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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. This is a very good thing for everyone. First of all, the folks who owned youtube most likely would not be able to afford the bandwidth costs of the site after a year or 2 since they were rising exponentially. Google will have no problems added the site to its own servers, etc. where they already have huge discounted rates on bandwidth. As for the changes to it, google wont delete anything unless they recieve a subpenia and or they know that it would be illegal to have it. They most likely will implement the adsense program on the site to help with costs of youtub and finally they will most likely add google search to the content which will be a great improvement over the current search youtube had implemented.

  2. I think students should be allowed to show PDA in school but only in appropriate times and ways. The times would be in between class and before and after school. Never during a class (except lunch). As for the right types of PDA allowed, obviously holding hands and hugs are fine. The kissing should be kept to a short one that you would do like right before class would start. A longer kiss would be ok if you were not going to see them for a while and or if you did something special for them and deserve one. People just have to keep in mind that they are not alone in the halls.

  3. That is the only way to do it and if you wrote the code correctly to begin with, you would have made a new table for each new set of data you have rather than a new database. A database should be the same for everysite so that if you ever want to export it or even distribute it as a template, all the other person has to do is import the 1 table and everything will work. Plus it keeps your databases clean and easy to use if you host more than one site on the same account and both use a database. Then you dont have to worry about name conflicts and finding the right tables. All you do is go to the correct db and then change the right table.

  4. Most likely what happened is that they put code into one of your db search fields and or logins and depending on the code they used, it can allow them to pull data from your setting files and or from your database giving them access to it. I used to have a phpnuke site and after being hacked, i read a ton of articles on how to secure it. However, it just cant be done since with every new version of software there are new flaws that are created. I would make sure you update your forum to the newest version since the security vulnerabilites will be the least likley known and always update to the new version no matter what anyone tells you. Also, make sure it is hard to identify exactly what type of forum you are using since it will make it harder hack. Finally, change all your passwords just in the case they found them because they will be back if they do.

  5. First of all, after your site is hacked once, unless you use an older backup of the site before it was hacked, you are an easier target to hack again since many times they leave themselves a back door back into your site. To prevent them from hacking, you need to get rid of all traces that you use a system like phpnuke or wordpress since the security issues are publicly known and any hacker can get the source and find ways to exploit it. The best way to do this is just to write your own code because no hacker can see it then. If you cant write all your own code either utilize this forum or search google for security issue "name of prewritten code here" and there should be numerous postings on how to fix those holes. Good luck.

  6. Well you just cant get a girl to like you. You just have to be yourself, get to know her and see how she responds. Just be yourself and if it is meant to be it will happen. The harder you try, the worse it is because you just tend to be too nervous and care too much. When you just are yourself, they get a better picture of who you actually are instead of you jsut trying to impress them. Good luck and just be yourself.

  7. I use it and it uses the least amount of memory and cpu time out of all the good antivirus software programs. I have used macafee, nortons, zonealarm, etc. and this is by far the best one. I have never gotten a virus since i started using it and it is free which is the best of all.

  8. If you want to make a website, search google for HTML Tutorial and follow one. It will show you how to make a very non-interactive website. Once you know HTML, then you can start writing more advanced code using a langauge that is very dynamic and such. Start with HTML and go from their because any other order will just confuse you and make it harder than it really is

  9. With hockey still in pre-season, all i have been doing is watching Soccer (football for some of you). The Irish league actually is on tv here in the USA with a certain sports package. Therer games are quite fun but i am more of a English Premier League and German League watcher just because i know the teams and players better and it just seems like an art when i see many of their plays.

  10. My advice is to move on and in doing so you may end up with her anyway. Girls love what they can not have. I have had girlfriends for most of my life since middle school (im 20 now) and let me tell you, when you have one so many girls are after you but once you are single they dont care anymore. The same thing happens if you just dont care and go out to have a good time with your guy friends and dont even try. In doing so, you are more yourself and you give women the vibe that you are not trying to meet anyone and so they natural go for what they "cant get". Let her be and try moving on. Just go out and dont try to find another girl but go out and just have a guys night out and dont even try and you most likely will find more of what you are looking for.

  11. I would greatly recommend you do not use phpnuke. I used it for a website of mine and it was hacked 3 times in the first 2 months. In order for it to be secure from hacking, you have to mod it a ton and always update as soon as a new version comes out which is not worth it at all. You would be better off writing your own code and in the end it would take you just as much time and phpnuke would.

  12. The type of BitTorrent client you use doesn't really matter, it's the torrent that you're using that affects the speed. (And also your ISP of course.)

    To reply to what one previous person says, and that no people who say this arent stupid, the bittorrent client can affect your speeds. First of all, not all clients offer advanced features for the user to tweak for their own ISP and router settings which obviously increase your speed. Secondly, if you have a client that hogs resources, your whole computer (which includes your down and up speeds) will suffer proportionally.

  13. There are numerous things that are great about java and numerous things that are better in c++. Java for one is very portable and very OOP oriented. However, because of the JVM java also is slower than natively compiled C++ programs since machine code runs fast than a JVM that has to compile on the spot. Also, C++ is much better at numerical calculations than java. As for no pointers in Java you could not be any more wrong. In Java, everything is a pointer and there are numerous ways you can use pointer arithmetic and other pointer operations that are very useful in C++ also in java.Overall, you have to look at what you are going to do and then decide on a language. Just because you like one language better than another does not mean you should always use it. Use a language because the strengths that you are using out weight the negatives.

  14. I used to just make websites for a hobby but now that i am in college, i actually am doing it for some extra cash. I started making my fraternities website for free and through that i actaully got a job at one of the local bars and restaurants to do their website and its working out quite nice. Some good extra spending money. Currenty the sites i have online are http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (fraternity website), fffanatics.trap17.com (my personal website where i just experiment on scripts and such) and the restuarants site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).

  15. Hey everyone. I have never been a fan of itunes but since i own a ipod, i kinda have to use it to obtain the best functionality. On tuesday, Apple not only released new versions of the ipod but they also released iTunes 7. For those of us who had to use iTunes to transfer music, etc. to our ipods we were prompt for an update. Therefore, most of us did this. The problem is that now we can not play music using iTunes because the songs sound distorted and very staticly. Check out their forums and you will see i am not the only one who has this issue.My recommendation is that you do not update your version of iTunes if you use it for playing any sort of music, video, etc. and wait for a quality release. It is sad how even Apple wil release software that is not thoroughly tested and completely working since i always believed them to be the anti-microsoft. I guess i was wrong.

  16. As a programmer, i have not heard of the ability to communicate between computers useing bluetooth. I believe that the reason this is so is becaues bluetooth is used for very short distance communication (just a few meters) and if are that close to another computer, you might as well run ethernet cable or use a wireless access point to communicate. Why would you want to communicate through bluetooth for such short distances?

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