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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Just as a warning, the dell XPS laptops are very heavy and bulky. I got one before college a couple years ago and it is a brick. Runs amazingly but drains the battery and is not as portable as a normal laptop because of its size and weight. I love the computer but if you are going to travel with it a lot, i would recommend getting one of their other systems that are a bit more portable.

  2. Ok i am a college student and currently am having safe sex with my girlfriend. I think there is a big difference between sleeping around and sleeping with someone you care about. When i was in middle and high school lots of my friend slept with people. I found that just obsurd. Like to be honest, sex really only is good when there are feelings involved. Dont get me wrong, it feels good otherwise but if you are in love with someone, its more than physical feelings and all and its not something you can really explain in words. O and trust me, at the age of 15 or what not, you are not in love with your girlfriend of 1 week. You are more infatuated with her rather than in love. Love takes time to figure out.

  3. Joost is actaully pretty good. The only trouble i have with it is on one of my computers the shows lag a lot. I guess it needs a much higher end computer since the one it lags on is only a Pentium 3. I like a bunch of the shows they have one there since i have to admit i like MTV and do watch it a bunch. The other nice thing is that they keep adding more programming so shows are ever expanding and so are the channels. Definitely worth trying and keep a watch out for new things that they add to it.

  4. For a program to make a website without having to know any code, i would go with Dreamweaver. However, you will get the best looking sites with the most features and the easiest to edit if you just learn some HTML. I use php and sql for my sites now since you can just include files making them easy to edit and also most of my content is stored in a database so that with future upgrades the content wont have to be re-entered. To make any website, i use the Eclipse IDE with the HTML and PHP plugins. They work wonders and are very easy to install and use.

  5. My first system was the PS1. The reason was that when i was younger, my parent would not let me get a system like nintendo, n64, ec. since we always had a computer and i spent a good amount of time on it. However, one christmas my parents had no clue what to get me so they just got me a ps1.

  6. I definitely am watching the stanley cup final. I am a huge hockey fan and even though my team (the Philadelphia Flyers) are not in it, i still just love watching hockey. Thankfully, my second favorite team since i was a little boy is in the finals, the Ducks. They play a great style of hockey and it is the same style i always tend to play. The best part about these finals is how low scoring but intense and close they are. These keep everyone grasping their seats.

  7. I test my script on my own server. It was really easy to set up since i used XAMPP by ApacheFriends. Its a free php, apache, mysql, filezilla server. All you do is install the package, set some passwords and unblock it from the firewall. It makes testing extremely easy especially if you set up a few virtual hosts if test multiple sites. Both of these have tutorials here at Xisto and are very useful if you need help to set these up.

  8. I use nero because it is faster and takes less resources when burning something. It does everything well from music cd's to dvds and even nero vision does an ok job for a quick dvd conversion. As for having both nero and roxio, it is actaully quite risky. The reason is that some of the drivers and processes that they use coincide and this can cause issues. For instance Nero's cd-rw easy writer will not work with roxio's drag and drop program.

  9. Well i have no clue how old all of the other people who replied to this are, but as a 21 yr old male, this is what i would do. First of all, if you are really good friends and already hang out together outside of school within the same group, she might not actually like you in that way. She might just be acting herself around you. However, if this is not the case, I would think she likes you. How much one would never know unless they asked. What I would have done back when i was 15 or even 17 i just would give her a call and ask her if she would like to see a movie. Since she is 17 and probably drives it might be a bit ackward but if she wants to pick you up go for it. Otherwise, just meet her there. Then watch the movie and if she moves close enough at some point, just put your arm around her or hold her hand. Now at this point you will know exactly how she feels based on her reaction. If she moves closer or squeezes your hand then you know she feels the same way, if she seems to make the situation ackward or uncomfortable, then you know that you have miss read her. Either way, there wil be no hard feelings and all of your questions will be answered. After the movie, go get ice cream and you can ask her out there or just hang out like friends. If all has gone well, give her a kiss good night.Since i was 15, i have followed this exact advise more times than i can count and it always works. There never are the bad feelings afterwards and the results are obvious.

  10. Dont use all those long paragraphs describing your experience and your achievements. Use a bulletted list instead with as few words as possible. When someone looks at resumes, they have to read a bunch of them. Therefore, those that can be read and understand the most quickly will stand out and be more likely to get an interview than a long, drawn out resume. Also, work on personalizing it for the actual job you are applying for. The first thing in your resume should be what you are looking for in a job. This should be taylored to every job that you apply for. Therefore, remove the section about you and replace it with this. The employer will already know how old you are from the application and the cover letter should show all of your outstanding qualities. It does not have to be reiterated in the resume then.Good luck and if you want more professional advice about it, PM me or let me know.

  11. Yeah what do you mean by smallest? Like if you mean the fastest load times a simple text based site will obviously load faster than one with a bunch of graphics. Also, the more text on a page, the longer it will take to load because the html file will be larger. If you mean just file size, you would just have a html file with absolutely nothing in it thus a white page would be shown. This would absolutely be as small of a file as one could ever have for a website.

  12. Another way you can install windows without a cd-rom drive is similar to a network boot but done straight on your system. What you have to do is add a partition to the harddrive and move all the files on the installation disk to that partition. Then you have to install a boot loader and a set it up so that one of your options is to boot from that partition. I will then load it just like the cd except its on your hard drive

  13. This is a very simple question. The reason the internet is so great is that it has anything and everyone one could ever want to learn / do. With the internet you can find out any fact that has ever existed because someone knows it and someone has already posted it. You also can spend as much time as you want playing random games, downloading software, etc. The internet gives you infinite possibilities of things to do which is why it is so great.

  14. To speed up boot up and shut down on windows xp and vista, look at PCStat.com's 99 Performance tips for XP (http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1590. They will tell you how to stop XP from waiting to close a program on shutdown, run a program called bootvis for xp that speeds up the boot up and a whole bunch more tips for increase the performance of xp including download speeds, etc. This guide we use all time at work to help out our coworkers home computers and i have used it on everyone of mine. It really helps so check it out.

  15. Yeah you will need to have to two separate routers in which one is setup to extend the signal from the master one connected to the internet. They are all over like people have said and there are tons of instructions on how to set them up not only on the manufactures websites but also online. Put it in google if you need more help

  16. I used to be an anti-mac person until i became a hard core programmer. From a programmer's view, macs are the way to go unless you want Linux. They are very similar except Macs have a good backing and support that Linux does not. Also, most applications are for both windows and macs. Finally, if there are applications that dont work for the Mac OS, you can dual boot macs with Windows now with a utility called Boot Camp that Apple released. Macs are making a good stance but are not for the novice user. If you are good with computers and understand Linux at all, then a mac will work great for you.

  17. If you are worried about the price tag dont be. The fact that the cheapest Blue-Ray stand alone DVD player is around $800 - $1000 US means you actually are getting a really good deal. Not only do u get a player for that format but you also get an amazing gaming system. Since the release, lots of really good titles have come out and the system is a ton of fun to play.

  18. For a very nice free editor for programming any languages, try the Eclipse IDE. Its very easy to install and you can get plugins for C, C++, HTML, PHP, etc. all of which are free. This way you can do all your programming in one place. I use it since i do multiple websites at once and each one can be separate project and i also do Java programming. Therefore all my projects are in the same place and the only thing that changes in the workspace layout.

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