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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. It's like if you read a fortune cookie that says that x will happen you will be looking out for x and you may actually without realising try to make x happen also to do with no.s it's a little known fact that the actual no. of the devil or at least the earliest known scripting of the no. of the devil is actually 616. Google it!
  2. It's true I saw it all ! lolNo it was annoying and like bt sed he wouldn't stop copy pasting and I woulsn't mind because he was new however, he was warned and wouldn't stop which was the annoying bit!I think we need mods in a different time zones because if you think about it and thats the problem australia is about 11hours in front of me! the only time I see haxor is very late or very early and there isn't always mods on @ that time and it was hours and hours later till a mod finally logged on and its a shame because if there was a mod it would have been easier to sort out in the end!
  3. Of course there is another solar system and theres millions possibly of them, however another earth No there probably is more planets with life but it won't be earth it'll be another planet!
  4. Do you know what else is over rated? your display picture (no offence) I have a good sense of humour by anyones standards but the whole idea of that being funny is ludicrous it made me smile slightly when I first saw it and now it's just boring like I said no offence like you just hate that picture!Also I hate the way A lot of America is so scared of communism I mean look a "nam".... ITS VIETNAM for god sake... of course thats the people who fought there saying it. "I lost my leg fighting for our country". Great so your country communist free and you compltely screwed up another one you idiot it's not patriotic it's stupid (pronounced Stew-pid not Stoo-pid) and you lost so what you bragging about? Why is everyone so scared of communism it's not ever going to take over america so don't worry about it. I'm going to say this. Communism is a good idea in theory but it just doesn't work... everyone should be equal agreed but not so equal that they're the same... I'm talking rights wise for example everyone should be able to say what they want wear what they want. Of course criminals are not equal and don't deserve to be therefore they forfiet their rights in my opinion. Now this wasn't an anti America speach it was an "anti american anti communist speach (or rant I suppose also to finallise that saying stoo-pid makes you sound like an idiot)" Also Oasis are possibly the most overated band in britain! and the simpsons rule though they're not as good as family gut or futerama or american dad! but they are still good family comedy!
  5. No I was wrong should of looked better at you spec
  6. I keep getting the message "you cannot use or view these forums" and ive signed up and everything
  7. Well it's stupid just like vietnam - I hate it when people from america say something along the lines of "I got this scar fighting for your rights in nam" - NAM wtf is NAM and fighting for your rights trust me communism is not going to suddenly take over america and also fighting in a war where you go in, you lose and screw up the country even more is not something to be proud of!
  8. It really ownly depends wether you want to be cremated or buried. imo anyway, I want to believe in god and life after death but to me it just does not make sense!
  9. I know this post is old but there are god knows how many cases of homosexuality in animals so get you facts straight, I don't know but recently there was a topic which named alot and no religion is not an excuse because times change do you really believe that these religious books proven to have been written by "straight men" are not bias at all! The bible itself was written by a select panel of people whom took various stories from well known and respected religious books and you expect they are in no way bias or homophobic!
  10. There is software availiable which basically allows you to drag from one screen to another! Which you would have to research yourself but its not hard! my school it dep uses it so it can be good!
  11. hmm lets seeGoogle is a huge site / collection of sites.. which generates billions and has been around for longer than xhtml and there are no security issues know of and there are only 50 mistakes! Why would they waste time and money getting it to valid xhtml when I very much doubt there is a single brownser that has trouble displaying it! that is the whole reason for xhtml is to make it browser compatible it is a way of doing this not a set rules everyone has to follow or there site becomes terrible... I've never experienced any problems and they should keep releasing more innovative ideas than worrying about wether or not their code is flawless xhtml!
  12. Hey I'm looking into buying a new laptop my budget is Ł800 or for the USA:- $1600 anyway I think ive decide that I want the: Sony Vaio AR51 M - CLICK HERE Anyway if you think I should get a different laptop for a simular price give or take say Ł30 or $60! Anyway if you do post or just feel free to comment on the laptop but remember if you are posting another laptop please include shipping (to the UK into your calculations however if it is already in the UK that would be even better!!! Also can you give me a hand the express card slot will that give me the abiltiy for pci graphics?
  13. kobra500

    Ip.board 2.3

    Lol IP board is good but its so expensive. do you make your money back on it? You need a popular site really to maqke your money back!
  14. I would sleep naked but because of a problem with my back (it itches like hell when I don't where a shirt or have something soft on it) I sleep with just a t-shirt ... I find it confortable!
  15. I sell you mine for $2500 or ?1250 it has 192 mb ram 18gb HDD and no idea bout anything else because I don't care about it but if you wanna take the offer let me know b pm
  16. I just don't understand what people see in manga and anime... now I don't watch a lot of tv because its usually terrible but manga is terrible with a nice helping of marmite (which i hate) Of course i'm not saying you shouldn't watch it I' mjust saying i don't
  17. In normal circumstances i send you credits but i'm saving for a domain Alex (programmer) is usually generous but i dont think he's online
  18. Yeah it's ?> don't worry I am new to PHP as well to be honest I only started learning it today lolincedently do i have to mysql_connect every time I want to connect to mysql or just @ the beggining?I hope the latter! yeah i c now sorry i was only looking at the last line so didn't notice the html
  19. No offence but the US army is a running joke here in the uk. Then again the UK has sooooooo many stereotypes for the US it's unbelievable and its a shame to say that a large population of the US do fit almost exactly into these stereotypes which is a shame for everyone else because alot of people I get on well with here are from the US which proves I have nothing against america just stereotypical americans!As for torture well... If they really are terrorists I don't care but their is a chance they aren't which is why I think its wrong. As for the comment about animals as humans we are no better than other species of animals infact I'd say we are one of the worst species on the planet... if not the worst, we don't really derserve to be here but oh well you don't hear me complaining.
  20. But spore was scheduled to be out this month!!! and now september, I don't understand how games companies can be so off target. april - may release i could understand but september!!! Its obvious it's for marketing but I wish for once companies would say It will be finished then and finish it by then or very close too!
  21. CLICK HERE Here is my short story I had to write for school. Read it review it say what you think. It's written in english uk so it may affect you but i doubt it. I wish i could paste the whole thing in... it is mine lol but I can't which is a shame anyway enjoy
  22. I'm not that pleased I wish maxis would concentrate there efforts on spore and finally after 2 years of waiting release it!!!
  23. I hate the pope and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury - basically the leaders but not christians... the reason I hate them is the pope doesn't change catholism which remains a very sexist and racist religion (not saying the followers are either of these things) and the arch bishop etc though are slightly more modern keep trying to interfere with britain with non-reigious stuff such as games ...
  24. Shame theirs the most in touch of his own opinions lol - still no awards for me then ... then again ive only been here for a few months so I don't deserve themThere we are next trap awards Most Outspoken Person Award or simular
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