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Everything posted by ZaM0

  1. Recent... I did watch Live Free or Die Hard 4.0, it is a classic action, it should be an example how the actions must be projected. It's one of the best actions I've watch. Recommend it to everyone
  2. You have missed JetAudio :PI think it is the best! Proper video playing, subtitles, quality sound (graphic equillizer), ease of use. I could choose also Windows Media Player 11, couse of the nice design and the advanced sound effects.
  3. I won't ever download IE 7 again, so I'm protected I could see Mozilla Firefox in the future, IE 7 can never be trusted couse of the VBScript and the ActiveX. The hackers often find security holes, and the updates are slowly applicated - weeks of wait before MS make the apropriate update. Also if you have disabled the automatic updates, you could bring yourself big problems. Firefox downloads the updates automatically, so you should not worry.
  4. I think that it is part fake, part real. The hits are fake, really. But the falls are real, it is absolutely possible to hurt. But, overall, all that adverts, projection, it is all for the money - so, they are trying to be healthy for the next show
  5. I could recommend you b2evolution blog software, it has nice (well, a classic blog) design, it functions (lol, the most important ).Get a free webhosting from Xisto, install it, and have fun
  6. I would choose Google, couse it has the largest database of websites in the world. It is one of the less search engines, which could find Bulgarian pages I think AltaVista could compare to it, but ... It's not as full as Google. Also Yahoo is in the same situation
  7. Well, when it uses the Internet Explorer shell, it has the security issues of IE. I don't look with trust towards it's safe guard.... If you want advanced IE, you could try IE 7. So I don't get the point...
  8. Make a blank .html. That's it Heh, I'm joking You could embed the CSS into the HTML, without external file. Also, you could not use graphics, I recommend mixing the blue with white, red with white and black, black with red etc. Hope I have helped
  9. Yes, I would recommend the GIMP too, I have never used it, couse it's runtime application isn't compatible with few .dlls on my system. I have heard a lots of good words about it, well, who could say something bad, when it is called the alternative of Photoshop
  10. Yeah, I like too Xisto, it gives you descent speed, bandwith (well, not for intense file transfer), and ofcource... The Cpanel! I have been looking for Cpanel hosts, but most of them don't work, work very slow, or they are placing a banner on their pages. I'll never sign with them, couse... There is Xisto, thanks for the great host!
  11. Hello! I have never used Valve Hammer Editor, but I can give you few links: http://collective.valve-erc.com/ http://www.slackiller.com/tutorials/tutorials.htm EDIT: I want to say a word or two for the people, which want to reduce their lag in the CS servers. You could download FireDaemon manager, which could start hlds.exe as system service, everytime your computer is started. I done that, and really, I like it Here is the link: http://www.firedaemon.com/ (The new one is the paid version(30 days trial). You could search at google for the old one version, which is free and full.) 1. Install it. 2. Open, click new service. 3. In short name write: HLDS 4. Check up "Console Application" 5. Working directory - (example) C:\Program Files\steam\your-e-mail-address\valve 6. Executable - (examle) C:\Program Files\steam\your-e-mail-address\valve 7. Parameters - all the parameters of the .bat file - "-console -map ... -secure (or -insecure) etc. etc." 8. On the settings tab - Show Window must be checked, select hidden. 9. Service priority - I recommend to be "High Priority". 10. N-JoY Now, the server will be started automatically with your system. Now if you want to administrate your server without being play in the game, you must download HLSW. http://www.hlsw.net/. It is free server administration software. Now, here is a guide how to use it to work with your server: 1. Click offline, when it promts you for registration. You could register, but it is not crittical. 2. Write up in the IP:Port the IP:port of your Counter-Strike server. Click enter. 3. Click on the newly appeared server and click rcon config tab. 4. Write up the Rcon password, click test to be sure you didn't make a mistake. 5. Check up "Save" 6. Click "Get Log (Internet)" 7. Click on the Console tab. 8. Now you could control the hlds.exe FireDaemon process
  12. I had fish, but I gave them away to my friend. Now I have a male dog, 5 years old, German Shepherd It is really attackful to the other male dogs, but likes to play with the opposite gender.
  13. I hate the buggy keyboard of my Samsung SGH-X140, also the delicate surface, which can be easy scratched. You could save it, only if you own a GSM-case
  14. The regular needles doesn't bother me, but I like to watch what they do, when they inject me
  15. I would select Samsung. They are solid(I meant they are made from quality plastic), and cheap. Sony Erricson would be my second choice - cheap and offers quality features.
  16. My last book were "Secrets of the 3rd Bulgarian Country", the writer is the vice-director of The Museum of the Bulgarian History. Really interesting I read before it few Aghata Christie's novels. All of them are really interesting, long, and the cases are really complicated. I would recommend them to everyone
  17. I have seen much forum software, YaBB, phpBB, IPB, and more, and I liked most the IPB and phpBB. The other ones are design-wake, features lagging and so on(there may be a nice ones, but I haven't seen such). The best option is to use the software, which is written and supported by many people. As I chosen
  18. In Bulgaria, the most used is Skype. I really don't know a man, using ICQ for example. What about the foreign countries? I'm really interested I also would chose Skype, couse of it's much plusses, as high-quality voice, lightweightness, much emoticons ( ), and the easy to remember login name (compared to the ICQ numbers It isn't a problem to remember it, but if you have to remember 10 numbers, you will get sick...)
  19. Well, it is usual to scare of something unknown. It may be pleasureful, it may be very paintful. But nobody can tell us about his experience.
  20. Liulin-net, it is named of the mountain near my region. Founded in quarter Liulin, Sofia. I think they are precise, their Internet is not usualy to be offline. I have my friend with the ISP BG-Mrezha. In every single storm, his Internet goes down :)They use cheap wire-boxes, and air-placed wires, so it is usual every nature change to cause imfunctionallity in their net
  21. Post few of yours, I'm interrested It's really interesting how you can set up a whole game just from a small aplication, I should read it's documentation and learn more :DKeep up Game-Making
  22. Prince of Persia - Brave, fast and cool. He fixes up his fate, and now he is free to live. I hope Ubisoft not to brake the bliss in the end of the game with the next game of the series. I heard it will be called "Prince of Persia: Ghost of The Past" Lora Croft - pretty, also brave, works for the world rescuing and dangerous artefact collecting.
  23. Hello! I will start from here - in Bulgaria it is not unusual to see a roofless dog, walking out the streets. But that roofless dog, which I will talk about, isn't like the other ones. It is vital, full of energy. In the day, she plays with the kids of the near block of flats. She has hot character, but she is not dangerous. She never attacked a human. I like it, also my dog likes her. They play much, and I have nothing against her, I even support her with bringing food and water outside, so she never to be thursty or hungry. As me, the other citizens around her are giving her food. But one day, one women, were throwed down on the asphalt, couse of the angry Jessica. I heard that the woman provoked her (I saw the people talking that she stepped on her paws!), and I'm sure of that. She didn't byte it, only got her down. After few hours, I saw the angry husband of the women, with a ski stick, running after her. In his anger, he tried to hit her. That continued 1 hour, but Jessica succeded to run away and got her skin whole... Some people discussed, that he musted to call the appropriate agency, they to deal with her. But why Jessica is guilty? What did she done wrong? Why don't he run after his life with the stick? Also, about the dog cleaning from the Bulgarian streets - why do the dogs deserve to die? In here, the dogs are tooken out from the streets and they are putted in asylums, where they got killed with injection after few weeks/month... I also like to hear comments about humane way for dealing with the dogs. I don't think there is such thing - they are born to be free, and I think that they will be tortured by putting them into small apartments, or tieing them to spike in the village... Please, comment this incident.
  24. I use it for gaming, working, listening to radio (mp3s), watching few online TVs, reading newspapers, using E-Mail, using Skype and so on...
  25. You could find it "the best" only, when you start it for the first time But when you figure out how buggy and slow is, you will quickly get (back) to FF... As I done I never could say that IE 6 can never compare to every single browser, it is so heavy, buggy, lacks of features, much security holes.... I would never use it again
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