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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. First of all, Apple can not sue Microsoft over the similarities in the look and feel of the operating system. Those things are not copywrited and thus there is no legal ground for sueing. Secondly, lots of the features that are used in Vista and OSX were first developed for Linux which and was freeware. Finally, after using Vista some at work and talking to other who have, we all have agreed that is actually flows a lot better than XP. With a dual core chip, 2 gb ram, and a 256 mb video card, it runs super fast and actually does numerous things quicker than XP on the same system. As for compatibility there is a compatibility mode that you can run software in as if it were XP so programs that crash in vista can be emulated in an XP environment.

  2. Yeah i do not like the advertisements that many sites have. First of all, they are way to flashy and take away from the content of the website. Secondly, they tend to be put in places on the site that really interfere with everything. If people put them in appropriate places and blended them with their site, most ads would not be bad.

  3. You definitely can taste a difference in the taste of water depending where it is from and whether or not it tap or bottled. When i travel, you can tell that their tap water tastes quite different because of the minerals that are in the water from the pipes and from where it comes from. As for bottled water, you can tell a difference because some are filtered more than others and they also tend to come from different springs.

  4. I am a gamer. I play games whenever i have some free time to waste. I find it enjoyable. As for weight, i am a very slender person. I am 6 ft tall but only weigh 140 lbs. This does not mean i am just bone. I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week and play hockey so i have lots of muscles. Its just my genetic makeup. As for eatting. I am a college student so i wouldnt say i always eat the best but i try to get my fruits and vegetables most of the time.

  5. My favorite game would have to be Final Fantasy 7. I have spent over 150 hours playing and replaying the game. It is sooo much fun and has sooo much you can do. There are tons of minigames which can take a ton of hours to complete. The gameplay is typical but wonderful. The story is one of the best ever. Its so great that it never gets old.

  6. No problems with IE 7 and i like it. First of all, i only use firefox to test my webpages since i know people use it. However, when i tried using it first of all it was slower than IE. Secondly, many pages did not appear right in it and that was annoying. I know you can install useful plugins for it an dit was good for developer tools but IE 7 has them too and i like their tools better. No problems with IE 7 and it is nice

  7. I like the eyes on the sig but just like everyone else has said, the text and colors really hurt you. I didnt even notice you had text until i looked at it a second time. Also, the theme was Sci-Fi but that means your sig should be Sci-Fi and not just abstract. Should have picked a better theme or image to make your sig from.

  8. Really, what do you have to lose? If you like her, tell her. Then just go with the flow after that. If she responds and says she likes you back, then ask her to go to a movie or something. If she says she doesnt, then just be like "ok thats cool, i just had to tell you how i felt" and go on as friends like you have been. Its as simple as that and to be honest simple works the best. In high school I never was single for more than a month at a time yet my relationships never lasted longer than 3 months. Its how high school is. Now in college i have had 1 girlfriend for 6 months and the rest of the time just enjoying be single. I have dated girls up to 3 years older so age doesnt matter. Most people just look at personality

  9. I agree with what everyone else has said. There really isnt a good reason to start a fight unless someone else starts it. No matter how much people annoy you, just walk away and ignore them. I know it can be hard but just go chat with your friends or find a girl to talk to. Trust me, it is not fun for people to make fun of someone when it doesnt get to them since thats the whole point.

  10. Well first of all, a thread does not need to be ran on multiple processes and actually just act as another processes. Secondly, most programs that have multiple threads have more than 2 or 4 but have like 15+ since it allows a program to do work in parallel on a non parallel machine. Therefore, all the extra processors do is distribute those threads evenly so each one has less work to do. That is why it improves time on threaded programs.As for sinlge thread programs running slower on multicore machines has to do with the how the multicores are implemented. Since many of hte multicore machines have cores that are quicker by themselves than the current single core processors, it should not affect the time.

  11. How is this the end to software development. First of all, what is the difference between installing pirated software on a harddrive or on a usb key drive. There really isnt a difference. Secondly, most people do not pirate software because they either are against it or dont know how. Finally, most software profits come from corporations and businesses because they obviously do not pirate software. These are where the money is made and this is why there are developers in the first place.

  12. Yeah, you first have to check what type of slot you motherboard has available for the graophics card. Then just go to the store and get one that fits that slot and has designated ram (which all separate cards do). Definitely get a card with atleast 128 mb preferable 256 mb or else you will still run into the ram issue you currently have.

  13. Like they said it depends what language you know and what OS you are writing it for. If you know java, you can use OpenGL to program 3d games. If you know C you can use either DirectX or OpenGL of which both are powerful but do things very differently. So you will not want to learn both. DirectX is what most games are currently made in because it is more powerful but because of this it is a bit more difficult to program. The DirectX SDK has a huge number of tutorials and samples to help you learn how to do stuff plus just like OpenGL you can either do all the message handling yourself or use a prewritten code and just right handlers. This is known as DXUT in DirectX or GLUT in OpenGL. Let me know if you have any questions or want any resources for DirectX since i do a good amount of programming for it along with the shading language HLSL for research.

  14. Another thing I would like to point out, you might want to get a 64-bit processor

    Umm, Core 2 Duos are 64-bit processors and so are the Pentium D and late released P4s. All the new processors are 64-bit. As for not needing 4 gig of ram, it actually would be a good thing to invest in since Vista runs around 350 mb of ran when idle because of the graphics and such. I run with 1 gig and still in games it hit that value so u need atleast 2 gig these days and if you want the computer to last, go with the 4 gig.

    You will want a new graphics card. I priced out building a computer last week for $2400 which had quad dual 9750 gx2 graphics cards which is 2 gig of video ram which shows u how important the graphics cards are to the system when $1000 of the system were 2 of these.
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