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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. 1. What is the point of the high school system?

    The point of the high school system is a tradition and to further education. First of all, i am a college student and like you kinda felt like i could have been in college instead of high school. However, i decided to make the most of my time there. I enjoyed a great time with friends and enjoying being a kid for a little longer. I took classes in high school that i enjoyed like Programming for 3 years and Marketing, Choir, etc. along with the required courses and beyond like Calculus. The reason was simple, if i took these now and did well in them not only would it give me a better chance to get into the school of my choice but also if i had to take these courses in college, i would already have an understanding of the material and be able to concentrate a bunch of my time on other classes that need it.

    Plus, how many 16 year old kids would be able to handle living at a school with people older than them and being on their own? Most 16 year olds can not even drive yet so this would be a major issue. 16 year olds should not be going out til 3 am partying and possibly drinking like most college students. They just have not matured yet. This is a big reason for why there is high school.

    2. Why would you want to spend that kind of tax money on an extra system we do not need?

    Like i explained above we do need it since its a large portion of a childs time when they are maturing and starting to gain more responsibilities like working, driving, etc. It is not an easy thing to go from dependence on your parents to complete independence so high school is used as a time to not only further your education but also increase responsibilities slowly so that when you do graduate, you do not have as large of a jump.

    3. Why make high school 4 years when i clearly have been able to do it in a week?

    Just because you think you were able to do it in a week there are plenty of things you missed. You missed lots of extracuricular activities where this is the only time in your life when you will get a chance to do them. I got to travel for a few of my classes i would never have gone to the places i did with so many of my friends if i didnt do those activities. You missed out of dances which are held outside of high school. No new friends made that actually live close to you and are your age. You missed out on topics that might not be of the most interest to you but are helpful in the real world like economics and such that you might not have the time to take at college if you are starting your maths off at algebra 2 since my college starts maths at calculus and thus you already are far behind. There are things i can not even possibly tell you that you missed because there are so many things that high school brings that i want back. Growing up is not as fun as you think so enjoy being young because you can be that age once. I miss the fun times i had then and the lack of responsibility and ability to just relax all day when i was not at school. Trust me, work isnt as much fun as school and when you leave work, you still have stuff to do at home so you do not just get to relax. Cooking and cleaning and laundry take up lots of time.

    4. Why would you want to get a high school diploma over a bachlores degree?

    Well, a high school diploma is a step to getting you Bachlores Degree and even then i dont want to graduate college. It is fun being there and hanging out with so many people. Life is not only about getting in to the real world and working but it also has to do with having fun. This is the time of our lives when we are supposed to have fun. You only get one chance so why waste it and why try to speed it up. Plus, you say you would rather get a Bachlores Degree instead of a diploma but how many people would higher a 16 or 18 year old into the business world and then actually treat them as an equal / adult since you technically aren't and you dont have the maturity or the experiences.

  2. Actually I've never heard that one before. I know that Pauli's exclusion principle states that no two fermions can't occupy the same space at the same time, but I'm pretty sure that photons are bosons. I'm not sure how they react, I mean for all we know they could just go straight through each other. Any physics majors in here?

    I am a physics major which is why i knew of this. Basically this was the first of many experiments that were performed when they started to quantify light as a particle. However, i could be wrong its been a few years since we discussed this in Quantum Physics. Maybe they only do this will electrons, protons, and neutrons.

    Actually I'm talking about something like a light saber.what will happen when they hit each other?

    First of all, there is no way to make a light saber and phyisically it appears to not be possible. The reason is that it is a beam of light that has a certain length and acts as if it is a solid. First of all, lights are waves or massless particles traveling at the speed of light like i previously mentioned. There is no way to create a beam of light that is only a certain distance long that has a constant glow for that distance and then disapaits. Its like shinning a flashlight. The light slowly gets less bright as the disperses. Secondly, even though light can be quantified as a particle, it still is light. Unless you have a beam that consumes a large amount of power (way more than a typical laser) there is no way it could act like a sword or a solid and when they would colide it would just do nothing and they would just go through eachother and combine into a single wave at that point and disperse accordingly.

  3. When you combine light you just get the two light waves superimposed on each other to form a new light. This new light can either be very strong, very weak or somewhere in the middle depending on the difference in wavelengths and how much the two waves are offset when they interact together. This offset is called the phase shift. However, if you send 1 photon into another (a photon is a massless particle that basically is what makes up light and is another way of looking at it at a quantum level) then you can get an explosion but it very small since it has no mass even though it moves at the speed of light (since it is light). The only way to get a large explosion would be using electrons or protons even instead of photons since these have much larger masses. The problem is that it takes too much energy to get these particles up to a high enough speed and is extremely hard to get them to collide with another moving particle.

  4. Ok now a days it doesnt really matter which brand of drive your purchase. They all will work and last just as long. In fact, most of them currently write to both DVD+RW and DVD-RW. There is a very small difference in these formats and basically, it just depends what your dvd player supports but almost all players support both so unless you have a really old dvd player, all the dvds will work no matter what format. Basically, the only other reason the + or - matter is when you buy your blank media, if you buy the wrong type, it will not work with your burner. To prevent this hassle, just get a drive that supports both.Firmware does not matter with DVD drives since it is stored on the drive itself and the user has no control over it. Finally, the last thing you need to know about DVD burners is that there are drives the support a technology called LightScribe which allows a user burn a label onto the DVD in color as long as they are using LightScribe dvds. It is very handy since it does not require effort to do. The media does cost more than the normal dvds but could be worth it. Plus these drives work with other media too but you just cant burn an image onto them.

  5. The forum looks good however, the rest of the site needs lots of work. First of all, what is it about and what is your sites name? Create a banner with the name and add stuff to it that relates to your material. Secondly, have a section on the front page that describes what your site is about so that people know. Finally, make it easier to navigate and to determine sections.

  6. Alright since a ton of you seem interested in the dimensions, the first thing you need to know is that are no dimensions that are higher than the 10th in quantifiable terms. My friends is a major math person and just today had a link to the following flash movie about the 10 dimensions and it explains what each one is and why 10 is the highest dimension possible. Here is the link http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php and if you want to know more about this in detail checkout this book that the movie paraphrases because it seems very interesting.

  7. I do not think it is worth it. I do all my html and php programming from within the Eclipse IDE. They have a php plugin and an html plugin so that it colors your code, automatically closes your tags and it starts to fill in elements of those tags for you. Plus it even tells you warnings if you do not work with the standards. The best thing about it is that it is completely open source and free but is an amazing IDE. I use the same program for my Java programming that i do for school and if i wasnt a huge Visual Studio fan and got that program for free through my school then i would use it for C++ programming also since they have a plugin for that as well.

  8. Well the code above should work. The reason yours was not working was that you were <?php and ?> after every php command. Your if statement was being opening and then you would stop using php and go to html. This would be seen in the server as an if statement without a body and would leave you with a brace not matched. If you are working with conditionals or loops in php make sure that you have the whole conditional or loop in the same php block or else you risk it not working correctly. To ensure you do this use the echo and print commands (like stated above) to send html to the page from the php block.

  9. Overall, Nvidia cards are better than ATI since their drivers tend to be updated more frequently and actually are supported by more games off the bat. When a new leading edge game comes out it normally takes ATI a couple of months to release a working driver where as Nvidia already has one out or gets one out in time for the release. Also, SLI is better than Crossfire since for one it doesnt require the doggle or 2 different types of video cards. Plus since it doesnt have a doggle there is not way that any external interference could slow down the bandwidth between the two cards. I would get the 8800 since it is DX10 (aka very good for vista) and is a very good card. One last thing to note is that SLI does not support multimonitor setups (neither does Crossfire) when in SLI mode. However, you still can do so except you have to disable SLI when not playing a game which is not a very big issue plus this is a feature that should be change soon.

  10. Yeah i have not seen green sran wrap stuff on any of my parts. Most of mine come in almost clear antistatic bags and plenty of cushion so that the parts are not broken. The reason their are the antistatic bags are so that the electrical parts are not damaged or shocked at all and thus they can operate correctly. Static can destroy a processor so you always ground yourself before touching computer parts

  11. Notepad is just a text editor. This means it can do anything you want it to do that only involves text being entered into its window without any special formatting. For programming in c or c++ get Visual Studio express because it does have some tools to help with a gui and you also can add the Windows SDK to the help menu along with directx sdk, etc. This will allow it to autocomplete and give you options as to what functions are available through a class and what properties any structure or class contains. Since you really just use c++ for programming which is not a visual aspect there isnt a dreamweaver for c++ kinda thing but like i stated visual studio has tools that work for creating a gui since that is a visual aspect that is written in c++ and can be done with dragging and dropping.

  12. It is not illegal to use someone else's wifi as long as you are not accessing their computer and or hacked into it. Therefore, an unsecured wifi can be accessed by anyone. I know i have done it numerous times but at the same time if you make their connection not usable then this would be illegal because you are stopping them from using it. Therefore, if you are just going to jump onto an open wifi connection to talk to someone on AIM ro check your email, it wont be a problem. If you are jumping onto their network to download a huge file this would be wrong since you will drastically reduce the speed of their personal connection. Also, someone said who would find out. It is very easy to determine who is on a network just by going onto the router. it will tell you the IP address, computer name and MAC address of all any computer connected to it. Normally, the computer name is relavant and also the MAC address is unique. Also, you could open a wifi sniffer on your computer and literally walk to the where the person is using the connection or the neighbor's house that is using the connection. It is not a hard thing to do but most people dont know about it or know how to do it.

  13. I noticed that a lot of people were interested in snlildude87's tutorial on how to create their own personal local test server for their webpages. However, the way he had them test their sites was moving them to the htdocs folder in the XAMPP directory. Many people like myself have or maintain multiple sites at once and this would be a pain to have to use subdirectories for each site and move files all the time. Therefore, with apache you can create something call a virtual host.

    Each virtual host acts like its own web server when there really is only one. Each one has their own home directory and their own server name. Basically this will let you reference each different site in a web browser by their name and not http:\\localhost\subdir\subdir ...

    Alright to begin you will have to find your virtual hosts file in apache. If you are using XAMPP it is a bit different since they split the httpd.conf file into a few files to make it easier to reference. The virtual hosts file is httpd-vhosts.conf and is located in the apache\conf\extra from within the main XAMPP directory. If you are using apache that you install yourself the virtual hosts will be added directly in the httpd.conf file located in the apache\conf directory and the section should be near the end of the file.

    Alright, now to begin. Open the virtual hosts file for editing. You will notice it just is a bunch of comments. To start off you need to set NameVirtualHost. To do this just add the following line


    since this is a local test server. If this was not local and you wanted outside visitors to be able to access the host you would put your actual ipaddress where the is located.
    Now you need to create the virtual hosts. The easiest way to explain this is going to be showing you an example and then explaining it. Here is one of the virtual hosts out of my vhosts file.
    <VirtualHost>   ServerName fffanatics   DocumentRoot "C:/Website/fffanatics"   <Directory "C:/Website/fffanatics">         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI         AllowOverride All         Order allow,deny         Allow from all    </Directory> </VirtualHost>

    Alright the first section of the code is creating a virtual host on the localhost ip address. This address would change just like the NameVirtualHost would change. Then you get the ServerName. This is going to be how you reference your website in the browser. Next is the location in which the files are located. Beware that you have to use forward slashes and not backward slashes or else apache will not start.

    The next block of code has to do with who all is allowed access to this host. Since i use this locally i have allowed anyone access since i am set Alloy from all. This means it will allow anyone to access the server in their browser. Since I have never used virtual hosts in an external fashion, i cannot completely say how these would change but you most likely would not allow everyone access and would limit some of the options.

    Now that you have one virtual host, you can create as many more as you want. Most likely you will create atleast one more or else you would not have been interested in this tutorial. To do so just copy your previous code and change the ServerName and the DocumentRoot and you will be set.

    But how do you access the virtual hosts? To do this you will need to edit your hosts file. All operating systems have these files but they are located in different places and might even be named something else. In Windows this file is located in WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc and is called hosts (with no extension). Open this file. You will notice their is atleast 1 entry already in this file and that will be localhost

    What you will do is add 1 line per virtual host that you have to this file. Each one will start with the value of your NameVirtualHost (which probably will be and instead of localhost you will enter your ServerName. This pairs your server name with the ip address and apache interprets that path to your DocumentRoot.

    Now you can start up your apache server (or restart if it already was running so that the new conf files can be used). If the server does not start, go to the command promt and go to the XAMPP folder (or apache folder) and run apache_start.bat. This will give you the line number where it failed but keep in mind that XAMPP splits the conf file into multiple files so this is not the actual line in the httpd-vhosts.conf file but the total line number ran in the httpd.conf file.

    Hopefully you made no mistakes :P and everything is up and running fine. Now just open any browser window and in the address bar type your server name (for my example it would be fffanatics) and it will take you to the correct webpage. If there is a document not found, then it is not apache's fault but your DocumentRoot may be wrong or you may not have a index file.

    Hope this helps people out who do multiple php sites and want to test on the same box.

    As a quick side note on XAMPP, if you use the .zip file to install it, you can put it on a thumbdrive and run it from there. You just have to run setup_xampp.bat each time you use it to make sure the configurations are fine and now you can work on all your sites on different computers. However, in order for the virtual hosts to work you would have to edit the hosts file on every computer that you use so that is a negative of having a mobile web server.

  14. Contrary to what shadowx said, XAMPP is not a partial install of apache, and sql. It does have the full versions of these programs but in order to get all of the functionality out of it you need to change the options and setup php to allow it. As for sendmail, you need to install a smtp or pop mail server on your server.

  15. Well if you just want to chill with her and not go on a date or anything, invite her out with you and your friends and tell her to bring a few of her own friends so she wont be an outcast. This way you get to hang out with her in an informal way and at the same time not make it seem like a date but more of a get together with friends. Plus, since i too am a bit confused about what you want, if you just want to be friends this is a good way of doing that and if you want to be more than friends this is a great way to get to know the girl and meet her friends.

  16. I would like to have lived in the late 1800s or early 1900s just because i think it would be fun. I would love to learn how to ball room dance and sweep a girl off of her feet. Also, i think the ladies back then dressed in a more suitable manor. They covered up but the dresses and such that they were showed off what they had and really were quite sexy. Guess i am old fashioned but i just think that it would have been a more romantic and fun time for dating and even finding someone to marry than it is now.

  17. First of all, dont spam in this forum. If you are going to talk about a piece of software, like winamp, tell us why it is good and why we should use it and not just say download it. All of us are interested in software that performs well but we wont download software people spam. I use winamp and this is a disgraceful post to it. They dont spam their software so why should you? First of all, the reason I like winamp is that is doesnt use as many system resources as WMP or ITunes, its very easy to use, supports almost all the music formats, plays videos really well, has wonderful skins including one called ClearOne that looks amazing with Vista and also has plugins for everything. Mine automatically starts playing when opened and has a DSP plugin that really makes my MP3's sound amazing on my 7.1 system.See this is along the lines of what you should have posted and not just download winamp.

  18. Nice changes however i have few more recommendations for you to make. First of all now that you fixed the alignment issue of the content part of the page, you need to fixed the bottom bar. Since it is added in the content area, it is not always at the bottom of the page. What you need to do is move the div to the outer most tag on the page (besides the body one) and put that there so that it always is at the bottom and is the width of your page.Secondly, i would change the highlight and selection colors of your links to match your new header a bit better. maybe make the highlight color the same as your header text? or just make your header a bit more blue.

  19. Wow i have never seen these on any of the computers i use to access Xisto. For me, i really dont care if there are these types of ads since i just wont click on them but at the same time, they are paying for this wonderful service. If you dont like them, just dont click on them and they will leave since if they dont get hits from their ads, they wont sign up again.

  20. The first site for the IRC channel has a good color scheme and appears to fit well. However, there is an alignment problem in IE 6 (which is what i am using) since your news gets pushed down below your sponsers portion. Besides that it looks good. I just would widen the site so that it does not have as much wasted space on the outside so i would use percentages rather than pixel widths.As for the second site, i would include a description of what the site actually does at the top of the page or something since i did not have a clue until i typed in some sample c code and tested it. I woud put a bit more color on the page and edit the the layout making it appear a bit cleaner and also would put the results in a box of some sort and not just at the top of the page.

  21. The Sim card is not locked in the verizon version of the phone because verizon phones do not have Sim cards. In order to add ringtones, wallpapers, etc to the phone and not purchase them off of GetItNow, you will have to download a program that will essentially hack your phone and let you into the memory. Google verizon razor hacks and you will get plenty of guides on how to unlock and access your phone.

  22. Just like all spam filters, they are adaptive. The more you use the mail client and the more messages you mark as spam, the better and more reliable the filters get. They take the messages you mark as spam and relate them to other messages to see if they purpose, subject, etc. are similar or the same in order to determine if they are spam.

  23. Even though i am a Linux, Mac and Windows user I can point out many reasons why Linux wont ever be like Windows. Most of the time, these reasons have nothing to do with the user base. Instead, the problems come from vendors and corporate developers. Venders do not release many if any drivers for Linux based systems. This forces some developers (skilled and unskilled) to write drivers for these devices that do not always work with all of the versions of linux nor do they always provide full functionality of the hardware. Plus, these take time to be released so brand new hardware might not work. As for developers, since Linux is open source and will always be that way, there is no profit made by writing software for it. All it does it get your name out there and possibly provide you with a little bit of income off of advertisments. Many professional softwares take years to create with large teams of developers and this is hard to collaborate in Linux when the developers are all around the world with their own adjendas and no one picture being the actual picture of where the product is to go.

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