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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I was thinking of doing that too in a few months. but now I think I will wait and see what will be what when I need to renew.
  2. well this is happening again today! I am minus $7.00 on the board yet I just went to billing and it said I was the same as when the day started. yes I check it daily. From what S_M said on Dec 14th it was off until the bugs are worked out. They best get a big can of bug spray again. that $7 for me is almost 2 months worth of posting. but what I really do not understand is the differance between the board and billing. could this just be in the script here on Xisto? Earned:$25.00 myCENT:60.17 now Earned: $32.01 myCENT: 12.37 this morning
  3. I sure will be watching out for that along with any updates JL. and as I told you today too. I think maybe a simple doc file telling in simple tearms of how to install the converter along with the board it's self would be a great idea. I know I can not be the only n00b out there that can't figure out something like that. Other than that I really like this better than the SMF I was using before. Just have to Echo Proof it lmao
  4. OMG LMAO Stupid see's and stupid does comes to mind. pardon the seeing pun. gives me the creeps really.
  5. Happy I can't read watch TV and can't do a website very well lol. but honestly. your right. you cant go out and have a stake cooked like you want it much anymore because if it is too rare it could hurt you. and when you open up your papaer, all you read of is death or something bad happening. same with the tv.
  6. Well I have been doing the same, and it is pretty close. off by maybe a week or so. but close. they had said would would have a very cold snap in late Dec with some snow. we had it. As for the weatherman preciting things a week in advance. they really can't so to say. if you will say pick a location and look at there 7 day forcast and watch the 7th day until that day happend's you will see it will change. It is the same with the models that the weather service use's. they get updated ever 6 hours. But what I would like to really know is this formula that the farmer's almanac has. why hasn't the NWS got a hold of this if they are so good. It may save a life. if they can precect a hurricane that far ahead. why can't the weather service or the hurricane center.
  7. there are some great tots here in Xisto http://forums.xisto.com/topic/712-photoshop-tutorial-sites/
  8. Myself I find a site with Ad's very annoying. I mean I go to a site to find the info I need. not have to read a ton of ad's selling whatevery. Same with pop up's. Besides we all know some of these so called ad's are nothing but adding a tracking cookie to your pc.
  9. You could always google it. really do not know any anything other than for here in the US and Canada. if you find one though please post it. Love seeing it myself.
  10. I saw that last some and honest I had a laugh of it, but if you want something scary? Try living in a house a friend of mine lived in when he was growing up. Was in Vicksburg Ms, and the house was used as a hospital during the war between the states. We would sometimes go down into the basement and it had a dirt floor. digging around we would find old peices of bone or a tooth or 2. Now that's one house I would Never live in if you paid me.
  11. LMAO Things are never easy JL, Ask tramp. All is working now and I would like to say a very big thank you to you all for the help
  12. yea in the upper right hand cornor there is a dropdown and there you will get a small shoutout blucks. didnt really look at all the files in the pages but it almost looked as it was a flash setup box. JL would know for sure though. Gonna wait and talk with a few other people that use that kind of board and see if they have had any problems with it.
  13. well let's see. this was started Oct of 08 and it is now Jan of 09. I have to wonder if you have had your kiss by now?I was almost 17 by the time I had mine by the way.
  14. Well I am still playing around with it before I convert over. still have not found any doc on how to do that but did get the zip for it. So far I like it but for one thing. the shoutout is as a link. But I did see a post or too on how to move it, so we will see.
  15. That I am not too sure of. I just wanted to really have a look see at it. Right now I run a SMF which I do like, just hard finding any good mods to it, that are simple for the begginer to understand. I have also used the phpbb in the past but I found that board was getting more auto signups than anything.
  16. just playing around with it. right now. seeing how easy and simple the admin interface is and all that. . so far I really like it.
  17. I might but just playing around with this, will not be be using it on my site. more or less just learning.
  18. Yea beat you to the punch. changed everything back right after I did it. Now trying to figure out of the Database and all that good stuff. Not like with the other board I have when I installed it it did all this for me. Echo Proof lmao
  19. didnt need too just clicked world. Thanks. so simple Now I feel really dumb lol Thanks
  20. I uplated with my Cpanel Looked for anything that would change all that and found it but will only gives me 3 numbers not 4 for typing in 0777
  21. okay problem is this. Today I was trying to set up an AEF forum on my site. upladed everything as told and I got this error. The universal.php file is not writable and the setup could not CHMOD. Please CHMOD it to 0777 for the setup of your AEF board. You may later revert it back to 0655. After CHMOD just access this page again to start the setup. Totally lost now. What have I done wrong? My AEF Forum
  22. I have to say, that cake does look a little funky. After reading all of it makes me hungry too. just wish all that had been in onces and not grams. Coverting all that for us americans is a pain lol
  23. I had kind of wanted to make the switch myself, but after reading all this, and knowing the problems friends have had with Vista, trying to copy files and things. I am sticking with XP.
  24. I agree on the short and easy to remember. A good title should also have to deal with the site too. It is best to always think long and hard of the domain name that you want. Yet a lot of times that name is already taken. Been there myself. Then you need a backup. As for the name Xisto? Maybe because it is so adictive? you get trapped into it.
  25. Well this morning what did I find in my E mail but a letter with a link to Old Farmer's Almanac with there weather forcasts. Low and behold they are say for my area. New Jersey. Area # 2 a Hurricane in Aug. Yes New Jersey is due but how can someone like the Famers Almanac predict something like this so far ahead? They can't really and to say a hurricane? That to me is inviting trouble for them. even with a disclaimer so many people may read that and panic, Link to it here. Farmer's Alamanac What are the thoughst here of the Almanac? Do you ever read it, listen to what they say or do you think its a load of Bleep I have to admit I have read it and do. They can be very close sometimes. Like this winter they predicted a early snow for my area and we had flurries in Oct. Makes me wonder if they know more than the weather service.
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