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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. I believe my first computer was a Compaq with Windows 98. I just messed around with it for a while and learned how to use it.
  2. Awesome, I may try to implement a colors feature in the URL. It doesn't seem very hard to do.
  3. Google is your friend here. Also, check DeviantART. There are some awesome brushes on there. Photoshop brushes really should not be that hard to find. You just gotta check the right places.
  4. Home Edition is just a version of XP with not as many features as Professional. The service packs are totally seperate. They just update the operating system. Vista has many versiions: Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate. Again the service packs are merely updates.
  5. I personally hate the fog effect. And it is in definite need of a border.
  6. Some games do not ban real world trading. I believe this one game encourages it. It is a slow process, and risky. I would just use some other less risky and faster way to earn money online.
  7. Well, I decided to make a signature for this other forums I'm a member of, and I went with a grunge style. I actually followed a tutorial for this one, something I do not usually do. Here is the sig: EDIT: Modified text a bit
  8. Well, under normal circumstances, the code is not revealed. It is parsed from the server and is not shown in the HTML source. If something fails though, the source could leak out. I would just suggest to make it so that only PHP can read sensitive files, and that the browser cannot access them.
  9. I myself do not like rap either for the same reasons and others. They talk mostly about weed, killing people, and stuff like that. And they replace body parts with food. Are we edible or something? I also like rock. I myself love Thousand Foot Krutch and many other Christian bands. I also listen to metalcore and stuff like that.
  10. Well, fin was a file input stream, which cannot be given a value of null. I myself and just learning Java.
  11. Well, you have to think. Xisto hosts a lot of websites, and they must switch the distribution. The filesystem is big, and servers must be started and what not. These are server computers, not PC's.
  12. Today, I bought Warhammer 40k:Dawn of War Platinum Edition. It comes with Dawn of War, Dawn of War:Winter's Assault, and Dawn of War:Dark Crusade. It is extremely fun, and is slightly addicting. If you are a fan of the Warhammer 40k game and 3D space RTS games, I would suggest getting this game. The main game offers 4 playable races: the Space Marines, the Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and the Eldar. The expansions add new races and campaigns. Each race has different units, abilities, and buildings available. There also is the ability to paint your army, and make new ones. Overall this game is fun and addicting and worth buying.
  13. I have tried that website, and its results are nonsense. Most games it says I fail because of my video card, despite my video card having the correct features. I have decided to get Warhammer 40k, just cause I want an RTS game. Plus I played the demo and it is fun. It also is only $30.
  14. Twilight Princess was one of the first games I bought since I am a fan on the Legend of Zelda series. I really want CoD4, the only thing is the fact my computer has a Intel Pentium 1.46 GHz Processor, 1gb RAM, Windows XP SP2, with a Intel video chipset. It has all the features needed to play CoD4, but I have heard that my chipset won't run it. I think it is a Mobile Intel 965.
  15. Well, recently I had my 8th grade graduation and I got $70 as a present. Well, I am wanting to get a game with my money. Only problem is I can't decide what to get. I am thinking of buying Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare for PC, but I am not sure if I can run it. I also am thinking of buying Warhammer 40k:Dawn of War, which I know I can run. Then there are different Nintendo Wii game I want such as Mario Kart Wii, and Wii Fit. I can't decide out of all these games. So I need some recommendations for games for me to get.
  16. I personally would try to build up a massive community and use advertisements to earn my money. It is an honest and common way to earning money online. You also could provide online services that they pay with a credit card. I have seen some websites that do this.
  17. I just decided to check them out, and I read in their TOS they do not allow Joomla, Mambo, PHPMyAdmin, or VBulletin. That is bullcrap. They need to go away. One of the worst hosts ever. I am making an account just for file storage.
  18. I have just finished making my newest brush pack. They are fractal brushes I made for Adobe Photoshop as well as GIMP. This is so that everyone can enjoy them. Currently, Xisto is the exclusive place to download these fantastic brushes. Please read the README included with the brushes. It contains some important information. The biggest thing is that you are NOT allowed to distribute them. I can only distribute them, and I may take them off the net if I wish. So get em as fast as you can. Here is a preview image I made with the brushes: Download link: [link] Enjoy!
  19. I personally know a few languages. I know the basic HTML and CSS as well as Javascript, PHP, C++, Perl, and I am trying to learn Java and Python. I also am doing a little VB with VB Express 2008.
  20. Yeah, I was very surprised with the whole romance thing. Course what do you expect in today's society. You can find sex on everyday television. The CGI was spectacular, and I loved the camera effects.
  21. I just got back from watching Prince Caspian, and overall I was impressed. Narnia still looks great if you saw the first one. The movies may seem that they are going out of order, but they technically are in order. The movies are being released in the publishing date of the books. The movie was pretty accurate when it came to the book, but of course it had some added stuff and removed stuff. I actually noticed that some of the script is quoted straight from the book. The movie had some awesome special effects, especially in the battle scenes. I thought it was a very great movie, and all Chronicles of Narnia lovers would enjoy this movie.
  22. Well, you could always get one of these free MySQL hosting solutions if you wish to have external MySQL. I believe one is http://www.freemysql.net/ could do what you want. They have it configured for other websites to be able to use their MySQL.
  23. I was bored in school today, so I cracked open GIMP and Apophysis and decided to make my first sig using both programs. I created a fractal in Apophysis and did some editing in GIMP. It didn't take me long to make and I like the turnout.
  24. Well, here is a small code that could do it. I am not sure if it works in all browsers. Check it. It uses a margin to lower it by 100px. CSS: * { padding: 0 0 0 0; }//Must set padding to 0 for Opera.body {//Set top margin to be 100pxmargin-top:100px;//Set rest of margins to be 0margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;}.lowereddiv {//Set height to fill rest of pageheight:100%}
  25. This is messed up. How is there even a charge for wizardry? Seems pretty moronic to me. He was just trying to entertain his students and he loses his job. That is quite stupid. How is a magic trick an act of wizardry. Besides, I'm sure nobody has ever been to Hogwarts or something.
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