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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. It looks like it a good phone but i am sure it will not be better than the iPhone. I know enough people with the iPhone and how amazing it is and i doubt this will be able to beat it. Just because it has a touch screen does not mean that it will really be that great. Looks are not everything. Lets just hope it is able to do all the things it says it does and atleast give verizon customers a good phone that is similar to the iphone.

  2. Vista runs fine one a pc if you have one gig of ram and does outperform xp if you know how to use it. I have been running vista on a 4 yr old pc with 1 gig of ram and 128 meg of vram and it runs just fine. People keep saying "vista is running slow" but it is because they are trying to run all the features, the aero interface, etc on an old pc. This just is not going to work. It is like running a new video game on an old pc with maxed out settings. Vista is very nice and is not very different from xp. I have been running it since the company i worked for get the copies over a year ago due to corporate licensing. Disable aero, and most likely it will out perform your xp machine. Also, to answer your question about why you need 1 gig of ram, it has to do with aero and the graphical interface. Graphics take lots of memory. A typical game takes atleast 256 meg of ram these days if not more. This is why you need a gig with vista. It uses about 512 on an everyday basis with a browser open and office or something similar. If you run anything more, you will start having to access the page file which is a huge performance decrease so you need a gig to stay smooth.

  3. Not a bad site for a beginner but there are numerous things that can be done to fix your site. First of all, i would rework the layout just a little bit. It is nice and clean but its hard to see your sections. I would add a sidebar that contains your links on it since most people look for them there and then i would create a container to hold your whole site. The background between sections on your main page is a bit wierd and just does not let your site flow well. So if you put a container, you can set its background a shader or 2 light than the background so you can differentiate the main part of your site from the backgroud. From here, i would add a bit more color and a few more images to make the site look a bit more attractive and then you will have a pretty good site.

  4. I have never actually used this program because i tend to use 3D studio max for 3d models which for me tends to be very infrequently. I do not normally make 3d models even though i create 3d games because there are sooo many free ones available online and thus save me lots of time (and they will look better than mine would any time). I will have to check it out and see if it is easier to use than 3d max

  5. It looks pretty good but is kinda of boring. Most backgrounds have a bit more going on or really just subtle stuff in the background rather than just white. Even as a background, the number of colors (esp. the white) might make icon text hard to read and to see and there would be a ton of white space. Finally, your name / title is very hard to read and because of that, you do not recieve as much credit for the wallpaper as you should. Overall, nice background but just a bit plain.

  6. First of all, why are you posting a problem and not a solution or tutorial on how to find the solution? Your current post is just stupid since it is hard to respond to and it just looks like you are trying to get credits in any possible way.However, to solve this (since you did not say) is really easy. You can do it in O(n) and there are multiple ways to achieve this. The easiest method is O(n^2) or O(nlogn) depending on the sort method used. Since you know the size of the alphabet so you can initilize counts to zero. Then go through the string incrementing the letter's value by 1. Then just sort the list and print out the corresponding letter's and their counts. To do this in O(n), you would have to be kinda of tricky with how you store and sort. What you would do is obtain a letter's value and concatenate that number of them to the correct part of the out string (which you would keep track of with another string of values or an array).

  7. Varlu, i do not believe this will always give you the correct solution or a solution at all. The only way your method would work is if you have a linked list that is sorted and you know how it is sorted. This way you know which pointer to increment and when. Otherwise, you may actually "skip" over the merge point you are trying to find in your method. There are a lot of ways to correctly do this but none will be O(n). The easy way is just have two nested loops and traverse one list checking each point against every point in the other list. If you find a value that is in the other list, check to see if they share the same next element until you hit the end of the list. This is worst case O(n^2).

  8. Starting your web design company always makes sense and can be very profitable if you know what you are doing. It takes very little time to create a simple, static page for a company (or organization) and you can be paid a few hundred dollars for it. Since the large companies charge over $500 a month to maintain websites, yo can undercut them and as a long as you are reliable and efficient, a good $300 can be made. Currently, i do a few websites for organizations and resturaunts in my area. Utilizing php, it takes me no more than 1 hr a week to maintain their site and perform updates. However, i get paid about $200 a month to do this. Therefore, if you know what you are doing, market yourself well, and can work with companies, your own web development company can be very profitable.

  9. I have been programming since 5th grade but major programming since 7th. In that time i have learned C, C++, Java, OpenGL, GLSL, DirectX and HLSL and many other languages. Currently, I am a senior in college and will be persuing a career in programming. Right now it looks like i will be an applications developer for an investment bank. The types of programs i currently make are a broad range. I write games (including a counter-strike clone in java and opengl currently for a class project), applications, websites, and do research in new techniques. What i use to develop these programs all depend on the language and their application. I tend to use either Visual Studio or Eclipse.

  10. Ok so you can either use the method they describe above or you can download some software to do it for you. There are numerous programs available online (some free, some not) that will tell you the performance of your website. Also, there are a few websites that will do this as well. Just google dial-up website speed test or something along those lines and you should get numerous results to help you out.

  11. Wow that was a nice poem but what i want to know is whether he broke up with her or the other way around. If you ask me, it sounds like he broke up with her and she still is in love with him. Those must be the worst situations ever since you hate to see someone heartbroken and sad but if you dont love them anymore or moved on, then you know you had to break up with them. Those suck the most because just because u moved on, does not mean you do not still care and all. All i can say, is good luck man and i hope it all works out for the best.

  12. To learn C/C++ your best bet is to either get a book and read it while doing the exercises and so forth, or use an online tutorial. Once you have basic knowledge of the data structures, how to write code, etc. you can try to right small programs that are useful (preferably command-line programs). Doing this you will encounter many errors and having to figure out what is wrong with your code and how to improve it. This way, you truely learn how to code and not to just type in examples from a book. From here you would go on to writing more practical applications and so forth. However, to get to that point will probably take you a good month or more so i wont go into more detail.As for how to write code, you can use any editor or notepad. Personally I use visual studio (you can get visual studio express for free). however, you can also use eclipse's cdt for C/C++ development.

  13. Does your home theatre system have an audio menu? If so, try to increase the dB's on the front and center speakers. Also, try to change the effects of your system. For mine, i have the option of doing "small room" or quiet room settings plus i can change from XTS to XTS Pro to Virtual sound. These all create better sounds based on the current environment.

  14. Well there is actually no reason to ever tell someone to shut the f up. I know that we all get stressed out and angry but you have to realize that once you move out and start working, you will never be able to say anywhere but at home. Imagine being at work, have a ton to do and people continually bothering you. You still would not say it. Just learn to control your mouth and you will be thankful later on. I work and go to college and trust me i get stressed out all the time. I hate talking to people at different points because i am beat but i do it anyway. You just have to deal with and deal with it the right way. Otherwise, i would not have a job, i would not be doing well in school, and i definitely would not have a girlfriend.

  15. Yeah it takes no time to get credits here. Recently i have been going inactive every week or so just because i barely have time to sleep with the amount of school work and research i have going. However, i just log in every once in a while, make a few post (like 15 minutes worth) and i have another week of hosting. It is really easy and without posting, there would be no Xisto.

  16. It depends which computer i am on. If i am on my one laptop (that acts as a desktop now since the battery died) i run 1920 x 1280. If i am on another desktop of mine, i use 1280 x 1024. And finally if i am on my little versitale laptop that i take every where with me, i am running 1024x768. I refuse to use anything smaller than 1024x768 since i do a lot of coding and the more code i can see, the easier it is to not make mistakes.

  17. My advice would be to either try to drill out the screw or use a screw driver that is a bit larger than the head. This way, if the head being stripped is the issue, you can force the other screw driver into it and it will come out. Otherwise, just drill it out. Doing that is not that hard but you just need to be careful you dont drill too far and damage something. Therefore, drill slowly and you will be fine.

  18. The first option that comes to my mind is send the root node into the one tree. Search the tree for this node. If that node is found, check the children to see if they are the same. If they are not, you can end. Otherwise continue to traverse. This will determine if the trees are the same or one is a subset of the other. Overall, it is time O(n) since there is no guarentee the binary tree is balanced.

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