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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. Some of my favorite metal bands are maybe not quite metal. Bullet for my Valentine, Killswitch Engage, and Norma Jean. It's the newer stuff.
  2. Wow! Thanks for posting this. I am not sure that this is the correct place to post it though unless it deals with PHP. I am a Windows/Linux user and need to watch out for this. I am not sure though that my computer has a Firewire port though. This is huge and dangerous.
  3. I used Photoshop CS3 and Flash CS3 to make this. I think it looks good and has an interesting function to it for a sig. It's simply a clock in signature form. Clock Sig
  4. Hidden Trapper of the Year-OpaQuejlhasliprvalkassSaint_Michaelalex7h3pr0gr4m3rVelmaMost Valuable Poster (MVP)-OpaQuejlhasliprvalkassSaint_MichaelVelmaTrap FeedBackerModerator of the Year (New Category)-jlhasliprvalkassseverphvelmaMost Helpful Member-tricky77puzzlesonesayOpaQuejlhasliprvalkassSaint_Michaelalex7h3pr0gr4m3rserverphBuffaloHELPMost Improve Member of the Year-karlosantanagisellebebegirlcoolcat50GFXtrap GFX Elite-Saint_Michaelcoolcat50KansukeKojima1337 Programmer-OpaQuealex7h3pr0gr4m3rjlhaslipcoolcat50Comedian of the Year-Saint_Michaeljlhaslipcoolcat50alex7h3pr0gr4m3rShoutboxer of the Year-Saint_Michaeljlhaslipcoolcat50alex7h3pr0gr4m3rBluebearMermaidLives at Xisto-Saint_MichaeljlhaslipTrap FeedBackerVelmaOpaQuervalkasscoolcat50Crazy Reviewer Person-Saint_MichaelMost Creative Trapper-KansukeKojimacoolcat50Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss-coolcat50Saint_MichaelOpaQue Good luck to all those nominated. And thanks SM for nominating me for so many categories.
  5. That sounds interesting. Could it be done though? Can you check whether or not the email is opened? I believe old school style is more efficient though.
  6. I find that I enjoy Saint_Michael's sig more. I like its dark vibe and it has a really nice lighting effect to it. I like how it goes from black to a mixture of colors back to black. I do not like FraKture's becasue it is too bright. The render is too blended in as well. I could barely tell the difference between the render and the background when I first looked at it. It is well made, just not my style nor tastes. My vote goes to Saint_Michael.
  7. coolcat50

    So Much Crap!

    Man, so much crap has happened this week already, and it's only Tuesday. Three words can sum it all up. Crime, sex, death. Today I found out that my Algebra teacher's grandmother was beat to death in her own home. The person that did it, she met at church! It is insane. So, my teacher is out because of this horrific event. Next, I found out that one of my friend's from elementary school died last night. That is absolutely terrible. I am glad though, he did not die from murder though. That was a huge relief off my chest. I also found out that two people got caught in the boy's bathroom at my school having sex! That is just nasty and unclean. I am going to try and not go to that bathroom anymore. My school is in lock down right now because somebody assaulted a police officer and took his gun, and it was really close to my school. Why are people like that?
  8. There are a lot of free forums software out there. They just require some downloading, uploading, and configuring to get them to work. A few good ones I would suggest are: phpBB3 punBB SMF AEF Those are all PHP and MySQL based.I like phpBB3 because of its look and it has a good ACP. It is also fairly fast, but it is kind of large. I have never used punBB, but a friend told me it is good. It is light and doesn't use a single image. SMF is cool because of its look. It looks nice and has a lot of addons. I just had problems putting them on. I prefer AEF over all of the others though. It is light, only about 6mb, and it looks great. The website for AEF is hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting and one of our very own moderators helped with the development of AEF. I would suggest using AEF.
  9. We were planning on having a light div for content that would go over the render. I see why you say the render in the nav boxes overpowers the text. I will have to remake the buttons I guess. I forgot to save them as XCF gur.
  10. Me and KansukeKojima are making a graphics website and I have made a layout in GIMP that I would like a rating for. Here is a picture of what it should look like.
  11. The render is Light Yagami from an anime called Death Note for those who are wondering.
  12. You are in luck. There are a few GIMP designers here and I am one of them. Just take a look at the stuff at my signature gallery. http://www.own-free-website.com
  13. Well, some forum engines have multiple skins as a default feature. Example is phpBB3 with the ability to install many skins for the user to choose. I say go for it.
  14. I believe there is a way to retrieve objects by name. You could always use that. I don't know exactly how to though.
  15. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a abstract signature in GIMP. I have a lot of images for this so bear with the loading time. First, you need to make a new image. I think 400x100px is a good signature size. I used these settings. You should have a blank white canvas. We will start out our sig by brushing up a quick background. I came out with this: Next, we will make a new layer. We will do more brushing on this layer. I used these settings: Start brushing with a different brush set. I ended up with this: Select your first brushed layer, then proceed. Ok, we have our brushing done, now to get the color. We will be using Color Balance which can be found under Color. A window like this should pop up: Mix around with the colors a bit and make it look cool. Next you want to select your second layer. You want to colorize this one. I used these settings: I ended up with this color scheme: Next you will want to make a new layer to darken the colors. Fill the layer with a dark color like dark green and use the Layer filters to make it blend. I used this color: After messing with the effects and selecting one. I came up with this: Next we will load up our render. I am using a Falco Lombarde render. Place the render wherever you want and get it positioned right. I have this: Next, we want to blend our render into the background. I will be using opacity to blend it in. I am setting my opacity for the render to about 80. It looks like this: Ok, now we need to make a border. First, create a new layer. I used these settings: Next we want to make a border as a selection. Go to Select -> Select All. Then go to Select -> Shrink. This will let you shrink your selection. I used these settings for shrink: Next, you want to invert the selection. Go to Select -> Invert. This will make the selection be a border. Now you want to color in the selection. I used the gradient tool. Here is what I came up with for the border: Next, we will add text. Pick a font and add some text. I used a small size with a fancy font. I ended up with this: Now save it as an XCF file for future editing and as PNG for use as a sig. Here is the final product: Thank you for reading my tutorial and good luck. Don't feel shy to mess around with GIMP. That is how I did this.
  16. If you give me those credits I will tickle Jlhaslip until he passes out. I also will give you a complimentary punch in the face for your contribution.
  17. IP Tracking is easy to do. There is a PHP global variable that contains a person's IP address. Perl can also do this. I could cook up a Perl or PHP script to log IP addresses in a .txt file if you want.
  18. Python is not very commonly used for web programming I don't think. It is a way to program CGI with mod_python. I think Perl is still the most popular language for CGI. If you want to see the power of Python check out Frets on Fire. It is a good Guitar Hero clone for your computer. You can make your own songs with it also. I think there was a topic on it in Trapinion.
  19. I think I deserve those credits so I can improve my website and learn. I am wanting to be a programmer when I am older, and I need practice. It will really help me with SEO as well.
  20. The MySQL warnings are because you have an incorrect user or pass. It says nobody@localhost which apparently does not exist. You must include the MySQL database info and be sure you are connecting to it. Your errors can help you debug your program if you read them carefully.
  21. I made a little techno mix with the demo version of Fruity Loops. I am planning on purchasing the full product, but for now I am using the demo. It is my first song and I hope you enjoy it.trancemp3.mp3
  22. You cannot use HTML in a regular PHP basis. You must break it off of PHP for the HTML or parse the HTML through echo. Try this: { $username = $_COOKIE['ID_my_site']; $pass = $_COOKIE['Key_my_site']; $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'")or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $check )) { //if the cookie has the wrong password, they are taken to the login page if ($pass != $info['password']) { header("Location linenums:0'><?php// Connects to your Database$username = "evolved_creation";$password = "mypasswordishere";$hostname = "localhost";$dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");$selected = mysql_select_db("evolved_clancreation",$dbh)or die("Could not connect to DB");mysql_close($dbh);//checks cookies to make sure they are logged inif(isset($_COOKIE['ID_my_site'])){$username = $_COOKIE['ID_my_site'];$pass = $_COOKIE['Key_my_site'];$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'")or die(mysql_error());while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $check )){//if the cookie has the wrong password, they are taken to the login pageif ($pass != $info['password']){ header("Location: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;);"]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;);[/url]}else{?><form action="insert.php" method="post">Clan Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br>Description: <input type="text" name="description" /><input type="submit" /><?php}}}else//if the cookie does not exist, they are taken to the login screen{header("Location: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;);"]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;);[/url]}?>
  23. He may also be referring to PHP or ASP. Those are popular server-side scripting languages which give even more features than that of Javascript. There also is the chance is referring to CSS for the sake of images. Google some of those and learn the languages. I suggest PHP, CSS, Javascript, and Perl.
  24. Yes, I do use GIMP. The Zelda wallpaper is my current wallpaper and my screen resolution is at 1280x800, so that is why it is at that size. I try to get as much color as I can in my sig while keeping it blended. Thank you for the comments.
  25. He could very well be ambidextrous. Did anybody think of that? I did not notice that though, I am gonna take a look at that. (Gets on Wii to see difference between OoT and TP)
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