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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. All are over priced. But too you have to remember too, as of the 2008 season there is no more being paid for MVP Cy Young and things like that. so these players are taking advantage of this new ruling. Which I have to agree with by the way. But I do feel also they are being over paid. If they did this 12 months out of a year, and it was a real job. okay. But hey they are sport players!
  2. MLB Should and needed it a long time ago. but with this ruling. Home Runs Only. I have seen many a fair ball being called foul buy some blind umpire, or foul when it was fair. As for a call at the bases? That should be left to the Ump and the crew chife to decide on. Also I feel as All umpires should and need to be checked ever year making sure they are all up to date on where the strike zone really is. Some have such a small zone and yet others is as big as a house. To me that isnt fair at all.When you have a player say he is 6'5 then the next batter up is say 5"7 That zone will have changed a mile. They should have 1 strike zone only to fit ALL players. but back to the replay. Yes it is a great idea. As long as it is not abused in any way. Home Runs ONLY!
  3. I have been curious. Looking throughout the forums, I have not seen anyone that is or maybe curious about the weather, and if this so called globle warming thing is the cause or what. We know that 75000 yrs ago there was a ice age. But now with tempatures on the rise world wide, how do we know that this isnt just a phase the earth is going through, and not this globle warming thing. Maybe it is, maybe not. It is my feeling that the earth is just getting to a point in it's long life where it is changing. True man isnt helping it any with all the Oil and Gas being used. So that is a point for Globle warming. But if all this was not being used like it is, would we have this problem? I have been a weather buff for close to 20yrs now and Seen changes in that time. What I am curious is this. You the members of Xisto have you all seen changes in your time.
  4. As some of you know, I have Spinal Bifida. "open spine" Well today I saw something that really made me smile.I had to go to therapy and they have installed the Wii They are using it for people with strokes to help them inprove there arms and leg movements and balance. All I can say is wow. For a simple little game like the Wii to be used for that is GREAT! Who would have thought that something like that could and be used to help people return to a normal or semi normal life.My Therapiest even told me that someday they have to work late just because so many just want to come in an "work out" now that they have the Wii. Just wish I could have had a turn.
  5. As someone who knows just how you feel, I understand your thoughts. but as you said Your 1st Boyfriend. I feel very sure you will have many more before that Mr right comes your way. A heart is like glass. It breakes very easy, But I know it will heal. Always does.
  6. Okay I have to really let off some steam here. 1st off I want to say I know that the powers that be had nothing to do with all that happend here at Xisto this weekend. But having to reset everything here encluding passwords to Cpannel, which cost 10 Credits. I feel as this should be paid by not the members but Xisto. Call me cheap but thats the way it is to me. Also with whatever happend I now have to upload my site once again.Forgive me please but I just had to let off some steam.
  7. I had the same problem for 2 days. Saturday and Sunday. Now I can get to everything but my site is now off center Echo of Thunder Yesterday the only way that I could even get onto Xisto forums was to make a new Account NJ_Storm. Was wondering if I could move the credits that I have there on that account to here? Also too, Just what happend?
  8. Below is a AP report of Leona Helmsley's dog that she left her money too when she died NEW YORK - Leona Helmsley's dog isn't quite as well-heeled as she used to be.Manhattan Surrogate Judge Renee Roth has reduced the trust fund for the little dog, named Trouble, from $12 million to $2 million.The remaining $10 million now goes to Helmsley's charitable foundation.The 9-year-old Maltese lives in Florida with the general manager of the Helmsley Sandcastle Hotel.Helmsley became known as the "queen of mean" during her 1989 trial for tax evasion. A former housekeeper testified that she heard Helmsley say: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes."Helmsley denied having said it, but the words followed her until her death last August at age 87.The court decision, made April 30, became public Monday.Come on, Wel all pay taxes but look at what out tax dollors went to. A jude to rule on this?
  9. In many ways it would be nice seeing Yahoo and Google merge into one. Maybe call it Yahoogle? haha. But honestly would be great I feel. Google already has one of the better messengers, why not take over Yahoo? it may help Yahoo in there game department. It use to be the bomb many years ago. Now hardly anyone plays there anymore.
  10. I so much agree. I have met a lot of people like that over the years. Some have been so cocky about things they really knew nothing about. or how to treat the people that you work with. But I have also learned too, the old saying. what comes around goes around.
  11. Well I have to say yes it should be cleaned up. There too many dead posts or well just useless ones, sorry to say that. Many a time I have looked for something that I know about or could put my 2 cents worth in, and couldnt find anything. so do think of cleaning up the forums please.maybe even adding a little spot in there on weather? hint hint haha
  12. Really not a big NBA fan, but if he or any of the other ref's did or anyway fix the playoffs that year, He along with the other Refs should be Banned for life from, Reffering any games, Pro or other whise Fined 1000,000, each or each game fixed some stiff jail time
  13. Location is Jersey, and they do this more offen than not. They way I see it is if one say we do have a true server thunderstorm, everyone will think, oh its just gonna be 1 little clap of thunder and a little rain, and someone is gonna get into trouble or even killed.
  14. Well Yes and no, I went by NJ_Flame aka Flaming wookie killer there. Since I have not been able to get to that site anymore, I havent been around.
  15. Okay I feel like a schuck now, Would help if I uploaded then huh. Guess I was just so tired when I finnished it. Thanks
  16. Great idea, and I would be happy to help you as much as I can. Im not the best here but always have the time.
  17. Okay here is the problem. My site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not showing any graphics, Background header logo nothing. Uploaded them all. now here is the kicker to this. it all shows just like it it is supposed to show up on my old hostWhat am I doing wrong here.
  18. With price of gas the way it is now? I am thinking of 3 things.1 Just parking my car, and taking a bus or taxi.2 Going to the bank and taking a loan out, just to fill it up.3 Not being able to Pay rent or eatting for a month.What a choice?
  19. Okay The other day the new jersey office of the Nations Weather Service put out a servere thunder storm warning for my area. No big deal really, But when the storm did get here, it was nothing. 1 little rumble of thunder and some rain, no wind or hail. I have lived in new jersey for 9 years and Never have I seen our NWS get a storm right! When I was growing up in Mississippi, They would put out a Thunderstorm or Tornado Warning or even a watch, They had it right. There would be one of the two if not both. Up here they just love to cry wolf, if the weather looks even a little bad. Don't they know that if they issue a warning it should be bad enough to warrent that? Not just 1 or 2 claps of thunder, and some rain? Peoples lives can be at stake here!True putting out a warning will tell people of the bad weather, But if the storm is not that bad, they will let there gaurd down. What if they did and it turned into a very bad storm? What then. They they the National Weather Service would have Egg of there face, just like they always do.It is the same in the winter. They will call for a Norester with heavy wind and snow. What do we get? less than a foot or nothing at all. It is only My Feelings but I think They should be trained better. Or sent to another Weather Service where they cant hurt anyone with there bad forcasting.
  20. I sadly have to agree with mikeyboy, But to be honest the product sound great. but isnt the google mape Copy written?
  21. Welcome Aboard Chris, I feel very sure you will enjoy yourself here at Xisto. some very helpful people here. I know that have got me out of a jam or two.
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