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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. Ok I am here to show off my 2 banners i have made. I made one of them a few minutes ago and the other last week. I am just getting into GIMP so they might not be very good. My first graphic is a banner I made for my website. This was a very basic design. I simply used a gradient for the background and default fonts. If you look closely in the background I added the game logos of 3 popular Wii games. This is the current banner of my website. I dove into this with Nintendo in mind. I really like the result despite no border. My new signature. I made this just a few minutes ago and it took about an hour to make. I was going for a smoke effect with the background. I created a custom brush and gradient and used an airbrush for the background. For a border I used a second layer with the same gradient as the background. I like the effect of it quite a bit. I dove into this as an experiment with a smoke effect and decided to fully use it. The fonts are default and the Triforce was found on Google Images. Well, there are my two signatures/banners I have made. Please comment on them and let me know how i'm doing as a graphics artist. Thank you.
  2. This is a simple tutorial on a way to set up a bookmarking system on your Wii with greater stroage than the Favorites. It is more complicated than the Favorites and requires manual URL typing. Well let's dive on in. Items Required Nintendo Wii Internet Channel 3 Empty Favorites Internet Connection An account on a social bookmarking site I will be using delicious as an example.delicious Ok, if you do not have an account, read on. If you do have an account, go to the {account} section. Ok, first you need to register an account. This can be done by clicking on the register link on delicious. Enter in the required fields and follow the steps. When it is discussing the broswer buttons click yes. When it shows you the links to the buttons simply click continue. Now you should be emailed. Check your email and verify your account. Ok, when you verify you will be given an address that will take you to your bookmarks. Remember that. {account} Ok, let's set up our system. First, go to delicious and log in. Be sure to check remember me. Ok after you log in, add delicious to your favorites. Move it to the third favorites spot. Next, click the button at the top that says Post. When you get to that screen, add it to Favorites. Rename the link to "Add Favorite" or something similar. Then move that link to the first spot in Favorites. Next, we need a screen to show our favorites. Click on the button that says my bookmarks. When you get to that page, add it to favorites and rename it to "My Favorites" or something similar. Put that into the second favorites slot. You can also just go to the link given to you after you verified your account. You now have a simple bookmarking system set up on your Wii favorites. Simply click on the "Add Favorite" link to add a link and click on the "My Favorites" link to view them. Congratulations!
  3. It seems cool, but it lacks the use of some other key web development tools by what I see in the first post. Where is our PHP and ASP. I would also expect ColdFusion to be included. Why let those powerful tools not to be used. I know Apache can be used for local testing, but it would have been cool. Of course I could have the totally wrong idea of its main use.
  4. Great tutorial! I use GIMP to do graphics and I don't know if there is a pixel text font with it or not. Is there one for download? Also, I may be submitting a tutorial in graphics on how to add a "watermark" to an image. Great tutorial though!
  5. Nice job OpaQue!!! I didn't suffer any downtime, but all those that did I hope didn't leave. It's a good thing the files were saved. Great job!
  6. Sweet! I only know of gamma because of my account, but sweet still. Also, the servers are named after the greek alphabet. Alpha, Beta, Delta and all that.
  7. That is a very apparent fake. I can prove it by quoting the seventh book. In the Epilouge it totally proves this false.Spoliers in text Hidden In the seventh book in the epilouge it states that Harry married Ginny and had children. Their names were Albus, Sirius, James, and Lily. I can not find my book so I can't quote it exactly. So this picture is a total fake!
  8. This will not work at all. There is no origin of content to replace from and no variable to actually echo. This would be more correct. This will be a chatbox example. <?php$shout=strip_tags($_POST['shout']);$shouts=str_replace("curse","replace",$shouts);//Repeat each word//mysql query?> That would be the correct form. Your example will simply provide an error. If it were to work it would still display the curse word due to no variable being stored.
  9. ColdFusion is a Adobe Language and for version 8 it is about $1,399 USD. So it is very expensive. Also, a site programmed in ColdFusion would be MySpace. Just look at the file extension on one of the pages.
  10. Now, I have absolutely no dating experience, but I do have some ideas that could help your situation. One way you can push her out your mind is to simply do things that please you. Take up a hobby, post on Trap more, make more websites. Do whatever makes you do into a "trance" and try to stop thinking of her. Talk with all of your other friends and try and be very sociable with them. A huge help could be to only see her when ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. That will help your situation alot. Your situation is very puzzling and quite strange to me. (Of course I'm like 3 years younger than you) Yes, I am younger, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. Just do what I said and your situation could become much less awkward and just become a regular relationship.
  11. yeah im gonna do it with javascript when i get my shoutbox set up. thanks alot!
  12. In this tutorial I will show you how to create a program that will solve a equation with variables for you. There are some requirements though. Requirements A Ti-83 or better calculator Knowledge of how to use the calculator Knowledge of where to find the functions A little Ti-BASIC knowledge will be helpful Well lets get into it.Creating the Program First, we need to create the program. Open up your program screen and create a new program. Name it something like EQSOLV. Ok let's get started with the coding. WARNING: This program will use the following variables. Str9 Str0 Y1 X Ok, first open up the edit screen. It should like like this. PROGRAM:EQSOLV If it looks like then you did the creation of the program correctly. Ok, we need to add a ClrHome command. Your screen should like this. PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome Great! Time to start having user input screens. We will use the Input command and the Str0 and Str9 variables here. -> = STO PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome:Input "EQUATION:",Str0:Input "ANSWER:",Str9 Now when the program is executed, it will ask for the equation. Then it will ask for the answer. Ok, we now need to create one big string for the equation. We will also add some other parts to the string for evaluating. The reason for this is that we will use the solve() function. The synatx for solve() is:solve(equation-(answer),X,guess) PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome:Input "EQUATION:",Str0:Input "ANSWER:",Str9:Str0+"-("+Str9+")"->Str0We now have our equation ready for solving. First, we need to turn the equation into a function. We will use a function called String-to-Equ(). It is pictured with an arrow as "to". I will call it String-to-Equ though. PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome:Input "EQUATION:",Str0:Input "ANSWER:",Str9:Str0+"-("+Str9+")"->Str0:String-to-Equ(Str0,Y1) We now have our equation saved as a function for solving. Now let's solve the equation and display our answer. PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome:Input "EQUATION:",Str0:Input "ANSWER:",Str9:Str0+"-("+Str9+")"->Str0:String-to-Equ(Str0,Y1):solve(Y1,X,0)->X:Output(3,1,"X=:Output(3,3,X That will solve the equation, store it in X and display it. Keep off the end quotation marks for memory management.You may think we are done. Well we are not quite finished. Now we need to clean up the program by erasing the variables we used. It will help memory management. Our final code should look like this. PROGRAM:EQSOLV:ClrHome:Input "EQUATION:",Str0:Input "ANSWER:",Str9:Str0+"-("+Str9+")"->Str0:String-to-Equ(Str0,Y1):solve(Y1,X,0)->X:Output(3,1,"X=:Output(3,3,X:DelVar X:DelVar Str0:DelVar Str9:DelVar Y1:Stop There you go. A simple equation solver made in Ti-BASIC. Instructions on Use To use the equation solver simply enter in the equation to be solved in the equation input. Enter in the answer to the equation in the answer input. When typing in the variable use the [X,T,(theta)] button. Example of use: EQUATION:2+XANSWER:4X=2Done That would be the results when you enter in that equation. Well thank you for reading. This is my third tutorial and I hope you like it.
  13. Yeah, it seems really cool. I am wanting to create a chatbox with the ability to submit posts with a button combination. B + 1 or something.
  14. Well, Frets on Fire + USB Keyboard + Laptop = WIRELESS GUITAR HERO CLONE
  15. Well, I do not quite know how to use a div like that. The innerHTML object could work with PHP include. There probably are better ways though. And I would prefer CSS over using DOM.
  16. Yeah, I checked out a video with this and it looks awesome. When, I get my laptop I am for sure getting this. There also is another similar game called Guitar Zero.
  17. You probably are thinking at this moment why I am posting some tricks with variables. Well, there are many useful things a variable can do for us. For one they can actually be used to create simple games. They also can be used to produce a random result in a page. Another great use is shoutboxes. Well here are some cool variable effects. Adding Multiple Strings We can use strings to create great effects. Example: <?php$var1="Hello person.";$var2=str_replace("person","world",$var1);echo $var1." ".$var2;?> We used str_replace to show two sentences with strings.Neat huh. Random Integers This is one of the sweetest features of PHP. the rand() function. Here is a neat trick using this function. Example <?phpfunction exVar(){$num=rand(1,100);if ($num<100){echo "The number is less than 100.";}else{echo "The number is 100.";}}exVar()?>That will run the function and tell you if it is 100 or less. Great for guessing games. MySQL Connect With variables we make connecting to a MySQL database clean and simple Most mysql connection codes are like this. <?php$localhost="localhost";$name="username";$password="password";$database="db";$connect=mysql_connect($localhost,$name,$password) or die(mysql_error());mysql_db_select($database,$connect);?> Simple huh! Variables make it look simpler and neater. Superglobals This is another awesome feature of PHP and variables. The $_POST and $_GET variables. We can use these to receive user input. We also can use the $_GET global to host a small website in ONE FILE. $_POST is very widely used in registration scripts and chatboxes. Example of $_GET <?phpif ($_GET['var'] == 'var'){//Post some html/php stuff here}else{//post the main page code here}?> Example of $_POST <?php$name=$_POST['var'];echo $name;?><form action="page.php" method="post"><input type="text" name="var" /><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form> The first code gives us a one file site using the $_GET variable and If statements. Our second code processes the form and prints the user input. Thank you for reading my tutorial.
  18. I need an Iframe that appears when a link is pressed like.Chat Here Iframe When Link is PressedLink Link Link
  19. There are several economic events that could happen with Microsoft as well as computer standards being changed significantly. The economic standpoint of Vista will probably cause Microsoft to lose money. Most games do not work on Vista, but on XP. This causes Microsoft to lose a huge crowd. A lot of RAM is required to run Vista and it can bug up your system. Again, gamers will stay away from Vista. This also affects developers and programmers. Other Economic Factors Toward Microsoft in General Open Source programs becoming abundant. We are seeing that most Microsoft products are becoming replaced by Open Source applications. Firefox, PHP, and C++ are a few examples. I do not know if C++ is open source, but it sure is free. This will cause Microsoft to heavily invest in it's operating system. If the system fails, Microsoft is dead. Linux and Macs becoming more abundant. I have noticed that a lot of people use Macs and Linux now. My school has Macs as the main computers when before they had PCs. Bill Gates being stupid. Yes, the lawsuit against Bill Gates certainly isn't helping Vista. Stupid move in my opinion. Some computer standards are also ruining Microsoft. PHP, Apache, and MySQL are the most popular webservers and are extremely portable. ASP and VBScript are horrible because they really only work in Internet Explorer. This is very annoying. Yes, I am dissing some of Microsoft's products, but they did have some cool stuff. I am a fan of XP and would choose it over most operating systems. Microsoft Word is great for projects. I can't say much for Notepad because I could make a better web application (Soon to be normal) Well there are some of my thoughts on Microsoft.
  20. I found on Nintendo.com a while back some new javascript objects dealing with the Wii Remote. I have decided to post a link to these new Javascript objects here. Wii javascript These new Javascripts can detect whether or not a Wii Remote is enabled, the position of the pointer, and even the tilt of the remote. It also has an object that determines the keypress of the Wii. These can be very useful for Wii sites. Maybe have a menu load with AJAX when the remote is tilted. Add button functionality such as when the A and B button are pressed, the form is submitted. Just wanted to let you guys and gals know.
  21. Sorry Liam, I use my Nintendo Wii for Internet at the moment, and I can't put stufff up for download or anything like that. You could always copy & paste it, but with that I would want some credit.
  22. Hmm, very interesting. I might be able to use this when I get my laptop.Also, Liam you could always try it.
  23. You could also always use the $_GET variables. With $_GET you can create a whole website within a single file. EDIT: Providing Example How you would use the If statements is like this. <?phpif ($_GET['page'] == 'put_name_here'){?><!-- HTML Code --><?php}elseif ($_GET['page'] == 'another_page'){?><!-- HTML Here --><?php}else{?><!-- Main Page Here --><?php}?> This is how you would do links. <a href="page.php?page=page">Name</a> To include do this <?phpinclude("page.php?page=page");?>
  24. Thank you. You also can use the mighty power of loops and timing to just have random pop-ups appear on his screen. The loop will make it so that it can be stopped, but it would be hilarious.
  25. Here is one. I haven't tried it but it could work. 1.Take a screenshot of their desktop. 2.Open note pad and create a simple webpage with the background being the desktop. 3.Use Javascript to make it so that when the click on the body and alert comes up saying they have a virus. Sample Code <script type="text/javascript">function fakeVirus(){t=setTimeout('alert("You have a virus!")',5000)}function clickVirus(){alert("You have a virus!")}</script><body onload="fakeVirus()" onclick="clickVirus()"> 4.Save the file.5.Open up the file. 6.Turn off EVERYTHING from the browser until it just shows the background picture. 7.Leave the computer alone. When he comes to his computer pop in there and ask him whats wrong. Next, ask him if he wants you to get rid of it. If he says yes then tell him to leave the room and clean up all your dirtywork. If he says no laugh extremely loudly and tell him what you did. There ya go.
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