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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. Well it is but your a little late !!! but since you didn't actually see what Rvalkass said, I havn't had an answer yet wether he wants them or not (mods usually don't struggle for credits so....)
  2. Well done.... as your a mod it's up to you if you have creds since mods usually are swimming in them, If not ill save them for another comp...now I think of it I should have a rule mods must PM it but too late now!
  3. Keep looking guys it's there somewhere and you should have enough clue's here to work it out. Just got to look
  4. I believe you Live, Pay Tax and then you die and thats it theres nothing else, no god, no eternal life, no second chances. Dead, gone, finished... despite believing this do I fear death... No for it is these reasons I do not fear death because when I'm dead thats it, I wont know any different. I'm scared of being blind but if I was born blind I wouldn't mind as much. I'd take death over a lot of things and I don't care about talk that god owns my life. I own my own destiny, to do with what I want, and no-one but me has that right and if I oneday fall ill, too ill to do things for myself, no recovery then suicide is a definate option!
  5. Well as an athiest I'd say that is an amazing feat. Especially because I can't get past genesis without thinking how boring this is as well as the fact that I thinks its a load of rubbish (IMO). So if you do it you let me know and you will get some credits from me :lol:and good luck!
  6. Avast just told me it's a trojan, could be a keylogger?
  7. DJ Snipes would be better (with the S)
  8. WORK OUT MY NAME WIN 10 Credits How to do it Simply go to this site http://www.n4w.co.uk/ and use the info there as well as what you already know about me to work it out Rules You must give a suitable reason for your answer and it must not be a guess. You must not ask what my name on the forums or shoutbox of the supplied website Whoever does this wins 10 credits... easy. WELL DONE RVALKASS FOR WINNING Also Well Done KansukeKojima Just missed your chance!!! edit:You Get the Credits Thx to a Generous Rvalkass (Remember to thank him
  9. Sorry I should have said, windows xp. obviously not Mac OS X mind. No its okay i found them on the HP website!
  10. I'm trying to find drivers for the "ATI RADEON IGP-340M" its for a compaq presario 2100 laptop
  11. use php to redirect ie 7 users to a page that will work - theres a topic in the forum on how to do. It's in my list of topics i think
  12. Why should god have a say in your choices is my arguement, he "gave" free will" for a reason... and it's not like he has to carry a baby for 9 months, then give birth which to be honest sounds painful though neither being female or pregnant I can't say what it is like! No it isn't. the laws are you can't abort after the date when babies can be born in a reletivly okay state, before then it may as well be dead!
  13. Unless i'm mistaken , the uk had ours a little while back now!
  14. You SPAM don't live to far away from where I used to live in enfield, only about a 45 min drive I think, now I live in kent its probs more around 2h 15min

  15. I find that the firefox ftp plugin actually cuts out halfway through---what FTP do you use?
  16. I have an extended vocabularlary but a lot of people on these forums english isn't their first language and even people who have english as their first language may not know what words such as "sustenance" mean, though they can probably guess. I therefore, ask kindly that when writing you stick to words which do not make this post difficult to read. It's like reading Shakespear, I can do it but it takes a longer time!
  17. I always wondered about that but never bothered, its just sectioning to me!
  18. :'-( , I can't understand why you changed your name, your name was epic. Well i wish you and your new name the best of luck
  19. your complaining about the price of petrol, thats a bit nervy we are paying loads more than you per litre, trust me you have it cheap!
  20. Well the easiest way is to do the above and I would probably make an it an addon domain to you site so it's forums.yoursite then forward that to the /forums web directory, that way if people can get to your forums fromyourdomain.comforums.yoursite.comyoursite.com/forumsbut follow what carson says as well first (obviously) but be wary it takes time for things to change over the web!
  21. yeah they are different, thats like comparing HTML and C, they dont do the same thing.
  22. Well it is obviously possible how?... I dont know ... ask at your local computer store, other than that im not sure, you'll just have to enjoy your ads
  23. lol, I made that because I thought it be funny to insult apple and encourage people to help the environment at a time, okay I wont deny I think the Ipod is great but everything else is well, terrible! Yes it is true the planet will be destroyed but that wont be our fault but imagine if we create something that will allow us to stop this happening or move to another planet, we need to give science that chance so the longer we hold off on the destruction of earth the better, this is about stopping something that will ruin this planet years and years before it is meant to be destroyed, I see what you mean, but isnt that the point of life, to reproduce, carry on the species... if your not going to do that then you might as well just top yourself now. Of course there are many other points like to have a fun good life. but dont our decendants deserve that?
  24. Don't come out with the "i love you comment" girls dont like that sort of thing since "love" is such a strong emotion, I'm not really one to talk about asking girls out cos to be honest im not very good at it but I'd say become friends before anything else, because if i were to just ask a girl out it'd work better if i know her first, of course i'm lower down the food chain than you but oh well. You say she's clever well im not suggesting anything but clever people tend to like other clver people, I dont know how clever you are i'm not saying your stupid, but its a fact.
  25. Where you SPAM been you havn't posted SPAM on the forums for almost a month!!! Come back :(

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