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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Clear Example Of Curl.Automatic Login Using CurlThis was my first time attempting Curl and with your concept it made it easy to understand. Thank you for your post with the code. -feedback by Mark
  2. Well the above regedit doe's not work on my Windows Vista Premium SP2! But I did find out how to turn it off... HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN iexplore.Exe 0x00000001 (1) Change to: iexplore.Exe 0x00000000 (0) No more Information Bar! Enjoy -reply by InsiteFX
  3. ABOUT THE RESOLUTIONAuto Webpage Resolution Formatscreen resolution compatibility is one problem that I have faced quite a while too... If you are aware with concepts of CSS, you can solve these problems with some intellect apllied to CSS... You can goto w3schools.Com for fast CSS tutorials... or if u wanna go the easy way, just make your website in the lowest screen resolution mode, and then follow up... Since it wont be havin troubles in high resolution modes.. -reply by gujju
  4. My compter also doesntI Can't Turn Off My ComputerI had just purchased a Dell Studio 1735. I haven't had any problems with it until today. I uploaded a video game that was well within the computer capability. Now the computer freezes up when I try to log on to the Administrator profile or when I turn the computer off. The screen just gets stuck.The other profile I have which has limited access works fine from what I can tell but it still freezes up when I try to turn the computer.I turned the computer off several times by just holding the power button and attempted to start it in safe mode but when I log on to a profile the screen has the safe mode written in the 4 corners of the computer and it freezes up where all I have is a blank screen.I uninstalled the game I put on the computer so now I don't know what to do.-reply by Justin R
  5. full screen mode freezesOnline Films Freeze In Full Screen ModeI duplicate that question perfectly. I have a very fast machine with 2 cpus and 4 gigs of ram, etc. It freezes just as you have said, in full screen mode ONLY and the audio continues. It doesn't matter if it is flash or windows media player, etc. The ALL do it. I will try the flash acceleration uncheck but for the life of me I cannot imagin how that would handle the windows player on an MPG or AVI. My machine is a Notebook by Compal one of the worlds largest manufacturers with an Nvideo card that should be flawless. Any useful ideas would be appreciated.
  6. that's not quite right, you know, all you people that are saying that the japanese were horrible people so they deserved it, or that the us was expected to retaliate, cuz of pearl harbor. I understand that those were a few of the justifications. The japanese did do some pretty horrible things, like medical experimentation, rape, etc. However, didn't you guys know that the US has done things just as bad? if you live in the US, textbooks only give you the winner's side of the story, they don't mention the horrible things that all nations do during wars, that the US has done. Sure, what the japanese did was cruel, but do you see anyone dropping atomic bombs on us because of something that the US military decided to do? also, that thing about retaliating to pearl harbor... Uh, hello? let's look at this logically, shall we? pearl harbor vs. Hiroshima, military base vs. City (and yes, I do know that hiroshima had a relatively high concentration of military personnel, but the majority of the people there were citizens). Regular bomb vs. Atomic bomb, a few thousand dead vs. Hundreds of thousands dead. So, that retaliation argument? yeah, not working. I do realize, despite all I just said, that the US did warn the japanese with the Potsdam declaration. However, the Potsdam declaration had no mention of an atomic bomb. All it said was that japan would inevitably be destroyed. I mean, if you were them, back in the 1940's, could you imagine that a killer bomb that would destroy an entire city would be dropped on you? and on the issue of the flyers, even if the people did evacuate, what would the japanese government do with a couple hundred thousand people who now have no place to live? their homes are gone, their jobs are gone, they wouldn't be able to support their kids, and the other cities can't just take a couple hundred thousand people and give them jobs, now can they? so yeah, I don't think what the US did was the most humane of decisions. I do realize that had they not dropped the bomb, either japan would have surrendered to the Soviets and would probably be communist right now, or the US would have invaded japan, which would've led to many civilian, japanese soldier, and US deaths as well, so... Given the choices that Truman had, and the knowledge that Truman (or anyone else, for that matter) did not realize that the radiation would be so devastating, I think he made the choice that he saw as best for his country, though I, personally, do not particularly agree with it -reply by lily
  7. I don't agree with the whole 'natural beauty' thing and that guys like it.I mean theyr always attracted to all these girls and these celebs and most of them do wear makeup.I'm not saying yu have to but just cuz yu do doesnt mean yu have low self esteem . I started wearing makeup in gr 8 and I don't liek to leave the house without it. I'm fine with the way I look but its in my automatic schedual now to wear makeup because I personally feel that it enhances my features .I wear, eyeliner, mascara,foundation,powder and sometimes blush.Mascara and a line of eyeliner I don't think is too much. The liquid foundation I use barely covers anything its extremely sheer but I have dark circles so I have to use that. I use a tiny bit of powder like 2cm3 just so my makeup stays matte and sometimes blush but I just use the brush with the blush that was on it three days ago which is like barely anything but it gives yu a nice glow. My makeup doesnt look cakey and its applied fine. People thought I looked good even before makeup so I don't think people have to hate the way they look just to wear it. And even if yur 'ugly' makeup wont transform that , yu have to look a little pretty for yu to enhance that.So thats my opinion. I wear it because I think I look good and thats all that matters.Right?-reply by rachel
  8. re feedbackerDelete Files And Directories Using Php1) CHMOD is a tool used to change the permisions of a file a directory, it uses numeric values for the permisions with the higher number being more access. It also breaks the number into single digit parts, each of which applies to different groups, one is everyone, one is owner, I'm not sure what the other(s) are. 2) I thought to connect toa database u needed something like:$string="server:port, user, password"; Then to connect to the indivuidual database, you needed something likeMysql_select_db("dbname, "$string);
  9. How to set up the wirelessSetting Up Wireless Internet With ComcastI tried spoofing the MAC address of the router and it didn't work. I spoofed my computer's MAC address (the one the technician used for installation without asking me) on the wireless router, then the cable modem released an IP address to the router. Before I did this, the cable modem would not give a DHCP lease to the router but it would give one to my computer. To spoof, go to your administration website on the router (default is in your web-browser), then click the Main tab, then the WAN tab. Click the Clone MACAddress tab and the MAC address of your computer will be entered there. Hit Apply, wait for the device to restart, and it should grab an IP from the cable modem. Then you can surf from your computer. Cheers.
  10. I Am Looking For A Free Mmorpg - What are your suggestions? I Am Looking For A Free Mmorpghttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These games are downloadable with the option to pay for more features/ items. I played 2moons ( by the way, there are ilke... At least 7 different games on the site...) Anyway... I played 2moons for a while and really enjoyed myself. It is a good game and it is very easy for beginners to get started... Hope this helps. XD -reply by Blackrain90
  11. FishingGuide To 99 Anything By MeGood guide, but the fastest method you have for fishing is incorrect. Shilo village is the 2nd fastest place to get 99 fishing. THe fastest is barbarian rod fishing strugeon,salmon,and trout and dropping.-reply by strikegenral
  12. How Long I Want To LiveThe Oldest Woman On Earth (with Picture)I only kind of want to live that long. It would be cool to be able to tell people what it was like 150 years ago, but she is not really very happy looking, and after I reach 100 I think I'll be ready to die. I just want to reach triple digits, thats all. -reply by Patricia
  13. Best Female Character in Video GamesThe Best Female Character Of The GamesI think... Meracle-SO4(Prolly my fave alltime and I havent even played the game yet) Reimi-SO4 Myuria-SO4 Nel-SO3 Mirage-SO3 Freya-SO3 +Valkyrie Profile Lenneth-See Freya Ethereal Queen-All Games Gabriel Celestia-All games that she is female Opera-SO2 Precis-SO2 Chisato-SO2 Rena-SO2 Celine-SO2 Penela-FF12 Anne-FF12 Fran-FF12 Rikku-FF10 Lulu-FF10 Yuna-FF10 Yunalesca-FF10 Shiva/Mateus-Various FF's Siren-FF8 Rinoa-FF8 Edea-FF8 Tifa-FF7 Yuffi-FF7 Aeris-FF7 Terra-FF6 Celes-FF6 That chick off of Legend of Legaia that used Claws Fear-SO1 Marvel-SO1 Samus Aran-Metroid Games Succubus-Various Games Chamele-Castlevania Kid-Chrono Cross Welch-Various SO's Nina and Anna-Tekken More to come as I can think of them... -reply by Chris Burr
  14. download streaming videosDownloading Streaming Videos?hi dude, are you still finding the website where you can download streaming videos? I have an option the website is clipnabber.Com where you can most of the streaming videos such as santabanta,youtube etc... So keep going. -reply by siva sankar padhi
  15. Embedding/inserting images in GMAILHow To Create Embed Image Mail In Gmail You no longer have to use workarounds to put images into your messages or attach images when you really want to inline them. Just turn on "Inserting images" from the Labs tab under Settings, and you'll see a new toolbar (insert) icon. Make sure you're in rich formatting mode, or it won't show up. Click the little image icon, and you can insert images in two ways: by uploading image files from your computer or providing image URLs.It's that easy. No need to upload to image shack first. -reply by The Procrastinator
  16. Embedding/Inserting an image in GMAILHow To Create Embed Image Mail In GmailYou no longer have to use workaroundsTo put images into your messages or attach images when you really wantTo inline them. Just turn on "Inserting images" from the Labs tab under Settings, then just click on the images icon to select an image from your computer or elsewhere. -reply by Thee Procrastinator
  17. Need help, please reply!!WolfteamWell I have encountered some problem about registration. Now I have already created four account of wolf team from softnyx website and none of them could be used. When I finished typing all information required for registration, I do as what they instruct and they said congratulations. However when I check my mail, no activation or validation request from softnyx. So, I tried to log in on wolfteam launcher and I am not allow to access because it is not registered. Please tell me why is this happen? what should I do? I have tried several time to log in on softnyx - wolfteam websites but they said it is not registered too???? Please help me>...-question by Dylan
  18. How can I pass math taks?? Nad when Does Houston ISD start school for 2009-2010?When Does Your School Start?Taks is the hardest thing in life...Alot of kids cheat on this test...And alot of kids think if they can't pass they can drop out...Well I'm not a cheater nor a drp out...I just ned alot of help in math...It will help me alot.. But its hard to find a math wiz...Well if your good in math in live in houston, tx's let me know...And somebody please tell me when school for Houston isd starts school for the 2009-2010 school year..-reply by loveu2
  19. Dispelling poison ivy mythsPoison Ivy!Sarna is a non-steroidal lotion that you can get in most stores where the rest of the anti-itch stuff is. It works for several hours to control the itch of poison ivy and mosquito bites. Avoiding itching is the best way to prevent infection, and shorten the duration of your pain. Everything that I have read says to use rubbing alcohol as soon as possible to break up the oil, then wash with cold water and soap (NOT hot water, which can open the pores and increase the oil absorption). Wash all clothing, gloves, etc. That might have touched the oils separately and be careful not to touch these items, as you may contact the oils again, bringing about another eruption of the rash. This info is from Penn State University on poison ivy (http://extension.psu.edu/pests/ipm): Myth 3. Fluid from blisters can spread the rash to other body areas. False. This is a tough myth to dispel because scratching the red area appears to spread the rash to other areas. Actually, the reaction develops over a period of time - usually taking hours or days to occur. The occurrence of a new rash, say further up the arm, doesn't mean the rash was spread but that that area was slower to respond to the poisonous oil. Once the oil triggers the reaction, our own bodies release defensive chemicals that cause the redness, itching, and blistering. The blister fluid doesn't come from the plant at all but is produced by our ownBody. Myth 4. Poison ivy enters the blood stream and can be carried to other parts of the body where it can outbreak later. False. Poison ivy rash is caused by contact with an oil (uroshiol) from the poison ivy plant. The oil attaches to the outer horny skin cells and the layer of living cells below. Washing with soap and water to remove the oil is an effective control, but such washing normally has to be done within minutes to avoid any rash at all. In addition, washing must be far more thorough than we normally wash our hands in order to be effective. Outbreaks on other body areas means the oil was transferred to that area from another body part, by articles of clothing, tools, or pets that held the same oil. Remember, it's the contact with the uroshiol oil that causes the reaction. This oil is essentially nonvolatile and can remain on articles and clothing for as much as a year.
  20. I'm a girl and I say this is not the best idea to hide if u like a girl! if u like her but u don't want people to know act like she is just another girl u know. if your mean to her the first thing everyone will think is u like her (trust me this has happened to this guy I know), but if your too nice to her it will be clear. If people find out they might make fun of u but just tell them off!
  21. Free Game MakerIs There An Online Rpg Maker And Game Tester ?There is a free game maker called Scratch @ https://scratch.mit.edu/! Some people on the furoms have posted on how to put the games on a CD, but you can see one of my games @ Cubeworldgame.Tk; It was made with Scratch (which is the best game maker in the world- even a 9 year old can make a game) -reply by Sean Thomas
  22. Replying to khalood87I agree with you. Football is just a girl version of Rugby.Futbol is also the only sport that allows all teams from all over the world a chance to participate and see if they have the skill to call themselves WORLD CHAMPS.No offense to Americans, but the Super Bowl is only played within American teams.-reply by teenager
  23. thank you How Do I Compress One File Into Several Parts?thanks alot dear you have resolved a very big and huge probem for me.I had been using winrar for more than 5 years and I haven't seen that part of winrar. thank you so much dear. Allah Bless you so much -reply by moazzam
  24. Okay I've been playing soccer for 12 years. In futbol it's more about cardio then having brute strength. American football is only popular in the United States as to where Futbol has gone from Europe to America. Americans has adopted futbol as a sport. Football here stops the clock and play every other minute. As in futbol play doesn't stop unless there is an injury or half time.Football you're covered in padding to miniumlize injury, futbol you're only procted with shingaurds. Other than that you have to eat up the head butt, the sly cleat to your ribs, and that slide tackle to your ankles. You talk about faking injuries for a card, it's not faking it's called cramping. Unlike football players we are constantly running for 45min with no break, so we do tend to become dehydrated. Not saying that football you can't become dehydrated being covered in those pads in the hot daylight. Another thing is the name, American Football is played with the hands and rarely do the feet come in, because majority of the time you're throwing a pass and running the ball. Eurpean Futbol is literally with your feet, hence the name. In my opinion American Football is just a girl version of Rugby.-reply by teenager
  25. My Ipods Battery Is Running Itself Low!iPod HelpHere's the situation. My Ipod runs out of battery. I plug it in to the computer to charge. It then keeps flashing turning itself on and off. After about 15 minutes of flashing on and off it charges as normal. I then take it off charge and it still thinks its charging, as the battery is still flashing on charge. This wastes a considerable amount of battery, as when I'm not using it, its basically turning itself back on, and wasting all the power. I have to charge it every half day to get proper use out of it. I left my Ipod in a small bit of water for a bit a week back. Configuration: Ipod Nano 1st generation. Black 4gb. If that helps.History: I left it in some beer for a few hours at a party, just 0.5cm deep pool really. It still works other than this problem, but its very very frustrating! Please help! Thankyou! Matt
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