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What Should I Say To A Girl When Shes Sad?
iGuest replied to Kuroshiro's topic in General Discussion
Replying to Kuroshiro Dude, just try to get her to laugh. When a girl's upset the best thing fo her is to laugh and have fun! -
Im Looking For A Particular Self Defence "weapon", Can Anyone Help?
iGuest replied to shadowx's topic in Health & Fitness
Replying to shadowxIf you only use a Kubaton to attack pressure points then you were not taught the full potential of the weapon. Don't make comments without knowing all the facts. A kubaton is a bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing weapon and to down play its effectiveness, let alone compare it to something stupid like a weight on the end of a string that you can attach to you keys is completely ignoratn and stupid. Hell you probably don't even know how to use one all that well anyways do you?-reply by Fatticusxl -
Really Uninformed PeopleMicrosoft Windows Bill Gates Edition?For all you people who've been posting that there is no Bill Gates edition. Get a clue, At the front release of Windows Vista, they had a limited number of Ultimate Vista's that were actually signed by Bill Gates Himself. This Is, Was, And Always has been the "Bill Gates Edition" windows. Nothing but Vista.
Best Fps Ever! what do you think is the best fps ever?
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
best fps ever....Best Fps Ever!-OPERATION 7- See this game and I promise you wan´t regreat. The best FPS and MMORPG I ever seen. My name on the game is Sperman. See you online... -reply by henrique -
what do you get out of socializing and going out? you have fun. videogames are popular because they allow you to have a fun and engaging experience without having to put up with stupid, arrogant, and annoying people. Isn't that what life is all about anyways?Aren't experiences one of the most important things in life? If that's true then videogames are not a waste of time because playing videogames can be a fun and interesting experience for people of all ages, not just children.
45 year old drop out.Quitting School...Listen you guys, this is important. I googled dropping out of school for a whim and got this site. I dropped out of school when I was about 2months from graduating. I am now 45 years old. So let me tell you a few things from and old timer. I was very good in school. I liked to party and hang out with friends though. So that became more important. I now have four children. Their ages are from 25 to 8 years. Both the older children dropped out too. What could I say? I have a job. It pays me minimum wage, about $6.50 an hour. I don't have any insurance so theres alot of medical issues that I can't go to the doctor for. Some of them might be life threatening. But, I'm lucky I guess cuz I can't go to the doctor and find out. I have no dental insurance so when I have a toothache I just hope it goes away. If it doesn't, it costs me about $250.00 to go to dentist. That takes me a couple weeks to save up for. Ever have a toothache yet? Sorry to wander on and on, but look, you kids need to stay in school, as bad as it may seem, because you can't fix it later guys. Remember me when you're 45 and have an abcessed tooth, you'll wish you listened then. -reply by melissa
Signature Tutorial Learn how to make a complete signature
iGuest replied to madjar's topic in General Discussion
Nic etutorial but I having a little problem with adding the render. Whenever I try it says the depth is different and the render get extrmly small and I can't change it's size. -reply by tonia -
Religion is the greatest ill facing humanity, there is absolutely no question we would all be much better off without it. Religion, as some respondants have pointed out, do have a handful of small positive qualities, but these are completely dwarfed by the violence, intolerance, ignorance, and utter stupidity that religions, Christianity and Islam more so than others, breeds and promotes. Religion does nothing for society but halt and combat progress. Either by promoting violence in the form of religious extremism, halting scientific and educational progress as christian fundamentalists and conservatives in the United States do by opposing stem cell research and the teaching of the evolutionary "theory" (it's not a theory in truth, evolution is well evidenced fact at this point). Religion (the vast majority at least) is a way of explaining things that ancient man could not possibly know, such as what happens when one dies or how the world was created and where everything on it came from. Thanks to advances in scientific knowledge, we know the answers to the questions or at least know so much more about them. Religion is now obsolete and unneeded. It is now little more than a vestigial throwback to a less desirable time, and those that would still cling to it can be likened to children clinging to a security blanket they have long outgrown. Society will keep moving forward, but religion will be left behind.
Extremely Slow Hdd Operations On Windows Xp
iGuest replied to turbopowerdmaxsteel's topic in Hardware Workshop
Hard-disk suddenly very slow in XPExtremely Slow Hdd Operations On Windows XpMy Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA disk (7200.11) has suddenly became very slow. Booting XP SP3 takes 7-8 mins, and then everything seemed to be taking forever. I found out that Fragmentation was minimal, and I have 2GB RAM and 9GB free space on the disk. SiSoft Sandra's Benchmark found that at all locations on the hard-disk the speed was about constant at a pathetic 3.6MBps. It is normally 95MBps at the edge to 60MBps at the center. I checked the connections inside the CPU and everything seemed fine.I feared the worst, that the HD was dying (though it has 3.5yrs warranty remaining), as I had heard some abnormal "tock"ing and scratching (the kind I only hear when the PC starts) sounds the previous day while I was working in Vista (which is on a different partition).Now, the strange thing is that in Vista, everything is perfect--the benchmarks report the usual high values, the system boots and shuts down in no time, and applications (including heavy games) are running superbly. For the past two days (in Vista) there have been no sounds either.I ran a full chkdsk on the XP drive (from Vista, boot-time) and the final report showed 4KB of bad sectors.Since a lot of software is on my XP partition I don't want to have to format and reinstall it. Help!-question by AnkurTG -
The monsterous mysteryMy Made Up Poems.sir what is this the confused schoolgirl cried, You silly Silly girl I told you to revise, Sorry said the schoolgirl with an innocent looking face Your sorry is not accepted, this is a disgrace, The girl looked up in fright, as she began to cry, Ill get in touch with your parents, see if theres a reason why? There is a reason she muttered, And what is that he said, I gave the sheet to the monster, Whos living under my bed. -reply by Sophie
Reservation Rewards - A Scam!Reservation Rewards - A Scam!The exact same thing happened to us so e-mail them and demand your money back immediately. We were in Orbitz and somehow Reservation Rewards was passed our CC number and started popping $12/mo charges to us and we never knew about it until the third charge caught my attention. Orbitz s/b held accountable just the same as these scammers. I sent an e-mail to RR demanding reversal of all the charges otherwise I would contact the BBB and my credit card company indicating their fraudulent actions. As others have indicated, they were EXTREMELY happy to refund my money--a tip off to a rip off for sure. FWIW, below is their e-mail confirming the refund, which came promptly on the next statement. Imagine the float value of the $ scammed from everyone! ------------------------------------------------------- Dear James, At Reservation Rewards we take customer satisfaction seriously, and we regret that we will no longer have an opportunity to bring our discounts to you. This notice confirms that your membership in Reservation Rewards has been cancelled as of 3.30.2009 and we have issued a refund of three $12.00 charges. This refund will appear on your credit/debit card or PayPal account within the next 3-5 business days. Your cancel confirmation number is xxxxxxx Our records reflect that you or someone in your household joined Reservation Rewards after a transaction with https://www.orbitz.com/upgradebrowser; The offer presented explained all the benefits of the service and that you would be billed $12 per month. To join Reservation Rewards, the email address (my e-mail address) was entered twice.If you have any further questions, please contact us at customerservice@reservationrewards.Com and we'll be happy to help you. Sincerely, Latoya and Rep ID# 59361 The Reservation Rewards Team customerservice@reservationrewards.Com 1-800-732-7031
1 Terabyte Of Data On A Thumb Drive Yes, a whole terabyte
iGuest replied to Inhuman's topic in Hardware Workshop
1-TB ThumbDrive1 Terabyte Of Data On A Thumb DriveFor the person who said they wouldn't be able to use 1TB of space.. All I have to say is that for me at least, I had 3, 1TB Hard Drives in my computer, and 1TB I am using for music, I have 997GB of music on that drive, now I am not bragging, but I am saying that it is easy to go through 1TB of space. Now granted it took me roughly 3 days non-stop downloading to get the music, it is pretty easy to go through this amount of space. The other 2 hard drives one being a network drive which is being used as the default hard drive for my laptop, and my brothers computer, is about half full, The other hard drive which is strictly for my personal use only, is for my computer, for any downloading or anything I do on it, which has 3 different operating systems on it, each with roughly 300GB of space partitioned for them. Again I'm not bragging but I am just saying that it is easy to go through so much space and not even know it. Now I know you were talking about yourself not being able to use so much space, but I just wanted to say how easy it actually is when you don't think about it. -reply by Matt -
Seems to be a timing issueCtrl + C Will Not WorkI've got the same problem with my recently purchased Toshiba laptop, and it's not that control key combos don't work. It's that you have to hit the second key in the combo insanely soon after the first. If you hit C or V after even a small delay, the fact that you've got the ctrl key pressed gets ignored. I haven't found a fix except making sure I've got a finger over both keys before pressing ctrl. -reply by Brett
Regarding your method...Extracting Videos From Ps2 GamesReplying to heimdall99Technically, it could be done on every game, but every company uses complex encryption for their files in the DVD, and thus even creating new never-before-seen formats. The harder part is recognizing which file(s) is/are the video file(s) since we don't know the formats.-reply by Heavenwargod
Well, I think a desktop will be a better option as it can give a better performance, its got a good life comparatively, playing heavy games are possible on a desktop, and in less money one can get a better destop.Moreover , it is more customisable I.E. A graphics card or a pci card can be changed easily in it.So I would pefer a desktop...
I'm A Little Lost: MapleStory Or RuneScape ?
iGuest replied to cassie1405241527's topic in Computer Gaming
Maplestory or Runescape!I'm A Little Lost: MapleStory Or RuneScape ?iGuest, Nicely put. Expecially the ending. In my opinion I think that Runescape is better... Over the 3 years that I have played Maplestory I have wasted over 800 dollars on NX... Where as 3 years of Runescape Membership won't cost anywhere near that price. Think about it. Runescape may have bad graphics... But keep in mind that it's a browser game and not downloaded. If Runescape was downloaded it would surpass Maplestory graphics. Just think... -reply by RsorMs -
What Is The Best Rpg On The Gba? what is the best RPG on the gba???
iGuest replied to Angelkiller's topic in Computer Gaming
dude you missed oneWhat Is The Best Rpg On The Gba?you missed one man you got to add tales of phantasia and tales of smponia these are arguably the longestrpg and most funnest games aver -reply by ALEX -
Best NFS series? - Which is the best Need fer Speed serie
iGuest replied to Milli Riba's topic in Computer Gaming
I am a sort of Pro-Gamer and have played all types of games, including NFS Series.My Observation of "need for speed" series and It's verdict is NFSMV, NFS CARBON and Undercover these three they are on the top, CUZ these three have everything, nice presentation, good music and nice environment.My personal Favourite is NFS Carbon and it's final boss "Darius".Wow man I aint less than him ;P-reply by Your_highness -
quicke Rap LyricsYou need to get wat,, get got,, get shoot,, live cold live hot,, live fast die yung,, get hyped get sprung,, am ryt your wrong,, am here your gone,, coz wen I fight you,, knife you,, slice you,, dice you,, shott you,, fukit ill take dis bullet and run it throught u,, coz I aint guna sleep till I see wat I wana see,, and wat I wana see is u go to sleep in the dirt,, permintly been hurt,, this aint guna work,, coz am the A bomb,, and if I hit your hud u betta run,, coz wen I hit the floor ama detinate,, and every soilder in your hud ama insinarate,, ILL BE BAK HOMIE! -reply by A.L.P
Alienware SUXAlienWare - Good Or BadI had always heard that Alienware made the best gaming computers, I hadNever bought one but for my new machine I decided to take a shot.Just short of $5000 bought me an M17 with all the bells and whistles,Quad-core 4GB ram, Crossfire video, RAID0 hard drives and Blue-RayDrive. Right off the bat I found that the finger print reader and the VisualLogin software were not compatible with each other and the AW supportTeam was worthless to figure out why. Since this was not really a bigDeal I didnt worry to much.A month in upon boot one of the HD would not show up in the RAID thusThe machine would not boot. After one reboot it would show up but stillNo boot. Upon the third reboot, it would now boot to OS. This wouldHappen anytime the computer was off for anything over an hour, sleep orPowered off. I called AW and was told that I needed to back up the machine to testIt. A month later I was able to do so and called back. After an hourWith another brain child of a tech, they sent me a new HD that I had toPay for in advance to get a cross ship (money well spent on the 3 yearOn site warranty...NOT) Drive arrived and it is a refurb OMG. Put it inAnd reinstalled the OS left the office and came back the next day toFind upon reboot, HD not found in RAID...Gr. Called back got a third genius who told me that the drive not showingUp in the RAID upon POST was due to a corrupt OS image on theAlienrestore disk :confused: I guess they don't teach them that the OSIs loaded after the POST.This time they want me to ship the laptop back to them since theyBelieve it is a motherboard issue. I asked to have a box shipped to meTo send it in and asked for the box to come to my office (hard thingRight?) now they want to ask me some questions to verify that it is me,So they ask me questions about my ex wife whom I have not seen norTalked to in over 10 years. :confused: Since I could not answer theQuestions they said they could not send A BOX to my office for securityReasons.Well finally I got a supervisor to approve sending a box to me, but lowAnd behold it is now two weeks later and no box. Called back in and wasTold that there is delay and it would be best for me to pay for a boxAnd ship the machine back and call in for reimbursement...Are theyKidding me????While I understand that computers have issues just as anythingElectromechanical can, one would think that when you pay so freakingMuch for a computer and its warranty that one would get some sort ofService along with it.1 to 10 rating of Alienware? -5 OMG you guys ****! Never again will I buy a machine from you.Especially since I have found that the case, MB, and display can bePurchased from Newegg for a fraction of what I spent on my machine andI would build my own laptop that looks the same without the AW back ofThe case (big deal) for about 2k less.Dell better figure something out of their high end computer line will **** their support rating out the window. --This is a post I made a month back and I just got my laptop back from Alienware and wanted to post an update.. Well guess what they still ****, got it back after two weeks and it does the same thing I sent it in for and the hard drives which they were supposed to replace are the same that were in it before. I marked them before I sent it off and they didnt even replace them as the "Special rep" told me they were. Now they are sending me two more supposedly new drives which they will not send over night. OMG what a total waste of money. DO NOT BUY ALIENWARE! -reply by Chris
Play RSC nowRunescape Classic MoviesI know this post is a bit old, but if anyone to play runescape classic again then there is a popular private server called http://rscemulation.org/ there is normally about 260+ people online, but they're trying to get more people-reply by Boxxy
Replying to iGuestYour a idiot. First of all u cant kill galbatorix with his true name because he has placed a spell on himself so if anyone uses it nthey die. And arya cant be a dragon rider because even though her magic is green its the dragon that turns your magic a different color. And if eragon forced murtagh to help him then murtagh would die because if someone knows your true name then u die if u act agenst them. So ya get your facts straight before u go posting. !1-reply by the wiccan
Who Actually Got Paid By Google ? Payments from Google
iGuest replied to google-adsense's topic in Business Forum
Get paid yet?Who Actually Got Paid By Google ?I'm really interested in this Google posting position as well. Curious if you got paid yet from Google? I really cant afford to pay bills, let alone pay for a scam. : ( Dying to know...Thanks! -reply by Tracie -
How To Install SMF Installing Simple Machines Forum
iGuest replied to infamousflame's topic in Software
Thank you so much!How To Install SMFThanks so much for this! I only had version 1.1.7 available on fantastico and wanted the most up to date with the security fixes. Managed to install in 5 minutes and I am a newbie!! Thanks again!