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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. This sounds like you need some Javascript to insert dynamic CSS into the page and use AJAX to reload the page whenever the window size is changed. Or CSS I believe can do the trick. I know that you can stack another 100px div on top as a filler and have the other with a height of the rest of the window.
  2. You are using $_GET variables with incorrect syntax. $_GET variables are put inside the array $_GET which you access with the following syntax. <?phpif($_GET['variable_name'] == "value") { //statement}?> Also, try using the variable $_GET['step'] as a string instead of a integer. The comparison could be wrong. EDIT: I just noticed that you have $step as defined with 0. With the url index.php?step=1. You are not changing the value of $step. It is staying as 0 the whole time.
  3. Well, there many pros and cons to this. If a topic is deleted, the other users who post in it will lose credits. You though would be able to delete topics you make that you either find an answer right after you post or you post a double topic on accident. Maybe a time limit could be put on, or a user can delete the topic before anybody posts on it. Maybe at least the ability to close topics could be given.
  4. Well, what kind of game. Dungeon games like alex suggested can be done with a ton of HTML pages. But if you want a more functional game, you must use PHP and some form of database or flatfile. I would suggest waiting a while before making a game considering you only know HTML. For a good game, you need HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP, along with some SQL knowledge for your MySQL databases.
  5. I think some form of simple MMO game would be neat. Possibly a game like chess or something. I think a 2D game will be the easiest to create.
  6. The weapons stay the exact same. You just get better accuracy, more ammo, and other things. Like Akimbo pistols. Course I only use pistols when I'm using a weapon like a Panzer and I need to do a close up kill. Or I'm out of ammo. I enjoy the roleplaying parts.
  7. Thanks for the comments. I do not know much about Apophysis and haven't read any tutorials, only just played around with it. I just did basic stuff with this and it didn't take but 5 minutes for each one.
  8. Well, today I installed Apophysis for making fractals, and I came up with three so far. Here they are:
  9. Well, I don't know Java that much, but I can do web design and I am a pretty good graphic artist with GIMP. I guess I can help with those.
  10. Out of sheer boredom, I decided to learn Visual Basic using Visual Basic 2008 Express. I just made a web browser called SuckyIE. Basically it is a sucky version of IE. I probably will distribute it under a different name. Probably, Simple Browser or something. I will post a screenshot here soon.
  11. This is a really fun World War 2 shooter that is free to play. It is multiplayer only, but it is a really good game. I suggest trying it out. I myself play on the Enemies of War server with 2.55. Currently there are two versions of the client available, 2.55 and 2.6. You start with installing 2.55 and you can optionally upgrade to 2.6. Some servers are for 2.55 and some for 2.6. I have heard that 2.6 is much harder to play. The game is easily found on Google, just look for it. The game runs natively on OS X, Linux, and Windows.
  12. #17: An errorI have learned a bit of Java recently, and considering people have said true I just have to say an error.Second guess: Two boolean values: false and true?
  13. No, I did not have any problems. I have my hosting through Xisto, so that could be why. Who do you have your hosting through?
  14. You might wish to try out Nucleus. I have tried it out and I am fairly pleased with it. I just switched to Wordpress though because it has more features. Just Google Nucleus CMS because I am not sure of the link to the website.
  15. Well, Wordpress has a built-in search function. See my blog in my signature inside the hide tags. I am pretty sure Joomla has a search feature as well. I am not entirely sure though.
  16. Well, I know a way to integrate a search engine into your site, but it is not truly integrated. It is similar to Google's as to where it takes you off-site. Which I think Google's does. Well if you wish to check it out look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
  17. I have tried out one called Glest that is alright. I don't particularly like it as much as something like Age of Mythology, but it is decent. You might like it. You can find it on Sourceforge.
  18. I for some reason recently received an email saying I won the UK lottery for the sum of 1,000,000 GBP. It is obviously a scam or I'm rich. Here is the email for your inspection:
  19. Well, a while back I started to get into Linux and tried out a few distros and found my perfect one. Linux Mint, a Ubuntu based distro that uses the same packages and repositories I believe. The latest version, Daryna, it based on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. My laptop is a Compaq Presario C714NR with a BCM94311MCG WLAN Mini-PCI wireless card built in. It came with Windows Vista Home Premium and I bought it around December. Well, I finally got my wireless internet working using this tutorial:[link] The tutorial was very simple and it did what it was supposed to do. I recommend doing this on a fresh install, to make sure you haven't modified anything that deals with the packages used. If your wireless net does not work on (K,X)Ubuntu Gutsy/Linux Mint Daryna, then I recommend trying out this tutorial.
  20. coolcat50

    Free Php Ide

    Well, I am doing to try out PDT for Eclipse as soon as I find out how to install it under Linux. If not I will try Geany and Crimson Editor. Thanks for the suggestions!
  21. coolcat50

    Free Php Ide

    I am looking for a free PHP IDE to use for my PHP script making. I am currently using Notepad++, but I do not like the way it saves sessions. By IDE, I mean an editor that creates projects and helps link files together, like Dev-C++ does for C++ projects. It is kind of sloppy keeping all the files in one directory, and having to remember all of these includes and stuff and what each file contains. I need one that keeps all PHP files nice and organized. I have tried Dev-PHP and it was what I needed, it just had a funky color scheme. Could anybody reccommend one to me. I need it to be up-to-date and not discontinued.
  22. The fastest way is buying them. If you are going to do this then just get paid hosting with Xisto - Web Hosting, a sister site of Xisto. They offer quality web hosting for an extremely affordable price. One package gives you a free domain and it is only $2.95 USD a month. The most efficient way is to post quality posts on the forums. Posting tutorials gets you a lot of credits quickly and posting in the forums that give credits of course would speed it up.
  23. rmvb is a RealMedia format and is played by Rhapsody and RealPlayer. I myself use Rhapsody because it came on my computer. I do not know of any other way of playing. You could probably find some codecs and play it with another media player, but I would just download Rhapsody or RealPlayer to stay on the safe side.
  24. Thanks for all those that voted ofr me legitly. I noticed that my votes for Gfx Elite went up to like 27, so I suspect somebody spammed voting for me. I do not know who it was though. I can't believe I got 20 votes for Most Creative, thanks for all of those that voted for me and congrats to all other award winners. And good luck next year.
  25. Nice tut man, also having a good looking sig has to do with some graphics as well. Try requesting a signature in our graphics forum or making a good one yourself. I happen to be a sig maker myself and hope to be in Gfx Crew at one point. Goog tutorial though.
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