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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. Yeah, the software used for the server and the actualy OS are different. Also, different features could be present on each. Linux is a more secure OS for servers and probably includes PHP hosting. Windows is a little less secure, but ASP hosting could be offered. I would look at the packages for each OS.
  2. This is the first render I have made. I made it with GIMP using the paths tool. Tell me what you think. It is free to use, but some credit would be cool.
  3. Is this even possible?? That's not that much data and would probably very primitive. I do not think it is possible to have a GUI and be 2MB at the same time.
  4. I just finished making a snowcone in Blender. Here it is: It didn't take long to make and i was just messing with Blender. How is it?
  5. Well, I kinda don't know how to do some of this stuff. Is there a way that somebody could provide a tutorial or something. I like the idea that csp came up with. I am just wanting to try it out and not have to do a lot of stuff to my computer. Well thanks.
  6. I am considering installing Ubuntu Linux to run as a double boot on my new laptop. I purchased the laptop with Vista Home Premium and I need to keep it for some of my games and software. Ex. Guild Wars, Halo, Visual C++ Express. I am just wanting to run Linux to see what it is like and I am wondering whether or not I could run Vista and Linux on the same hard drive. I have at least 70GB of space left and my C partition contaisn about 103 GB. I just bought the laptop a few days ago. I am just wanting to know this because I am thinking of getting Linux and possibly an external hard drive. The hard drive though is not very high on my priority list. So is this possible on the same hard drive or do I need a seperate hard drive for Linux.
  7. Thanks for the opinions. I am totally going with OpenOffice on this one. Also, I can't change my OS because Guild Wars and Halo won't run on Linux. Also, I would have to learn Linux which I kinda wanna wait to do. My mind is already boggled with C++. Also by the desktop recorder, I mean a screen recorder for recording games and stuff.
  8. Hello! I just bought a laptop and I am getting all my software I need for it. I can't decide whether to get Winamp or use Windows Media Player. Also, should I use OpenOffice or Microsoft Works. Also I need a good desktop recording program. So what are your opinions?
  9. Um, I am learning C++ not C. I do not believe it is neccessary to learn C when I can just use C++. I am only 14 and I am going to be a game programmer, so I need to learn C++ and stuff.
  10. Could I get a link to the eBook please. I might try and see if I can print it out. I am really interested in the eBook.
  11. I have a fairly advanced knowledge of programming and I am pretty far into my C++ for Dummies book. I currently know Perl, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Batch programming, and of course a little C++. Also, could you reccomend a few specific books. C++ only though. I don't really think that C will be as useful.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I didn't know about the Perl toolkits and I might have a look at those. I started working with Perl Saturday and I feel very good about my knowledge in the language. I have basically read the entire Perl for Dummies book I got for Christmas on Sunday. I will try to make an RPG and I may even put in on something like Sourceforge.
  13. I am very much interested in learning C++ and I have checked out a book from my public library entitled C++ For Dummies. lol. Well has anybody read this entire book because I have only gotten into like the first 100-150 pages of it and would like to know of some other books I should read with it. I like it so far and I am learning fairly quickly. (I am at classes at this point) Also some online tutorials or free eBooks would be cool.
  14. Perl is not a true web programming language. It is a normal programming language like C or Java. It can be used to create a desktop application. It can be configured though to run off a web server for scripting. My question was if people use Perl for stuff like game programming and if alot of people actually have Perl installed. I think a text-based RPG game or something similar can be very interesting in Perl.
  15. I am asking whether or not people generally use Perl to create desktop applications.
  16. I know that Perl is very common for CGI scripts and is used in many web applications. I also know that Perl can be run from the command-line for basic applications. Anybody ever make desktop applications in Perl or do most people strictly use Perl for CGI and use C(++) or Visual Basic for desktop applications. I am curious because I would like to attempt to create a game in Perl and distribute it. Of course it could only work for people who have Perl installed. Just wondering.
  17. Perl programs can't be hidden that well to my knowledge. If you need really protected code, use C or C++ which must be compiled. Perl is a good beginner's lanuage, and is great because of CGI support. I do not know of a way to encrypt perl though. One way could be to make the directories of a program be executable only.
  18. Did you provide the special UNIX comment needed for Perl scripts? Also, you should put the script in cgi-bin and do what Truefusion said probably. I am just getting started on learning Perl as a CGI resource, but I am fairly proficient in desktop applications of Perl.
  19. Welcome to my turoial on how to start multiple programs using one shortcut. You may probably be wondering how this is possible. Well this tutorial will use a language from MS-DOS called batch. I am not sure whether it is "language", but I do know that it is a way to program for MS-DOS. Batch is simply a way to run several MS-DOS commands with just one command. All batch files are run through Command Prompt, but they can be accessed with shortcuts also. Here are a few requirements for this tutorial. Requirements Windows XP (I tested this on XP, but it should work on many Windows systems) Some programs Notepad Ok, let's go on and start our tutorial. First, open up Notepad and start a new document. We will put all of our code here. First we need to turn off command echoing. This is not neccessary, but can be quite annoying. This will only help if you are going to directly run the command through CMD. Type in this code @echo off That will turn off our command echoing. Now to running the programs. I will use two programs as an example. I will also use fake folders and stuff. Type in this code after the first command. rem Guild Warscd C:\Program Files\Guild Warsstart gw.exerem Firefoxcd C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefoxstart firefox.exe That code will change to those directories then run the appropriate executable file. Those are example directories. The rem command simply means a comment. This is the template for the programs. cd Path to programstart Program .exe fileThat is all to run the program. Well, let's add one more command to close CMD after it is finished. This also will make it seem like CMD did nothing. exit So our final code should look like this: @echo offrem Guild Warscd C:\Program Files\Guild Warsstart gw.exerem Firefoxcd C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefoxstart firfox.exeexit Ok after you have your code written, save the file as a .bat file. The file name is up to you. The file name though will be the command name. I will call mine guildfire.bat. Ok, we have our program. What about the shortcut? Well I am going to explain that. After you have the file saved. Be sure to remember where you saved it. On your desktop, right click and create a new shortcut. When it asks you about the target, direct the target to the batch file we just made. Change the name and save. You just made a program starting program. If you want to change the image To change the shortcut's icon, simply go to it's properties and it should have a place to change the Icon Image. Simply change it with something like a BMP file. The best image size for the icon is about 50x50. Thank you for reading this tutorial and I hope you have fun.
  20. One you thing you could do is just post a notice in your site that you will change the domain within X time. After about a month, update your Google index and put the domain on a temporary webspace wih a URL to your site. After X time, switch your domain. I think that could work.
  21. My demo I have or had set up worked. It is probably missing a "{" or "}". I'll proofread it.
  22. The most important problem with this issue is that you should download the latest stable release. With GIMP 2.2, you can save your images as several image type files and even .html for tables. GIMP can save as the native file, Photoshop files, JPG files, GIF files, and PNG files. That isn't even close to all of the file types. As for your question of other programs like GIMP. There is a program from ADOBE called Photoshop CS3. It is a program used by professionals, but it costs at least $600 USD. All i would have to say is try out all of GIMP's file extensions. GIMP is a very useful program and can do more than you think.
  23. I wasn't going to have a server on my account. My IRC channel is hosted on dejatoons.net. So an IRC client is against TOS. Well, i still want to devleop one to see how to make one just in case I run a localhost and I can use this client. I do know that in PHP there are the ircg functions that can connect to IRC servers. I just don't see how I could output the messages once it starts. If this is against TOS then close the topic.
  24. I am wondering whether or not you could create a basic client for IRC using PHP. I know that PHP does have IRC functions which I read about on php.net. I am not quite sure whether or not a client could be built around this. I do know that there is a CGI IRC client on the web. I use this while I am on my Wii I am wanting to incorporate a PHP IRC client into my website and use AJAX to automatically reload the chat. Well, if anybody could help that would be great.
  25. Thank you Truefusion for the comments. Also, I just made a new siganture: This is another signature I made while experimenting. I was just messing around and decided to make a signature. I used a default gradient and a custom brush for the background. The gradient was simply from FG to BG and that is why its red like that. I used a font called Jazz that came with Finale Notepad 2008 I think. The Inuyasha render was found on google. I really like this one because of its background. I attempted using something I have never used before: color balance. That is how I got the background to be fairly blended. Well enjoy this signature.
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