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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. First of all, the PS3 and Wii are kinda in separate categories. The majority of people who play console games will get a Wii and either the XBox 360 or the PS3 since they are more hardcore gaming machines. The Wii is amazing in gameplay and will be a machine to play with friends and even by yourself. But for the graphically amazing games, with huge CGI films and large plot lines, the PS3 or XBox360 are the way to go since they have much better capabilities.

  2. Well as for a tutorial i can not really help you but to break it down into terms you might be able to understand i will try and help. For the comment part, you would create a new php table. This table would have a field for the comment id, story id (so that you can pull all the comments just for the matching story) and the comment along with any other data you would like to include like the date, time, etc. You would write a script that would take this information and store it into the table but you have to make sure you store the story id number. Then to display the comments, just grab the data from the comment table that has the same story id number and display it.As for the ratings, you could actually just add that as a member of the comments table and then average everyone's rating for the story and display the total rating along with the rating per users comment. If you have any other implementation questions, feel free to PM me and ill help you out.

  3. Hey i think your problem with the black bar in the header of the forum is because you have <td width="725">. Get rid of the width element since you have width="100%" outside of it and width="100%" in the image. If this is not it, set the border to that table to 1 and troubleshoot it that way until you find what cell is the wrong size and fix accordingly.

  4. Hosting your own website on your own computer is actually really easy. like others have said you need to use a dynamic dns services like Dynamic DNS so that you have a website address that links to you actual IP address. Keep in mind that when you are setting this part up you will not be able to test it from within your own personal home network. Just get a friend to type it into their web browser and see if anything comes up. Before you do the Dynamic DNS install apache, mysql and php or whatever languages you use. If you are using asp, use IIS which comes with windows. An easy way to do this setup is to install xammp. Just start the 2 services (apache and mysql) and you will be on your way. From here you can test your dynamic dns and make sure that it displays the xampp setup page. If so, you are already hosting. Just add your files to the correct location which can be found in the http.conf file in the xampp directory and your site will be online.

  5. Yeah i personally would do both just like everyone else said. I currently have my personal website hosted here and i used to have a backup of a restraunts site that i ran here because we were having domain issues with godaddy for a few months. With what Xisto offers, you can do pretty much anything you want to. Enjoy being hosted since it is tons of fun and soo many people her can give you advise and help if needed

  6. Friday the 13th is just a superstition and is not real. The thing is that it allows people who have bad luck on that day something to blame it on and even laugh about. There always will be good stories about it because bad things happen every day. If thusday the 6th was known for bad luck, there would be stories about it too.

    In response to gatecrashers who wrote

    the only thing we must put in mind that whatever we do we must not expect anything so that we will not be hurt or disappointed in return

    I believe this is the complete opposite of what life is about. Everyone should have goals becuase it is something to strive for. Life is filled will disappointment and sadness but learning from and experiencing these things only make us stronger and better people because we not only know how others feel we can relate and even help them through their own problems. Plus, without experiencing something bad, there is no way we would know how good something is because we have nothing to compare it to.

  7. Well Vista already is out to their corporate license customers. At work we have Vista Business and are testing it. I also have a copy of it installed at home to fool with. Currently, it runs at the same speed as XP did on the machine and takes up rougly 50% of my 1 gig of RAM and some VRAM which i have 128 mb of. As for full screen games, all the windows VRam is released so it does not affect that. All i know is that i hope they release it to MSDN AA when it officially comes out so i can get Ultimate Edition.

  8. An interesting concept, but everyone has something to lose! Depends on how much he likes/loves her as a friend, depends on how much risk you want to take.

    Yes we all have something to lose but if you really like someone, you just have to go for it. If not you will spend more time wondering what if you did. Its better to just see what happens and go from there because atleast if you find out she doesnt like you back, you can move on and not wonder about what could have happened and just think about what did happen instead. Plus, girls like being persued but they also like persuing. You have to find the fine line between the two and it is different for every girl. Once you find it, it isnt hard to get the girl.

  9. Well i think this poll also should have included Microsoft since google is competing with them just as much as yahoo. These three have been going at it in full force for a while now. However, i am a huge google fan and always use their products it seems even though i do still try the others. The reason i use them is because they tend to just be easier to use and in many ways better than the competition. Trust me, i dont just use anything they release. I dont use their IM service or many of their other ones because i have better alternatives of which arent made by either microsoft or yahoo so it is not relevant to this topic.

  10. Well in the HTML code it shows up with the underscores. The question we you to answer is how are you getting the information into the HTML file because it looks like it is pulled or generated elsewhere (unless you really like typing). Let us know because it could be a problem with the software. The quick fix could be opening the html file in a text editor and just do a query replace.

  11. When i search my web address in google, i get my site and then my Xisto profile and a link to a post i made. This is not a concern for me at all because how many people out their search a web address in google? Don't people normally search using keywords? When i search with relevant keywords i get my site and nothing about Xisto. Plus, if people searched my address, they would know it wasnt a forum post and would go to the correct link.

  12. I prefer to listen to rock music and mainly alternative rock like Third Eye Blind, Nine Days, etc. However, there is only one type of music i can not stand listening to and that is Country. I have never been able to get into it. All other genres i dont mind listening to since they all have their place and time like Rap at bars, partys, etc since it is good music to dance to.

  13. Most businesses do use norton antivirus but the corporate versions of the program use a lot less resources than the home editions for a number of different reasons. First of all, the corporate editions do not contain any firewalls, spam guards, etc. plus it only checks the local server for updates and doesnt have to try to access the internet. There are plenty of free solutions available with just as reliable protection. I use Avast Antivirus which is completely free and has not let me down. We use it for all home pc's people bring into work because it is so reliable. It uses very few resources and does a great job and probably will use less than Kaspersky since AOL has always released programs that are memory hogs.

  14. There is absolutely no way Google can become bigger than Microsoft for one main reason. There is no Google OS completely written by them. They just offer services on the internet and a couple for the actual desktop. Google can and probably will become a very large company but not to the same scale or even the exact same market as microsoft. Finally, another difference is there is no google hardware (minus search engine servers) unlike Microsoft which produce the XBOX console series, zune, wireless adapters, mice, etc.

  15. Besides a brower caching issue it also could be your ISP caching the page. Normally, if you wait about an hour or two after the update, if it is the ISP then you will be able to see the changes. I learned of this when i was changing hosting properties for a restraunt whose website i manage and i could not see the changes take place but people in other places could.

  16. I like the tips however i disagree with a few of them. First of all, now a days the major search engines do not even look at meta tags for sites because of their misleading nature. Secondly, webrings may help bring in traffic but many of them also require large banners on a site which definitely take away the look and feel and even clutter many websites. Finally, usenets and advertisements are never a good way to go. They tend to be thought of as spam and most people dislike the advertisements on websites unless they actually serve a purpose.

  17. I am a Linux, Mac and Windows users and they all have their advantages. Each OS is better at some things and worse for others. For instance, Windows is the best for business software, gaming and even school work. The reason is that office is used at all schools and teachers even require you submit office documents for assignment so you can never stop using windows fully. Mac is amazing for anything audio / video related. Linux, is the good for truely learning how an operating system works and how installations work. I love their 3d windows and it even runs quick on an older 1.2 ghz P3 laptop. As for what distro to use, i would recommend using Suse (aka OpenSuse now) since there is a huge userbase and lots of forums to get help from.

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