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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I probably won't be watching it, as I'm not sure what time it will be happening at but I have school and will be away from 6 am until 4-5 pm. Aside from that I would most likely watch.If I'm not home on time I might watch it online, but mostly not. Just isn't a huge deal to me.
  2. I thought by updates it meant actually changing or adding data, being that without actual changes the search engines can tell that they are just the same thing as before. I don't think it has anything to do with the "edited" date/time.I could be wrong on that though.
  3. Based on what I know of others(I've never drank before), drinking can or can not be an addiction, depending on who you are. I know some people that can drink a beer once a year, whereas others need many a day.As for why people start, it seems to be because it's the "socially accepted" way of relaxation. The "Everyone else does it, why not me?" type of thing.I just know that I have not, and will not ever drink alcohol. I've seen too many people's lives destroyed by it in the past. To me, it's not worth the risk.
  4. I agree with andres. Allow them to right click on the links, and then they can choose to "Save As" or they can click it normally and stream it if they wish. This helps both groups of people(those who wish to stream and those who don't) and allows them more freedom.To do that, it would be best to just add the text "Right click > Save As..." after it, plain text. This will help them out a little, for those who haven't ever had to use that method before.
  5. I just submitted an article to the ezsomething listing. I can't think of the name of it off the top of my head. But it's one of the more popular ones...After ~4 days it was accepted and I was moved to a "full member" where I can post as many articles as I want, assuming they are all long enough.So I have a question regarding this....The articles that I should be posting are the same ones as on my site, correct? What I did with the first one(that they thought was awesome) was just copy and paste what I had on my website, and then added the link to my site in the bottom of it where it asked. Is that the most efficient way to do it, or should I be paraphrasing it on their site and having the full listing on mine?I'm really just worried about the indexing process on things like that. I'm assuming it shouldn't hurt to do it as I am, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  6. I only played the first Soldier of Fortune game(it was on PC)....I just found it to be too sneaky...Like rather than just bust in and killing everyone, you were forced in many areas to waste time learning guards' movements and stuff so that you could counter them, otherwise there was no way to progress.Is it like this in the newer games as well? I loved the realisticness of the game and everything, I just prefer having the option of either sneaking or just going in with guns blazing.
  7. Weird, even as of right now when I click on the "Create Adsense" whateveritis on Youtube, it just takes me back to my account...Neither Adsense or my Youtube account are banned either.
  8. About the video embedding, it does show it on their site, but when you click any links relating to it, it just takes you to Youtube. There's no way to actually get the ads in videos. On the forums hundreds of other threads say the same thing. Most of them *used* to have the videos set up and then they all went blank, so they are saying that Adsense discontinued that program.Can you PM your CPM ratio?
  9. Why are you wanting to uninstall CS3 in the first place? Just didn't like it, or are you upgrading to CS4 or something?
  10. Very, very true. Mcdonalds has lowered their quality of everything as of lately though. People in this thread bring up the fries but what about their double cheeseburger? The $1 one used to be the REAL double cheeseburger. Now it's a "McDouble" which is maybe 70% of the normal one. I would much rather have Taco Bell if it were a choice, but usually I just go to McDonalds because, like you said, we don't like to change, .
  11. To format...Fresh install? Just put in the disc, boot up the PC, choose to install and when it asks where choose a "fresh installation."As for the registry cleaner, be careful with those. There are many programs(even in Windows - like Paint and stuff) that are read as "unused" but really aren't. I've screwed up my PC a few times using registry cleaners before I finally figured out what was going on.
  12. I would go with the subdomain with a domain forwarding to it idea. Not only would it be cheaper, but it is also more efficient. You can use your master login to get into both accounts, for example. To me it's a lot better than having multiple logins for different domains.As far as I know, a subdomain, even if it's like subdomain.yourdomain.com, is treated like a whole different domain when it comes to search engine rankings and everything.
  13. If you keep with the old versions I highly doubt that Microsoft will ever stop supporting them. We can still run games from the 90's on today's PC's(with "Compatibility Mode" set). There are just too many things that are old and still useful. Microsoft stopping support on them would force anyone using those older programs to re-program them, which is really too much work. I'm mostly thinking about games here, but programs would fall into that as well.
  14. Really, there aren't a lot of changes between different versions, that I've noticed. About your VB though, I would toss it altogether and go with the *Free* VB .net 2008 or whatever it is that Microsoft gives(Search for Visual Basic Express) Not only is it up to date, it's 100% free. You can also get C++ and other programs like that.
  15. I agree. When I first thought of why Apple *might* be able to go after them for the emails, I was relating it to the FBI and how if you withold information they are able to charge you. But this is different. Being that no crime has been committed, I don't think there is any legal course of action that Apple can actually do. So I vote to go against Apple as well. I seriously doubt that the government will let them get away with what they are going for though.
  16. Wow, do you have a horrible virus or something? I've yet to have anything that I was unable to install(in safe-mode). I don't have Adobe CS3 so I can't give a list of the locations for all of the registry keys, but if anyone can, you can delete them manually. There are other files to worry about as well though, "Common files" and other stuff.
  17. To do so go do these steps:First click on start > in the box at the bottom(search) type in "msconfig" and press enterClick the "Boot" tab and then click on "Safe boot" near the middle left sideSince you'll just be uninstalling a program, choose "Minimal"Then apply, it will ask if you want to restart, say yesWhen you're done attempting to uninstall(or once you're done being successful) go back into msconfig > Boot > uncheck "Safe boot" and restart again. All will be back to normal!Using minimal will keep anything from running but necessities. Even your video drivers/wifi/anything else will be disabled. So it should help fix your issue.
  18. What issues did you have with it? I use IE and I've yet to experience any issues, whether it's from clicking things, the actual view of the site, etc.On my side everything is normal.It may also have to do with resolution, rather than internet client. I'm on 1280*1024.
  19. I've never used Imagefilez...I rarely need to upload images but when I do I usually just use Photobucket.What sets Imagefilez apart from PB? Or what would make someone choose it instead?The whole "Bouncing all over the net" thing someone previously said....Photobucket isn't hard either. Log in, upload, click whatever embedding option you want, and you're done.
  20. A couple of ideas here...1)Have you found out what components it is having issues with uninstalling? If so, maybe you can uninstall those parts ahead of time, before uninstalling the program as a whole.2)Turn off all services related to Adobe and then try again. There are some services that do call-backs and whatnot, so that is possibly what is blocking you(system can't turn them off so it's not able to delete them)3)Try booting up in safe-mode. That will disable all un-needed processes, which should unlock any files that are unable to be deleted.4)Check your "UAC" since you're on Vista(user account control). Maybe it's something to do with it not knowing that you're an administrator.5)Try right clicking the uninstaller(assuming there is one - the actual .exe, not "Install/Uninstall Programs") and run as administratorHopefully at least one of those will help you. I would start with #3 first though. Let me know what you come up with after trying those, .
  21. The number of people who would actually take part in the gaming would be very slim. But in terms of prizes(just in case they ever did implement such a system) I would say that the best reward would be getting your banner shown on the forums. Free publicity for your website. It would be a huge incentive, I would think. Or it could be as such: "For every 10,000 points, you get 100 banner impressions" and there could be a point system related to each game. Some would obviously be worth more than others.
  22. How many keywords would you say is a good number to have? On Google's searches I found people saying you shouldn't have more than 3, some say no more than 5, some just say "not too many."How many do you think is "too many?"Also, are key words the only things that will link your site to the search engine? For example, there are some things I can search for that will pop my site up in Google, but even if I search for my actual website address, it won't show up. Is that because it's looking at keywords and I haven't put any for my website address/name?(And no, I didn't use keywords for the name because I assumed Google would know the address,lol.)
  23. Beta doesn't really mean anything. There are many things and programs that have been in beta for a long time, or near forever, yet are perfectly fine like that. So in terms of it staying in beta, I don't really see how that will influence the changes or anything to it, it's just a "status."
  24. Out of curiosity, why are you wanting different templates for IE and Firefox or whatever anyways?Is it due to incompatibilities or something?
  25. My issue is that they come around saying "Eating at McDonalds will make you fat!" and all, but honestly it has nothing to do with what you eat. It has to do with how active you are. We are pushed and pushed to this "calories" thing, being told that we need to keep below a certain amount to stay healthy. If any of you have been in the Army, and eaten MRE's, you would notice that most of them are 3500 calories. That's *one* meal. But yet it doesn't make you fat or anything. Why? Because you're very active. I lost weight there and I was eating hamburgers for lunch and dinner, and unhealthy things for breakfast, *every* day for over 3 months. So I don't believe that McDonald's makes you fat. People make themselves fat and/or unhealthy.
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