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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. Well, as Kansuke was stating, you could use flat-files. Such as making a new .txt file with the name of the user and you can always include that file between a set textarea tags. When they submit, the text file is updated and you could also update a html file for the user. This can take up alot of space though.
  2. Not bad. The black looks bad though, you could have made it a pop-out render by making the black transparent. The render does have some rough edges also. The color scheme is kind of strange as well. Green and black are not very attractive together in my opinion. Pretty good though.
  3. This is a great tutorial. It is kind of old though, but still a great tutorial. You also can set up an icon system that can create a virtual drive, run a program, then delete the virtual drive through MS-DOS commands. I might post a tutorial on it.
  4. Well, I made this in only a few days. Also, my forums might be buggy from the transfer. Well, I'm working on it as I go. I'm nowhere near finsihed. I am going to add a clan members page as soon as I get a few members. I am working on the forums right now and will change the logo as soon as possible. Thanks for the comments.
  5. You been spamming lately??? If so I gotta report you!

  6. Your website is like a myspace page. It looks fine for its uasge, but it's not very professional looking. The navigation looks strange in italic. and the font is kinda small. I think it is good for its purpose, but not extremely professional.
  7. I believe my website is ready for a review. It is a gaming clan revolving around forums, but I am using non-forum pages on my site. I currently have 75% of my forums done. My main page done with a news system in place. My contact page is finished. And I will be adding some more links to various forums on my site. I just need a review of it at its current stage and tell me if I'm going in the right direction. [link]
  8. Sup haslip! I guess I'll leave a comment on your profile.

  9. With your current PHP code there is no value for $id, so the die command is being issued and killing your script. You probably need to give $id a value. Also, next time please use the code or codebox BBCode tags when posting code.
  10. I've tried at least 4 different distros. I first installed Ubuntu on my computer because I have heard it is good. I loved it and I thought GNOME was awesome. I tried Kubuntu through live CD to see what KDE was like and wasn't very impressed. I then downloaded Mandrake to see if my net could work with it. I wasn't to happy when I found out that it used KDE. Then I downloaded Linux Mint and installed that. Linux Mint is Ubuntu based, so it could use the Gutsy Gibbon packages. It also uses GNOME with the start menu at the bottom. I love it and I still have it on my computer. I have gotten the farthest with it to get my net working. So, I use Linux Mint and plan on staying with it.
  11. Thats kinda cheating you know.

  12. Well, some things I am not sure about. Thanks for some of the tips though. I never knew about those.
  13. This is my first render pack I have made. I found all of these images in the same place and simply rendered them. There are 25 of them. Included is the original 25 pictures, the 25 rendered pictures, and a README.txt file which includes some information regarding the usage of the renders. You may remove the little image on the image when making signatures with them. Characters included: Sora - Regular Sora - Halloween Sora - Atlantis Sora - Glowing Goofy - Regular Goofy - Halloween Goofy - Atlantis Donald - Regular Donald - Halloween Donald - Atlantis Riku - Regular Riku - Dark Kairi Ansem Aerith Squall Cid Cloud Moogle Selphie Wakka Tidus Sora, Donald, Goofy Yuffie Download:[link]
  14. Sup dude! Thanks for the credits!

  15. This is absolutely disgusting. I actually pretty close to St. Louis also. I can't believe 6 people were doing this. They themselves need psychiatric help. What is wrong with people. Who would put a mentally challenged and pregnant women through such hell. I wonder if the 12 year old did it willingly. This sickens me in so many ways.
  16. I'm not talking about XHTML. I'm talking about HTML 4.01. There is a difference. The code looks awful as well. It could very well have problems displaying in the future as browsers adapt towards standards compliance.
  17. I don't see how this even possible? How can the Internet crash when it is a connection of millions of servers. Of course with that large amount of space being taken up. I am not surprised this could happen though. Of course taking down useless websites like porno sites and illegal websites would probably take out a third of that space. But the Internet will never max out.
  18. Ok, just out of curiosity I ran Google through the w3c validator to see if the coders wrote valid code. I found out that Google had 50 errors. One of them was no DOCTYPE! I was surprised that Google has sloppy coders like that. It's not just the fact that it is a big company that generates millions of dollars, but the fact they have created one of the greatest search engines and can't even code correct HTML. The code looks extremely messy. Here is a link to the validation page:[link]
  19. Ok, just out of curiosity I ran Google through the w3c validator to see if the coders wrote valid code. I found out that Google had 50 errors. One of them was no DOCTYPE! I was surprised that Google has sloppy coders like that. It's not just the fact that it is a big company that generates millions of dollars, but the fact they have created one of the greatest search engines and can't even code correct HTML. The code looks extremely messy. Here is a link to the validation page:[link]
  20. Wow! That is awesome. I wonder if the new iPhone is better than the current. Good job to those hackers though. I don't have an iPhone, but they look horrible. I heard that the iPhone may even have big game companies to start developing games for the iPhone like Sega. This is interesting though. Good job dev team!
  21. Well, you came to the right place. Xisto offers the best free webhosting on the net. Unlimited emails, subdomains, add-on domains, and much more. Just post here a bit and apply. You won't regret it. There are plenty of other sites though. Just Google free PHP hosting. If worse comes to worse make an old computer a web server.
  22. Sup dude! How ya been?

  23. Hey Kansuke, we could always make the content be scrolling and we have set pixel values for each one. I came up with code for 500px height for them both. I think it looks good actually. Plus it make it so the reader can read the content without scrolling down the page. Makes navigation much easier on the user end. Mouse scrolling is a problem though. Here is the CSS if you want it though. { padding: 0; margin: 0; }body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background: #3b3b3b;}#wrapper { margin: 0 auto; width: 802px;}#header { color: #333; width: 800px; float: left; border: 1px solid #000000; height: 100px; margin: 10px 0px 5px 0px; background: url('images/banner.png');}#navigation { float: left; width: 780px; color: #ccc; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px; background: #BD9C8C; background: url('images/navbg.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x;}#leftcolumn { color: #333; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px; padding: 10px; width: 618px; float: left; background: #ffffff; height: 500px; overflow: scroll;}#rightcolumn { float: right; color: #333; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px; padding: 10px; height: 500px; width: 135px; display: inline; background: #e1e1e1;}#footer { width: 780px; clear: both; color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #000000; background: #BD9C8C; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px; padding: 10px; text-align: center; background: #BD9C8C; background: url('images/navbg.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x;]
  24. Uhh Kansuke, why didn't you post this in the CSS forum?? And I have an idea that could work. Overflow is the problem. Of course we could always use line breaks to stretch if worst comes to worst.
  25. I think it looks awesome alex despite it being made by SM. Anyway, 9/10. There is no border.Also, alex, the layout is fine. I am planning on making a similar layout in my sig. With a hidden tag for a lot of userbars. Also, I love the avi! Did you make it?
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