol at least there is no popups..but i do have to admit the sound ones are annoying.. like when you listening to music really loud..and all of a sudden..HIGH PITCHED NOISE...lol..they dont bother me that much tho..
  16. Lol thats quite funny, i wouldnt say it would be a joke..cus im sure google have registered almost every major domain thing there is...but its not a surprise your school computers could have spyware....the computers in my school always had spyware in them , and they were so insecure..you could delete the whole school network through microsoft frontpage..
  17. well if you sre a n00b that is very awsome..the thing i like the most is your text..on the top one the text is awsome, with the blur stretch on it..its pretty kewl.the render is pretty well done in it also man its pretty awsomeley done ...its definatly th ebest of the 2 of them...but the colour and depth of the second one is better..good job keep up the good work.
  18. PC Online Gaming...because ultimatly.. you can get mods for games..you can chat with the people your playing with..certain things are more accessable than on console...and because its better for clans etc because of it can all be done in the one machine.
  19. Assembled...probably because, you can build practically the same equipment as a branded one for cheaper..if you get all the parts from a warehouse..you get themfor like 20% cheaper ..plus if you want certain specifics on a pc but a branded one has all you want ..except from one thing..you have exactly what you want.
  20. Im gona try it out see if its awsome...but if it has to uninstall my other things...Spyware Doctor..& blue yonder PCGUARD..then im not gona use it...but thanks for sharing that with me..i was looking for the older microsoft spyware remover .
  21. I was playing the CoD2 Demo...im not a fan of xbox or anything..but this thing i must say was very impressive..and i think the controller is awsomely put together, unlike the first xbox controllers . this 360 is definatly gona put microsoft in the right direction..the shadows etc the smoke etc in CoD was actually very real...the shadowing just looked also amazing..and playing it on the flat screen's in gamestation was just amazing.
  22. Does this "ghoesting effect" only occur on TFT's..because my CRT monitor is around 4-5 years old ..which is pretty outdated ? right ?and i have not expeirienced ghosting ever on it.About the images staying on the screen....i belive this is when you have a still screen..and the edges or somthing get burned onto the panel..or at least thats what ive heard..and thats why screensavers were invented .
  23. I dont exactly like them type of films..but i have seen 2 - 3 ..and one of them is Star Trek : Nemesis..i actually thurrarly enjoyed that , it was the first sci fi movie i had seen...the rest of the other i had seen were other star trek movies but they dont really appeal to me.
  24. What goes around comes around......in good way B)awsome story man
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