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Everything posted by Razor

  1. I voted for saint_michael..becaus ei just love the simple text along with the blur of the car...the background just adds to it..you dont exactly notice it because the text and car are eyecatching...possably the color....and its blended good....
  2. Meh i signed up when everybody started goin"OH HEY RAZOR U GOT MYSPACE?"i admit..it pissed me off..hence why i went to chek the whole thing out..and i must say i quite like it....its good for like...when u see a certain person one night thats your friends freind (a girl mabye and you like her for example)...so because shes ur freinds friend..they have each other added on myspace...so you go to ur myspace and find that person on his friends list and then u can contact them buy adding the,,,EASY FRIENDSHIP :)i personally think it should be age restricted tho....theres just too much dumb people on the internet....despite all of the personal detail warnings people get (12 year olds etc)..and yet again sorry if u r 12 im just stating that its generally 12 year olds .
  3. The browser will costs approximatly the same price as your standard new game on Nintendo Ds ...meh im not sure if thats bad or not ..the only pointless thing is..If ur using your own computer with the USB WiFi connector ....theres no point in using it...because u can just browse the web on the computer itself...its only decent property would be if you brung ur DS to a wireless internet hotspot somwhere :Dill prob still buy it for the novelty of it tho .And like antwill said...yah..the TV tuner will probably not be released anywhere but japan....and if it does..the quality will prob be crap
  4. I just found out about this like 2 days ago....looks alright..what much can i say Well put it this way..you get massive choppers.....MECH's....cool looking guns... I must say it looks damn awesome..but then again i dont know if i like it besides the fact i justs aid it was awesome ... anyway..the main EA HQ has been developing this whilst EA canada will be working on bf2 patches etc so thats good that they are not abandoning bf2 yet... Here is the official Article from EA... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ...there are also a few promo vids floating around the internet.... what are your views on it..and do you think it will be good ?
  5. Im a guy and i cry pretty much everytime im drunk....i guess the right description of crying is really just a overload of emotions ...hence why alchol makes your emotions over-sensitive lol
  6. For Cicatrices im sure you can get power...abit like "talcum powder"..but obviously isnt that..but its like it..you rup it onto your skin .. as for spots i find that if you needle them / burst them ( try not squeeze as it can burst them inside your skin causing acne/more acne...so needle the head of it with a sewing needle..then before they all heal up..put on your face wash soap thing....hopfully it would get insdie the spots...and kill all the germs..another method i use..is i burst them with a needle..then get some Tee Tree Oil on my fingers and rub it into the spots and they end up dieing away after a few days of this....but i wouldnt say other people reccomend this...the dermatologist didnt but i mean it works for me....
  7. meh i think if you treat it right...you might get some positive feedback tommorow at school...loli would be proud of that iccedent..lol but thats just me..man u get a large shower which released loads of water...lol thats nothing like what we get in my school..at least u got to try it out
  8. i dont know about the top one..but the bottom one is awesome..the flames are pretty sweet the way the lighting on the render makes it compliment with the background..and i think the text works well with it..only bad thing is..is i feel asif it could have more in it....but everything u have in it work well man..keep up the good work !!
  9. Meh...you get those e-mails even if u dont have paypal lmfao...before i was a member of paypal a few years back i got scam e-mails etc..which does proove that they are bs....Meh i dont think i would get tricked into it...its people who are not so pc friendly that would be vurunable to this..but ive always wondered how they can make their e-mail to be an "@paypal.com" do they hack it or somthin ? unless anywayone can do that and i dont know how to lol .
  10. 1. Thankyou greatly appreicated !! 2. Lol what i mean twas ..you give a new being the chance to expierience what you have expeirience din your lifetime.... in some aspects you can say life is pointless..and the only thing of it is to really just live....lol its the only thing you can really do ...
  11. My idea of the meaning of life ...i generally to 1. Be Aware2. Expierience3. Pass the expierience on through breeding....lol i just came up with that on the stop..an im debating with myself i i actually do agree with it..hmm
  12. lol..."RapidRacer ( or somthing liek that)" ...err..the last racer in lego racer anyway lol..hes so har dto try and get on front of ..never mind the other characters in therace aswelll
  13. yah the top one is flat...boring..the bottom one..is obviously better..the background is pretty sweet and doesnt look flat etc..nicley done man...g/j
  14. lol i got 326....my laggy pc helps alot..because when the penguin falls its slow and it easier to time
  15. Hmm dont know if i was confusing myself or not there Entry : Good Luck all !!!
  16. So much awsome entries this week.. my vote goes to CoolFreaker ..because the colors are calm..and the gradual change of color brightness just lets off a variety of moods
  17. i got that program a while ago when i was trying to get rid of some spyware...it removed some of the stuff that programs u need to pay for wouldnt remove...very awsome program...helped me out alot..and it doesnt take that long to scan than other anti-spyware programs..
  18. IN THE CASE that i may win this week....ill not enter the next few weeks for obvious reasons lol..i dont wanna hog everything if u know what i mean.. My Entry :
  19. in my opinion it was either Burned to death...or suffocation...infact i would actually class being buiried alive..the same as suffocation..i voted suffocation...but actually after i had voted i just realised that you would probably just drift off slowly and just faint with no pain lol..yah prbably burning..you think of all your vital pieces in your body are pretty much damn right in the centre of your body...you will not die until the flames Burn through all your flesh which would probably take a while as well...then smelling your own flesh burning....quite scary to think about that actually lol ..second worst there except from suffocation would probably be Dehydration..i dont think most people will choose this but if you think about what happens...your bloodvessels are supposably suppost to dry up and stuff..and your own blood current is suppost to be painfull just going round ur body...all of the rest of them you would probably drift off into a sleepor in the "Heavy object" case you would probably feel first few hits then..you would feel yourself going into a stupor or somthing lol..wow this really does get you thinking dont it
  20. well im making most of my last years being a kid.....since i was 14 ( two years back ) i have been going to sleep around..02:00 on weeknights...and 05:50 on weekends.....but it doesnt exactly bother me in health aspects..infact it probably has alot to do with my education and how my grades are slipping ...i just think the days should be longer...I do like my sleep though !!!!
  21. Man i know how ya feel..my town is full of them also....infact me and my friends are always seeing them in the local mall....the other week..i was in a supermarket buying cookies..i steppe dout and theres like 14 of them...they all surrounded me and queried me about staring at sombody for more than 10 seconds.....i just playe dit cool..AND JUST got away from not having my face smashed in, and just the other night i was in a ssports centre..at the little cafe bit which has a window facing outside to the car park...there were thos chavs running around with knifes fighting each other...if i had stepped outside then i would probably been hurt... but in my area we call them "Neds" lolbut ya i hate them alot i know how ya feel man !!
  22. Thanks alot for everybody whom voted for me..and good job to everybody whom entered...lol once again thanks for the votes
  23. man i thought the text had to be Xisto corp website....lol damn.. until i came to submit it..well i done what i could with my saved piece and added GFXTRAP.COM to the side... lol..anyway i didnt do that much on this splash but im pleased with its outcome... anyway good luck to all whom enters !!!
  24. Well as ur saying "but you shouldn't beat someone down for they're mistakes and/or situation and/or sense of taste"lol if thats the case...if sombody is criticing sombody because they like a free game...then yeah i guess they are spoiled , first of all they should have respect for the people that make these free games...i mean if they wanted to they could probably find sombody to publish their game officially...be greedy and take in all of the cash of ppl , but no...these free games are made by game developers who sit all day programing them....for their self satifaction that they made a game ? nope because they want to make a game for people to enjoy...theres totally nothing wrong with free games.....if sombody likes them it is their opinion.its kinda just like saying if they took a price tag off of Counter strike..and made it free nobody would play it...some people can barley offord a computer and dont deserve to be criticised for their game choise !!!thats my opinions....Anti-Spoiled-Kids-Organisation lmfao...WOOOOH..
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