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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. I was looking at an Eee pc but decided to spend a little more for a basic laptop simply to for business use to take about with me. But it needs more than just a wordproccesor etc.
  2. Well I'm a smith so It will be hard to find out who I am , my first name is less common but there is still lots of my name. I think it's okay unless your name is something like:Jehovah Fittzgerald and there is only one of you, people here know my name and I'm okay with that, I'm more worried about people knowing where I live to be honest!
  3. Well I'm I can't drink milk, it makes me throw up, and can't stand peanut butter. In fact I can't stand exersize either. So I don't think this is for me, I keep my weight down as best I can by walking and cycling and thats about it. Oh and P.E. once a week!
  4. Fable is like marmite, you rather love it, or hate it, I hate marmite and I hate fable too. Too much hype and didn't deliver, plus the game was quite difficult and takes ages to get anywhere and It had about as much freedom as an old fashioned jail. Boring!
  5. There are two types of politicians, 1) Rich people who get in to it because there family's did and they think thats what they should do.2)The lower classes who try to make a difference but then realise how much money there making.I think the last ever episode of malcolm in the middle illustrated it best to be honest.
  6. Go to Xisto.com/manage, sign in and it should become pretty obvious from there, hope this helps
  7. Well I don't count myself as bisexual, bicurious maybe. I have been attracted to men before, phsically, personality wise, but not sexually. So since im not sexually attracted to men I don't count myself as bi especially because i'm a lot more attracted to women and not attracted sexaully. I've fancied loads of girls and about 2 guys sooo. Depressive, no. Like everyone I've been depressed but I'm not a depressive!As for gays, I love gay's great fun at parties plus my cousins gay, I hate homophobes!
  8. All these myths stories etc are making me even more skeptical, when I came to the forum I was closer to agnostic than I am now though still athiest, people trying to persaude me is makig me closer to athiesm. It's Ironic.
  9. Hey, I want to create a retractable sidebar whose default position is in with just a button poking out the screen. When opened I want it to go on top of other div layers. I also want it to stay opened or closed depending on wether it was open or closed on the previous page.I have no idea what to do, I assume JS so maybe this post should be there but I dont think java should be with JS.Thx to anyone who helps
  10. Should I kill myself now then? I never new God was such an attention seeker, couldn't he have created us to, I don't know... ... Live? Whats the point of being created to worship God, why does he need to be worshipped, what is he worried that he isn't likable and needs people to tell him he's alright. Sorry if that seems harsh but that is the meaning of life? what a waste of being born in the first place if it is. Anyway who is god to tell me what I can and can't do, why should it be up to him. He sounds power hungry to me. Again not being purposefully harsh though I'm sure the sarcasm doesn't help No one learns through punishment, they just do it and get even worse because there being punished, they only pretend to have learnt there lesson to get out of it. and Again I make the point, god was thought up thousands of years ago by people who thought him up because they couldn't explain things or even guess at a answer based on logic. They wanted to get out of death, wanted to know how they got here but without science could not explain it.
  11. Some guys get on really well with girls. I mean I have people who think me and my female friend are a couple and we're not. Who's to say he's not just friendly with girls, especially if he's the same with everyone. Andc remember it doesn't hurt to ask, okay its a embqarressing coupl of days if he says no, but nothing after that!
  12. Well for a camera phone that isn't wildly expensive, your looking at 3-5 mega pixel camera, I'd advice a sony erikson above nokia and samsung etc but thats just me.
  13. Well everyone bums over call of duty 4, but i know it's a terrible game, for the PC erm, I like age of mythology, you could pick that up cheap and still get a game. battlefield 2?
  14. Well chocolate is lethal, luckily we have such a good metabelism of it that it would be impossible to eat enough chocolate to kill you, apart from that chocolate has been pretty much proven to help against coughs. As for oranges, I wouldn't worry about it, I'm addicted to caffiene and i'm okay.
  15. I use https://www.google.co.uk/ firefox, because it's great because it's google. But I used to use this site for a while, but google is my homepage again.
  16. Stop rubbish it in, just because you came fifth , we came joint last, then again the british public have the tendency to choose the worst bands and songs at these contests.
  17. Why? there about £5 to buy with paypal, all you need is a debit card and yo can get one at 13 years, I bought one 2 days ago with Xisto - Web Hosting domains, just waiting for the payment to clear and I have a domain.
  18. Well WoW allow you to pay a one of fee to set up a private server (from what my cousin told me) apart from that yes it is illegal, but who cares.
  19. Well for a while i used phpbb3 but now I have seen the light, aef is a much better forum software in my opinion, sad thing is that it is not yet part of the fantistico auto installer, It has better moderation features, of course if your willing to pay the best forum is I.P. board but it is expensive.
  20. If they did make it cost, people would just change to postGresql or some other opensource database, so I doubt it, especially because I pretty sure somewhere in the terms of service it must state that mysql will be free, they may only charge for updates if they do decide to commercialise it.
  21. Could you explain in more details: what is this game about, what kind of missions etc since we cannot tell wether or not it's worth downloading from that.
  22. I used it for a while, it's good because of DNS control and the only link to it in the title of the page, of course tl domains are better, I'm just waiting for my payment to clear with Xisto - Domains to get mine.
  23. Well, no hindu, but my friend is. He worships Ganesh as well. I like the (no disrespect meant) elephant like God, simply because it looks cooler and is well publised. But as an athiest I find it hard enough to beleive in one God let alone the no. of them in hinduism.
  24. Well why don't you make it, armed with free hosting in hand, make a forum and then when you are done send us the link then you can ask opaQue to link to it etc like he did for the gaming forum with 7gears, I don't know if he would, if you believe something go for it
  25. Do any girls remember their first sexual experience in the womb?, no, well then theres your answerVirginity is based on wether or not you have had intercourse with another person. Simple, also you are your own person, there isn't a chromosome for virginity there for you cannot inherit non-virginity.
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