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Everything posted by ZaM0

  1. Mine are Counter-Strike and JetAudio, also the server console (HLDS.exe).Sometimes I use these applications all at one time But, yes, here someone could use JetAudio with combination with Dreamweaver, or Microsoft Word with Winamp, depends on the person.
  2. I'm one of the big community, which uses Mozilla Firefox. With Fasterfox addon, and a little touch in the about:config, I think Firefox is the fastest browser on the Earth. I don't like Opera, couse it is much more resource eating. Also it doesn't have the great addons like "Adblock Plus", "Video Downloader" etc
  3. I use Dreamweaver for the coding, althrough it is not free. I use it mainly, couse of the design/code view Before I used Notepad - the best program for coding For the graphics I use Photoshop - light, 3D, and more, more effects for buttons, backgrounds, and all the other things
  4. UBUNTU is one of the most widely distributed operating system with the Linux kernel. I heard it is renowed with it's ease of use, and its features. It is based on Debian/GNU Linux, and it is based on the theory, that the software must be free. Ubuntu were on 27th place of Best Products of 2006 (PC World). I think it uses Gnome as GUI (not quite sure, maybe you can choose KDE too ). You could download it from here: https://www.ubuntu.com/
  5. If you want Vista, your system must be descent. RAM - 512 if you want to run the Starter Edition with no problems. 1024 MB+ if you want the Ultimate, couse it eats up much resources. I recommend you to stay with Windows XP few more time, couse of the Vista software incompatibility, and couse of the bunch of use of resources.
  6. Yes, It is absolutely legal! They even offer free standalone HLDS package here - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Forgot to mention it in the tutorial
  7. Well, I like it. I use it over JetAudio, couse I think the sound (after playing with the graphical equilaiser ) is better. But it could not play some of the well known audio, I meant radio formats, for example the Nullsoft's .pls...
  8. I don't know why, but it is loading too slow... I wouldn't make an account there I use http://www.imageshack.us/ for forum image showing, and http://photobucket.com/ for something more serious. Couse I caught that ImageShack are deleting the older images after awhile.
  9. I use NOD32, and I think compared to the other well-known antivirus software, it is the most lightweight. And I feel that. I have used Norton AntiVirus, but it is too heavy, and it's eating up the system's resources. The same is the Kaspersky. I never had viruses with the other two, but with NOD also I'm free of infections. So I decide to stay with NOD32. Also it has a big forum with support in Bulgaria
  10. I have the simple Samsung SGH-X140, It has WAP 1.2.1, JAVA, I'm happy with it, but it lacks of features Hope to get a better phone next few months :DI'm looking into the W series of Sony Erricson - bunch of features, including great MP3 player
  11. Hello! Now I will show you how to create a CS 1.6 Dedicated server 1. Locate HLDS.exe. It could start it from Steam. 2. Make a batch file. You could name it how you like, I writed it as start.bat. It should be located in the same folder as the HLDS.exe. It should contain something like this: HLDS.EXE -console -game cstrike -port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +map bl_counterquake +sv_lan 0 +rcon_password yourrconpass -secure I recommend -console to be there, couse it starts hlds.exe in console mode(it shows only the console, not showing the slow GUI with statistics and other not-necessary things), which saves up a bunch of CPU and RAM resources. It will be hard for you if you are administrating server for a first time, but you will get it quick 3. Make a shortcut on your desktop to your start.bat. Then start it. You should see a command promt application. 4. You could change the map with the command changelevel. Example: changelevel de_dust2 5. The maxplayers are changeable from the batch file - +maxplayers x, where x is your desired number. +map determines you first run map. +sv_lan is important to be 0, so the server to be in Internet mode. +rcon_password changes your rcon password. Rcon means Remote Control, with the rcon password you can manage the server from the game. Now with the server running, you can play into it. Open CS and type - connect "serverip":27015. The server IP is visible from the command "status" at the server console. You could also see it, using the command promt - open the Start menu, click Run, type "cmd". When the command promt is visible, type "ipconfig". Then you should see your IP under "IP Address". So, I expect you have connected already to your server Now I will type the most used rcon (server console) commands (you could use rcon commands from in-game, just type rcon_password yourpasshere, then rcon and one of the following CVARs or console commands): CVARS (Console Variables, which can be set up at server.cfg. They will always be reset to the value in server.cfg) mp_timelimit - determines the time of the map, before the mapchange. 0 should be unlimited mp_freezetime - determines the freezetime at the start of the map. 0 means no freezetime Here is a full list of CVARs(both server and client): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Another console commands: status - shows the current map, the ammount of players, and the active ones. users - shows the list of users stat - shows the list of users and their IPs addip - adds ip to the banlist. It is located in the CS folder, as listip.cfg. writeip - writes the added IPs to the listip.cfg. It should always be used after addip. listip - shows the banned IPs.
  12. I have been stressed and I have experience I would recommend walking outside your home, talking with friends, forget the object that stressed you, think about another things.Don't bury yourself in your home, without social contacts. Watch calm movies, listen to the music you like (don't if it makes you feel worse).Another thing is the self-control If you have heartbeating, breath deeply, and don't think about it.
  13. Hello! Just to share about the effect, which happened to me before year. I was walking when I slept, around the room, sometimes talking non-understandeble things, stood up at the bed. I searched around the Internet and found that it is often seen around the world. There is information in Wikipedia, which says that 80% of the population is prone to sleepwalking. I'm interested about the rest of the population, so, please post, if you have sleepwalked at some stage of your life. Here is the quote of the Wikipedia, with some interesting information about the sleepwalkers : Source: Wikipedia
  14. Well, I HATE freehostia I had one or two applications on their servers, and I hate them1. Their servers are often offline. Really often!2. MySQL Datebase space is symbolic - 10 MB can't even hold a decent forum 3. Uploading speed is really slow4. Download speed is slow too...5. I won't use it again
  15. Most embarrasing for me is the big jump at kz_winterdust map. It is located at the first level, and it is really annyoing I called a friend to duck, so I to climb on him to make the progress
  16. Microsoft want to pull back GMail, couse they want to raise up their Hotmail... I find that way stupid, they must advertise their mail, instead of breaking the opposition...
  17. Well, take back the web I was a small software site creator, and the IE made my work hard as pulling a stone rock It doesn't display propertly the images and showed up a small white lines... Mozilla Firefox had no problems, so I stopped the compatibillity work, and just putted one line text: Works only with Mozilla Firefox Also, MF is faster to start, has a page restore function (if it crashes somehow), and a nice RSS feed reader. So I will never look back to the slow laggy, with a lack of functionallity browser, IE 6... (or IE 7) I see IE 7 as IE 6 with only better design and a bunch of buggy features... It is slow and crashy as the previews version.
  18. I would select GMail. Couse of the large inbox space. Couse of large attachments. Couse of easy search system. Couse of the better interface. GMail the best
  19. I have read some Norbekov books, and the exercises are somehow effective, I think. Well, I have made some of his exercises and I think that eye fatigue falls In his book it is explained, that if you have the required concentration and patience, you could loose the glasses. Well I don't have glasses and I have read this book, couse my friend gave it as a present to me...I'm really excited to read some opinions about these exercises, so please, share the effect of them
  20. Well couse of that I will stay with Xisto (if you allow the hosting on my account ). I have used many hosts like Freehostia, but their servers aren't working something like every Saturday I have trust of 30 000+ registered members
  21. I think you will need an free E-Mail engine, like this , and a bunch of webspace and bandwith
  22. I'm staying with GMail, couse of the big space(nowhere offered), the bunch of features, the big attachment option and so on
  23. Vista rocks when you have a descent computer configuration, otherwise it sucks
  24. ZaM0

    Firefox Themes?

    I use Vista black 1.0, It's really cute and looks well with my Windows Vista theme
  25. Excelent list of tricks, I didn't know few of them, now I know my Firefox better Thanks!
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