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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. The website is meh. I personally hate images for backgrounds, they just make it look meh. Also, the way the content is positioned looks really bad. If this is your first website then it is decent. But I would work on it a bit more. Try to find some CSS layouts and make it not be so long, but make it have overflow and stuff like that.
  2. Very interesting, good job on finding out the culprit. Could you possibly give us a name of the virus to look after?
  3. Pretty nice overall, the border makes me look at it like ugh. I think I may post a tutorial on how to make a border. It will probably help out alot of people.
  4. I read C++ For Dummies: Complete Desktop Reference as my first book. It is great for beginners and I learned alot. Read it slow though, cause the OO portion of it is kind of confusing.
  5. Sorry, I have only successfully shutdown local computers. I think it won't let you do it through the Internet, because that would be a huge security hole.
  6. Yes. I have actually tested this. This is actually can be used to exploit a security hole in my school system's network. They obviously didn't know how easy it would be to get all the computer names and use this command.
  7. No problem! You use getKey to retrieve a key value and you compare the key value from getKey with a key value of a certain button using an if statement. I've made a few neat games using getKey and the Graph.
  8. Very nice Kansuke, I advise though using a better form of stopping it. Also, labels suck in Ti-BASIC. They can cause the calculator to output an error message. Here is a little better version of the code. :ClrHome:A=0:While(A=0):getKey -> K:Output(1,1,"--Slot Machine--"):Output(2,1,randInt(0,9,1)):Output(2,4,randInt(0,9,1)):Output(2,7,randInt(0,9,1)):If K=105:Stop:End EDIT: Fixed Output statements
  9. Ok, this tutorial is designed to teach you how to remotely shutdown a Windows computer on a Local Area Network. I have not been able to test this on wireless and successfully do it, but it will work on computers connected to a LAN. Well here is how to do it. 1.Open Command Prompt on the computer you wish to shutdown from. Press Win + R and type in cmd or command. 2.Type in ipconfig on the computer you wish to shut down. If you know the IP address of the computer you wish to shutdown go to Step 4. 3.Get the IP address from the computer. 4.Go to the computer you wish to shutdown from. 5.Type in the following command. CONSOLE shutdown -m \\IP HERE -t TIME IN SECONDS HERE -c MESSAGE HERE -s If you see a box on the computer you wish to shutdown you did it successfully. To abort simply type in: CONSOLE shutdown -m \\IP HERE -a Congrats on remotely shutting down your computer.

  11. My friend just told me about this being on the Yahoo main page. It looks sweet. I would love to have one of these babies or something similar. It seems the Wii is not just for family fun but keeping families safe. Some creative minds must have gone into developing this. Article:[link]
  12. I may be going to Rock on the Range. It has a great set of bands right now. Not all are metal, but a few are. I know that Killswitch Engage, Flyleaf, Disturbed, Papa Roach, Seether, and some other great bands. Website here:[link]
  13. Um Kansuke try this. <?//the host, name, and password for your mysqlmysql_connect("localhost","not tellin you!","not tellin");//select the databasemysql_select_db("not tellin");$submit = $_POST['submit'];$name = $_POST['name'];$message = $_POST['message'];if($submit){ //use the PHP date function for the time $time=date("h:ia d/j/y"); // inserting it into the shoutbox table which we made in the mysql statements before $result=MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO shoutbox (id,name,message,time)". "VALUES ('NULL','$name', '$message','$time')"); $_POST['submit'] = 0; $_POST['message'] = ""; $_POST['name'] = "";}?><?//returning the last 5 messages$result = mysql_query("select * from shoutbox order by id desc limit 5");//the while loopwhile($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){//variables from tableecho $r["time"]."<br/>\n".$r["id"]."<br/>\n".$r["name"].":<br/>\n".$r["message"]."<br/>\n";}?><form action="" method="post"><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='name' NAME='name' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' value='message' NAME='message' SIZE=30 maxlength='100' /><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form> EDIT: Fixed BBCode
  14. Yeah that's kinda mean considering I'm from Tennessee. I didn't do it though. And do you know what city it came from? I might have an idea of who did it if I can get the IP Address.
  15. Well, all of the code above is great. As for getting the map to have links is a big thing as well. You could always use CSS and position each element, but this would be very time consuming. You also could use image maps in HTML, but I'm not quite sure if that is the preferred method. There also are tables with image links and you could use borders as a way to show a grid for clicking. I would probably use image maps or tables for simplicity.
  16. Does the script use a database? Is it a PHP script? You might need to set up a MySQL database and do some chmodding in order to install it. Generally reading the README it comes with or support documentation on intsallation will give you great instructions. You will need to upload the folder though through FTP.
  17. I submitted my votes. Good luck to everyone who is in the finals and I am sort of surprised to see me only under 2 categories. Course I haven't been here that "long". Anyway, I hope I win some sort of award lol.
  18. Nice one! I can tell it's Photoshopped so don't try pullin that act lol. Nice shot of it though and good editing. Course it might not be Photoshopped, but GIMPed, or Paint.netted lol.
  19. Hey, I'll attempt to upload it for you. Probably later today.
  20. I myself do not fear death itself, but how I will die. I wish to die naturally and without suffering, but there is the chance of murder or something similar. There is no reason to fear death because it is destined to happen. It is a natural part of life. Fearing your cause of death is understandable though. As long as you have followed a good life, then you should be fine when you die. I myself am a Christian and hope to go to heaven when I die.
  21. Lol, This is a personal project. Me and Kansuke are making a graphics site called EnygmaDesigns. We are doing significant planning on that one. This site is ust a learning tool for me to get into really in depth web design. I probably will try to design my own SMF skin. Thanks for the comments though. Also, the banner was thrown together in a short time.
  22. Well, I just recently switched to SMF. I am keeping it seperate to keep it truly professional. I don't like the idea of intergration of forums, because it can make loading times take a while. Also, I am going to create my own shoutbox so I can have the ultimate amount of customizing it. I am still working on it.
  23. Well, you could always use a randomized string or image as verification. I myself wrote a script that generates a 10 character long random string and inserts it into a variable. I can post it here if you like.
  24. Well, extracting both at the same time would slow down the extraction due to higher CPU usage, but they would both most likely finish at the same time. If you did them one after another, both would extract faster, but it would most likely take the same amount of time for both of them to extract, making the extraction time be X+X, which could be much longer than extracting them both at the same time. The first method would have the extraction time about the same for both of them. You also could give the extraction process higher priority, making it have more CPU power and letting it extract faster.
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