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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. A mixture of frontpage, dreamweaver and notepad proffesional (i like the latter because it's basic in a good way) I don't use frontpage 2003 often!
  2. Hi, I thought I'd make this post because a lot of members of Xisto link to each others website, what I thought would be good is that anyone who wanted to become part of the "affiliates" group post there web adress here, then we make a list of all the adresses and everyone who applied link to all the sites who applied and then we get a big chain of linking members, when I say link I mean in the footer or on a special links page, blogroll whatever so long as the links can be found somewhere easily accessable on your site, the more places the better! EDIT: You can add more that one URL i.e. for a subdomain but you have to add the links in at least two places! - good idea/bad ?? Rules *Must be a [HOSTED] Member or hosted on Qupis or Xisto - Web Hosting *Must have at Least 50 posts onthe Xisto.com forums and have a non suspended hosted account with an Xisto Hosting Plan If people are interested, think this is a good/bad idea or if this is somehow a breach of the Xisto rules then please Reply to this thread.
  3. kobra500


    No offense but you must have a very sad life if that is your "wish" or lifes ambition.Is it safe, why don't you just play the game like everyone else and work for you 10 million, i don't play runescape bu it can't be that difficult!
  4. Buy her something she doesn;t want then she wont want it and you can give it to me :DNo seriously, the computer sounds good although im neither a woman and iimbiased as well, get her whats in your heart. I've never met your wife so I don't know what she likes
  5. I have said this before, there have been times where referee's have given red cards where it should have been no card or a yellow at most, if there were referees watching the play live they could slow the clip down and then we would know for sure.the trouble is the FA are a bu ch of rich businessmen and bank owners who have little knowlledge of football, they shoul;d be replaced by people who understand and love the game!!!
  6. I'm not a very motivated person, but I am very impulsive. But answering your question, motivation can be done through a no. of ways ranging from praise to all sorts of other things such as prizes for points in exams for example.
  7. well America is famous for it's fear of communism, look at vietnam and the fact you cant go to north america if you've been to soutgh america easily.Communism is a good idea, unfortuantly it doesn't work, the troublewith people is that once you have power, you abuse it. Communism has an almost almighty ruler. This means the government can be corrupt. Still there are a lot of countries worse than China.Anyway Cmmunism isn't likely to take over America so i don't know why the Government is so worried.
  8. Well all I can say is "Haha you have to go to school at 7am "No good for you, thats such a stupid rule. Do you have mentors/tutors, we do so it doesn't really matter if we're late!
  9. I paid for a years hosting the other day "on a whim". the cheapest freedom package and it only cost me ?18. Anyway i'm impulsive but it's a good service. still im not canceling my hostingaccount so i can do cmps. i might rstore defaults on it or use it for back ups
  10. Games Consoles are to play games, Xbox 360 has most & best games, therefore, get an xbox 360. Plus there is hardly any graphics difference and at least none noticeable until better tv's!
  11. They probably are renting a tempory server cluster to handle it. If you vistit the link then it will explain everything, then you wouldn't have used the word "spam" I'll quote the site. Also there only putting 10% of the downloads on there servers the rest are external
  12. I hate runescape but good for you. If you believe in something, support it (unless of course it's anything to do with Apple).I might log on to the account I have and support it. Just for you!!!
  13. I don't NEED to go on the computer, I go on it because frankly if I'm not out with my friends there really isn't anything else to do. So no. I take my laptop on holidays simply because family holidays are as boring as hell, but apart from that no i'm not addicted.
  14. I live in Kent, England. It goes to about 4mb because although I live opposite the BT phone exchange the providers quite crappy. and I pay ?00:00 because the internet comes "free" with the phone service.Oh and Ulimited downloads, or is it unmetered? whichever.
  15. Well your last sentence really swung it for me, if you have bad handwriting like me then there is a chance a tablet pc won't work. You don't need anything special, it won't paly very good games but it would be okay.1gb/2gb Ram80gb/160gb HDCentrino Core , maybe 3ghz you could get cheaply.If you want it to play GOOD games you want about a 8600gt Graphics laptop then your looking at about 700+ but thats my opinion. I'd advice buying a pc and a laptop thats what I'm doing?300 laptop - ?752 (at the moment) PC. but thats a top of the range pc.
  16. I disagree with most of it, love and religion aren't the same, A wife isn't a blessing from God, it's a set of things that happened in the past that went to love then marriage (and thats only in the ideal sense).Also Domestic violence works both ways. Looks aren't everything but without love or a relationship get a divorce, the relationship is pointless anyway, so you made a promise to god (or to each other). Some times you have to choose the lesser of two evils. Of course if there is a relationship then carry on. But my parents are divorced and they get on good, there just not married. I don't believe in marriage anyway. Sure Celebrate your love but why does it have to be legally binding. anyway it's your decision.
  17. As many of you know Firefox will be attempting to set a world record on "Download Day" - Date to be announced. As most people on this forum have taste and use firefox I think it would be great that on the day we could have a post where whenever someone downloads can post in, then we can take a screenshot of it and send it to mozilla. It could be in the guest forum or a members forum but obviously nothing with post count, I just want to know what the admins/mods fink of this idea? for more information and I suggest you read this go to [link]
  18. I don't watch the news , I find it depressing, I'm the sort of person who never lets things get to him because he doesn't think about it, problem with that is when you do you get really depressed!
  19. It may be you simply don't have enough Ram to handle Vista, it is very ram hungry. But yeah firefox. Not I.E. any version! that or downgrade to xp it's better
  20. Check for some opensource things, you may come across something if you search at sourceforge or even google, Why does it matter anyway? OS X is still going to be a bad os no matter what the menu bar colour.
  21. But an almost side affect of a lot of diabilities is increased intelligence. I have dispraxia and I am quite clever, most people with autism I really clever.
  22. Just read the book first and it will be fine, Thats what I've discovered anyways, the movies are usually based on but never live up to the book. But if you see the film first then there is a chance that you won't enjoy the book.
  23. Or make a successful site and get sponsered by people which is a lot better than pay per click. Also create a new email when signing up for these things so they don't spam your current one.
  24. Well, The origional on playstation was the best, It's a shame they don't remake it onto the next gen, I know it's on gamecube but that is a terrible console. The second one was also good though not as good as the origional, I really enjoyed it and the plot was awesome.Three was a real let down, I hate prequals to games anyway but it was a pile of rubbish from what I saw. Let's just hope that no. 4 Is as great as 1 and 2!
  25. AEF is the best, though it still needs a bit of work doing to it. In my opinion it is much better than the ones listed above AEF BB I think you only have to pay once for IPB and then after for upgrades, you only pay every so often if you want support back. I think, I probably wrong, someone correct me (or agree) Yes you should have to pay, projects like IP board get lots of qualified people to make it. They cost money and don't do it for opensource. If they didnt IPB would not be what it is today. Thats why when I go to opensource sites, I click the ads.
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