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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Its so ironic how true most of these are but you do have to realize in some cultures and environments, these would not make sense. For instance, you are just at a party with your girlfriend and you have your arms around her holding her close. It does not mean that you dont want to let her go but instead it means i love being close to you. Like in different situations, things have different meanings but good list none the less.

  2. OK to develop in php i use the Eclipse IDE with the PHP plugin. It works amazing especially if you have a server already installed. All you do is start a new project and make it's location that of your current files and begin programming. You then can set the server home for where it should display the results in the php browser. Therefore, you dont have to switch between your developing program and IE or mozilla to see your results. It makes life really easy and is very good. Best of all, it is free so it doesnt cost you a dime to develop good applications and maintain them

  3. Personally, i have always like facebook better than myspace because of two things. First of all, you can't edit your background color, font, etc so in the end you actually can read peoples pages unlike many myspaces. Secondly, you limit who can see what and what information you easily recieve from others. For instance, i want to know relationship status of my friends because i think it is important. Therefore, i get more notices about those than pictures for instance. Also, the new applications actually are really fun and add a lot me time for me to spend on the site when i am bored or killing time.

  4. Your system will be fine. I have ran SUSE 9.3 on a ton of systems that were just pentium 2 processors. Currently i have 10.1 on my P3 800 mhz laptop with 512 ram and it runs great. You will be fine. As for getting a new motherboard, it might work with your old processor as long as it is a slot 775 motherboard and supports the Frontside Bus (FSB) of that P4. Just check those out and you should be fine.

  5. Ok i love any OS actually since i use all of them. Currently i am on my Windows XP laptop but i tend to use my Vista laptop the most. I also have a Linux laptop that i use for a bunch of my classes since we have to use the gcc compiler and develop on my schools server so i can X-forward very easily if i just use Linux. Also, i have a copy of Tiger on my old dell desktop using some tricks on the internet to allow the new intel tiger os to work on any intel pc as long as you have a SSE2 processor (but it prefers SSE3).My favorite linux distro has to be SUSE. The reason is that it just was the one that i felt the most comfortable with when i initially started using linux. Now they all feel very similar but i like SUSE's tools for their version the best.

  6. Yeah i would recommend using Visual C++ just because it is very easy to use and it is what most developers use in the real world. You can get Visual Studio Express for free online so its not like it will cost you money to use. As for getting the text book, i would say no just because you will not need it. If you have a C question, you can find the answer online without even trying, espicially if it is an introductory course. Plus, feel free to PM me with any questions you have about it since i have been programming in C and C++ for almost 10 years now and I do a lot of complex stuff with them

  7. Generally a "good" date to a guy is any date that ends in sex lol so no other guys posting pelase!!!

    I disagree with this and I am a guy. Dates do not have to involve sex or anything like that. If its a first date and you sleep with them, it tends to get to ackward to quickly and the relationship tends to fail. Trust me, i have had plenty of dates and relationships and even though sex is nice, its not something you always want after a date. A good kiss and hug sometimes just make you want to be with them more than if you had sex with them. A good date to me is one that ends with them smiling and glowing because you know that they like you and whatever you did (depending on the girl depends on my date but i like to cook and then just go to a party at school or to a movie, etc.) they appreciated it and enjoyed themselves.

  8. C and C++ are almost identical. The reason is the C++ is the newer extended version of C. C++, as already stated, is an object oriented langauge unlike C. The reason this is a good thing is that you can organize your programs more effectively and allow them to be updated without changing code for other "objects". This leads to less development costs for maintained a piece of software. If you are a beginner programmer, start out learning C and then the transition to more advanced topics in C++ will be much easier. I personally use C++ for all my development needs (which include writing personalized software and games) except for file parsing just because i like how java does this so easily. As for compilers, there are different compilers for both C and C++. Most C programs can be compiled in C++ but it depends on what libraries and functions you are including. I use Visual C++ for my development since i am a windows user but when i am writing software for / on a linux pc, i use g++.

  9. IE and Firefox both interpret CSS in different ways. Firefox tends to follow the standards better than IE but as a web designer, i make sure my site looks best in IE since it still is the most used browser. However, there are ways to make your website look good in both of them and all the other browsers. To do this, you just make sure you test your site on all the browsers you have and make sure that you design it in such a manner that you are able to find work-arounds for what the browsers interpret incorrectly.

  10. As nice as this sounds, you have to remember that there is two sides to every connection. Upstream and downstream. At the standard high speed of 5 mbps here in my area (excluding the 15mpbs fios) a webpage will load almost instantaneously. At higher speeds, it will not increase the load time because it has nothing to do with recieving the website but how fast your computer and the browser can put the packages back together in the correct order which means a faster connection is not necessary. Downloading large files is where a faster connection could be useful but just because you have an extremely fast connection does not mean the provider of the file you are downloading has a fast enough connection to upload the files to you. Upstream always is much slower than downstream which is why even though we have 5 mbpsm, we can only download at around 300 kbps.

  11. As nice as that sounds there are way too many things that are wrong from it. First of all, most people access secured systems from multiple computers which would mean you would have to store the file on all of them. Also, if you are using a public computer, you would have to remember to delete it before you leave that computer. Another issue is that one can learn how to decrypt these files and then make fake ones to access other users accounts. Finally, if a hacker was to get into the login code, they would be able to use these files to distribute malware and viruses since they gain access to your actual computer and not just the server. Overall, it could be a good idea but there are way to many security issues that would have to be addressed before any major system / company would use it.

  12. Actually, one of my research partners has linked his Wiimote to his computer using bluetooth and has it simulate drums. He links 3 different remotes, one for each hand and 1 for his foot, and you use a typical drum motion and it will register and play the appropriate sound. Also, he has wriitten code to use the Wiimote as a mouse on your computer but you have to have the LED strip or else you dont get any positioning information from it.

  13. From two other posts, i have noticed that you have recieved two different answers for whether or not you should open a new window when a link leaves your site. The best answer is that you should have it open in the same window as your site. I do web design for a living and this is what should always be done. Users hate new windows and tabs unless they specificly ask for them. The is that, no one likes to have 500 windows open on their screen. If your site is good enough for people to remember they will come back either way. Otherwise, when your window still is there and they see it, they just will close it.As for frontpage being a bad program, it is a half truth. Front page is good program for people who have no clue how to program a website and like designing a site using pictures and dont care what the code looks like. It is the same thing as dreamweaver except dreamweaver allows people to write code too. Use what you are the most comfortable with and if you want to learn to code, start with notepad and then find a good editor like eclipse or coffeecup, etc.

  14. My best advice for you as a male who i would assume is only a few years older than those you ware talking about since it appears like you are talking about high school and i am a senior college student is really simple. Who do you hang out and who are your friends? If your friends like it when they are treated like that and do not have the same priorities sexually as you do, then that will be the reason why you also are treated that way. If i know of a girl or am friends with one, you tend to stereotype their friends as being very similar and normally you are right. I know that sounds bad but its true and I am not going to lie about it. Secondly, its hard for a guy to try and make a move on you at a party or school if you are around other people. Even in a drunken state (since i am over 21 and can legally be in one) people still dont like to do those acts. Finally, i know you probably are trying to meet someone to date and all too but be smart about it. Get to know them before you go somewhere suspicious. As a guy since we cant read girls minds, we try to look for signs or hints about what a girl is thinking. Most of the time, we probably are wrong which is why this stuff happens which means unless you tell us otherwise, we are in the dark. I still have friends now that have similar beliefs to you and yet they all are in a relationship or have been. What works for them is after they meet someone and if they end up hooking up or what not, the tell them "I dont know you well enough to do much more" when they hit their limit. Try it because as much as people think guys just want sex, we are respectful and personally, i would rather be with a girl who respects themself enough to tell you not to do something rather than jsut let it happen

  15. The site looks very clean cut and organized. A few things that i personally would change are the following:1.) When you are on the sark photos 1 page, below the navigation bar you have a gradient tiled image and then just black. This just doesnt fade into the black perfectly and looks a little weird. I would either just do a plain gradient, gradient the whole thing, or just get rid of it.2.) Your copywrite notice is on the background color and looks a bit out of place. I would either just put it in the white background area just below all of the content.3.) Your contact us page has a completely different design and thus makes me wonder. Either move it to the same design or add a new form.Besides these 3 small things, your site looks good.

  16. As for completely giving up alcohol it really isnt that hard. I have given it up numerous times for months at a time just because i didnt feel like dealing with the effects and could care less about it and didnt care being a DD forever. When i go out, i act like myself anyway whether alcohol is involved or not so it just isnt something i need. However, there are a few things that keeps me from quiting all together. First of all, i love the taste of rum and beer (not together). Therefore, when i have a bad day or just want to relax, i will make myself a nice drink and just enjoy it. Secondly, i enjoy the games we play with alcohol. Whether it is cards, beer pong, flip cup, etc. i love playing them. I am very competitive at everything i do and so i would never say no to a challenge. Plus, its a great way to meet people, etc. Just because i still do those things does not mean i get drunk every time i go out. I still go out sober all the time and play games with water, soda, etc. The average night i go out, have a couple of drinks and thats it. I drink casually and enjoy what i drink and dont chug. Plus, i know my limit so i know when i should stop if i dont want to get drunk. My advice to you is to do what you think is best. If you think that you can still drink but not get out of control all the time, then go for it. If you think otherwise, i would quit while i am ahead. If you really care about the girl, then it shouldnt be a hard decision if you think drinking would hurt her in any way (physically or mentally). If you do quit and people offer you alcohol, either tell them you quit and no thank you or just say you are the DD for the night. People respect the DD and they respect those that can go out, have fun, and not need a beverage. Be proud of yourself if you quit because its not the easiest thing to do if your friends and girlfriend do it since you will be around it all the time. Good luck

  17. Definitely the Wii over the 360. It has already proven that graphics are not the only thing that makes games. In this day and age, graphics are everywhere and are decent no matter which system you are on. The wii just has the gameplay factor since you are much more involved and its completely different from anything else and any other system. Its a system that you can play with your friends and you never have to worry about someone button mashing just to win since there is so much more involved.

  18. They look really good. I like the top one the best just because it has more going on in it than the second one and it is a bit more colorful. The only thing with the top one is taht its hard to distinguish what is in the background since there is sooo much going on and its so grainy. Good work and keep it up. maybe one day i will actually have time to learn how to make a signature.

  19. XAMMP is extremely is and is well documented. All you have to do is download their installation program and then run it. It will then allow you to start the apache (which includes php) and mysql services. Then all you have to do is either put your files in the web folder or create a virtual host (see the tutorial section here on how to do it). Then you are all set and can easily learn to program php on your own pc without ever having to upload a file to web server to test them

  20. I started cooking my senior year in high school since i knew i would need to know how to do it once i got to college. Now, i cook almost everyone of my meals (minus going out / when i tired, sick, etc.). The way i learned how to cook was through my mom. I learned how to cook every single one of the meals i had been eatting since i was little then i got myself a very good cook book. The book / books i know own give me a recipe for almost anything i ever would want to cook.

  21. The reason long distance relationships are known for not lasting is because it takes a ton of effort from both people. First of all, both of you would be leading basically separate lives since you do not see each other very often. This means you need to talk a good amount so that you know what is going on, whats bothering them, what small things you can do to make them smile, etc. This takes lots of effort and trust and sometimes is why they dont work. When you are not around someone very much, people do change and thats a fact. Other things that tend to ruin long distance relationships has to do with trust since especially at college you have more oppertunities to cheat, etc than ever before and this can be a problem for people. For me, i guess i currently am in a long distance relationship but its just for the summer. We go to the same college but live in different areas. Thankfully, its less than 3 hrs away so i can see her and she can see me but so far this summer we have had opposite schedules. The days i have off, she has to work and visa verca. Thankfully, we talk atleast once a day so i know how her days are going, what shes up to, and when she has off work every week hoping that eventually they will coincide with my days. Let me tell you, it has been the hardest 3 weeks of my life so far being apart from her. I have not been dating her too long but we clicked from the day i met her and when you are at school and see someone almost every day, its hard not being able to. I imagine that this is another reason distance relationships dont always work out. Without seeing someone, its just tough emotionally since when you care about someone a lot, you want to be with them all the time but know you cant.

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