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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. Well anyone stupid enough to download it deserves dozens of virus' on their computer, if they really wanted it they'd have realised it's not even coming out for pc yet!
  2. Right, I am not much use at anything really, but installing stuff I can do! Right, don't get to ahead of yourself ... get hosted. secondly, your in luck! Xisto has a program called fantistico which will install it for you! no FTP It's in your cpanel can't miss it! Good luck getting hosted, any problems pm me! as for your question about FTP, FTP (file transfer protacol) is a way of uploading files to a server. You use an FTP client to do this I reccommend filezilla {link} you will then have to configure it for trap {link} Then you simply use the friendly interface to upload files to the server, each mod should come with instructions, follow then and upload them, there is a piece of software avaliable to upload mods for you however, I am not sure if it has been updated to phpbb3 (someone post link below) hope this helps !
  3. I don't play it but if I did over here in the UK you'd get laughed at, it's like the most uncool thing ever! I don't hate it just don't like it, it's a well made game, I just don't enjoy it!
  4. you have to create an Icon "favicon.ico 16px x 16px and upload it somewhere! Try google they will tell you!
  5. It's terrible, mainly because you havn't parsed any variables :DNo its good, the expanding things at the bottom are good but they could look better but hey... I know i couldn't do better, I don't see what the site does though to be honest though i am assumming it's a portfolio! anyway its good and like I said I couldn't do better and what is "parsing a variable"?edit: BTW linked to it on my blog (zoulle.trap17.com/blog) in the hope you will do the same
  6. Whats up with your display picture, it isn't working :(

    Also SPAM.

  7. Is this possible - YesHow? PHPCan you help me - No sorry I'm learning as well!Basically though I can logically do itYou will need a script that will create a directory in a folder depending on what someone puts in a form.so it will create the directory: yoursite.com/folder with the pages stored (or sub folder)/therepage.htmlYou then will need I way of them editing the page (I suggest custom bbcode to stop hacks), a wysiwyg editor will be best.alternitivly you could do it more like the Xisto profile page with forms people fill in which change their page. The choices are unlimited however making this secure or in fact just making it without above average PHP knowledge will be difficult if you don't know php learn or don't bother!
  8. What every football team should have is a random guy who breaks the legs of the other teams best player then gets red carded :Derm I will get back to you on that one soon!
  9. Kobra500's PHP Project This is the Official Post for My Project to Learn PHP. Below is the list of things I will do... [okay, attempt] Thanks to KansukeKojima and Jlhaslip if you have any additional things to add to this list just post here anyway wish me luck!!! I will be posting links and crossing off things, so please feel free to bookmark this post or watch for it in the recent activity area!
  10. I am looking for a shoutbox for phpbb3 which can be intergrated simularly to the Xisto shoutbox. Enough SaidThanks in advance if anyone finds something
  11. Your gonna have to do it by yourself mate, it shouldn't take too long, the annoying thing is changing all the file permissions!
  12. Well its not really copied its more like used for inspirations and besides hes added unique content and written it in his own words. Also I'm working on a forum right now!
  13. It happens to me every now and then! But it will ownly happen a particular time, other times its fine. I learn to live with it, it doesn't bother me much when it does happen!
  14. Tell you what bluebear, I was reading your first ever post (looking to see if I ever wrote one) and I found yours and your english has really improved, but how could you not know what gravy is? isn't that the first word youlearn when you learn a new language! ^^
  15. I had dinner round my friends house today, nothing special just sausages, mash with onion gravy. Anyway I said to my friend "do you have any ketchup" to which he replyed, "why do you want ketchup you've got gravy""so?""Well thats weird you can't have ketchup with gravy""why not?""because it's descusting"What the hell, what is weird about putting ketchup on a plate with gravy? you like ketchup, you like gravy yet when they go together it's like "weird". It isn't and its not like its the first time this has been said to me!Anyway my rant out of the way, if anyone thinks its "weird" your wrong!!!
  16. Avast Anti-Virus is the best in my opinion.Don't install norton its a ram hungry program!
  17. Content, Content, Content.If you have good content then with a bit of advertising you will get visitors. If your serious about this then I suggest buying a domain.com/.org/.net are the best in my opinion!Good Luck!
  18. Happy Birthday From your Friend Kobra x

    Have a good one and don't drink too much ;-)

    also why i'm here SPAM, SPAM, SPAM

  19. Think of it as this Athiesm and Thiesm are not religions they are words to descibe someones belief in God.A religion is defined from a cult simply from the no. of members. So someone could in theory start a cult which has a set, set of beliefs (but doesn't believe in god.) This is an athiest cult (not a religion) if a large percentage of the population of the earth believe in this cults ideas and start following them then it will become a religion.also you say it does have a set of beleifs because it believes god does not exist.. well no because thats what the word means, if you believe that then you can believe that pro life is a religion or pro choice etc.but that does not make atheism a religion it would make this set of beliefs a religion.So i say it is not a religion! I believe what makes sense to me, not what makes sense to other people.
  20. Basically I've decided to start (properly) to learn php (again). Lots of people have successfully learnt it but being thrown in at the deep end. and I was wondering what I should do and as usual my fist thought was "ask the Xisto community".]So I was wondering if someone on this forum could set me a mini project for me to do. Nothing hugely complicated just doing something which will get me using PHP (and mysql).Hopefully alex(theprogrammer) will help me out if I get stuck!
  21. Whenever I used to visit google.com it would forward me (using what I can only assume is the magical powers of google) to google.co.uk. Which is what I want it to do (being from the Uk) but recently it just stopped doing this and its an effort have to click the link to google.co.uk or actually typing in the right adress.Does anyone no how to restore the magical google powers?
  22. kobra500


    That is a terrible game. My sisters have it. Then again the only PS1 game I still play is "abes oddysee" and "abes exedus" so I'm not really one to judge!
  23. I'm not sure, maybe depressed? As said above if your bodies hungry, then your hungry, eat something. I would actually go ask your GP they could be symptoms of something, hope you get better soon x
  24. My job is replying to the new topics on Xisto. seriously thats what I do after school. Apart from that no... I dont have a job i am a student!edit: okay entrepeneur, no joke. I sell things and am part of a business as an entrepeneur
  25. Well are you getting it on contract I assume, its a great phone if you use a phone that much. Your looking at around a ?35 a month contract!
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