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Everything posted by ZaM0

  1. Yes, so now I hope you found your final destination Xisto is the best hosting on the Earth, no more comments about it
  2. I speak Bulgarian, English and a bit of German. German I continue to study for more than 1 year
  3. OMG, I really like the 4rth one, it is perfect! The color combination and arrangment is stunning Keep up the good work
  4. In Bulgaria the most spread is Ramstore Here is not much popular to shop online, so the stores are less than in the big countries. Also they are limited to only few directions -> computer shops, food, etc etc...
  5. Maybe Windows and Linux based systems. Windows couse it is much widespread and supported, and also couse of the big database of software made for it. The Linux based systems are more stable and they are often the choice for server applications. But I think Mac will die. Sorry. It constrasts to Windows and Linux systems, couse it doesn't have the big advertisment as the Win, also the made software is tiny compared to Win. I should add. It is closed-source.
  6. Q: What's up? A: The sky's up, dude! (Hey, that was a smart one Reproduced from the RPG Runescape )
  7. If you want to get paid of your writtings, make a book This should give you money, worth of your work.
  8. I have a dog, and I love it :rolleyes:But in the later live, I'm gonna get cat. "If you want a challenge, get a cat", that's what I want The dogs are really easier to train, and are good friends, same as the cats (only 'bout the friendship ) . Some people said that the cat likes the house, and the dog likes it's owner. But I don't think it's true. The cats are taking a liking to their host, this I could proof with their acting - they like to sleep around you, like to brush their heads in you (gesture of devotion)... And much more.
  9. OMG, really nice graphics and combination of colors, I like it!You should work much with web graphics to make such thing
  10. Dogs, cats, fishes, birds, all are my favourites ;)I just don't like the spiders and snakes or so, couse I have a bit of arachnofobia
  11. Nice! I have watched an ASCII demonstration inside Knoppix (Linux based system), it shows 3d objects, and much more, it had music too, the experience from watching it is really non-describeable I just don't remember of the project of the demonstration... I have read somewhere, that it's idea is for making an operating system, with GUI only based on ASCII But I think the project hasn't been realised It's been from 1997 I think (not sure)...
  12. I had the worst experience, when we had a guest, I tried to bring him a coffee, but I turned it on the table . But maybe some exams from the previews grade made me feel worse haha I got success, but the stress gets me away
  13. Yes, I have watched it. It is one of the less good actions over these years. I recommend all to watch it
  14. I'm really happy to see such long list of sentences, which are bringing peace to the world Happy to see the Bulgarian translation I confirm, that it is right, but if you want, write it in cyrilic - Here is how it must look - "Обичам те"
  15. Well, I don't know, but I have made some tests, here you go: IE 7 - opened 1 window - 19 MB RAM Mozilla Firefox - opened 1 window - 9 MB RAM Something similar is the Page File usage. Also, I have noticed that IE 7 starts slower than Mozilla Firefox. I don't know why you issued that
  16. Really nice! Maybe in the future OpenOffice will remove Microsoft Office from the world store, couse it has almost the same features and it's free.
  17. Why you consider it is fantastic? It could exist, every single number, written by digit, followed by another digits, is a number, which could exist. You could only not call it with a name
  18. When I got angry at someone, and I want to stop the quarrel, I just shut up. It is really hard to do it, but it is the only way out.
  19. ZaM0

    Gmail Drive

    Yay, you could use it as online file shareing That could replace the USB Flash drives for computers with internet connection. The only problem is, that the speed is not as copying the file on your hard drive Also, will GMail allow to use their space for e-mail, for storing pretty large files? Here is an online solution, based on that idea: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. The Adblock Plus, and Adblock Filterset.G Updater are irreplaceble Neither Opera or Internet Explorer 7 does have an active extension, which to block all the ads. Opera tries to do that, but you have to block manually the images. So - Long live Firefox
  21. I think it is absolutely right he to be in the jail for 100 years. He got take out few lives, now the justice is getting after him.
  22. Hehe, not for burning firewood, the wood got on the ground weeks, till somebody gets it. As I said, he is a bit of looney, he rides his bycicle round the alley, but it appears that the tree gots in his way every time he turns at that place... He cut off only the branches on the side of the alley
  23. I like steaks, combined with fried potatoes But not eating them often The Bulgarian classic salad is some thing you could not loose - a mix of domatoes, peppers, onnion, cucumber, parsley, and a liitle bit of oil Don't forget to put few pinches of salt in it. You could add cheese too
  24. Yes, an active blogging about the environment could make some people think about what they do with the nature around them. I hope that this will have an effect, and there to show up more trees in the less green areas around the blocks of flats... In my quarter, a loony man did cut massive branches from big birches at the only alley around... Nobody caught him...
  25. I like most the Turkish Angora cat, it's really neat If the character is the most important for me, I could choose the Persian Cat. I've never got a cat, but if I can, I gonna do it some day
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