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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. You defininetly need to back up your data and get a new harddrive asap. Once a harddrive starts making noise, it will die very soon and this is a known fact. IF the drive dies before you can back up the data, try throwing it into the freezer for a few hours and then try again. This normally allows you to use the drive for 15 minutes or so before it dies again.

  2. A bunch of you were complaining about the memory requirement thats Vista will take but are in love with the graphics. When ever you make nice graphics, your memory will increase. The number of textures, shaders, etc. in the code all are stored in memory when there isnt enough room in the Video Memory or when they are not used very often they need to be accessable but not with the efficiency of the video memory. All these things take Memory. Also, with added security and spyware etc. instead of having separate programs taking up the memory, a bunch of this is built in so its not like you are wasting memory since it would have been used anyway.

  3. I have a LG VX8700 (i believe). It is just over 1 year old. It has a built in MP3 player which is why i got it. I was going to use it to run with but i actaully ended up getting a free ipod so i dont now but o well. I have 1 gig MiniSD card in it so i can listen to music on it and hacked it so i can use these as ringtones. I got it because it was not expensive, could play music, speaker phone, and good reception.

  4. They probably will make a doom 4 but it will not come out for 3 or 4 years since it obviously will take a long amount of time to create. As for Doom 3, i didnt really care for it because it just was repetative and got boring. I got sick of walking into a room and knowing something was going to jump out at me and all. They could have thrown more twists into the gameplay so that it was not as repetative. These were things that Doom 2 had that made it great. All of a sudden teleporters would open and out came more enemies rather than just jumping out of the wall. Plus, they should have had the light on the gun since come on, duck tap exists now so it could have been tapped to the gun.

  5. I have been driving since i was 16 and now i am 20. It is a very simple thing to do but you just have to learn how to handle the car in extreme circumstances. I think the age should stay 16.5 if u have had drivers education and 17 if you have not but new drivers should be forced to take a driving course where you have to handle the car in different bad circumstances. This would teach people how to control a car when spinning, sliding, hydroplaining, etc.

  6. Well, the other difference is that php is a server side language. This means the code is ran on the server when the user comes to the page and the result is then sent to them. This allows you to make pages that are user specific while not having to write multiple pages. Because of this you can do user-specific emails, logins, etc. since all the data is only accessable on the server so unless you write the code so that a user can edit it, it is pretty secure.

  7. First of all no matter how good of a developer you are, nothing will be flawless unless tested more thoroughly than anyone can imagine. since windows is used by soooo many people, many of the subtle bugs that a developer would not find under those small circumstances, users run into. That is what error reporting sends to the developers so they can fix it. Since Windows is used sooo much, there are many more people trying to break it than OSX, etc. which is why usthere are more viruses. I guarantee that if everyone went to OSX then it would be just as buggy.As for the strategy listed above, it is used by most development companies. You get the other software and have one group of people break down the object code into actual code. They then provide another group of developers specifications to write the software independently of the original code. This is completely legal under copywrite laws so there is nothing wrong with it. It is the way the business works and its not just microsoft doing it.

  8. It happened to me every time i went to a new type of school (grade, middle, high, college). Look at is in a more positive way. I loved my friends in middle school but i was not an outgoing person and cared what others thought about me way too much and everyone in the school knew it. So while keeping in touch with the old friends, i went to the new school with the attitude that i was going to change, be outgoing, and not care what others thought about me. I took this as an oppertunity to change into who i wanted to be since no one was holding me back. I met a ton of new friends at the new school and still hung out with the old ones too. In the end you will end up with more friends and you can reinvent yourself. Take this as a positive. I know it is hard for the first few weeks but give it a month or 2 and you will be back to normal.

  9. Hey dont worry about it. It happens to the best of us. First of all, when reading this i felt like you dont have much confidence in your self. Do something that makes you feel good and gives you confidence because no matter what you actually look like, you should always feel sexy and hot. This advice goes for both guys and girls. If someone sees you and can tell you are happy with yourself and confident, they are more likely to start talking to you since they think you are amazing. Secondly, dont worry about being shot down. It happened to me all the time and yet i still found girls to date all the time. Its something to learn from and to get used to because what you want to happen isnt always what it supposed to happen. So here is my advice (which i gave to some friends earlier this evening already), just remember that what is meant to happen will and that if it doesnt happen, just know that it is because something better is out there waiting to happen. Always be happy and just enjoy being you and what you do.

  10. Just like the previous 2 people have said, you site is very basic if not worse than that (sorry to be blunt). Search the web for a site that you like the layout for and start trying to mimic it using your own color scheme and your personal flavor. If you need help with any of it post here in the forum and im sure that numerous of us would be willing to help. Like darren said, the easiest way to make the design will be using either photoshop or the gimp depending on your preference / cost. Use the site you found that you like and duplicate it with this software, splice it and then you are ready to go.

  11. Alright to simplify his explanation, the double slit experiment was used to show how light can cause either destructive or constructive interference based on the wavelengths. What it does is the slits are very small thus only allowing one photon through at a time. These slits act as a point source then. So where the wavelengths are shifted so that the total is 0 you get a dark spot, where they are 1 you get a bright spot and in between you get shadings. This was the main purpose of the double slit.

  12. well there have to be many formats for DVD videos. The reason is that a dvd (like cd) must have uncompressed video. This means you have to convert it to MPEG format before you can burn it to the dvd in the same way you had to convert mp3s to wav format for cds. Nero software will do the whole process for you and also makes it easy to make menus. I personally do the whole process myself using CCE and Adobe Encore to make menus and Sony Acid to upmix the sound to 5.1 if it isnt already in it. There are soooo many guides on how to do this which makes it easy it just is time consuming on the CPU. I do most of the process while i sleep at night which is the way to go. For good guides, go to doom9.org.

  13. CRT TVs are already on the way out and Plasmas and LCDs are going to start leaving the market with the next 2 years because they now have started to create Laser TVs that are the same depth as LCDs, are brighter than Plasmas and have no half life plus they are very inexpensive to make. the first model is supposed to come out for like 1,000 and its a 30-something inch tv. They will be nice.

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