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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. Portable firefox is useful in some situations. I tend to use it when i am at the library on a separate computer. However, i do find it runs a bit slow. Ultimately, i prefer to just use remote desktop into my own computer and use the real version. This tends to be almost as fast and as long as i am not looking at a video or lots of images, you can barely notice you are remotely on another computer.

  2. I actually dont have a preference. They both are good for cerain tasks and thus one should be proficient in both. With mac's now able to run windows, it will be more beneficial to learn linux and windows so that you can utilize the graphical stuff apples can do (and understand how it works in the background) and then also be able to play games, etc in windows which you also probably will be using in the business field.

  3. Well since halloween is on a wednesday this year i will be celebrating for two weekends. The first weekend i already have costumes picked out and ready to wear and probably will have a party. The second weekend, i still have other costumes in the work and will have a party this weekend if i cant have one this weekend. On the actual day, i will be at a hockey game and thus wont be able to trick or treat / go to the bar to celebrate the day.

  4. There is no way you can say video games are a waste of time. I get your point about some people playing them to much and i agree. However, if you are like me and are always very very busy. Every once in a while it is nice to just zone out, not need to really think, and just relax. Playing video games does this for me. It allows me to just relax and not think which is what i need.

  5. I used to sleep roughly 8.5 to 9.5 hours a night up until this summer. Once this summer started, i began sleeping somewhere between 6 and 7 hours. I obviously was really tired initially but after a few weeks, my body adjusted which has been very nice. This semester at college, i am basically working full time while going to school full time and job hunting for after graduation. I do not have enough time in a day to get all my work done unless i sleep very little most nights.

  6. I use the web for basically anything. I use it to talk to people and read email the majority of the time since these are tasks constantly done. The rest of the time i use if for research, answering questions, learning new infromation, staying up on news, and developing applications. The web is the best resource out there for programmers because as long as you know part of a function's name or what it does, you can get the definition almost instantly. This is a huge help when writing applications of all types.

  7. The best phone company has to be LG. In the past four or five years they have really become popular in the US. The reason is that they make extremely durable and classy phones are are affordable. The motorola razor that everyone has is so fragile and breaks so often, it took years for most carriers to even allow users to purchase it because of this reason. In the past year or so, LG released a phone that is smaller than the razor and more fashionable too and you can have it open and shake it back and forth and the screen barely moves. When doing this with the razor, it feels like the screen is going to fall off. Besides the durability reason, i have had LG phones for the past 4 years and after two years i still get atleast 2 to 3 days of charge time out of the battery. In most other cases, after a year to a year and a half the batteries start losing a charge and this means you have to plug it in atleast once a day just so you can use it. Overall, LG make very high quality and fashionable phones that last for a long time.

  8. Yeah basically you have plenty of options for what languages you need. Personally i would do it wiht PHP because it would a small and simple amount of code. Otherwise you can use either javascript, java, ajax, asp, etc. The only constant thing you will need to know is HTML and CSS since these are the parts the user will actaully see.

  9. Yeah i would either go with xisto's domains or godaddy. I have been using godaddy for a while now since one of the main companies i do web development for already had an account with them so it was what i had to use. Their support is good (and available 24-7) and they offer a good number of features. However, if you are going to email hosting with your site on a major level, just warning they only support POP3 and not IMAP which is a huge downfall. I have not used Xisto's domains but since i have been around Xisto for a while, i would definitely use them next time if i have the option.

  10. Go with vista. I know it still is quite new and SP1 has not come out yet for it, but i have had no problems with it and have been using it since it came out to licenced buisness customers roughly a year ago. Therefore, that is say much. Originally, a few drivers were not available so i could not print and so forth but that did not bother me. By the spring time, all of the drivers were released and no issues there. From an end-users point of view, it is very similar to XP except a few small changes in the interface and security options. However, as an advanced user, you would notice lots of changes and I tend to think they were for the best and still are not to hard to adjust to.

  11. Ubuntu is one of many linux distributions. In recent years it has become extremely popular. However, i prefer KDE and the SUSE distrobution. I am not exactly sure why since most distros are very similar but i guess it has to do with how i have been using it for a while. It tends to be just as easy to setup and does everything i needed. However, if i were to switch to another distro, i would end up going to gentoo since it compiles all the code on the machine you are installing it on which allows for a huge performance increase. Its like buying a tailored suit, it fits exactly right and not just almost correct.

  12. i normally do not use web mail. First of all, i have too many email accounts to actively log into each of those websites and check my mail. Instead, i have all of them being checked in Mozilla Thunderbird which also takes care of all my spam and junk mail. However, when i do check my webmail, i tend to use gmail and my schools webmail website. Gmail tends to be where most of my email is sent these days that does not related to school so it tends to be somewhat important to check it every so often. I check my school email numerous times a day and depending which computer I am on, i check it from the webclient which is a standard webclient but nothing special (aka no ajax).

  13. Personally, i prefer both. It just depends on what i am currently doing and where i currently am. If i am transferring large files, wired connections will always be much quicker and more efficient. This is because the pipe they have is much larger 1 gbps rather than 56 mbps. However, if i am playing a game i dont need that much speed so i can do wireless with no issues and same thing with torrents. Plus, i am watching tv and just want to be online, wireless is much easier and comfortable to use.

  14. If you computer has 2 agp slots why arent your graphics card in one of them? AGP is meant for graphics because it has a dedicated link to the cpu and memory. I think you might be confused as to which ones are AGP and which are PCI. Now to fix your issue, does you computer boot with the old card still? If so, then it has to do with motherboard compatibility or the card itself. Update the bios for your motherboard and try again. If it still doesnt work, then it has to be your card. WHen you try to power on, do any lights turn on? If no, then you probably dont have a large enough power supply. If yes, then the card either doesnt work or you are missing a connection somewhere.

  15. Actually, for one of my classes right now, my team is creating a clone of counterstrike that is written in Java. Our version obviously will not be as good as the original because we only have 14 weeks to do it but it will be very similar. I am a graphical programmer so if i had more time (and the computer my professor will be running it on was more up to date and quicker with a better GPU) then our graphics could be superior to the original. They would be more like Quake 4 or Doom 3 since there a ton of tricks that are easy to implement if you know what you are doing.

  16. These issues are true but i believe there are more important reasons than some of these. First of all, if you site is not directed at an audience then no one will come. Also, if you have lots of ads, no one will come. Finally, if you do not link to other beneficial sites, no one will come because we all know web content is not always true and thus having reliable soures / partners is important

  17. First of all, how long have you been dating her because that really makes a difference. If its only been a month or two get her something small like a good looking (but inexpensive) pair of earrings or a necklace. The girl i currently am dating (only a few weeks at this point) has a birthday in just a couple of weeks. I plan on getting her a full body pillow because she loves mine and we have lots of jokes with it and then probably something pretty for her to wear. If you are dating someone, pay attention to the little things she likes and do something along those lines because they will enjoy it more.

  18. I normally sleep with either just boxers or just pants on. Just depends on the weather and how warm / cold it is. However, there are plenty of time when i sleep naked and its not wierd at all. First of all, im either alone or with someone whom i care about. Sleeping naked (or even just being naked) is just something that you need to be comfortable with your body to do.

  19. Umm yeah, most of your suggestions are considered stealing and are not legal. First of all, if you leave and don't pay your check at the resturant, the server has to pay for it out of their tips which is not cool nor is it nice. As for taking from grocery stores, lots of the expired food is donated because it is a tax right off and if not, it is thrown out so that they are not liable for someone getting sick from it. Also, certain companies have restrictions on what they can do with it and or require them to send it back to them so they know how much is being wasted and can change their shipments based on it. Moral is, to get free food, go somewhere that is offering it like in college, group meetings. Otherwise, just pay for it or mooch off your parents

  20. Was your site made with PHPNuke or another system like that? If so, you dont have to change your passwords but you do need to follow when new releases of those system are released and you need to be sure to upgrade. Also you need to add plugins that help protect against sql injections and so forth since they are a very common way to hack a site. Just google the system you are using (whether it is a forum or whole site system) and hacking to get ways to protect your site.

  21. Personally i really like vista but i do not find it that much different than XP. I can run the aero interface but always turn my computer to max performance since the visual affects I dont really care about. I tend to use lots of Alt-tab and keyboard shortcuts so i dont care what they look like as long as i can get to where i need to go quickly. Vista is very user friendly since on the outside it is a lot like xp but it has lots of good tools for the advanced computer users like myself.

  22. I currently have a pair of Baush and Laumb night / day contacts that you can wear up to 30 days straight without removing them. I can sleep in them and not have an issue. Yes, when i wake up they are a bit dry but just one refresh drop and they are fine again. They do not dry out my eyes nor do i feel them when they are in (which is all the time since i basically am blind).

  23. I use winamp for almost everything. It takes much fewer resources and is quicker. You can watch video, sync an ipod, etc. along with all the features of WMP. Another reason i use it is because of the plugins for it. There are amazing DSP plugins for winamp that really improve the sound quality of your music no matter what the rate of encoding are and there really are not any good free ones for WMP. Another thing is that winamp has lots of internet radio stations that you can access right away that are very good quality.

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