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Everything posted by ZaM0

  1. I did never get a spam e-mail from GMail. I have both GMail and ABV (Bulgarian mail) accounts, and I'm receiving spam only in the ABV, mostly from Yahoo and Hotmail.
  2. I can't explain it well - maybe. If there is a life after the death, all these parts of the humans (the souls) must to go to a place, but where is that place? And the people are created from other humans, and they are getting part of the genetic material both from the mother and from the father. So the souls are appearing every day! One part of the believing there is life after the death is that the soul gets from the previews live. But I don't know how this could happen - the new soul is just created, and how I said it gets genetical material from the father and the mother. So for me, that theory partically falls. Maybe the people are just old souls, which came from previews lives, and the new genetical material is getting over the old one. But it is unclear for me by now Also the other questions is, how so much "variants" of souls could get at one place, how large could be that place?
  3. Yes, you could block the images you don't like to see, but you could never block all images That is what Adblock Plus is for - idea is to block all the adverts on the pages. And it has effect! I'm using FiltersetG updater, which keeps it's filters up to date. Also the default Adblock filters has this function. Here is a link to them for more information: Adblock Plus Adblock Plus Filterset.G Updater
  4. I would recommend you the Prince of Persia trilogy. It is action/adventure platform game, really addictive It has really hard moments, but I'm sure everybody will be able to get over them within few tries Some people said that the chariot races in PoP:T2T are breaking the gamer experience, but no, they are not so hard. You will be put at different puzzles, really fun to solve, I hope you will like them Also I'm recommending you the third-person shooter/platform game Tomb Raider - it is all about ancient tombs, and Lara Croft, which quest is to collect the parts of an artefact. The new games are Anniversary and Legend. If you wanna play RPG, the one of "the bests" I know are the Gothic series. The part 3 is quite resource dependent... MMORPG - I like the most Runescape as the alternative of WoW Now there are more than 150 000 players playing at the moment. It has paid and free servers - it will be fun on the free servers till 60/70 lvl, then you should get paid There are much first person shooters, but I will recommend you Return to Caste Wolfenstein - really nice game 'bout the period of the nazism (has an element of fantasy). If you want a nice strategy, you could play Heroes of Might and Magic, 1-5 are really fun to play, every single one has improved from the last one elements of gameplay. I like the most HOMM 4, couse I know it best HOMM 5 has really nice graphics, but it lags even on 512 MB RAM and GeForce 7300 LE. You should get 1024 MB at least... If you wanna play small fun games, play the POP-CAP games - the best of their games are Zuma Deluxe, Bejeweled and few more . You could test them free at http://www.popcap.com/
  5. I like most the Saint-Michael one, couse of the "soft" glow effects and nicely applied text
  6. Mine is the Bullpup for long-strike, and m4a1 for short-strike. Also I'm using AWP + desert eagle sometimes. But I'm best with the m4a1 Ak47 is a bit weird to control, it shoots somehow upper and more at right, I thing the m4a1 shoots more accurately, even when deafen.In my server, when I join T, I always give myself a m4a1 + the ak47 which I buy
  7. Yes, Mozilla Firefox is the best browser around! It well overruns Opera and IE 7. Why it overruns Opera? Couse Opera doesn't support the great addons Mozilla Firefox has. It can't compare to it. They say their browser is the fastest, the most safe, but that is not a true. Mozilla Firefox can be much faster, when you apply to it the speed tweaks. Why it overruns IE 7? IE 7 also doesn't have the great Mozilla Firefox addons. But the more important thing is the security leaks - most caused from the ActiveX controls. You can never trust it, I got much spyware on my previews computer. Why it overruns the browsers with IE shell? The browsers with IE shell are just IE. I won't ever install such thing. So just use Mozilla Firefox - the only web browser you can trust
  8. I use VistaX from jvanbarel, got it from deviantART - it looks really cool (It's a Windows Vista-like skin), and the good thing is that it is compatible with the native windows theme managment engine. I think Windows Blinks takes too much resources. Here is a link: http://jvanbarel.deviantart.com/art/VistaX-52355323
  9. Oh, here in Bulgaria, it hasn't been more strange from the beginning of my live Before 1 week it was sunny. The leafs are green, the grass is green. But yesterday it snowed! Yes! On the green leafs, and on the green grass!One of the boughs of the poplar in front of my block of flats got curved couse of the snow...Now it is cold, rainy and wet. It rains almost every 2 days ... Is that the global warm?
  10. Mine favourites are the Aghata Christie's books. They are all interesting, and when you start to read, you couldn't get away from the book From her books, mine most favs are: Death Near Nile (<LoL<That's the book), Ten Small Negroes, The Heroisms of Erquil Poaro... And much more (Sorry if the titles doesn't match some way, I translated them from Bulgarian )
  11. Well, if they include some Mozilla-made really cool theme, this project could be more effective I've never heard of it, but although, the main idea is really nice - some people maybe don't know anything 'bout the addons I hope the Firefox 3 to be released soon, it is really exclusive for me. Gotta see the new features It should be few levels upper from Internet Explorer 7, and I'm sure it will be. Mozilla always release quality software
  12. OMG, I have read such thing for a first time in my live! Really interesting. But why should NASA do that? They could tell us the truth. But really, strange theory... Something in you could believe, but when you thing globaly, you get your truth back B)Please, the members of "The Flat Earth" community not to read that:
  13. If you wanna learn PHP, I could recommend you http://w3schools.org//?gtnjs=1, there are AJAX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and bunch more beginner tutorials
  14. Hm, nice idea, but I think that device must be purchased by choice, couse I'm sure it could be dangerous, couse the radio signal, that must be radiated, could damage somehow your body. All the day/night radiation could cause you cancer of the organ nearly the device.Maybe if somebody create technology, which is not dangerous for the human body, also the material of the device must be harmless.If they implant the material at the human bird, I don't know what will happen through the growth - it could infect somehow the part of the body. I don't know, that should be discussed with proffesionalists
  15. I have some problems with posting, just I rarely find an appropriate topic to reply in. I'm still new and I like the hosting service, so I will keep posting, untill I got totally bored (which I don't think could happen soon:D ) The forum is active, which is the most important
  16. Here in Bulgaria, the ABV mail offers free SMSes for the new mails. I have used it, but it makes my GSM inbox full in a week That's not for people who receive spam
  17. Oh, I have seen that feature in the Opera browser Anyway, you could put a "favourite buttons" in the favourite bar in both Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2. Then you could keep the Google for start page
  18. I live in Bulgaria, it is small country located at the Balcan peninsula in Europe. I'm happy that the peninsula is called of the biggest mountain in Bulgaria, The Balkan (Old Mountain or in Bulgarian - Stara Planina). Bulgaria is east of Macedonia, South of Romania, North of Greece, and West of the Black Sea. We got fruitful lands, but the active farming on the whole territory of the country is seedy :-/ ... Also the economic structure is not in good condition. The charges are more than the pay...Anyway, Bulgaria has a good sides You could see much historical objects, moveable in the Historical Museum in Sofia, the capital city. Also the Black Sea is good tourism object, as the many mountains, in you could ski, or do a tourism.
  19. I sleep 8-10 hours when I go to school, but when I don't, I sleep 10-12 hours
  20. I could say that. I also check my few mails 10-20 times /day and I'm administrating 4-5 hours/day my Counter-Strike 1.6 dedicated server (well, when I have enough time Now the teachers in BG are in protest, but when they return to job, I will study all that time).I use Skype, like my friends, but not addicted to it as them. They put it online 24/7
  21. Oh... I have dreamed that terrorists have planted bomb at the biggest market-place in Sofia... I don't know how, but I knew where the detonator were, it was planned to blast the sewerage under the market-place. I knew that and was trying to take the people out... They were not hearing me... I looked towards the detonator and saw that there are 5 minutes left... "People, hey, watch, that is the detonator, the bomb will explode in 5 minutes!" - nobody. I ran something like 1 km away and saw the big explosion...It were reallistic, and I broke my sleep for few hours... But, the nice thing is that it's not true I had worst nightmares, and I remember some of them, but I can't tell you all of them I will tell you all - remember, that that you just have a dream of, is unreal, it is nearly impossible to happen, don't believe on it. That could refresh you and hope that you could continue your sleep (sorry for my bad English).
  22. People, don't get cheated more times. Post in Xisto and get a great hosting, or get the Xisto paid one (Xisto is a part of Xisto), I'm sure it is worth of it
  23. I would suggest, that when you are returning from long and tiring job, and it is summer, you (I) will decide to take a pretty cold shower, which will take out the unnecessary heat of your body. Conversely, if you are tired at the winter, you will get colder when you are returning back from the work, so you decide to take a hot shower.The hot shower in the winter will make your muscles relax, you will be hot and somehow protected from the flu (yeah, you could combine it with hot cup of tea...). Don't overdo the cold shower in the summer, couse you will get opposite effect... I got sick few times couse of that.
  24. I use 1280x1024 on my LCD display, couse it's listed on the recommended resolutions on it's manual. On 1024x768 it flickers some way, I can't explain it :PThe refresh rate is 60Hz.
  25. The Teacher's Strike In Bulgaria Continues... The teacher's effective protest begun at 24 September 2007. It was caused couse of the lack of money, separated for the education. The syndicates are for 2x (100%) increase of the salary. The Bulgarian's Teacher averange pay is now only 175 Euro per month. Now the strike continues, with national meetings in Sofia. The ministry holds it's possition and offers only 20% increase. He says that increase of 100% (averange pay of 350 Euro) will bring Bulgaria to major inflation (omg). This situation holds 4 weeks - 4 weeks without education in Bulgaria. The opposition found the right moment and now they are giving vote of mistrust. It will be performed tomorrow at the Grand National Assembly, but it is almost impossible the government of the coalition with the socialists (Bulgarian Socialistic Party) to fall. I'm at the side of the teachers, I'm a student, and I find 175 Euro pay for a teacher quite a little. The averange pay of a Bulgarian driver at the urban transport is more than 350 Euro per month. Hope the government and the syndicates to solve their problem... EDIT: Finally, the syndicate and the teachers agreed to have 20% increase of their salary. Quite a little, but now they have been on strike for 40 days...
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